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Official BC Progression Thread 2.4


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Also did Dreadful Entity long time ago back in April/March. There isn't an achievement I could find, just have the title. Though do have a YouTube link to the fight we did.


It probably isn't recorded as an achievement due to the buff the Entity gained from TFB's increase to 55. The system is probably only counting the achievement clear of him if it was completed in the 55 and buffed (I think they even made the puddles a little bigger, need confirmation) version, and depending on Kenji's stance, it might also be the same for this thread.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Howdy folks!


I apologize for taking so long to update the thread, I had to go back to the old 2.2 Progression thread and dig out some ancient history (had to browse through most of the drama posts :p)


Nightmare Scum and Villainy Progression:

It turns out that Epic has been server first (well, recorded first) for the first 2 bosses on NiM SnV. Though their website, along with its screenshots, is now moved, I shall give them the honorary Server First and still provide the links to their old posts. Since Z of Epic hadn't take over the thread at the time, I'll assume the old, unavailable screenshots were legitimate and accepted.


NiM Thrasher Post (7/24/2013)



NiM Titan VI Post (8/22/2013)




While I have no doubt that Ascension can clear the Nightmare Contents, the rules still apply:

Acceptable Screenshots


  1. Screenshot of the kill is taken inside the instance.
  2. Each ops member's name is visible in some form.


Size/Difficulty Indicators: (As long as one of these requirements are met)

  • Ops Leader's frame showing operation size and difficulty inside the instance.[Example]
  • "Achievement Unlocked" which details operation size and difficulty of boss kill.[Example]
  • Screenshot of the corresponding boss loot.[Example]


Server Ranked Claims (Only available for Hard/Nightmare Mode)

Screenshots (Or videos) will be required to show one of the following while still abiding the Required rules from above:

  • Clear time on the achievements [Example] (Server Time, which is UTC minus 8hrs or 7hrs dependent on Day Light Savings)
  • UTC time of the clear [Example]


The screenshots only need to show the achievement time cleared on the boss. The alternative would be the UTC time, which should be relatively close to the achievement time, but isn't required if the former is satisfied. Server rankings will be based on Achievement time, which is the most accurate basis we have for the time being.


I will be personally inspecting the achievements themselves for validity should the need arises or two guilds have relatively close clear time, unless the achievements are known as bugged.


Last but not least, if a guild happens to have an earlier clear time than the current rankings, simply post the screenshots and achievement times. The server ranked will be adjusted accordingly.


The screenshots from inside the instance are still needed before placing Ascension in Server 2nd. In the meantime, I shall be placing DoA's clears on Server 3rd.


I can also accept another method of proof by having 6 of your ops members (Those 6 has to be in Ascension, however) who had the clear post their achievement times. You guys can blackout whatever information you deem sensitive on the screenshots, as long as I can see the "important" information such as name and achievement details.


So long the 6 achievement times match each other, that should provide ample proof of the clear as there are no known achievement bugs atm.


Dreadful Entity:

Since the Dreadful Entity is now introduced as a lvl55 boss and we've all agreed on having a new progression progress for the renewed TfB from lvl50 to lvl55, I'm going to go ahead and say that clears prior to 2.0 may have to go into the Legacy content.


Awesome video though Lucius :)


Revising Progression Rules:

As I went back into the 2.2 Progression thread, I found some of the things that Maris said are worthy of reinstating, the tradition of the thread in particular. No ETA on the next revised progression rules, but I will let everyone know once it's done.

Edited by LaniAkavir
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That's cute :).


Anyway. I'll give you SS's. But Ascension has cleared first 4 bosses of both HM Palace and Fortress. We've also cleared the first 4 bosses of NiM SV and the entire NiM TFB. I would think we've earned enough respect from the community that people would actually believe us when we provide achievement screenshots rather than doubt us. I can honestly say I don't think a single person in Ascension truly cares about server first, second, thirds, fourths, fifths ect. It is simply about the kill and progression. Server firsts = that particular team had more time to kill in the instances. Doesn't show skill or prove one guild is better than another. So rather than giving lip, simply count it as a kill. Like I said I really doubt anyone in ascension cares about this "race". :rak_03::rak_04::rak_01::rak_02::rak_03::rak_04::(:rolleyes::o:mad::):p;):cool::D:confused:

Edited by xContex
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That's cute :).


Anyway. I'll give you SS's. But Ascension has cleared first 4 bosses of both HM Palace and Fortress. We've also cleared the first 4 bosses of NiM SV and the entire NiM TFB. I would think we've earned enough respect from the community that people would actually believe us when we provide achievement screenshots rather than doubt us. I can honestly say I don't think a single person in Ascension truly cares about server first, second, thirds, fourths, fifths ect. It is simply about the kill and progression. Server firsts = that particular team had more time to kill in the instances. Doesn't show skill or prove one guild is better than another. So rather than giving lip, simply count it as a kill. Like I said I really doubt anyone in ascension cares about this "race". :rak_03::rak_04::rak_01::rak_02::rak_03::rak_04::(:rolleyes::o:mad::):p;):cool::D:confused:

Like you said, 'it's simply about the kill and progression'. The thread is updated with Ascension's progression, so there's no need to 'give lip' like you did :).


If you and all of the Ascension members truly didn't care about server ranked, I already recorded Ascension's progression. Simply tell me that Ascension does not wish to be tracked as one of the server ranked, then I shall honor that request.


Instead of giving me a wall of text about how Ascension should be respected for their status on this server and saying that I'm giving lip, why not just simply say that you guys don't wish to be recorded on server ranked?



Edited by LaniAkavir
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I nominate Solatium as Server last..... we only care about progression too we are far too casual to join the 'race'


Don't know why some people insisted on calling it a race, all I intended for the thread was to have a minor form of recognition for those guilds which cleared certain contents by chronological order.


Of course, progression is what's important, the server ranked is just a bonus platter on the side.

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Look, I'm no fan of making enemies or burning bridges (People also say I use too much clichés), Ascension's progression is recorded long before your posts.


If Ascension requires no server ranked recognition from this thread, then we are done here.


If Ascension would like to be recognized as:



Server 1st NiM Chief

Server 2nd NiM Titan 6

Server 2nd NiM Dash'roode


All I'm asking for is either:

Screenshot with the whole ops group inside the instance alongside the kill


6 members of the ops group post their achievements screenshots with similar time (I can sort out the time zones)



Just like how you guys have posted acceptable screenshots for Thrasher, I'm sure you guys can provide the same for other bosses.

Edited by LaniAkavir
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Since Jballa's system crashed, I am uploading the achievements I have so far.


TFB Nightmare Writhing Horror, Dread Guards, Operator IX previously posted.


TFB Nightmare Kephess



TFB Nightmare Terror From Beyond



S&V Nightmare Dash'Roode



S&V Nightmare Titan 6



S&V Nightmare Thrasher previously posted


S&V Nightmare Operation Chief





To follow this up, my own achievements from the kills. You'll notice my achievements for TFB/Titan/Ops Chief are recorded as exactly 16 hours ahead of his, this is due to time zones, since I'm the sole Aussie of the raid group. As for the remaining two bosses, my first time was with Ascension, but by the time I joined the raid group they already had Dash and Kephess on farm.


TFB Nightmare Kephess



TFB Nightmare Terror From Beyond



S&V Nightmare Dash'Roode



S&V Nightmare Titan 6



S&V Nightmare Thrasher previously posted


S&V Nightmare Operation Chief


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Thanks for the follow up and for understanding my skepticism.


Too many server records of the past are lost due to either poor progression format or trivial conflicts between the guilds. Server firsts have been neglected for some time because of the controversy it has caused in the past. By introducing this new format, I hope it avoids putting server ranked like a plaque (plague), while still keeping the records straight.


Ascension's server ranked status has been updated. However, I'd still like to see 4 more of your progression members post their achievement times for the respective clears just for the public record.

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REIGN + Chenoah killed a couple bosses in 16man HM Fortress last week, I'm a slow poster but here you go


Nefra - 8m


Draxus - 16m


Gobthrok - 16m




Here's those S&V confirms too (sure had to dig for these)








Ops Chief







Boy oh boy this is tedious, but that should be it. Thanks

Edited by Pride_Lion
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REIGN + Chenoah killed a couple bosses in 16man HM Fortress last week, I'm a slow poster but here you go


Nefra - 8m


Draxus - 16m


Gobthrok - 16m




Here's those S&V confirms too (sure had to dig for these)








Ops Chief







Boy oh boy this is tedious, but that should be it. Thanks


Grats on the kills. Those fights can get pretty hectic in 16 man

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Thread has been updated.


Also, to the Ascension raiders who are still paying attention:

4 more achievement screenshots or screenshots taken inside the instance with the kill are still needed for ranked validation. If they're not posted by Christmas, I'm afraid I'll have to adjust the ranked, but the progression remains.

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