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Official BC Progression Thread 2.4


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Grats, I *********** hate that fight. **** can hit the fan so easily.


Just beware, operations chief is probably the hardest boss yet.


Ops chief was so hard we had to skip it, I mean, we couldn't even do it in SM.


At least the best we could do is one-shot NiM Olok :/




Enjoy the screenshot folks


(( http://i.imgur.com/T8iufkZ.jpg ))

Edited by LaniAkavir
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Grats, I *********** hate that fight. **** can hit the fan so easily.


Just beware, operations chief is probably the hardest boss yet.


But Thrasher and Styrak are the only fun fights left in the instance. Everything else is a joke :(

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They killed Horic last


Weird plan. But as long as they focused Styrak down first, I could see them pulling it off with Horic dying last.


And sorry about the delay Kenji. I'll be sure to get pics of me soloing the Hateful when I feel like killing him again.

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Weird plan. But as long as they focused Styrak down first, I could see them pulling it off with Horic dying last.


And sorry about the delay Kenji. I'll be sure to get pics of me soloing the Hateful when I feel like killing him again.


Styrak? lol

Edited by AntonMercer
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So um I see that you claimed server first for Dread Master Styrak. I really don't see how you can do that considering you have full 78. There is a reason we have stayed away from Dread Palace and Dread Fortress. We only go in there to piddle around when people are out for the raid week and we cannot do progression. We have no 78 mainhands in our group for a reason.


Full 78 mainhands for all the dps makes S&V a joke. Especially Thrasher, Warlords, and Styrak the only real bosses in there. You can hit the 50% mark on Thrasher way faster so you have one less sniper grp and don't come close to enrage. You only deal with 2 spines on Styrak and the split phase is a joke since you would only need 1 knockback and can kill him. I just don't see how you can give yourself that check mark. You did kill him on the server first, but you farmed the easier to get gear first and then went and did him. That is not progression.


I can't speak for the rest of my group, but I don't raid to faceroll something because we out gear it. We raid to beat fights that are challenging and have fun while doing it. We have been getting server firsts for a very long time....we could easily have full 78 gear....but we don't because there is no fun in that. If it wasn't for us having to take the whole summer off because of vacations etc we probably would have cleared the instance awhile ago anyways. I am not saying you should give us server first credit when we kill him, but maybe you want to do like Barry Bonds and the home run record with a little asterisk next to it.

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So um I see that you claimed server first for Dread Master Styrak. I really don't see how you can do that considering you have full 78. There is a reason we have stayed away from Dread Palace and Dread Fortress. We only go in there to piddle around when people are out for the raid week and we cannot do progression. We have no 78 mainhands in our group for a reason.


Full 78 mainhands for all the dps makes S&V a joke. Especially Thrasher, Warlords, and Styrak the only real bosses in there. You can hit the 50% mark on Thrasher way faster so you have one less sniper grp and don't come close to enrage. You only deal with 2 spines on Styrak and the split phase is a joke since you would only need 1 knockback and can kill him. I just don't see how you can give yourself that check mark. You did kill him on the server first, but you farmed the easier to get gear first and then went and did him. That is not progression.


I can't speak for the rest of my group, but I don't raid to faceroll something because we out gear it. We raid to beat fights that are challenging and have fun while doing it. We have been getting server firsts for a very long time....we could easily have full 78 gear....but we don't because there is no fun in that. If it wasn't for us having to take the whole summer off because of vacations etc we probably would have cleared the instance awhile ago anyways. I am not saying you should give us server first credit when we kill him, but maybe you want to do like Barry Bonds and the home run record with a little asterisk next to it.


Congrats for the NiM Kill

Edited by Helmholtzz
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So um I see that you claimed server first for Dread Master Styrak. I really don't see how you can do that considering you have full 78. There is a reason we have stayed away from Dread Palace and Dread Fortress. We only go in there to piddle around when people are out for the raid week and we cannot do progression. We have no 78 mainhands in our group for a reason.


Full 78 mainhands for all the dps makes S&V a joke. Especially Thrasher, Warlords, and Styrak the only real bosses in there. You can hit the 50% mark on Thrasher way faster so you have one less sniper grp and don't come close to enrage. You only deal with 2 spines on Styrak and the split phase is a joke since you would only need 1 knockback and can kill him. I just don't see how you can give yourself that check mark. You did kill him on the server first, but you farmed the easier to get gear first and then went and did him. That is not progression.


I can't speak for the rest of my group, but I don't raid to faceroll something because we out gear it. We raid to beat fights that are challenging and have fun while doing it. We have been getting server firsts for a very long time....we could easily have full 78 gear....but we don't because there is no fun in that. If it wasn't for us having to take the whole summer off because of vacations etc we probably would have cleared the instance awhile ago anyways. I am not saying you should give us server first credit when we kill him, but maybe you want to do like Barry Bonds and the home run record with a little asterisk next to it.



LOL, Flux, give them credit where it is due. NiM Styrak is a tough fight even if you are over geared for it. I cleared it both pre and post 78 gear and its still quite challenging even with 78 gear. To be quite honest, everyone dropped the ball on NiM SV and TFB, with the exception of EPIC.

Its funny, but when my guild(hit and run) cleared the Hateful Entity and got Dragonslayer as republic firsts on the Harbinger, there were people like you who would say that is was not a great accomplishment. There is a reason why there are still probably maybe only 15 guilds out there that have downed the Hateful, the **** is still hard. Also, regarding thrasher, you can heal through 15+seconds of enrage(pre 78 gear) so it doesn't really matter if you kill that sniper group, its all about the mechanics.


BTW congrats doa, I know we haven't always seen eye to eye. But I know that its quite a feat to kill Styrak so congrats on server first!

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So um I see that you claimed server first for Dread Master Styrak. I really don't see how you can do that


because they were the first people on the server to kill him.



You did kill him on the server first


hey look, you contradicted yourself in your argument. again. how surprising :rolleyes:


We have been getting server firsts for a very long time.


not this one.


we could easily have full 78 gear....but we don't because there is no fun in that..



well maybe being full 78 is fun to them. ever think about that? huh?


if it wasn't for us having to take the whole summer off because of vacations etc we probably would have cleared the instance awhile ago anyways.


but you did take the entire summer off. and you didn't clear the instance. I'm not entirely sure what the argument is here. please go back to spamming freezing force and pretending you know what you're doing.

Edited by NvrShoutNvr
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please go back to spamming freezing force and pretending you know what you're doing.

Except he does know what he is doing. Which is why he is the stand out best PVP tank on this server. Other people are great but Flux has always excelled above everyone else.

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LOL, Flux, give them credit where it is due. NiM Styrak is a tough fight even if you are over geared for it. I cleared it both pre and post 78 gear and its still quite challenging even with 78 gear. To be quite honest, everyone dropped the ball on NiM SV and TFB, with the exception of EPIC.

Its funny, but when my guild(hit and run) cleared the Hateful Entity and got Dragonslayer as republic firsts on the Harbinger, there were people like you who would say that is was not a great accomplishment. There is a reason why there are still probably maybe only 15 guilds out there that have downed the Hateful, the **** is still hard. Also, regarding thrasher, you can heal through 15+seconds of enrage(pre 78 gear) so it doesn't really matter if you kill that sniper group, its all about the mechanics.


BTW congrats doa, I know we haven't always seen eye to eye. But I know that its quite a feat to kill Styrak so congrats on server first!


I miss u :( even if you are a pve whore

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Lol, never seen Flux in PvE, but from an unbiased standpoint, Fluxs is a good contender for top Jug/Guardian tank for this server. Only person I see giving Liscil a run for his money, and I imagine he is a fine PvE tank as well considering Ascension's PvE accomplishments.


This is also coming from someone laughing at the unnecessary hatred towards losing the race for NiM Styrak on server first.

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