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people TALK with an accent. you don't TYPE with one.


i suppose i c..cc.c..c.ou..c..c..couc...could s.s.s.ssss..ttt.sss.ttt..u.sssttt.uuttt.teer doesn't mean I should


Stuttering is sign of social anxiety. and people that stutter can actually type quite well and you would never know they do so. but typing it out just makes it completely unintelligible, and personally find it repulsive.





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Not sure how to take the above comment with the "doh", if in support/against that persn quoted post, thx. If the opposite, eph off 2.


Again, am not typn with an accent and why bring up studderin? It's not always a sign of social anxiety, tell that to peopl who have chronic that, or some other medical reason for it, and mey typn isn't unintelligable, extremely extremly few peopl can't legit get some of mey mannerisms, but the majority do, even those who trol over it, it's subtely admitted in some of their trolng's, how can they bounce off some of the thigns ey say, when they say they couldn't read wat ey wrote? Eph off wit the grammr nazeing plz.


More ey get, the more ey'm driven to stay, not give up, and ey will still get these skip tracr items and dwn secret/tuff content wrld first.

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What's this 1 in 2 bill somethin drops secret item?


It's a universal JMD translator. It's something people want but really don't want. The devs are having a hard time getting it out of alpha, but with the keys you provided at the end of your novel they may get it to beta.

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Wow. He had my sympathy at first. I thought he might be disabled in some way; perhaps he has to type using a dictation engine (which would explain why he spells so many things phonetically). But the OP has clearly stated that he has no disability.


I can sympathize with those who have no choice, and are trying to speak the language as best as they can only to be ridiculed for it. But the OP is not one of those people. He has a choice, and he is choosing deliberately to speak and act like this. And his reasoning for it is... RP? Dear God I hope he never gets it in his head to transfer to Ebon Hawk.


People established rules of language to be consistently followed in order to ease communication. Yes, the human mind has wonderful powers of interpretation, but ideal communication should require no interpretation.


Looking past the way he communicates, there are some serious fallacies with what he's actually trying to communicate. For someone who complains so much about being treated poorly, he sure throws around a lot of "u suk" and "eph off." And while he is sure to express his disdain for being recorded, his response to women is "pics or didn't happen." *facepalm* Universality is a concept most certainly lost on him.

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That insultn is unnecessary, srsly stop it. Yr only showin yr tru charactr, which makes mself loos fayth in the humn race, some of the stuff ey get.


Ey'm NOT troln, ey'm legit, and ey don't say "u-suk" that has a letter commonly used to address another persn so ey don't say it, ey say "yrself" and "mself" in palce of "y-o-u/-r-s-e-l-f" and "m-y-s-e-l-f/m-e". Ey do say the other thing tho, ephh off, as that's wat the meen peopl need to do, go away. Ey dunno wat yr insinuaing w/ the womn thing, there's a runnin thing that womn aren't on the net/in-gam and sometimes join in and say, offhndlily, some peopl take out of proportion when they do, and thus dunno how yrself cna bash mself for this, as ey knwo womn r on here/the net, but sya sometimes, hey rly? Thought yr a boi w/a hi-pitched voice/there's no grls here, ha, pics or don't believe, erbody else does it and it's not in any way meant offensivly, just a minuet comment whilst othrs mention the joke usualyl while waiting for a pull or something, ey respec womn, so dunno wat that's about.


Ey can and will transfr to EbnHwk if ey evr chosoe to do so, ey already have a placeholder chr for mey name there and all other N A servrs, but Pot5, that persn w/ mey name there isn't mself.


That's yr opinyon not the fatc of the mattr, all the negativ stuff peopl ay about mself.

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You know, I've been trying to avoid this thread as JMD is trapped inside the elaborate world he has created for himself and it does not matter what any other person says or believes. Now I've got a couple things I'm going to repeat that others have said, perhaps this time it will penetrate:


1. We don't care what gear you are in. Your attitude and unwillingness to work within normal/accepted parameters will keep 99.99% of guilds that do world firsts from ever dealing with you. (I'm leaving .01% in case when NM content comes out the rest of the server transfers, leaving JMD and 7 other people as the only members on the server)


2. No, I can't speak for any other guilds but I can speak for mine. The eyebleeding, migraine-inducing manner in which you choose to type would not be allowed to clutter up our forums. It would be deleted asap due to it's intolerable nature.


3. As an RP'er, I applaud the time and effort you put into creating your own "language"; however, Gen chat and forums are OOC with the expectation of clear, easily understood info being transmitted by those methods.


4. In a day and age where more and more tools are available to gamers to improve themselves, refusing to take advantage of them can mean 2 things: you suck and you're hiding it or you know you're being carried and are hiding it.


5. Choosing to type the way you do is an obvious attempt to make yourself stand out, draw attention to yourself, and make you special. You're just another gamer. Get over it because your attempt to stand out has backfired severely, making you a joke on JC and now on other servers to boot. Remember, you chose this and thus must accept any repercussions that come with that choice.


6. Take a break from the game. You've obviously allowed the game to become a far more prominent part of your life than actual reality. While minor escapism is healthy, the point you're taking your internet persona to screams mental health issue.


http://dailyfreedom.com/2009/07/the-...s-of-escapism/ Check out the link JMD. It's legit.

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I'd like to think that you and I have talked to each other enough for you to know that what I am about to say is not trolling you or an attempt to piss you off. What I am going to say has been mentioned many times already as well by other people so I'm adding more to validate the points many have attempted to establish.


You ARE a decent player. America F Yeah invited you to many different raids and I worked with you to get you the orb from the Dreadful Entity. I know you are an enthusiastic player and love the game. I know you love to get into the content and I know that getting into the new content is incredibly hard for you. The thing is that myself and every person on Jedi Covenant and now Harbinger agree why you can't get into that content.


1. Your CHOICE of spelling and grammar.

2. Your expectation that not being part of a guild will still get you server firsts.

3. Your attitude and responses to people. (I've made alts just to test you from being belligerent to extremely kind and neither method improved your attitude or demeanor)


So Jonny, as a friend who has CHOSEN to look past the majority of your behaviors as a sign of good faith, you need to be told a truth. I do in fact have the educational background to suggest the following and am doing so not to be mean, cruel, or vindictive but with the hope that you take something away from this.


You exhibit sociopathic behavior. A few people have suggested this already by implying you have a social anxiety disorder. Sociopathy is a type of anti-social personality disorder, a condition that prevents people from adapting the behavioral standards of his or her community. A person does NOT have to be dangerous to be a sociopath. A person with this condition craves attention, praise, & talks in long monologues. Sociopaths believe that their own beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority, and disregard the opinions of others. They seem to act outside of the realm of social norms, and may do bizarre, risky, or outrageous things without assessing the potential repercussions .


There are many other behaviors of Sociopathy that you may or may not exhibit. But you:


1. Refuse to conform to the accepted language parameters of society

2. Act out in anger when people don't accept you

3. Repeat the same, long, monologues over and over in Fleet and on Oricon

4. Think that because you want us to adapt to you that we will

5. Refuse to truely understand why you are treated the way you are



That, or you are the worlds greatest troll and are conducting an experiment on social behavior. But the night I transferred to Harbinger you told me in confidence that you are not a troll & why you act the way you do.

Edited by Malaka_Blue
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Was just goin to call it a night, when thought would hit the forums and am glad ey did, didn't c this till now. Ey'll tryn break up the spacing to make it more readable, then ey usually do.


1) Ok, well, first off, thanks for reading and replying to mey thread here...


2) Sidenote, ey still don't have the orb from entity (just the amulet from dred 10 stack, think that's wat yr thinkin of, r grp only ran entity twice and they both failed at 69 ish percnt), if ey did ey'd be looking for haytful essenc more so then ey casually look for atm.


3) Ey'm not a sociopath, that's not to say, however, yaz accused mself of being one, ey commend the choice of words "exhibit the behavior of one", and not sayn "yr a sociopath", outright.


Mey choice of speln certain, select words out incorrectly (outside of typos of course) may or may not, depending on factors/the word/s in question mispelt, be due to an anti-norm preference of min (listed 8 or so reasons on OP, won't reiterate all, am sure yaz read em), some R, will admit,...

(don't like some of the net speak used as ey just think it's plaed out and is tiresome and, in mey mind, represent the "w" gam-that-must-not-be-mentioned, which is r competition and am not a fan of (yes these abbrevs came before it, at least some of em, know), and some of it doesn't even make sense (damag per second..."ey'm a damag per second"...??? Doesn't "Ey'm a damag-dealr" sound better? It's more of a noun that a persn can be associated with. Ey won't rly say that ey'll say "mDmg LFGF..." as it's not that hard to comprehend that mDmg is the same as m D P S, "dmg" who rly doesn't know wat those 3 lettrs together mean)

...BUT some aren't. Ey pref not to typ any "curs" words, or negativ-sounding/meaning-ones out, at least correctly, unless to tell someon who rly needs to be told to eph off to do so, it's about the POINT getting across, not the speln, it's really no big deal. Am fine w/ said language in voiceovr/elsewhere etc., don't get mself wrng, am pro-free speech, and believe there's rly not such a thing as "bahd language" but still, just S W is sacred to mself and pref to keep it pure....

The other big of the top 3 reasons ey typ the way ey do is to not feel as if ey'm talkn to or about someon and/or mself to another persn, at least not YET, ey just don't wanna be a public figure, am a private persn, atm, but will most likely typ out -l-, y-o-u, etc., in chat whenever ey become more public/get jobs/dream careers, etc., ey'm having mey cayk and eeting it too, c. Know yaz read mey 8 reasons so won't reiterate any further but just thought should reiterate some, and to point out they're just preferences, and in a free wrld ey can do that, and when a grp is in voiceovr, they know ey talk normally and can listen, so none of these have an adverse effect on in-battle/grp operations.


4) Ey'm NOT an attn-seekr/wohr, ey admit ey have a tendancy to get hot/some would say ramble, maybe get a bit long winded at times, but it really depends on wat's being said, if something requires alot of talkn to get the point across/a lecture, to answer a question to the best of mey ability (op strats 4 ex), mean professors talk all clas long, are they sociopaths? Ey'm just sayn ey get wat yr bringing up, but where there's smoke, there may not always be fyr, even tho the opposite holds true as well, there's that duality in lyf, but this is all just coincidence, not evidence. If someon has (a) chaos button/s and/or subjects of interest, if yrself is a fan of a team of an activity, say, if peopl around yrself start talkn bout em, there's a high chance even if yr a quiet persn by trade .....

(which am, rly don't talk alot at all, and this is so ironic...in reel lyf am told to speak up more yet when am talkn bout the gam in voiceovr am anoying to some am told...when ey rly am not (yes ey know the other persn sets the standard of if one is being harasing/anoying, etc., but they can lie about being anoyed, maybe to get another in troubl, or maybe they're just being a bit overzealous/uptight with that and needa "come on" know?)

...will feel a strong urge to jump into the convo and talk about said subject, ey try to hold mself back and am a bit more successful off-line then on, but there's nothin wrng with getting into something. Ey even try to be courteous to others by saying "interrupting anything?" or "in the middle of something?" to start off mey interjection in voiceovrs. Think of it this way, ey'm tryn to have mey cayk and eet it too ryt, with the "ey's" n such ryt?...well, craving attn. is the exact opposite of wat ey'm wanting, if one thinks about it logically, ey only would like the normal, necessary amount of attn. needed to complete ops n such here, and if ey did want any, ey'm not a maso- here, ey wouldn't want neg. attn., ey'd like pos. attn, despite...


5) some saying mey preferences opens doors to be insultd/trold, ey've been and peopl are and will be trold even if they nvr said a word, as ey avoided gen chat untill several mnths after launch, when ey could not be soloin anymore. the saying goes "trols will trol", and they do, and ey shouldn't have to do things, or not do them, if ey prefer to, just because of potential backlash, and it's potential because ey'm not forcing these peopl to say "that sentenc gave mself cancr"(did it rly?....) THEY alone say that, and choose to trol.


6) Ey'm not sayn yal will adapt to mself eventually, there r peopl who r trols for lyf and can't win ovr evryone, know, there r those who aren't but just still aren't keen on mself/mey quirks atm have. There r thsoe who liek mslef n couldn't care less about mey preferences, r grps get stuff done, ey can plae they can it's all good (thx for yr support if yr one who's readn this piece btw).


7)If peopl rly don't like mself n do stuff w/ mself due to the perception ey suk or am a trol or mentlly ill, it's NOT all in the presentation, looks can be deceiving, can't judge a book by its covr, for peopl to not give someon a chance or at least listen to em in voiceovr and instead just go solely based on wat they typ certain words like in chat to reach those conclusions, their just narrow, close-mindedness and that they have no toleration, and wouldn't wanna op w/ em anyways, as their bein hypocritical to their 'show tolerance" gild messages on their sites...Ey scrape most of the cheez off piza n icin off cayk and even if ey didn't if ey saw someon else do that ey'd respect their preferences, they still get their foodtype of want.


Some of those "monologues" btw on fleet n oricn planet are LFG messages and WTB/S ones, that ey tryn keep short n sweet and space out time-wise, as am not a spamr. Also, ey'm not opposed to other's ideas/suggestions, in fact, in an op todai/earlier tonyt, r grp got further then mey previous grps did by mself followin their strategy then min, which still got pretty far in a previous run, not that those were "min" anyways, ey learned em from multiple grps, how can ey do ops and know the fights if ey was nvr told a grps strategy, ey sometimes come up w/ one, but usually listen to theirs and that is accepting another's opinion, ey nvr said mey word was gospl and none othrs r accepted...Ey just tell those grps who won't inv or r full gl and am standing by if needed.


This may seem like a long winded attn-seekin monolgue, but it's rly just long due to tryn to address as many points as yrslef brought up, 1 by 1, if somethin takes a long time it will, t o show respect to each point and address em.


Btw, this is D/Linxs ryt? What r these alts yaz made to try mself out w/ also, btw? Just curious. As if ey've evr insultd yrself, it was likely just throwin back wat was given to mself that was offensiv, am just not one to take a joke about mself, am one to throw it back as hayt those who r glas canons, like to throw it, but can't take it. Ey don't instigate, just retaliate sometimes, when needed, or not in good mood and apologiz if any of those hit too hard.


There are sociopaths, and then there are unique individuals. Thanks for time put in/concern.

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6) Ey'm not sayn yal will adapt to mself eventually, there r peopl who r trols for lyf and can't win ovr evryone, know, there r those who aren't but just still aren't keen on mself/mey quirks atm have. There r thsoe who liek mslef n couldn't care less about mey preferences, r grps get stuff done, ey can plae they can it's all good (thx for yr support if yr one who's readn this piece btw).


That's just it Jonny. We are the majority in the community and you are asking us to adapt to you. Society doesn't work that way. The ones that refuse to accept the social norm are the ones that get the treatment you are receiving. That is the very definition of a sociopath. Sociopaths come in many shapes and forms Jonny.

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Ey'm not a sociopath, again, whether yrself is accusin mself of bein one or not. No, the majority of the community are nice peopl, the minority are the trols and peopl who buy into their buls- and may not, but still have a neg. opinyon of mself and/or believe ey'm a problem, they ARE in the minority, just a very loud one, the mj=ajority, go about their bizness, even if add together all the insultn peopl ey get in chat and forums together, they don't equal by a longshot the number of those who don't care or do like/support mself. Same in lyf, got alotta shi- from bulees but just because the amount of shi- was great, they were in the minority, ey got alot more kindness from peopl then that, it's cause niceness is rarely loud, negativty is loud usually, jst cause a room is loud w/ insults at a comedian or public speaker, doesn't mean evryone/51 percnt of the room is against em being loud, some foo' can have controls of the speakers n mics n shout stuff, a hndful may join in or cheer em, but the majority either leave, gaze at em, have their eers covered, or support the persn in question.


Peop IN the social norm get trold, some even wors then ey do, in reel lyf or in a gam. There's nothing wrng with a diff persn/ostracized one to ask others to accept their ways and know e's ok, and set the record straight all ey was doin, just a tell all. Yr sayn those who stray off the beaten path, wanna be individuals, counter-culture, etc., are sociopaths? Some r, some aren't, same as those who r IN the norm, some r some aren't there's a duality to lyf. Same duality law applys to mey treatment, not evrywhere ey go n act liek this in other gams, ey get this treatment, some peopl would somewhere some peopl wouln't somewhere, sometimes same place, come on....

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According to mey one thread on Harb's servr forums some already do, nice peopl, there's ltos mroe ncie peopl there btw, then JC, so enuff with yr insultin, am not phased, will keep at it and do wrld firsts despite buleeing get from multiple peopl. Ey'm not "baiting" peopl for attn or to "plae "the victim ey AM a victim, decent peopl would just carry on or ask politely in a whispr f or clarification, not say "thatsentenc gave mself cancr" be careful wat they say, kar-muh is a muddr-...they have t he INITIAL problm w/ mself THEY ignor mself, ey shouldnt nor will for a long time, have to, then they win and can continue libeling and isnultn the PROBLM doesnt go away, they crave the status quo so much onyl way to, like in reel lyf experience have, get rid of vulees is stand up to em, grab em tell it liek it is, make a zinger maybe, the vrowd is there's, they go away, when didn't stand up for mself or others, they continue, an object in motion tends to stay IN MOTION....till hit and stopped...it's peopl's opinyon ey'm a socio or the trol here or attn seekr or something, they're wrong but their opinyon respect the fatc peopl hjave their opinyons which they r indeed titled too, but don't have to like nor resptect theirs, only respect the fact peopl can have em,even if in disagreement w/ mself sometimes respexct their views but sometiems they don't even mean what they say, they just liek to say outrageous thigns for n reason except get a cheap pop/kick, and don't respect that. Like malaki here...e's nice, respect iz opinyon, but disagree w/ it completely, iz opinyon tho can''t/not gunna change it, not being hypocritical here when ey do make some effort to change others by explainign ey'm nto a trol ,as then, if ey don't defend mey rep innocent bystanders havea tendancy to believe the other and that's less grping/progress for mself and the trols want that, want mself to notgo anywhere as am havin toubl ddoin one way or other reason wise...thx for readn nicer peopl.
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You exhibit sociopathic behavior. A few people have suggested this already by implying you have a social anxiety disorder. Sociopathy is a type of anti-social personality disorder, a condition that prevents people from adapting the behavioral standards of his or her community. A person does NOT have to be dangerous to be a sociopath. A person with this condition craves attention, praise, & talks in long monologues. Sociopaths believe that their own beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority, and disregard the opinions of others. They seem to act outside of the realm of social norms, and may do bizarre, risky, or outrageous things without assessing the potential repercussions .


There are many other behaviors of Sociopathy that you may or may not exhibit. But you:


1. Refuse to conform to the accepted language parameters of society

2. Act out in anger when people don't accept you

3. Repeat the same, long, monologues over and over in Fleet and on Oricon

4. Think that because you want us to adapt to you that we will

5. Refuse to truely understand why you are treated the way you are


Couldn't have put it better myself.

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No it wasn't, and ey had alts and a placeholder on JC when ey was gone, an object in motion tends ot stay in motions peopl who trol, will continue to trol, and they did. No servr currently is rly peaceful untill all meen peopl r bannd. And ey'm not a socio- again. Am back on JC and can leave to another servr and come back whenever ey plz. Is it rly worth the effort and time outta yr plaeing time and daili livs to come here and in chat to bash mself? Edited by JonnyMadDog
Correct typo.
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Jonny, what is it that you want? You keep bumping this thread to keep it alive, so what is it that you want? No one is having a go at you; you are the one who created a thread about yourself! Do you see how egotistical that is?


So, please, in 10 words or less, what is the point of this thread? What is it that you want from us?

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Ey'm not egotisticl dood/gyrl. That would be tru of someon if they made a thread shoutin in all caps how great they think they are and can beat anyone on any servr in any activity always...


Ey'm not "bumping" this thread to keep it aliv, ey've let mot of min fall at leats until someon provides feedback, and if positiv, ey say thx for readn and if it's to offer to go on a run of something or sell something ey listen/read, and respond, if it's insultin, negativ comments, that're not necessary, like the abvoe few, and many more elsewhere on thsi thread and others, and in chat, they bump the thread too, anyone who does brigns it up, and ey respond with a rightbackatcha/go away response.


Ey originally made this to tell peopl n set the record straight, contrary to popular belief, ey'm NOT a trol, and just wanted peopl to know that and ey have legit reasons behind mey mispeln of certain words, outside of typos, and would like othrs to respect em if possibl, as ey respect others' preferences, ey don't eet most the cheez off piza and if ey did ey'd respect another who didn't, like ey don't eet much icin on cayks but respect others who do eet icin mroe so,, but at least if not, get em out there, as ey found out there's an impostr unliek the ones ey have on JC, who have similar names to mey main, but r not mself, nor spelt exactly the same, on pot5 servr, only that's the onyl N A servr ey don't have a placeholder (for transfers) chr of the same name on, that persn is a fake and am just warnin peopl their behavior is not necessarily mey own.


Ey also made it as a shout out ey'm just LFGs for gear to get rdy for top tier content and do that as well, so can do wrld firsts (like for ex, dwn boses/clr NITmode dred pal/fort when implemented wrld first and w/e the next secet bos/es is/are), and WTB rare/discontinued things,...


If so, PM if yaz have a spot for 1m melee JK GRD who will not use any pRser software YET, after ey do somethign noteworthy ey may get into a grps', pref to keep mey own lgacy gild name but am open to joinin another gild's top tier (in contention for wrld firsts) gild as a membr in all other aspects, at least for now, untill either some combo of the following happens...it's a good gild name that can be an organization and/or tie into one's address, not break kayfab, not be insulting, and/or ey get more then 5 cargo holds to be obtainable, or if there's a dedicated grp that meets wekly of multiple gilds/peopl in diff gilds or not even, that's cool too, even better, as hayt all-membr only gild runs, the devs did not make top tier cotnent to be dwned wrld first by 1-2 gilds only, throw the community a bohn, ey do some of thsi to help community out, and also one that doesn't have a formal "application" to submit, n all that chrap, a laidback, NICE, repeat, NICE, yet hardcor gild/grp, and pref not to be recorded w/o being told/asked for permission/nand would like to be told if and where and when will it be posted if so or just for private studee, that's all., or if have any cool items for sale, and these go for all servrs, am willing and probly will, transfer to diff ones for multiple reasons, am lookn for a new home see, JC isn't that great at all, Harb was cool, all seem to have peopl troln mself/others, some more then others just, whichever has a buncha top tier Rep-side grps n gilds and active all the time servr will be mey new home servr, will still hopscotch for shoppn/bizness purposes, vacations, etc..


Ey know this isn't 10 words or less, but one can't put a limit on how to explain something, wordcount-wise, ey try not to be logn winded, it's not cause ey'm supposedly a socio-, ey'm not keen on the sound of mey voice, ey don't like talkin so long, BUT if there's somethin am either passionate about and/or need to set the record straight o nsomething, or make a point, or f someon asks mself a question, by golly g, ey'm gunna answer that question to a great part of mey ablity, am not one to half-az things...depending on the task, it's not to hear/read mself talk, actually barely do so either in reel lyf, which ey find funy, ey'm told to speak up more in reel lyf, and to b quieter here...maybe it's the quietness breakin out sometimes, but assure yaz, it's to answer to the bst of mey ability, or try to at least. And if yaz don't wanna read, why'dyaz ask, then complain how long mey answer was? Don't understand it? Don't read it, carry on or whispr politely for clarification, no need to lambast the persn for mispeln and/or speekin "too long".


Thx for readn.

Edited by JonnyMadDog
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To reiterate, in a shorter way, ey'm just a JK GRD deeps tryn to have fun, be among the best, has persnal speln preferences that aren't hard to make out, and am LF any n all top tier gilds (pv E/ops/wrld first doing/Rep side) to inv mself to run with em as an honorary membr w/o having to dwnload mox/some counter, b recorded, unless wrld first nitmode clr or secret bos dwning, and actaully join their gild, also am LF rare/discontinued items to buy. Plz PM yr servr/side/chr or tspeak/vocieovr info for a verbal interview for yr gild running slot.


Yeah, well most of us have personal spelling preferences too, legible for one thing. Although this one is one of the better ones, short and nearly readable.

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I just noticed this thread. JMD is a celebrity on the JC server. A couple people do imitate him. Famous people do like to get imitated... As for his OP, I dont need more than 5 cargo bays, but I'm not a collector like he is. I can see the need for more than 5 bays... Besides, if people will buy it, why not add more tabs to the Cargo Bay. However, I would like to see a Legacy Cargo Bay more instead of extra character bays.


As for reading JMD's typing. I enjoy the challenge. In fact, I've equated it with the times back in high school when we had to read Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer The author spelled the words weirdly to match the way they spoke. JMD spells words weirdly because of his personal preference I guess. When I first heard him on a voice chat (Toborro's Courtyard I believe), it was a relief to know that he speaks clearly.

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this is like reading middle english, but less understandable.

Middle english quote. V


A knyght ther was, and that a worthy man,

That fro the tyme that he first bigan

To riden out, he loved chivalrie,

Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisie.

Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre,

And therto hadde he riden, no man ferre,

As wel in cristendom as in hethenesse,

And evere honoured for his worthynesse.

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Well the problem is, your personal spelling preferences make it harder for other people to read.


Did you know that studies have proven that people can read words incredibly quickly as long as the first and last letter are in the right place? The middle letters can be as mixed up as you like, but the brain can still immediately identify the word. But you don't keep the first and last letters the same, you change the words fundamentally. That means it is slower for everyone else to read and it's actually requiring more concentration. People resent having to devote more of their time and brain power to figuring out your text.


You're rating your highly unique spelling preferences higher than every other player's reading preferences and, to me, that is egotistical. Why are you more important than everyone else? These are English language forums. In the same way it would be selfish for me to type in Greek and except everyone to use Google translate to understand me, it's also selfish for you to expect everyone to read the way you type. I'm not trying to be insulting, but it is literally painful to read. Our brains have been wired up to the English language since we were born (for native English speakers) and to learn another language takes a lot of time and effort. Your typing is like a foreign language that we have never been taught and an entirely phonetic language is also very rare and doesn't conform to the base language skills that we all have. Thus, you typing in French would actually be more user friendly.


TL;DR These are English language forums, please respect other forum users by typing in that language using recognised English words and spellings.

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Ey'm not tryn to be egotisticl nor selfsh, yes ey knwo about the letter studee, and use that as part of mey argument actually, yes some words don't have the same first n last letter but some do, the ones that don't rly aren't as hard as some of yaz r makin out, ey will try to make those which ey have a problm w/ typng out fully conform to at least that studee, and instead of leain out the first and/or last lettrs, find a midle one to take out, fine (This is outside of typos, again, evryone makes em)?
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Ey'm not tryn to be egotisticl nor selfsh, yes ey knwo about the letter studee, and use that as part of mey argument actually, yes some words don't have the same first n last letter but some do, the ones that don't rly aren't as hard as some of yaz r makin out, ey will try to make those which ey have a problm w/ typng out fully conform to at least that studee, and instead of leain out the first and/or last lettrs, find a midle one to take out, fine (This is outside of typos, again, evryone makes em)?


You're just an egotistical selfish troll, and it's time for you to leave.

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No, ey'm NOT a selfsh, egotistcl trol, and am not gunna be buleed into leavn, am here to stay and vindicate mey abuse, and ey'm not tryn to "plae victim" ey am one. It's PAST TIME for the reel trols to be thrown out, cause they bring the gam dwn, there should be in-gam, reel-time, 24 hr mods w/ hightlightd chat text, to answer questions periodically, direct peopl LFGs to those who are LFM for same stuff, and delete posts and warn/ban meen, unscrupulous, rude, barely-can-call peopl, that'd be cool.
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