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Galactic Starfighter: PvP only?


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PVP only one the DEV said my question then is


I don't think i ill get a answer .


Are you going pvp after that if so I'm saying bye bye SW ?


i don't Pvp or do but rather PVE over pvp


IF you we have to wait months for more PVE content after this, i letting my SUB run out .. .



Don't forget your PVE players ...





YOU KNOW...when i read your post, my reaction was first like



then i thought about all the pve content you guys have gottent, so then i was like....



because your post is that stupid and self centered


you guys (pve players ) had a ******** of content in the last two patches (2.3 and 2.4)



two new planet

2 new flashpoints


2 new operation raids


that not mentioning the other pve content that was also added (bounty hunter event)


all we got (pvp) was


4v4v arenas (which is bugged)


lost ranked 8v8 matches

Edited by astrobearx
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As other said it free and I think it's a nice update for those that like PVP. As I don’t PVP all the much, I don’t see myself using it much but that doesn’t make it bad either. I do hope as other said they later expanded on it, so the PVE can enjoy free roaming space too.
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So the PVE players get the finger again, my fears of SWTOR becoming a MOBA is increasing. It's sad to se ethis game heading in the direction that it is.


I had a feeling someone would say something hilarious. 90% of all content released since the game came out is PVE. The selfishness of people is astounding.

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I don't PVP and while this sounds like it might be interesting, I'm willing to bet it will suck fast, because of PVP mentalities. It won't be long before people find a way to camp and group to abuse people who want to try it out, and then mock them for sucking.


Oh yeah, pvp stuff...a real joy. -_- No thanks.


Bring on the pve, need to extend the individual class and companion stories, and come up with new classes with new individual class stories. Now THAT would make me happy.

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What it does say is:



Does that include PvE? Only Bioware knows, which is why I'm simply asking for them to clarify :)


At the very beginning of the page it states:


Experience epic Player-vs-Player (PvP) dogfighting in the new Free-to-Play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™


Not sure how much clearer you need it. It's all PvP. For now. Maybe they'll use this later to take the existing PvE space combat off the rails.


Edit: While I'm at it, I'll add this: I'm primarily a PvEer, and I'm still looking forward to this. Given all the PvE content that's been added to the primarily PvE game, the complainers here just need to get over their gross sense of entitlement.

Edited by JFTravis
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PVP only one the DEV said my question then is


I don't think i ill get a answer .


Are you going pvp after that if so I'm saying bye bye SW ?


i don't Pvp or do but rather PVE over pvp


IF you we have to wait months for more PVE content after this, i letting my SUB run out .. .



Don't forget your PVE players ...


Really??? up until 2.4 pvpers havne't seen new content in ALMOST A YEAR!!! In that time span pve content has included:


2 Reoccurring Events (Gree and Bounty)

3 Operations (Scum and Villiany; Dread Fortress; Dread Palace)


Macrobinoculars and Seeker Droid questlines

A new Companion (Treek)

3 New Daily Areas (Makeb Oricon and CZ 198)

6 New HM 55 Flashpoints including 2 brand new flashpoints (and Possibly a 7th coming soon)


PvErs have 1 major content update with no PvE and now the PvE in TOR is coming to an end. People need to realize this game doesn't cater to just one group of players.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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I do think that this feature, despite the fact it is a pure PVP feature will have strong appeal to PVE players depending on how easy it is to jump in and play and present a challenge to other players....considering it is not saddled by current PVE stats and mechanics like current PVP that may be possible.


That said, however, complaining about concerns that PVE players have as to the lack of PVE in the feature is short sighted IMO....casuals likely dominate the population substantially, and essentially keep the lights on. That means concerns of PVE players, the majority playerbase, should not be ignored if Bioware wishes for SWTOR to continue to thrive.


Couldn't have said it better myself Artemis. I will add though, that I'm primarily a PVE player, and I'm looking forward to this expansion as it may in fact be more skill based than class based, much like BF2 was. And if it's not? Well, no loss to me really, I can wait until the pve aspect of the game gets something similar to it.

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Its free so I cant expect too much but I am kinda sad theres no new planets or anything. Even if they didnt do any PvE Stuff it would be nice if they overhauled crew skills and fixed them up. If all there is going to be is 12v12 space pvp I dunno how I feel.


Would be cool if there was a seconday level like Ground Character/ Space character level almost like Job classes. So you start as level 1 in space character with this new expac and if you complete everything you get higher space levels and that gives you unlocks to buy or earn for your ground character since it already states something similar on the page.


but the biggest reason I see this as only a PvP expac is because most of the swtor population (around 50%+ ) play warzones or pvp actively. So bioware wants to entice them to subscribe as im sure many of them arent subbed. Especially the lower levels.

Edited by Saltychip
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Either way it says "Galactic Starfighter will continue to evolve with regular updates for all players so check back often for more details!"...


Hmm... Cartel Market "regular updates", or CE vendor "regular updates"?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I think that PvP in the space combat will be 180° different from the PvP combat we have now. Less skills, more maneuvering, no general cooldown, probably no stunlocking and definitely no "smashmonkeys OP". I, as a PvP hater, welcome this update with high hopes because in the other game I play, the PvP space combat is vry entertaining and addictive


Not to let you hopes down, but if you really think that the system will not have the possibility to get super mega armed VS new players or ppl who simply doesn't have time to play all the time, think again. Even in the trailer you can see it, 1st they put a picture of a regular fighter, then that same fighter with like 12 more missiles.


As for some of the comments for PVE, I agree that is really bad that no level expanded level cap is being added, and no more new flashpoints or PVE is being added, I like PVE more too, but I also have to agree that this does NOT make the game into a MBOA, if you already maxed out the character you have just go make a new one, you CAN'T possibly tell me that the single or two characters you already have are the only Star Wars fantasy you like in the universe.

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