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Bioware, stop removing threads about the relic, stop insulting customers!


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Five threads about the broken relic have been removed, yet not a single yellow response on the subject.


The bug is game breaking, it has totally ruined Ranked Arena, and it is too late to put a lid on it - everyone has a right to know what is happening - this could DESTROY unsuspecting arena teams who are losing game after game and trying to figure out why their damage done is so low.


No bans, just a simple response here, a quick hotfix to fix/remove the relic, and life moves on... we'll even let the power relics stacking slide for a bit...


Removing detailed bug reports and ignoring paying customers is not the way to handle this, step up and be professional.




a loyal subscriber since early access.

Edited by alexsamma
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Dude... it's an exploit. Of course they are going to remove them.


To keep others from doing it, but most folks will hear about it via other sites.


Heck even good ole Sir Ding-a-ling has some spewing about the topic in a thread I think.

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Dude... it's an exploit. Of course they are going to remove them.


To keep others from doing it, but most folks will hear about it via other sites.


Heck even good ole Sir Ding-a-ling has some spewing about the topic in a thread I think.


Too late for that.

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Why? Exploiting it for other purposes?


Exactly why he posted that.


We (PvP'ers) are guilty of bringing up a game breaking issue to the attention of devs (and everyone else) because it simply cannot be that we don't get any answer on this.


I understand that PvE'ers are comfortable with relics beeing broken so they can exploit their precious FP's and OPS but in PvP this is a HUGE game breaker and needs to be fixed ASAP.

Edited by Endel
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Exactly why he posted that.


We (PvP'ers) are guilty of bringing up a game breaking issue to the attention of devs (and everyone else) because it simply cannot be that we don't get any answer on this.


I understand that PvE'ers are comfortable with relics beeing broken so they can exploit their precious FP's and OPS but in PvP this is a HUGE game breaker and needs to be fixed ASAP.


Apparently PVPers are comfortable with it also.Some folks can't see beyond their own nose.

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