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Dread Seeded Sand Demon (Seeker Droid area on Tatooine) question


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I was able to solo it on my Lightning Sorc @ level 60. Had to use every trick in the book and it still almost got me. In full 168's


Yea, thus far I have *easily* soloed every single other Elite Dread Seeded beastie I've come across. I wonder if there's a utility that helps the CD of my interrupt. Or perhaps I should just swap spec/gear to heals and let HK whoop on him.

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  • 11 months later...
Gotta necro this thread, because I just got in a fight with the sand demon. Unkillable currently, since it spams a self heal faster than the interrupt CD. Definitely broken.


Not unkillable, requires some thinking outside the box and at least 2 ways of interrupting a spell. (that aren't stuns etc)



On a Jedi Knight you have to take the utility point in the skill that makes force charge/leap reset the cooldown on your kick. You will be kicking the first heal, moving away to charge the 2nd (can do the dash to make quick distance), and kicking the 3rd, with the 4th heal coming in before your kick or charge are back up again.


Same tactic will be used to keep Lucky on Corelia from munching your face with his skills.



Originally i too thought he was unkillable, but due to chatting in general chat with others about his healing and having time to think about it while fighting him (jedi tank with 50 inf heal companion, neither of us were dying until i worked out how to interrupt enough of his heals)


Hope this helps!


(other classes just need to find whatever combo they can get for 2 interrupts in short succession, or any utility that resets the interrupt)

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  • 1 year later...
I am currently having the same issue. I can only get the Dread-Seeded sand demon so far down, then it heals a little and then it is rinse and repeat. The darn thing keeps healing itself. I have the doctor with me.


Are you interrupting that heal ability? I did this last week with a lvl 65 concealment Operative and an influence level 15+ (like, 15-18 I think) Kaliyo as tank. The Sand Demon takes a lot of damage up front and then has a heal channel that is interrupt-able but it casts it again before your one main interrupt is off cooldown. I did not throw FlashBang to see if that would work, because my damage output was enough to offset the second heal cast, and I try not to get into the habit of using flashbang on bosses like I used to :o As long as I interrupted at least one cast it was easy enough to whittle him down.


Also, put your comp on dps or tank. This will also get you through the healing phase faster, giving it less chances to make sizeable hp back.

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  • 3 years later...
I had no issues fighting it however when its health got real low it would suddenly regenerate almost a quarter of its health, which just made it a battle that didn't end until I gave up and moved out of its area


Back in 2013, when this thread started, those bosses were max level and challenging to solo. As written in the posts above yours, the sand demon has a self-heal you need to interrupt. These days you might be able to burn it down before the second heal, otherwise you need another method of interrupting (stun/push/pull).

Edited by Mubrak
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