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Long time players - Does Bioware ever address the lag issues?


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Exactly. They use it simply to mean "poor performance."


my computer runs "slow" make it go faster.


ummm ok, lets start with the 1000 things this could be and try and figure out what "slow means"


To some its a slow webpage, to others its accessing a large file. Others might mean poor gaming or "lag"


similar to "my car is making a funny noise"! IF people understood the problem, they could probably know to fix it themselves. But to properly get it fixed they have to understand the problem and get on a common language basis and eliminate what it isn't which explains about 99% of the "checklists" that tech support go through. 1) terminology 2) method of elimination

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It's been especially bad since 2.0, and seemingly getting worse all the time. And I'm one of those weirdo night-people, I play well off my servers' prime-times, usually.


BioWare probably does care, in all fairness.


The problem is Electronic Arts, not BioWare (insofar as one can say that there even still is a BW, which, IMHO, there isn't. At least not the same hungry, cool, independent, innovative company that gave us so many beloved, RPG-genre-defining classics from just 300km up Highway 2 from me in Edmonton.).


As far as EA is concerned, it's "You'll shut up and buy more !!!CARTEL PACKS!!! and enjoy it, or you're free to see what's down the road." Because there seem to always be more idiots coming into this game bragging about how they spend USD 200.00/month on that insultingly asinine garbage, and as far as "Corporate" is concerned, that's all they need to know.


Vote with your wallet. There's nothing else anyone can do.

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I've seen "lag" very rarely in PvE. So rare that I would write it off to net hiccups.


I see graphic lag on fleet all the time when large numbers of players are around. Their "engine" has severe issues with shadows, but otherwise I have everything at maximum and it is relatively smooth.


It's a known scientific fact the PvP is for chumps, so I can't comment on lag in PvP. ;)

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People in gaming forums like to toss around whatever term best fits their current disgust with a game.... so we get a lot of terms used out of context or misused around here.


The OP has not come back and answered my earlier questions. But I did see him complaining and tossing around numbers in another thread. He was complaining that normally good latency (20ms) goes haywire and heads north of 2000ms at unpredictable times on his particular server. That's NOT the engine. It's either network induced lag (I'm not speculating where.. because it could be anywhere at any given time), or the server is malfunctioning (we see this sort of behavior on The Harbinger when it's preparing to take a dirt nap).


When different core functions on the server just stop responding (mail, GTN, etc) then it's the server heading south. When it spikes into the thousands of MS... and wobbles up and down to normal low latency... that is a network issue somewhere between the players PC and the server. It could be anywhere frankly. I've personally found cases where it was the internet backbone between me and the server farm. I've seen case where it appears to be close to or inside the server farm. I've seen this happen, but not very often. I've fixed it by reclogging in some cases and in other cases I just have to wait it out.


Some people seem to be more vulnerable to lag then others. It's not uncommon to see in general chat some people complaining about lag and others unable to actually confirm it. If it were the server, one would think it would affect everyone AND I have seen cases where this is what is happening. More often... it could be a problem with a particular instance (ie: a partition within the server application). Point is.. it is rare to see everyone inside the server having lag issues at the same time unless the server is in the process of collapsing.


Ok here I am, the OP....I read your post - am I just taking it wrong or what's the deal with you dialing up the attitude towards me?


I'm the bad guy because I simply post a comment and leave it with a question to the gaming community that enjoys the same game I do? Besides this post, this is the only post since my original I made to this thread - I re-read my OP before replying here, I don't recall even lashing out on Bioware - I stated what happened from my experience playing the game. I stated its aggravating, which it is - should I lie?


What's the point of companies creating forums for their games if not for gamers to exchange their experience - good and bad on the games?


As for over used terms -- I'm right there with you, the funny thing is I'm normally the guy saying that on forums - I think people throw words around with little knowledge of their use or context.....in the gaming world is there are more over used term these days than "noob"? Not to mention mis-used.


I chose the word "lag" because It was a casual post, I didn't know I had to make a low level scientific data laden post to simply say "Hey guys {who also play this game} I'm noticing some odd network performance between certain hours....do you notice this too and has the company said anything about it"....


Lag is the correct context -- people understand what you mean more when you say lag, how many folks do you think would get it if I said "network latency"? I'd wage a good bit, but it would be less than those that's get what "lag" means. When you speak casually you want to speak using terminology that resonates with the largest amount of your audience.


You also stated "in another forum he THREW OUT some numbers"......I threw out? I spoke the truth...that wide variance is what I noted more than once....so again, should I lie now because some people on these forums just want to be difficult and skeptical of even the most innocent of postings?


I do IT for a living, have been doing it since the 90's....if you want to have a debate about networking I'm glad to oblige I love "talking geek" -- want to talk about switches, network topologies, heck I've been learning about Microsoft Server 2012 -- want to talk about the new features of that product...let's go....just create a new thread in off topic and let me know about it.


But again I came here posting a casual comment seeking honest , simple feedback from the player community. That's all..no more...no less.


I didn't answer your questions btw -- because I work for a living dude....I made my post last night at 7:30 pm, I played the game from about 7:40-ish to 8:30..watched a bit of tv and went to bed because I get up no LATER than 5:30 AM weekdays, sometimes like tomorrow I'm having to be up at 3:45 am....I don't have the luxury of posting when I'm work.

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When the Titans of Industry came out, I had experienced horrendous issues with lag. The game would disconnect and I would have to come back in and sometimes it wouldn't let me.


Then I deleted the DiskCacheArena in the swtor folder. Now its just occasional lag, and I'm 100% positive its my ISP, due to other issues I have been having with my Internet service.


Try deleting the DiskCacheArena every couple days and it might just sort out your issues.

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When the Titans of Industry came out, I had experienced horrendous issues with lag. The game would disconnect and I would have to come back in and sometimes it wouldn't let me.


Then I deleted the DiskCacheArena in the swtor folder. Now its just occasional lag, and I'm 100% positive its my ISP, due to other issues I have been having with my Internet service.


Try deleting the DiskCacheArena every couple days and it might just sort out your issues.


Interesting, thanks for the heads up I might give it a try -- my hunch is like I said its mostly just those prime hours...I hardly ever get to play outside of those hours (except for weekends) but when I do I noticed its much more stable and I generally have consistently good response times my whole game session. I know its not my ISP though -- or at least 99% confident its not, I've done ping tests and trace routes to various servers outside this game and also I just don't have the same experience in other games.

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Go into the forums of any MMO. You'll see complaints about lag. Nothing new here.


True but I have two things to say on that...


1) I can't speak for the truth of others when they stay their claims about the game, I can only say my claim is valid.


2) People complain on MMO forums. Anyone that doesn't get this is rather slow witted (to be kind). That said - if you use your view point of "nothing new here".....why bother reading the forums or posting at all...because I got to tell you MOST of what is posted on MMO forums -- is nothing new.

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Thank you!


Finally someone who get's it....ask for simple direct feedback and someone answers simple and direct.


Much appreciated.


OIC... so you question was strictly rhetorical.. and you were waiting for a rhetorical answer.


Next time.. let us know in advance. :D

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IF the lag was server side, EVERYONE would get it. Except they dont. Which means the lag is down to an ISP issue, USER network issue or a flaky router somewhere in a data centre.


Incorrect only players on that batch of incorrectly operating servers would get it. Shows how little you understand of big picture networking since a "server" as they are ahown are multiple machines with a load balancing system.

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