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Gunslingers are the hardest class. Are they not?


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Yeah the good GS/snipers will position so that it's difficult for a stealth to get in position so they don't spot you but I love it when they plunk down right next to a wall or something that when I do get the jump on them they punt me a whole 2 feet.


Haha. It is a catch there. Out in the open, and you leave a blind spot. Against the wall, they are going to be on you. Usually if I am worried about a stealther, I would just assume plunk down against a wall or a corner (love doing that in defense on Voidstar) and just thwart their opener by shooting them out of stealth, hunker down and start the DPS race. Both stealth DPS classes without their opener usually are in for some trouble there.


Still. There are times when I am out in the open, like in NC and they come straight toward me. I just am baffled on if that has worked before and if they even know what abilities a GS/Sniper has.

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There is an old thread that discussed 1 vs 1 situations for snipers. It looks like it havent been used much since 2.0, but maybe have a look anyway. The principles for fighting the different classes are still the same.




A gunslinger is a very powerfull class for 1 vs 1. Exception being agianst classes who can DoT and Kite and has the time to do it.

Also Deception assassins will tear you a new one. Sabotour might get you close but agianst good ones no way.

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Gunslinger/Sniper is one of the easiest classes in the game.


For me to break 1k DPS in a WZ on my Commando or Merc I have to play at a level so far above the average player.

I did some WZs with my undergeared 55 sniper (using a lvl 20 relic and a lvl 39 bracer rofl) and was able to break 1k DPS a couple of times. Its stupid easy.

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Yeah the good GS/snipers will position so that it's difficult for a stealth to get in position so they don't spot you but I love it when they plunk down right next to a wall or something that when I do get the jump on them they punt me a whole 2 feet.


I love this too.. double lol roll for an engy = ~2 GCD kill on any stealth.. *********** hilarious.

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Worst thing GS's can do is feel overwhelmed and panic. Which is what smart reds are trying to do to you.


Sharpshooter can do ridiculous damage and self-defense without any complex effort. What're you wearing? (Your toon, no self-pics please).


i lol'd! :D

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Sharpshooter is my spec.


What exactly are your CC's doing? my leg shot gets dodged or absorbed like nothing


flash stunn barely works.


dirty kick is only from close and they escape that always


its like every class has blow me to bits in no time

except for me

I ONLY do good when i have heals. thats about it.


explain to me what im missing here.

or what i should be doing

im in need of advice.


Sniper is one of the most overpowered dps classes. Problem is, they can't self heal, stealth, or tank. They can ONLY dps and they don't have the ******** cooldowns maras have, instead they get a lot of cc immunity and control.


So yeah, basically you need a healer to really shine as a sniper, but in the right composition you'll be overpowered. At least, that's my experience with the class.


If you are having problems surviving without support, try lethality. It's a great spec that allows you to be nearly fully mobile while doing your damage, and while it won't be as good imo as marksman, it does great damage for the amount of survivability you get and allows you to enjoy the game even when your team sucks.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Many here have clearly stated the strengths of sniper/slingers and also their weaknesses.


The problem is that the players whining about them continue to try fighting them within their strengths.


If you are one of these players PLEASE quit your class (or at least have a moment of serious self-reflection):


- The saber dude staring up at an elevated sniper in cover waiting for a moment to leap whilst getting a maximum DPS rotation thrown at their face.


- Anyone running straight toward a sniper in open landscape starting outside of their range (unless another ranged class who is extremely confident of their ability).


- Standing within several aoe circles of a sniper thinking it is "No big deal!1".


- Approaching a sniper in stealth who has been in cover for a long time from the front.


- Opening from stealth on a sniper who clearly has all their defenses ready for use (baring the rare spec who may possibly be able to handle it).


- Running up to an engineering sniper against a wall.

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- Opening from stealth on a sniper who clearly has all their defenses ready for use (baring the rare spec who may possibly be able to handle



not that you always know that, but i open up on them on my assassin whenever i like, no matter if he gas the defensives up. for what should we wait?


but i would wait until entrench is gone. spike maul discharge, low slash crushing darkness maul shock and then i got stunned or mezzed, i break it, electrocute and finish him. or totally different. he normally doesnt stand a chance. if i do something wrong i still can restealth or hit force shroud....


i am not afraid of them when they are alone. neither with my sorc, nor with my assassin. today i beat one with my hybrid lethality operative.

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not that you always know that, but i open up on them on my assassin whenever i like, no matter if he gas the defensives up. for what should we wait?


but i would wait until entrench is gone. spike maul discharge, low slash crushing darkness maul shock and then i got stunned or mezzed, i break it, electrocute and finish him. or totally different. he normally doesnt stand a chance. if i do something wrong i still can restealth or hit force shroud....


i am not afraid of them when they are alone. neither with my sorc, nor with my assassin. today i beat one with my hybrid lethality operative.



The "baring the rare spec who may possibly be able to handle it" part of what I said is exactly meant to cover all those words you just used. I was referring SPECIFICALLY to the assassin and every sniper out there would know this.

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The "baring the rare spec who may possibly be able to handle it" part of what I said is exactly meant to cover all those words you just used. I was referring SPECIFICALLY to the assassin and every sniper out there would know this.


deception sin is a rare spec? didnt know. thought 80 percent are deception...


should it try with concealment operative too, but i think its harder for them than assassins. With my leth op it wasnt that hard. I ve got evasion, countermeasures, stealth and i dont need to be in melee range. dot him up, when he uses his hard hitting stuff, evasion or stealth out, explosive probe, cull....... its an rather even match when i can open up.


i ink the only class which have it REALLY hard are marauders, not tank powertechs, and not tank juggers.


slig plus against the other range classes, and assassin is the hard counter.




still, a little bit too much on the defense side

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I find that as a sin, it is fairly easy to counter a sniper, provided you have your CDs available in addition to theirs:


1) Force attacks like Shock and Discharge when the Evasion is up (Some times I stealth out and use Spike since it counts as a Force attack).


2)Melee when you can get close, save Force Shroud for leg shot or if you're good, pop Deflection for god mode when sniper knocks you back (Almost every sniper follows up with Leg Shot after their knockback root ends).


3) Again, Deflection = near god mode against snipers


4) LoS is your friend, especially against any sniper build that isn't Lethality. Never fight a sniper out in the open; would you try to sprint at a real one if you didn't have anything to hide behind?


Even then, I find I can easily take down snipers solo on my Carnage Marauder, even if she is a leaper. Obfusicate is the most wonderful weapon against a sniper, AND you have Saber Ward, the exact same as Deflection on a Sin. Not to mention cloak of pain and god mode lol


But to the actual topic, I would agree that snipers are hard to play, but I don't think they have it too bad. They just have some pretty solid counters to them (IE, operative healers) and you really have to do well to make them viable in a WZ. And if you can, there's a reason why they can pump out the most DPS in the game if they are unchecked.

Edited by ZooMzy
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hi so this is me a couple of months later.


this class is ****ed up


i dont understand anything I've done everything i possibly could to survive


ya i get some good rounds in.


someone show me some videos on gunslingers doing good.

cause i dont understand ****.

i pop defense screen, chain stunned.

oh hi Hunker Down?

what like 15 seconds then im dead?

this class is some next ******** i dont understand a thing at all

**** im so frustrated.

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I find that as a sin, it is fairly easy to counter a sniper, provided you have your CDs available in addition to theirs:


1) Force attacks like Shock and Discharge when the Evasion is up (Some times I stealth out and use Spike since it counts as a Force attack).


2)Melee when you can get close, save Force Shroud for leg shot or if you're good, pop Deflection for god mode when sniper knocks you back (Almost every sniper follows up with Leg Shot after their knockback root ends).


3) Again, Deflection = near god mode against snipers


4) LoS is your friend, especially against any sniper build that isn't Lethality. Never fight a sniper out in the open; would you try to sprint at a real one if you didn't have anything to hide behind?


Even then, I find I can easily take down snipers solo on my Carnage Marauder, even if she is a leaper. Obfusicate is the most wonderful weapon against a sniper, AND you have Saber Ward, the exact same as Deflection on a Sin. Not to mention cloak of pain and god mode lol


But to the actual topic, I would agree that snipers are hard to play, but I don't think they have it too bad. They just have some pretty solid counters to them (IE, operative healers) and you really have to do well to make them viable in a WZ. And if you can, there's a reason why they can pump out the most DPS in the game if they are unchecked.


Am i the only one around here that uses target acquired?

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Well it sounds like you're honestly lost so this is something I stress to myself when I started to play range and too me it's about three things...position, position and position. Getting gear and knowing your class/rotation is easy but if you struggle with positioning as each warzone is different you will struggle and I notice this all the time from range classes which struggle to put out dem deeps.

This. Position is key to playing ranged classes successfully. Bad position=more time running from medcenter than shooting. Good, defensible position with escape routes=god mode in regs.

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