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Yozuck Platesmasher - Now 5 minute respawn


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I've been waiting a week to get this guy.


Logged off last night near where he spawns to take advantage of the server reset. Logged on today and there he was.


After killing him, I waited around and he popped up again after 5 minutes.


Just passing this on to anyone who's interested in having a complete codex/achievement list and hasn't gotten him yet. Who knows how soon it will be until he's bugged again.

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What "same heroic area south of the Wall" are you refering to? What planet? Which heroic?


I remember now. On Dromund Kaas right when you leave the spaceport and head left, he's patrolling the area near the secret path that leads to the presence datacron.

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What "same heroic area south of the Wall" are you refering to? What planet? Which heroic?


Dromund Kaas , by the datacron closest to the world boss. His respawn is regularly broken (in the sense that he just doesn't respawn until server resets or new instances open)

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