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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

when is the saber throw color glitch being fixed?


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Weird... I'm seeing the correct colors when I throw mine Green/black Jedi and on my mara purple. I don't pay attention to others because I have other things of importance to occupy me during those times.


I say put it on the list then of things to fix. Well behind clipping though. Somewhere next too... I don't know, dark reds aren't dark enough.


Dual saber throw still shows the correct color but crippling throw, dispatch and saber throw all show the sabers as white.

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Wow, are people really THAT bothered by a minor graphical glitch? You all need to let go some, else run the risk of having a coronary within a year.


This is not minor. This is major because it is very annoying and noticeable. this happens every freaking time when throwing 1 lightsaber, If we were talking about the spinning lightsaber glitch caused by throwing it, it would be a different story. This is because it very rarely happens. But the one we are talking about is a huge issue because it happens everytime. The first couple weeks, this issue wasn't a big deal because it was new and I figured it would be fixed. But after seeing over and over again over a long period of time it gets really annoying. This glitch has been around for atleast 2 months. It is way overdue for a fix. This needs to be fixed immediately. I might have to quit because of this glitch, because the only work around is to not throw my lightsaber. and this is the not an option because it plays a major part in my class rotation. Without using this move my class would be inferior to all other classes


Its also upsetting how this glitch affects cartel market color crystals. Players(me included) pay good money for these color crystals. Its like when bioware changed the appearance of the armor from the first shipment packs after people bought them. This is false advertising.


Bioware this glitch really needs to be fixed now.

Edited by watermelonfan
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Interesting. Never noticed, myself. Of course now that I am aware of it, I'll probably start seeing it and become annoyed by it. Thank a lot, OP! :mad:


Well you were living in the matrix. That's a bad thing. You should be thanking me for freeing you. Its always important to notice reality.

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