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No, ey'm NOT a selfsh, egotistcl trol, and am not gunna be buleed into leavn, am here to stay and vindicate mey abuse, and ey'm not tryn to "plae victim" ey am one. It's PAST TIME for the reel trols to be thrown out, cause they bring the gam dwn, there should be in-gam, reel-time, 24 hr mods w/ hightlightd chat text, to answer questions periodically, direct peopl LFGs to those who are LFM for same stuff, and delete posts and warn/ban meen, unscrupulous, rude, barely-can-call peopl, that'd be cool.


You wouldn't like in-game moderators like that very much, because YOU would be one of the first ones banned. Your utter disregard for everyone else demonstrates that you are the mean, unscrupulous, rude can-barely-be-called-a person.


So stop. that'd be cool.

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I try to avoid your threads, JMD, because you are a thick-headed individual. Yes, you are a selfish git. How do I know this? You choose to spell words incorrectly on purpose with no regard to the people reading them. Doing something with no regard to anyone else IS the definition of selfish. That's legit. You've made yourself out to be the d-bag, bottom-feeding, troll of the forums. You did this to yourself. You have no one to blame but yourself. Instead of owning your own idiocy, apologizing, and accepting that 99% of people reject your fantasy language; you continue being an aped *******. That's also a choice you need to own. Opinions are like a-holes: everyone has got one. You believe your opinion to be above everyone else. That's also selfish. Anyone who disagrees with you, whether rude or not, you condemn and flailingly condescend to. Your life is your own. Own up to your weak, pathetic **** and just stop. Srsly. Wait, I mean seriously. Also, maybe the guy who also has JMD for a name made that without knowing you ever existed and that's the real "hmelf" and you're bagging on somebody for no reason except to be a trolling *******.


Bottom line: If your real life is soooooooooo very bad, you feel it is necessary to be like this, get professional psychiatric help. Or just continue to be out of work and spend $40 a month plus sub jumping from server to server and be condemned for the blatant stupidity.

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Geez the time some peopl r willin to spend outta their precious livs to give putdwns to others is rediculous.


Ey'm not being selfsh and not going to typ out -l- in place of ey nor -y-o-u or any word ey feel is of the negativ variety, and will continue to abbrev em if needed to structure a sentenc, or tell a bulee to "ephh" off. Ey still will not typ out the usual abbrevs for ops like T-C-H-M, and if ey wanna say "LFGF HMode t's c, or toboro's, or toboro's courtyrd, w/e" am gunna do it.

Ey'm not leavn cause ignorant peopl tell mself to. Ey will vindicate mey past abuse, and current, and any futur as well.

Ey'm NOT the trol here, nor one at all, and no, ey have no clue, atm, who made the chr w/ mey exact name of pot5, but it was made after min was, and heard it was someon from here, likely from a certain p v p gild that wasn't nice to mself here, to ruin mey rep there.

Ey'm not being selfsh here, mey speln preferences, outside of typos, aren't that hard to comprehend and correlate to more accepted abbrevs, such as mDmg = m-D-P-S, and just cause ey don't spel it that way, doesn't mean ey'm being disrespectful like oh so many others r to mself.


And it wouldn't be hmelf, it'd be emself.


Also, ey do own up to things, ey say "m b" if ey mess somethin up, and usually in voiceovr say that a wipe may have been mey fault, even if it had little to nothin to do w/ mself and say "np it happens" if another scrus up. And it's not 40 somethin doalrs for a transfer it's 20 somethin ish if even, depending on various variables. And why would someon, the one postr above, ask for clarification, and then day they didn't read it when ey answered? Why even come here n comment if one doesn't know the scoop? Srsly, yeah typd that, srsly, enuff, ey made this thread in good fayth, not "ey'm gunna scru w/ peopl on fleet and forums mwuhahahahaha/some funy laugh from "insert gam here"".

Edited by JonnyMadDog
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Geez the time some peopl r willin to spend outta their precious livs to give putdwns to others is rediculous.


Ey'm not being selfsh and not going to typ out -l- in place of ey nor -y-o-u or any word ey feel is of the negativ variety, and will continue to abbrev em if needed to structure a sentenc, or tell a bulee to "ephh" off. Ey still will not typ out the usual abbrevs for ops like T-C-H-M, and if ey wanna say "LFGF HMode t's c, or toboro's, or toboro's courtyrd, w/e" am gunna do it.

Ey'm not leavn cause ignorant peopl tell mself to. Ey will vindicate mey past abuse, and current, and any futur as well.

Ey'm NOT the trol here, nor one at all, and no, ey have no clue, atm, who made the chr w/ mey exact name of pot5, but it was made after min was, and heard it was someon from here, likely from a certain p v p gild that wasn't nice to mself here, to ruin mey rep there.

Ey'm not being selfsh here, mey speln preferences, outside of typos, aren't that hard to comprehend and correlate to more accepted abbrevs, such as mDmg = m-D-P-S, and just cause ey don't spel it that way, doesn't mean ey'm being disrespectful like oh so many others r to mself.


And it wouldn't be hmelf, it'd be emself.


Also, ey do own up to things, ey say "m b" if ey mess somethin up, and usually in voiceovr say that a wipe may have been mey fault, even if it had little to nothin to do w/ mself and say "np it happens" if another scrus up. And it's not 40 somethin doalrs for a transfer it's 20 somethin ish if even, depending on various variables. And why would someon, the one postr above, ask for clarification, and then day they didn't read it when ey answered? Why even come here n comment if one doesn't know the scoop? Srsly, yeah typd that, srsly, enuff, ey made this thread in good fayth, not "ey'm gunna scru w/ peopl on fleet and forums mwuhahahahaha/some funy laugh from "insert gam here"".


I'm sorry Johnny but the fact you refused to type out properly because it is the way you type is in in fact selfish. People have to work incredibly hard to read and understand what you type and considering the majority of the forum types out coherent sentences you are obliged to do the same. Claiming people must just accept it is ludicrous and it is the main reason why people attack you so much. My advice is for you to honestly try make your words better as it will help you in the long run.

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I mean... why would you WANT to type like a idiot ? Right ? :eek:


You never played PS:T, did you ?

In PS:T, NPCs have their own language as well. Nobody ever wrote something bad about that so far.


And, "jmd" is - by the way - a kind of abbreviation for the German word "jemand", too. Which means "somebody".

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I'm sorry Johnny but the fact you refused to type out properly because it is the way you type is in in fact selfish. People have to work incredibly hard to read and understand what you type and considering the majority of the forum types out coherent sentences you are obliged to do the same. Claiming people must just accept it is ludicrous and it is the main reason why people attack you so much. My advice is for you to honestly try make your words better as it will help you in the long run.


this, a thousand times. THIS.

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Ey'm not bein selfsh and not givin up, still here, in response to two of the three past posts....


Dunno, atm, what to think of the other post, it's purpose and wat the abbreviatd gam is escapes mey mind atm. If of the positiv sort, thx for readn.


Actually Johnny you are selfish. The reason being is you expect people to accept YOUR mannerisms I say again YOUR mannerisms. Why must people accept your way communicating yet you refuse to communicate in any way other than your own. I hate it break it to you but this forum does not revolve around you and the very notion, is in fact the purest definition of selfishness.

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I'm sorry Johnny but the fact you refused to type out properly because it is the way you type is in in fact selfish. People have to work incredibly hard to read and understand what you type and considering the majority of the forum types out coherent sentences you are obliged to do the same. Claiming people must just accept it is ludicrous and it is the main reason why people attack you so much. My advice is for you to honestly try make your words better as it will help you in the long run.


This is just his schtick. He craves attention, so he types all weird and pirate-like so people flock to his thread to give him grief, which satisfies his narcissism. The more you try and correct him, the greater his satisfaction will be. The best way to handle people like this is to just ignore them.


He contributes nothing of value, therefore, he deserves none of your thought or action.

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This is just his schtick. He craves attention, so he types all weird and pirate-like so people flock to his thread to give him grief, which satisfies his narcissism. The more you try and correct him, the greater his satisfaction will be. The best way to handle people like this is to just ignore them.


He contributes nothing of value, therefore, he deserves none of your thought or action.


^^ This.


Maybe he didn't get enough hugs or something as a child.

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The depths some peopl will sink too and the time they'll waste outta their livs to grief someon else...Go back to yr bridges before dem tourists finish crossin, srsly...


Ey'm not selfsh and am not tellin evryone to accept mself ey'm simply explaining mey nuances so any who aren't trols who ignord may understand/at leats hear it from mself firsthnd, and can't get evryone to like mself, the trols for exampl, wil ltrol mself no mattr what, even if ey did in fatc have a mentl illness ro handicap, like they'd say their soree or somethin, they'd just say, "only normal peopl can pale this go away" or some buls-, srsly. Ey'm just asking, politely, in good fayth, for peopl to not buy into the libel and grp up w/ mself/sell stuff to mself. That's all.


Ey'm not cravn attn., hence mey refusal of typn -l-, -y-o-u, etc., as pref to have mey cayk and eet it too, (get mey point across, as that's the point, as long as it gets across, scru yr grammr nazeing, it only is a sign of yr need to pick at something due to insecurity about maybe comin up a bit..short....) in that ey can tell mself am not talkn to anyone and this is kotr3 a singl-plaer gam w/ random text comp generatd in chat, not other peopl in reel lyf, as ey didn't address em nor admit ey'm a plaer, and break kayfab, that thsi is reel lyf and ey'm mey charactr, as ey pref not to be a public persn, yet ey wanna pale this m m o, which requires communication and grping, so ey made a compromise, just not spel -l-, -y-o-u, etc., out., nor any negativ words ey feel would muddy up S W, as chat in mey mind is directly tied to the franchis, but if someon needs to be told to eph off, ey won't say it fully, ey'll censr mself.


Think logically, if ey wanted attn. as ey'm allegedly a narcises, as accused of one above, why would a narcises want NEG attn? They want POSitiv attn, to look good and be told they look good, ey'm not askin for grief, that's the opposite of what a narcises wants, so yrself just invalidated yr own accusation and yal r givin it to mself, ey'm not askin for this abuse.


Ey don't quite get the "4/10" comment...that a rating of the quality or relevance of this thread or something? If it's negativ, which its cadence sounds like it's neg, then go away too.


And don't say the huhg as a chil' comment again, ey HAYT that comment/accusation, it's not right at all, not that it's tru or not, ey'm jsut sayn to those who say that about peopl in the news etc., that may not be the reason for their actiosn and it's not somethin to make fun of.


Also, ey DO use voiceovr ey said that a dozen tiems or so, ey said ey pref to not be VID rcorded, r run of something basically, frapz w/e that is, and posted, AT LEAST w/o being told about it/asked for permiss/t least told where, when and etc., about it, ey like voiceovr it helps out, ey often ask for vocie info before a run., it's not blasphemi enuff of that.


Ey'm still here nto givin up and will do wrld firsts, get a lyf all yaz who bash mself and others.

Edited by JonnyMadDog
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The depths some peopl will sink too and the time they'll waste outta their livs to grief someon else...Go back to yr bridges before dem tourists finish crossin, srsly...


Ey'm not selfsh and am not tellin evryone to accept mself ey'm simply explaining mey nuances so any who aren't trols who ignord may understand/at leats hear it from mself firsthnd, and can't get evryone to like mself, the trols for exampl, wil ltrol mself no mattr what, even if ey did in fatc have a mentl illness ro handicap, like they'd say their soree or somethin, they'd just say, "only normal peopl can pale this go away" or some buls-, srsly. Ey'm just asking, politely, in good fayth, for peopl to not buy into the libel and grp up w/ mself/sell stuff to mself. That's all.


Ey'm not cravn attn., hence mey refusal of typn -l-, -y-o-u, etc., as pref to have mey cayk and eet it too, (get mey point across, as that's the point, as long as it gets across, scru yr grammr nazeing, it only is a sign of yr need to pick at something due to insecurity about maybe comin up a bit..short....) in that ey can tell mself am not talkn to anyone and this is kotr3 a singl-plaer gam w/ random text comp generatd in chat, not other peopl in reel lyf, as ey didn't address em nor admit ey'm a plaer, and break kayfab, that thsi is reel lyf and ey'm mey charactr, as ey pref not to be a public persn, yet ey wanna pale this m m o, which requires communication and grping, so ey made a compromise, just not spel -l-, -y-o-u, etc., out., nor any negativ words ey feel would muddy up S W, as chat in mey mind is directly tied to the franchis, but if someon needs to be told to eph off, ey won't say it fully, ey'll censr mself.


Think logically, if ey wanted attn. as ey'm allegedly a narcises, as accused of one above, why would a narcises want NEG attn? They want POSitiv attn, to look good and be told they look good, ey'm not askin for grief, that's the opposite of what a narcises wants, so yrself just invalidated yr own accusation and yal r givin it to mself, ey'm not askin for this abuse.


Ey don't quite get the "4/10" comment...that a rating of the quality or relevance of this thread or something? If it's negativ, which its cadence sounds like it's neg, then go away too.


And don't say the huhg as a chil' comment again, ey HAYT that comment/accusation, it's not right at all, not that it's tru or not, ey'm jsut sayn to those who say that about peopl in the news etc., that may not be the reason for their actiosn and it's not somethin to make fun of.


Also, ey DO use voiceovr ey said that a dozen tiems or so, ey said ey pref to not be VID rcorded, r run of something basically, frapz w/e that is, and posted, AT LEAST w/o being told about it/asked for permiss/t least told where, when and etc., about it, ey like voiceovr it helps out, ey often ask for vocie info before a run., it's not blasphemi enuff of that.


Ey'm still here nto givin up and will do wrld firsts, get a lyf all yaz who bash mself and others.


I don't care if you want to not be a public person as you are on a public forum so therefore you have a public appearance by default. I don't care that you wanted KOTOR 3 but instead got this, as others enjoy this game not just you. Finally and this is the most important thing, you don't have the right have your cake and eat it too because as we are obliged to speak to each other correctly, you are obliged to do the same.

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I love the feigned ignorance in his posts.


There's an old saying, "Bad publicity is still publicity." OP is still getting his kicks off of everyone talking about him. except to keep it going he pretends that this offends him.


Masterfully played, OP. Well played indeed.

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Ey'm not subscribing to the bahd publicity thing w/ this, ey don't want neg. attn., and scru off w/ the droppd/huhg thing as a chil', that one postr said those thigns specifically cause ey daid ey hayt when peopl say that to pis mself off, that's troln, stop troln mey threads, get some livs srsly. And if ey don't wanna typ outy m-D-P-S (which isn't even grammaticaly correct, 'ey'm a melee dmg per sec?" Ey can typ out "ey'm a dmg-dealr (much more sensical) damag-dealr, it's more of a noun then the other, or say just melee or just mDmg that's perfectly acceptable. Ey don't wanna lend credence to the copetition that suks, namely the gam-that-must-not-be-named-that-starts-with-a-"w", where most of these terms/abbrev.s came from. Yes, some existed before that gam, as did m m o's before that one, but it's no big deal to say mDmg if one doesn't want to typ out the more used term, the gam isn't gunna crash cause of it, there's no need to bash that persn for that, go away. Talk about ignoranc, if yaz have nothin to contribute that's positiv to a thread or chat comment don't say anythign at all, how bout that ol' sayn? If one can't read what someon says in chat/forums, carry on or politely whispr for clarification, no need to say "that sentenc gave mself cancr" cause kar-muh's a yew-know-what and yaz may just get cancr...
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OK I couldn't read all of that but I did understand some of it.

You're asking for more than 5 cargo bays? Well I'm a hoarder of items so I support this idea,even if we do have to spend more credits or CC to get some.

Now as for your questions. No I don't think the SSSP will be in a boxed expansion. As for the other questions I don't know the answer to them.

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Well thx for the legit comment two above, dunno how to perceive the one immediately above tho, w/ the link...if it's insultn, scru off 2, if legit, yes there's a problm, peopl r meen to mself for no reason and ey'm still not doin wrld firsts as ey should be by now, trols' libel keeps mself from most grps.
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Well thx for the legit comment two above, dunno how to perceive the one immediately above tho, w/ the link...if it's insultn, scru off 2, if legit, yes there's a problm, peopl r meen to mself for no reason and ey'm still not doin wrld firsts as ey should be by now, trols' libel keeps mself from most grps.


Johnny are you dense? Seriously legit question because exactly what world firsts are you talking about? I mean you keep saying you would only group with guilds who do world firsts but what exactly do you mean when you say that? Also how about you stop telling people to eff off when you don't like what they have to say. It is their opinion and they have just as much right to post as you do. The difference is you refuse to type correctly and that makes you the target of ridicule.

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I don't even get why this way of typing is supposed to be better. What's the aim?


I mean, with most words, they're shorter, but that can't be the idea because "ey" clearly takes more time to type than I or even i. So it kind of seems like nonsense for the sake of it.


Explain why "ey" is better?

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I'm going to say one more thing about this, then I'm done. I like to keep my interactions with JMD to a minimum, and all this attention he's getting in this thread, and in gen chat just fuels his antics.


I get that you want to do world firsts, which is a commendable goal. Plenty of progression guilds have that mission as well. Usually, these guilds have the servers best players as members, and take doing things like that very seriously. Unfortunately, you are not the by any means one of the best players on the server. You're an average (at best player) with sub-par gear. Combine that, with the fact that you type like you were on the losing end of a car accident, and basically you're an annoyance at best.


I know that you've grouped with some great guilds, and I commend the raid leader for including you. These people carried you through Dreadful Entity, we've all seen the video where you promptly die halfway through (any wonder why you don't want to be videotaped?) However, for every "nice" person on the server (who will carry you toward your goal), there are 20 other people who shudder at the thought of being grouped with you.


I have seen you spam General Chat for days upon days for the same raid. My point is this, until you stop acting like you're missing a chromosome, people aren't going to take you seriously. Progression guilds are not going to "invite you" to tag along, on a guild run, for a world first. Possibly though, if you improve your gear and rotation, you can work your way onto one of these teams.

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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I'm going to say one more thing about this, then I'm done. I like to keep my interactions with JMD to a minimum, and all this attention he's getting in this thread, and in gen chat just fuels his antics.


I get that you want to do world firsts, which is a commendable goal. Plenty of progression guilds have that mission as well. Usually, these guilds have the servers best players as members, and take doing things like that very seriously. Unfortunately, you are not the by any means one of the best players on the server. You're an average (at best player) with sub-par gear. Combine that, with the fact that you type like you were on the losing end of a car accident, and basically you're an annoyance at best.


I know that you've grouped with some great guilds, and I commend the raid leader for including you. These people carried you through Dreadful Entity, we've all seen the video where you promptly die halfway through (any wonder why you don't want to be videotaped?) However, for every "nice" person on the server (who will carry you toward your goal), there are 20 other people who shudder at the thought of being grouped with you.


I have seen you spam General Chat for days upon days for the same raid. My point is this, until you stop acting like you're missing a chromosome, people aren't going to take you seriously. Progression guilds are not going to "invite you" to tag along, on a guild run, for a world first. Possibly though, if you improve your gear and rotation, you can work your way onto one of these teams.


Well said, good sir. The only time I'd put up with the face-rolling typing was if he was popping out 4k sustained DPS on a boss fight. Then he would have earned the right to act like whatever type of jackwagon he wanted to be. Until then, he should be happy with his 15 minutes of video game infamy.


Edit: PM me a link to that video your referenced, or tell me what to search under. I've got to see that beautiful footage.

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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