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[PvP] Offical You Got Rolled (and friends) 's Ranked Arena Match Videos


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Hey guys , we;re avid pvpers and we do what pvpers do we kill **** and i like to record stuff , so this thread will be about various arena matches we play , hope you guys enjoy it:


First one:

(Sniper, Merc,Merc,PT Vs Jugg, Operative, Mara,Mara)


Second one:

(Sniper,PT,PT,Merc vs Sorc,Sin,Mara,PT)


Third one:

(Sniper,PT,PT,Merc vs Op,Jugg,Jugg,Sorc)


Fourth One:

(YGR: PT,Merc,Sniper,Sin vs GD: Mara,Jugg,Op,Sniper.) Edited by darthnish
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That isn't optimal at all. It is actually a pretty stupid way to build a comp. I expected that though =x.


Of course it's not, apparently my tone wasn't sarcastic enough.


Don't know how many speculations I've heard on 2 smasher dps, guardian/jugg tank, and operative healer being the best team comp for arena, I'll just refer them to this video from now on.

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Of course it's not, apparently my tone wasn't sarcastic enough.


Don't know how many speculations I've heard on 2 smasher dps, guardian/jugg tank, and operative healer being the best team comp for arena, I'll just refer them to this video from now on.


Exactly this. Carnage/Vengeance > Rage in Arenas but people will keep playing the lulz 9k aoe bomb specs and even a Guardian Tank is easily replaced by a Tactics or AP Powertech/Vanguard running full tank gear the DPS output is great compared to a full immortal Guardian the 10 second hold the line is amazing 30% aoe dmg reduction and 30% dmg reduction while stunned is just perfect against teams still running smash bomb and PFFA still does 2k ticks in my full partisan tank set lol.


Merc/Mando heals are also a good sub for Operatives if the player is extremely experienced with the class the tanky ness of Merc/Mandos is great and turns out really well if supported by the team. The only healing class I wouldn't suggest taking into Arena would be a Sorc/Sage wouldn't even take a Sorc/Sage DPS tbh. Burn them until bubble switch back to them as soon as there out of the bubble. Other than Lethality Sniper/OPS, Madness Assassins and Sorc/Sages every other class/spec is pretty damn viable for arena.

Edited by Skinnychalk
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That second video was exhilarating to watch, I kinda wanna know what the keybinds of your merc healer are.


Fought against you guys in regular 8v8 today and got obliterated, maybe DoA will meet yall in ranked Q's soon.

Edited by LaniAkavir
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Merc/Commando healers make excellent arena healers as they are extremely good at keeping one person alive not matter how focused they are and as the Dot specs are typically easily cleansed due to the 4x4 nature, I think the Merc/Commando in a good players hands will shine through everytime. One reason why BW are very afraid to buff them. There is a high skill curve to mercs.


Luckily there are not many Mercs/Commandos who are as good as Var so it is rare you have an issue with them. Most of them blow there big heals right off the back and then are behind the eight ball for the rest of the game.


It looks like a good AP/Tactics PT with a Merc and any other DPSers (typically bursters so MMs seem to be ideal) will have an easier time in the arenas.


This is also the reason why Teu and Var are so good at Huttball as once Teu has got the ball you cannot kill him nor Var due to the symbiotic nature of there classes and the fact that both are very skilled and know when to use their defensive cooldowns (I still am surprised at how many people clump up for AOE taunts and stuns/mezzes)


I do find the videos very entertaining though and one day I will maybe bump into you in the arenas. Concentrating on the moment on PVE stuff with the new OPs etc... at the moment.

Edited by bsbrad
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That second video was exhilarating to watch, I kinda wanna know what the keybinds of your merc healer are.


Fought against you guys in regular 8v8 today and got obliterated, maybe DoA will meet yall in ranked Q's soon.


Vartouhi is a clicker :p very skilled. Would also be lovely to vs some new teams in arena

Edited by Skinnychalk
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Merc/Commando healers make excellent arena healers as they are extremely good at keeping one person alive not matter how focused they are and as the Dot specs are typically easily cleansed due to the 4x4 nature, I think the Merc/Commando in a good players hands will shine through everytime. One reason why BW are very afraid to buff them. There is a high skill curve to mercs.


Luckily there are not many Mercs/Commandos who are as good as Var so it is rare you have an issue with them. Most of them blow there big heals right off the back and then are behind the eight ball for the rest of the game.


This is also the reason why Teu and Var are so good at Huttball as once Teu has got the ball you cannot kill him nor Var due to the symbiotic nature of there classes and the fact that both are very skilled and know when to use their defensive cooldowns (I still am surprised at how many people clump up for AOE taunts and stuns/mezzes)


I do find the videos very entertaining though and one day I will maybe bump into you in the arenas.


Nawww <3. Imo mando and merc healers can easily outshine other scoundrel/operatives or sorc/sage healers. Ofc depending on the player and their base skill. Teu and I are good in huttball, but now a days it's mostly me running it cause he's dps a lot :p, but before.... "move ***** get out the way... and score..." And I do hope to see some new faces in arenas would be so much fun :)

P.S To the comment above yeah.. I'm a clicker hehe :p

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lol i can do that next :x <3


Thanks! Maybe sometime we can duel for a bit? I know you don't want to give away all your secrets but I would love to get some experience in trying to stay alive against you that doesn't involve me losing rating.

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Thanks! Maybe sometime we can duel for a bit? I know you don't want to give away all your secrets but I would love to get some experience in trying to stay alive against you that doesn't involve me losing rating.


but then i would lose arena rating :x , but sure i'll duel you !

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super close game, loved, ggs to everyone involved.


One video from YGR that I enjoyed and actually watched the whole thing. Good upload.


Though I was a little disappointed at the assassin who thought he could take down a engineering sniper with sabotage charge available and also hunker down available. Otherwise great fight.

Edited by Helmholtzz
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Seriously, I'll take any and all practice that I can get. I'm having a really hard time in the arenas and would really appreciate any advice/tips anyone is willing to give.


As a fellow healer I can empathize, basically all the way through the match you will be focused hard. You need to use LOS and hopefully have a tank who taunts their highest DPS (or most bursty one). On top try to remind your fellow players to use stuns when they can.


Typically my experience of arenas is that once the healers are down it is over, as an operative you have to make sure you don't get caught in the open or you will be toast.


I can bring my Sniper and in a day or tow my merc to give you two points of view of what to dodge.


I remember playing some smashers who were getting annoyed trying to kill my Operative as they kept telegraphing their smash.

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