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Melee in Arena question


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Hello, first off I am a learning pvper, not good. I do top tier damage and objectives in the 8x8 warzones but tried my first 4x4.


I have a level 15 mara and tried my first arena. Everyone but me were ranged attackers on both sides, well first round I jump in to try to do something and get called ******* stupid. So next one I stay back and wait, finally one attacker breaks after one on my side so I leap and got harpooned in the other direction and destroyed by all 4.


So how the heck do I do anything when I have no ranged attack? Do I just sit back and wait or what?

They stood there in 2 lines firing at each other, as a melee how do you handle the arenas?

I know I am bad, so no need to tell me but I am trying to learn. Thanks

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As melee you will been seen as a high threat target that's fairly easy to drop

So people tend to focus you first just play smart manage your defences but at your level id avoid arenas until you level up some more and obtain some essential abilities you only get at higher levels from lvl 30 and up

You should see a major boost in you performance.

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You don't have most of your mandatory tools that classes like sorcs, sins and snipers get early on. I'm not sure why.


Maras come into their own in the 40+ range. It's possible to do well with them in lowbie wzs (and probably arenas) but you have to be very situationally aware, well geared, experienced and basically outplay the competition - doesn't hurt to have a pocket healer.

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Sentinels and Marauders suck until level 45 in my opinion. The 2 specs I have played (Combat and Focus) are quite reliant on their capstone ability. At level 15 Sentinel was just painful to play in PvP either stick with it and learn some better tactics or come back to arenas/PvP at a higher level.
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carnage is blah until you get gore. smash monkey is effective, but doesnt really shine until you get the 3 stack skill on smash. never played anni, so cannot comment on it.


Annihilation is useless in warzones, has almost zero burst. Plus you don't start doing the big numbers till u have the 4 stacks of annihilate and juyo which wear off quite quick, even the self heals are *meh*. Its a pve spec and shines when your out in the game world killing elites and strongs not trying to kill players in a warzone who can usually either cleanse the dots or simply survive them.

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Like everyone else said, you will get better with higher levels. snipers are beasts by level 25, mara's.... not so much. On top of that, the way thing are working as of now in arena's, you will see a lot less ranged dps in arena's once you get to ranked, which makes life easier for a mara.
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