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[Bug] Calphayus Zero Mechanics Kill

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Not sure if this has been reported yet (a quick search of the forums revealed nothing). We did this boss in SM blind yesterday, and after wiping on the mechanics a couple of times (I think exactly twice), we came back in and pulled the boss again. At 75%, nothing happened. All the mechanics of the fight simply stopped, and the boss just did his basic attack. We burned him all the way down to zero without doing anything other than one-tanking him. He didn't even do very much damage, so our healers were just straight-up DPSing.


At first, we thought this was due to DPS. We had an insanely over-geared group for our blind clear (because we were doing it for fun), and the *average* DPS among the four damage dealers on that pull was just over 3.2k. Composition was two gunslingers (hybrid and sharpshooter), one commando (assault), and one sentinel (combat). Since the triggers are HP based, we assumed that we had simply DPSed him through the trigger "Toth and Zorn style".


So we came back in HM and tried again. After making some progress (but still wiping) on his mechanics in HM, we did our third or fourth pull. By this point, we had changed up the group a little bit. I was no longer on my sentinel, and we had our focus sentinel in my place. We also had to sub out our sharpshooter gunslinger for another hybrid (still parsing a 3.1k). This lowered our average boss DPS a hair, but not by that much. In this fourth pull, we had some hilarious agro issues that resulted in our highest and our second-highest parsing DPS getting one-shot. We were about to call the wipe when we realized that the boss was at about 67% and hadn't done the portal phase yet. So, we just burned him down (in HM mind you) short one DPS.


It appears that when this bug manifests, ALL mechanics are suspended. He no longer does his knockback or his red circle DoT-o-doom. He just stands there and takes the beating like a man. It felt like a really cheap way to kill him, and frankly we were all a bit disappointed that we didn't get a chance to actually execute on the mechanics.


Has anyone else been seeing this? Does anyone have any idea of what might be causing it? I think the HM pull probably rules out straight-up DPS. I mean, the group still did a LOT of damage very quickly before the 75% trigger, but it was far below our damage ceiling due to our highest DPS being dead. Our current working theory is that this is similar to the bug that causes adds from a previous wipe to remain up when you return to the fight (e.g. Twisted Spawn on Writhing Horror). It's just a theory though.


Edit: Found a video:

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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I mentioned this as one of numerous issues in another post, but it does deserve it's own topic.


Infernal Harvest had this happen in 16-Man SM on Tuesday night. We wiped once having gone in blind, then second time we had no mechanics.

Edited by Death_By_Smiley
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We had this bug came up twice on our HM kill last night pre-patch. The boss is just stand there and does nothing. We all did /stuck to restart the fight as we wanted a legitimate kill. Not sure what caused it or if the patch may have stealth fixed it.


This is something to beware when other guilds are reporting progression on this kill. The fight isn't hard but only legitimate kills should be counted.

Edited by Iwipe
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We had this bug came up twice on our HM kill last night pre-patch. The boss is just stand there and does nothing. We all did /stuck to restart the fight as we wanted a legitimate kill. Not sure what caused it or if the patch may have stealth fixed it.


This is something to beware when other guilds are reporting progression on this kill. The fight isn't hard but only legitimate kills should be counted.


I think this might be one of those things where unless people provide a video, those keeping track of this should ignore any kill claims on this until there's a patch. We would have done this with IH, but we didn't realize what was going on until it was too late.

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We had this bug came up twice on our HM kill last night pre-patch. The boss is just stand there and does nothing. We all did /stuck to restart the fight as we wanted a legitimate kill. Not sure what caused it or if the patch may have stealth fixed it.


This is something to beware when other guilds are reporting progression on this kill. The fight isn't hard but only legitimate kills should be counted.


I would agree with you if we had discovered this information before everyone did their progression. There are guilds that have killed it now in its bugged state and they can't exactly go back and undo what was done. I doubt anyone (that we care about) had any intention of defrauding the progression system, and discounting such kills entirely together with a constraint of linearity basically disqualifies the guild from any progression on DP this week (a harsh penalty for something that is really Bioware's fault).


Given how the boss (even with full mechanics) really isn't that difficult, disqualifying kills altogether seems overly-harsh and too difficult to enforce (videos or combat logs would need to be required for every kill, even retroactively). If this were something like Nightmare Styrak abandoning his mechanics and going down, that would be one thing, but it's just a HM boss.

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Ditto. (16-man story mode, 3rd attempt). Pretty disappointing....


It looks like a number of these events aren't resetting back to their original state cleanly. Relatively harmlessly in some cases -- e.g. a spare Kephess Clone ("Level 55 Disappointment", love it) on Brontes in Dread Fortress, and one of Bestia's champion adds in Dread Palace -- or failing to activate at all like this one.

Edited by Ancaglon
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