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2.4 PVP First Impressions?


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Hey everyone - Just curious what the JC PVPers think about 2.4 so far? I'm out of town for work so I won't be able to play until this weekend. I've been bouncing around the forums a little this morning and it seems people have mixed feelings so I wanted to see what the JC peeps think.


Here are a few of my specific questions / comments:

- Was 4v4 Ranked popping with any regularity last night?


- For those who tried Solo Que Ranked, how was the variety? A lot of people in the que? Was the matchmaking system identifying specs accordingly?


- For my fellow VG's / PT's, how have the new changes to the trees played out?


- I personally think that Ranked not counting towards the daily / weekly is kind of stupid.


Thanks guys, see you this weekend.

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They're OK.


Comps were screwed up...


Old ranked there would be much more coordination, guarding, cc'ing, strategy, etc.


What I really don't like, and they've addressed it via the forums (musco): Getting half the regular coms for winning the old warzones.


Overall, I give this Patch a C-.



Edited by Ekot
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I solo queued Ranked on my sage (different server), the one that I did get into here on my sorc I had to leave before I entered the zone and it deducted 15 Elo points.


They did this in 8v8s so you couldn't Q-dodge without consequences. I guess they carried it over


I only had personal experience with the solo queues but I can tell you 4man premade groups were queuing very regularly all last night. Solo queuing is a little bit hit/miss with who you get on your team. If you get a bunch of bads on your team, not much you can do about that. Queue pops were fairly frequent and fast but as mentioned above, the match making sometimes messed up (1 healer/3 dps vs 2 healer/2dps, etc).


it has been fun though and some of the matches i've player were really close but most matches have been steam-rolls (i'm 16-1 atm). The matches where there are 3 dps/1 healers are hectic. If both sides have good dps, its a dps race for who can burst down someone on the other side (usually the healer).

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Not Sure about 4v4's i know bro and babe had a team and a few other teams were queing.


But i did do alot of solo queing (51-9 Atm =p) and the matching making in some games were so bad like 3 dps and 1 tank v 4 dps or 2 heals 2 dps v 4 dps but thats something Bioware will hopefully fix it.


And the Weeklies and Dailies not counting if you play ranked is pretty stupid .... but its so easy to get ranked comms in solo ques at 140 or so per win so the only reason you would ever need to do regs again is for those dang weeklies =p

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Comps were screwed up, I saw 3 dps/1 tank, 2 healers/2dps, etc...


This is messed up, but team ranked is the way to go anyways


I don't feel that it shows any superiority in PvP. It comes down to who opens and burns the first target fastest imo. The difference is in old ranked there would be much more coordination, guarding, cc'ing, strategy, etc.


Burning a target is precisely what PVP is all about....the difference is that coordination, cc'ing, strategy, etc. decision making occurs at a much more rapid pace. Players can no longer be carried, and weaker teams can no longer win by having a better ping or by running a turtle comp. Don't get me wrong, I loved 8v8 ranked, but many of the objectives (or subjectives as I'd like to call them) were dependent on broken game mechanics, and deathmatches eliminate this issue.


What I really don't like, and they've addressed it via the forums (musco): Getting half the regular coms for winning the old warzones.


Agreed, not smart


Overall, I think 2.4 a solid step forward, but I'm still on the fence about the game as there is still very little competition in the game due to the lack of players.

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I was personally pleased with the overall experience. I think it's a better experience than the same old war zones.


The match making system is bad, about half my games didn't have a healer. As mentioned the cookie cutter team comps I'm sure will be favored, but that is life in an MMO, and honestly is out of your control in a solo queue anyway so not much to complain about other than the match making.


That and I feel it's more of a"true" pvp experience compared to the dynamics of war zones, although objectives are fun in their own way. "AoE the door to stop the cap" isn't as competitive as fast paced player kills to me.

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I had quite abit of fun yesterday afternoon doing the solo and group queue. I was pleasantly surprised at how I was able to do on my shadow after all the doom and gloom that I have read on the shadow/sin forums. In the group queue we were running a non FOTM comp of shadow dps, mando dps, mando heals, and vg tank and we did pretty well against other more "standard" comps.


I was really happy with the arenas and it was really nice not to go against a team of 3 op healers, 2 jugg tanks, and 3 assassins that I would see in reg 8v8's (may be exaggerating a little but you get the idea).

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I had a good time last night for the little time i played. Me and some guildies ran a group of 4 dps. Slinger, mando dps(me), and two sents. We went 5 and 7 i think, we had a blast. Havent done solo queue yet. Hopefully tonight i will check that out. It is better than the reg WZs, but now i find myself needing WZ coms more than the ranked. LOL
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Comps were screwed up, I saw 3 dps/1 tank, 2 healers/2dps, etc...


This is messed up, but team ranked is the way to go anyways.


No. Hard no. Team ranked is the way to go when you have a good team (players + comp). Solo Q is the way to go when you want to grind comms. Solo rating is a joke. It says nothing about anything. However, the solo Q itself is great (when working properly) because it prevents stacking teams and awards rated comms. Just don't go into team rated matches like that. You should be geared, stimmed, and using a viable comp (there are a few). Your team rating does (relatively) accurately reflect your skill/performance, and it is something that you will probably want or care to maintain. Dropping team rated matches while grinding comms when you could just as easily grind the same comms in a solo Q just doesn't make sense...to me.

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- For my fellow VG's / PT's, how have the new changes to the trees played out?



dude...I only ran a couple solo rated before I had to log, but let me put it to you like this: I was top dps in tactics spec while still running plasma cell by accident. The next highest dps was a good 1/3 behind me (approx 7.5 : 5). ppl stack like crazy.


I did not experience the screwed up matchmaking. both matches were 2 dps, 1 heal, 1 tank on each team.

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Overall it was a nice change of pace from the monotony of regular 8v8 warzones, but it still has its own things that are just inherent with the game that can't be avoided. Mainly how FOTM classes/specs are pretty much a standard, (Ie Smashers and Op/Scoundrel healers). This is just from a solo Q perspective of course. I know dps shadows/sins are happier now because they actually get to play the warzone instead of being node sentry for 12 minutes :D.

Also I find some matches to be pretty boring sometimes because it turns into a big staring contest because everyone in the match is afraid to make the first move.

Are imps even queueing anymore :rak_02:. I mean seriously I've played about 10 matches of arenas in the last couple days and only 2 of the games were against imps lol.

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Overall it was a nice change of pace from the monotony of regular 8v8 warzones, but it still has its own things that are just inherent with the game that can't be avoided. Mainly how FOTM classes/specs are pretty much a standard, (Ie Smashers and Op/Scoundrel healers)


was running last night in 4 man ranked with a sage healer and a shadow tank..not exactly fotm but still didnt do too bad ;)

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I've only done solo q and they are fun but the solo q's matchmaking system is terrible. Sometimes matches are decided before they even start and some are great.


I'm quite pleased with the damage my tactics vanguard can put up. I've been able to top dmg on most my matches as a tactics vg with the occasional smasher and slinger beating me out.


Someone asked where the imps were? Well I was running sub 55 pvp and there were a lot of marauders. They may be lvling those marauders up.

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was running last night in 4 man ranked with a sage healer and a shadow tank..not exactly fotm but still didnt do too bad ;)


Yeah, I scrounged up some guildies for you guys in MCB to beat up on. :p


We went 1-2 on the night, with my gimp self on Op heals, a sorc heal, and one tank assassin and a DPS assassin. Had too much heals...hard to kill anyone that way, but that's who wanted to run, so that's what we went with. I think we had fun, anyhow!

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Here's what you'll find. The people who relied on a full team of 8 to carry them will be upset because this somehow "lacks skill to play," and the those who think this is better than the 8v8's because it actually requires skill.


I fall into the second category. Whether you think I'm skilful or not is irrelevant. Arenas make every player play at the TOP of their own skill level, while still having to rely on their 3 other team members. The team aspect is still there, it just requires you to pull your own weight.


It's definitely a gear check and a skill check.


My first thought? Need less sage healers and more scoundrel healers. My second thought? Need less sage DPS. My third thought? BW really screwed over sages.


Solo rateds a freakin blast even with dummy pugs. Yea, apparently I rage. I got asked why I'm such a "try hard" well it's because I don't play a subscription fee to lose matches. Simple logic on my part.


I don't know how the team arenas on JC are, yet. But, I've played quite a few on PoT5 and they're also a real blast, talk about teamwork^2.


You'll be mentally fatigued after a match, especially with all that adrenaline rushing though you.


You're gonna like 2.4

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For people who like to just clobber things and not worry about objectives this is a great patch. I always found it frustrating that no matter how you personally performed in 8v8 someone could just cap a node and win the game even though you out gunned them.


The only thing I don't understand is all the smash complaints, in 4v4 scenarios they aren't even an issue if you use terrain and don't group up. The main team we run is shadow/mando dps a vanguard tank and then either a mando or sage healer. I get that sages may be squish in solo but our sage has no trouble staying alive in 4v4 and mando heals seem to be good with electro net thrown in for quick kill utility., that and the fact they are hard to kill.

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I've been having a blast queing solo. If you like playing competitive pvp but aren't hardcore enough to run a dedicated team then solo ranked que is the thing for you. Get your gear together in the non ranked, and once you feel like testing your metal que up. The first 10 matches are hit and miss but once you have your ratings your going to be matched with people near your own skill level most of the time which makes most matches competitive as opposed to a steamroll by or of you like the standard warzones often turn out to be.
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dude...I only ran a couple solo rated before I had to log, but let me put it to you like this: I was top dps in tactics spec while still running plasma cell by accident. .


I'm quite pleased with the damage my tactics vanguard can put up. I've been able to top dmg on most my matches as a tactics vg with the occasional smasher and slinger beating me out..


I had a similar experience as you guys with AP / Tactics. It was lovely to see 4k ticks on flamethrower (this was on my fresh 55 PT relying on bolster so not quite sure what will happen in min/max gear or if it's just a fluke). I'm looking forward to trying it out in Ranked once I'm geared.


You'll be mentally fatigued after a match, especially with all that adrenaline rushing though you.


Agree 100%. Definitely had a few really close matches that came down to a clutch CC, Force Push, etc.


The only thing I don't understand is all the smash complaints, in 4v4 scenarios they aren't even an issue if you use terrain and don't group up.


We saw a few double smash groups this weekend and I agree it's not the "god" comp that people were talking about pre-2.4. I was pleasantly surprised at the variety of comps and groups that I saw which requires a different approach to each match. Keeps things interesting.


All in all, the 4v4 Ranked was a lot of fun and a nice change of pace. To Bro's point, I hope that the Ranked que doesn't die but I guess we'll see what happens in the coming weeks.


GG's everyone!

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I had a similar experience as you guys with AP / Tactics. It was lovely to see 4k ticks on flamethrower (this was on my fresh 55 PT relying on bolster so not quite sure what will happen in min/max gear or if it's just a fluke). I'm looking forward to trying it out in Ranked once I'm geared.



Lol its not a Fluke got my Vg up the other night only min/maxed 65 with a 67 MH and did a Arena against 4 sorc dps and they all stacked up right next to each other and hit them all for around 5000 - 5400 a tick on pulse cannon .... Lol and people think smash is op

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Lol its not a Fluke got my Vg up the other night only min/maxed 65 with a 67 MH and did a Arena against 4 sorc dps and they all stacked up right next to each other and hit them all for around 5000 - 5400 a tick on pulse cannon .... Lol and people think smash is op


My average tick on Aseka is about 2.5 non-crit up to 4k crit, I don't know what the hell is your vanguard eating because that is some nasty ticks.


Tactic is a well rounded spec ; good defensive abilities, cleave attack, require you to know a rotation to burst down someone. Spam too much ion pulse/flame burst you run out of energy


Smash from a sent/mara has god like defensive, aside from the free blade storm/force scream smash doesn't need any rotation, hell as a guardian/jug you almost never auto-attack because of sundering strike and combat focus.


Pulse cannon without crits can make it sometimes a weak abilitiy, its a channeled cleave attack, we can probably reach 10k over 3 seconds. On the other hand you have a full circle AoE instant attack auto-crit that will deal 9k+ damage.


Don't get me wrong tactic vanguard is a good spec if played right, but to make a comparison to smash, to me, is pushing it.

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Its only a matter of time before people stop doing noob moves to maximize their DPS on the tactic vanguard, if you're talking from a mando perspective, yeah, I can understand that 6s interrupt can be a ***** to you, otherwise I love being smashed for 4K while stuned.
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