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BC world pvp vid!


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I see some things never change, most notably faceroll's never ending state of denial. As you said they were nothing among the small group of notable pvpers on BC, and couldn't handle it when they transferred to pot5 twice, and ran from the server both times. Just because you have a new pair of shoes doesn't mean you can run any faster than you did before. Your server having a pvp tag now doesn't make you a pvper. You couldn't beat us back then ( and offered up the most creative excuses I might add) and still can't beat us now. With that said I'll let you gentlemen continue basking in your unique interpretations of reality. There's more drama in this server than a Spanish soap. Good day. ;)


!!! :D


This coming from the kids that ended up quitting the game because they couldn't hack it on a PvP server? You got a shining example of a contradiction right here to your trash talk of Faceroll: Deyvon!


Quit PoT5, and came back to BC just like the criticism you give others. But hey, at least they didn't outright quit the game to avoid the laughter of having to transfer back to the RP server, amirite?


Lol, it's good you're back kid! I missed the back and forth banter, especially the attempts at the high horse card you two used to play in the face of getting curbstomped :rak_01:

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!!! :D


This coming from the kids that ended up quitting the game because they couldn't hack it on a PvP server? You got a shining example of a contradiction right here to your trash talk of Faceroll: Deyvon!


Quit PoT5, and came back to BC just like the criticism you give others. But hey, at least they didn't outright quit the game to avoid the laughter of having to transfer back to the RP server, amirite?


Lol, it's good you're back kid! I missed the back and forth banter, especially the attempts at the high horse card you two used to play in the face of getting curbstomped :rak_01:



Yes Zuhara that most certainly is it. We quit the game because we were doing so terrible on pot5, as shown in our videos. It couldn't have been because we actually had a life outside of swtor and other obligations,(you should try it sometime. Real life has awesome graphics) and it makes perfect sense given that we are still on the server. Your wisdom knows no bounds oh great one! Surely, I must make the voyage to BC one last time so that I may merely sit in your presence once more! Oh may it be so!

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Yes Zuhara that most certainly is it. We quit the game because we were doing so terrible on pot5, as shown in our videos. It couldn't have been because we actually had a life outside of swtor and other obligations,(you should try it sometime. Real life has awesome graphics) and it makes perfect sense given that we are still on the server. Your wisdom knows no bounds oh great one! Surely, I must make the voyage to BC one last time so that I may merely sit in your presence once more! Oh may it be so!


Indeed! You know, all you kids seem to do is upload videos of victories. Which, again, you have a contradiction to your video point: Deyvon!


Deyvon here shows a classic example of how your video streams are inaccurate, considering he only uploads videos of him winning or, occasionally, extremely close losses that don't offend his ego in the slightest. If I were to go his streams, I would assume that he always would then be a winner! But of course, this is wrong because of the other matches he never uploads videos of, where he gets stomped, beaten, and lolled at whenever he isn't being carried.


You do the same, so if you really expect me to believe you did well on that server, considering how much of a failure you were in PvP even on BC after Watchman nerfs, then you'll need to try harder ;)


And I might allow you the honor of sitting in my presence. Your current status does not impress me, come back when you've developed some worth and we may talk. After all, gods do have busy schedules, "real life" and such as you put it.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Lol silly Zu I don't only upload victories. And watchman is still a great spec despite the "nerfs", and remains the king of 1v1s which is why I still play it even on pot5. You should do a little more research before throwing insults. Its a shame you guys are still so bitter even after all this time, it really is time to move on. You used to be a pretty cool guy, I'm not sure what happened. Whether you stay on BC or decide to move on to a pvp server, I wish you the best man. Stay classy.
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Lol silly Zu I don't only upload victories. And watchman is still a great spec despite the "nerfs", and remains the king of 1v1s which is why I still play it even on pot5. You should do a little more research before throwing insults. Its a shame you guys are still so bitter even after all this time, it really is time to move on. You used to be a pretty cool guy, I'm not sure what happened. Whether you stay on BC or decide to move on to a pvp server, I wish you the best man. Stay classy.


Let's take a look back at what I said.


I claimed you do exactly what Deyvon does, where you upload only victories and close losses that don't hurt your ego. So your first statement is irrelevant and unnecessary, despite your attempt to make a point.


Second, who said anything about Watchman being a bad spec? I said after the Watchman nerfs, your superiority in a WZ completely disappeared and now, you're easily beaten by decent players with your attempts at a guild :)


Thirdly, have you really forgotten everything that happened here? I'm not bitter, as I enjoy arguing and bickering like this for kicks. It's amusement, and considering you and your band of followers were prime targets for trolling, I am actually excited to begin the arguments again.


But this is going to be boring if you aren't going to be immature anymore. Same to you Neo, tell Myrm I insulted him in some form or another :D

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That's why u lost a 2v4 against me in arenas and got carried on bastion when u got on my team lmao


I don't understand why you think winning a Solo queue Arena against me is any great skill talent of yours when I had total bads with subpar health and gear and you had the best Scoundrel healer on your team according to a few people


Do I really need to re-post the 2v1 you lost to me on your mara with a tank jugg helping attempting to carry you lmao son sit down plz


and lets not forget to a Pyro Powertech Pre 2.4 LOL


edit: fk il re-post it again cos its fkn LOL




Hahahahahahahhaahahahahaha now plz stop attemtping to talk trash to me young padawan



p.s http://i.imgur.com/RZZGHNh.jpg thats my team rating on the bastion can I see yours cos you're so gud ;)

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I don't understand why you think winning a Solo queue Arena against me is any great skill talent of yours when I had total bads with subpar health and gear and you had the best Scoundrel healer on your team according to a few people


Do I really need to re-post the 2v1 you lost to me on your mara with a tank jugg helping attempting to carry you lmao son sit down plz


and lets not forget to a Pyro Powertech Pre 2.4 LOL


edit: fk il re-post it again cos its fkn LOL




Hahahahahahahhaahahahahaha now plz stop attemtping to talk trash to me young padawan



p.s http://i.imgur.com/RZZGHNh.jpg thats my team rating on the bastion can I see yours cos you're so gud ;)



Lol funny how you fail to mention I had came from east where I was (fighting the rest of your team) with half health and no CDs other than undying rage and a warzone adrenal and I took you down to 3k health with u having all your cd's (as you were just guarding west that game) when u were near full health cause the scrubby tank did no damage to you.


Gratz lol


And you beating me on your PT in duels? Lmao you lost 2/3 to me with your girlfriend and that sorc as a witness


Here's the only one I had recorded.




Nice try tho ;D


And didn't u say that urshanabi was a garbage healer without a guard in say chat after u lost to us "2v4" ? lmao




Nice job blaming it on your "bad teammates" when ours were clearly worse and we still won haha

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You lost a 2v1 against a Pyro Powertech stop trying to save face you pathetic little baddie.


Again with the Solo queue win? Gj man im so impressed u won a solo queue arena


and can you even read? I never said Urshanabi was the best scoundrel healer on the server I said according to people I guess you really are illiterate, spastic and delusional.


As for coming with no cds and half health are you really going to lie and make garbage up just like denying the time I solo'd your pathetic jugg 3 times in 1 wz for Grass do you really think anyone is going to believe you


Your so garbage its hilarious but hey send me $30 over Paypal and I can teach you how to play a Jugg or better yet teach you how to kill Powertechs on a Marauder young Padawan.


p.s He is garbage with out a guard just like 98% of Scoundrels/Operatives.


I don't need to lie, that's exactly what happened.


And you could never in your life solo my jugg with your ****** veng jugg 3 times in a row.


You must have me confused with that other rage jugg on BC named Danyvon or something, cause it sure as hell never happened to me.


You wouldn't even duel me on your jugg when I challenged u. U got on your PT instead and lost lmao


You're horrible.

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I'm sorry but the opinion of anyone who says Urshanabi is garbage isn't worth a damn because that person clearly has no ability to recognize talent outside of his little group of friends.


Your guild used Absorb proc relics in ranked arenas, you are garbage :3

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I don't consider Ursh trash, but I also have only played one match against him where the situation wasn't:


1) He was one of two healers or more

2) He had a tank that actually tanked for him


And that was when the pubs had sub par players with Ursh against the usual Imp pugs of incompetent DPS in a Novare. Wasn't the worst match, but I rate it pretty high on the list.


But lol at Jordo attempting to defend him with just a "you're trash if you think Ursh is trash". As if your stance means anything with just your opinion. :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry but the opinion of anyone who says Urshanabi is garbage isn't worth a damn because that person clearly has no ability to recognize talent outside of his little group of friends.


Ursh is a great player... not really sure what people are talkin about. But its just my opinion. Why do people have to talk down on someone who never says a word of smack to anyone? oh lol i forgot im on the forums.

Edited by SnowmanSD
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Ursh is a great player... not really sure what people are talkin about. But its just my opinion. Why do people have to talk down on someone who never says a word of smack to anyone? oh lol i forgot im on the forums.


Ursh is a very good player and I don't even know why that is even being discussed. Couple different arenas where we had him to > 10% and he had his CC's timed right and got out of it. He knows what he's doing and he's very good competition to play against. Yeah he melts with a guard, I'd love to meet the healer who doesn't so i can shake their hand.

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Ursh is a very good player and I don't even know why that is even being discussed. Couple different arenas where we had him to > 10% and he had his CC's timed right and got out of it. He knows what he's doing and he's very good competition to play against. Yeah he melts with a guard, I'd love to meet the healer who doesn't so i can shake their hand.


Im not saying Ursh is a bad player, all I am saying is Infamous is full of people that will exploit at any means to win, GG

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Ursh is a very good player and I don't even know why that is even being discussed. Couple different arenas where we had him to > 10% and he had his CC's timed right and got out of it. He knows what he's doing and he's very good competition to play against. Yeah he melts with a guard, I'd love to meet the healer who doesn't so i can shake their hand.


The few games I have seen Ursh in (and it has been awhile) he was a very good healer (Mey and Ces were the two best I have seen/played with though). The thing with scouperatives is that it all about using LOS to your advantage and be ready for the hard switch to you.


DPS need to practice their switching and using the target of target to co-ordinate. Generally a bursty DPS should be the co-ordinator so they can call the switch when their big burst is ready.


All healers will melt (guard or no-guard) if a co-ordinated team goes after you. I should know I usually can survive a couple of DPSers on me (if guarded maybe 4) but if stun are called and if you can get them in the open anyone will die. The key for scouperatives is to always know your escape routes whether it is LOSing behind an object, stealth rolling out or tactical use of your mezzes/stuns/nades.


It would be more constructive to focus on how to play PVP than to single out individual PVPers on perceived baddness {sic}

Edited by bsbrad
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The power stacking relic bug apparently still exists.


fair enough... but I wouldnt really call that a major exploit. sure the absorb one was bad and i knew a couple players in most guilds who used it. but its over with and we can move on from that. im just asking what other exploit infamous uses that makes them do ANYTHING to win.

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fair enough... but I wouldnt really call that a major exploit. sure the absorb one was bad and i knew a couple players in most guilds who used it. but its over with and we can move on from that. im just asking what other exploit infamous uses that makes them do ANYTHING to win.


Haven't seen them really exploiting too much, considering the WZs are relatively solid now without any known WZ exploits (IE, the /stuck for node defense in Civil, the corner capping in Novare, etc.)


Gear is another question though, and if a majority of Infamous players are using both power relics, then there's your answer for exploiting. If they were/still are, that would mean they have attempted to exploit 2 out of 2 bugs in PvP to win.


So if the point is really looking to be backed up, then let's see some screenies.

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fair enough... but I wouldnt really call that a major exploit. sure the absorb one was bad and i knew a couple players in most guilds who used it. but its over with and we can move on from that. im just asking what other exploit infamous uses that makes them do ANYTHING to win.


Using one very broken exploit means you are willing to use all the exploits imo, Double SA isnt a huge deal, but I know on the bastion PvP guilds made gentleman's agreements not to use them. I know I did not use them, along with anyone I q'ed up in ranked used them either. Its a pathetic attempt and showed how insecure with your own talent using the absorb relic when it was bugged.

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