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Warzones/Arena please let the player decide!


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If everyone would be able to do it some maps wouldn't be played at all and the Q-Times would rise noticeable :( ..! Now alot already mention that they leave the PvP-Game if a Map/Style opens which they do not want to play (e.g. Huttball) or just place their Char in a corner until the end of the PvP and do nothing... For that there is quite an easy solution :) ..!

First -- for all those who are leaving a PvP-Game the "Logout-Timer" for PvP should be increased to 24h Account wide... So everyone will think twice before leaving, because they won't be able to join again for a whole day :D ..!

Second -- those who are just standing in a corner during PvP -- create a better Version of the *Auto-Kick/Remove System* already in place... Everyone who is not participating will be kicked within 20 to 30 sec and will be locked out for 24h Account wide :D ..!

And to top it - if the player has a *PvP-Rating/Ranking* and *PvP-Marks* everytime he/she leaves or is kicked he/she will loose 10% of his/her Ranking and 200 Comms (depending if it was a normal or ranked PvP-Game)...

Sorry but No, your solution is just wrong.


As much as you are I'm paying to play this game and well I'm not gonna pay to be forced to do a content I don't like.


So as long as the devs keeps this line I'm going to drop all WZ I don't like.

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While a necro - I find it amusing that players and the developer find it a worthy trade off to 'force' participation in aspects of the game players do not like rather than letting player choose all in the name of 'queue times'.


Four player area IS NOT the same game experience as eight player war zones. I drop every time an arena pops, so I'm not sure how getting a faster queue helps my team when they start down a player at 3 v 4


So your like my 5 year old. You dont get what u want so u quit, way to b a douche, arenas take no time compared to wz. Just because you suck when paired down to 4v4 with no objectives but kill or b killed shouldn't cause u to quit and screw others, lern 2 play jerk.

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So your like my 5 year old. You dont get what u want so u quit, way to b a douche, arenas take no time compared to wz. Just because you suck when paired down to 4v4 with no objectives but kill or b killed shouldn't cause u to quit and screw others, lern 2 play jerk.

It's not being a jerk, it's simply not accepting to be forced to do something we don't like.


We are sorry for the people being screwed but then we did not ask to do this content.


And for me the adult part is to do what's right, ie quit the WZ.

If everybody was doing the same BioWare would fix the issue.

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there's no question that cafeteria-style queuing will increase queue times.


it makes perfect sense. and it makes sense that bw will want short queue times.


but just like pve, players ought to have the choice; wait in a longer queue to do what they want or select more options to reduce waits.


people will end up doing what they want. I drop out of all arenas. I drop out of all huttballs. I have to queue again and wait and accept the fact that the next queue I may drop too so that I can do what I want.


so instead of me only getting pops for maps i play, I end up dropping out of maps where my spot may or may not be filled in time thereby ruining the experience of those that do enjoy those maps.


let the players choose and accept the consequences of waiting longer....just like pve!!

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So your like my 5 year old. You dont get what u want so u quit, way to b a douche, arenas take no time compared to wz. Just because you suck when paired down to 4v4 with no objectives but kill or b killed shouldn't cause u to quit and screw others, lern 2 play jerk.


The developers look at metrics. If they see a significant number of people dropping arenas or particular maps they will be more motivated to review why that is happening and do something to fix it. While toughing it out is better for a few people in the short term, it does nothing for the long term. If people aren't having fun pvping, they will quit altogether. The more people who quit pvping (or quit the game entirely) the longer que times will get.

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Longer queue times is not a valid reason to prevent choice. If certain Warzones or Arenas are unpopular then they need to find out why this is and address the issues. Force feeding unpopular content does not make it any more palatable, it just masks the underlying problem.


They should use a carrot and stick approach as per the PVE queue - if you queue for everrything you can complete the daily and get extra comms. if you want to queue for something specific then you will probably have to queue for longer.


At bare minimum they need to separate Arenas and Warzones as these have very different playstyles and certain classes / builds struggle horribly in Arena death match gameplay. If they can't fix that basic balance problem then they shouldn't be forcing players into Arenas. Period. End of.

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Longer queue times is not a valid reason to prevent choice. If certain Warzones or Arenas are unpopular then they need to find out why this is and address the issues. Force feeding unpopular content does not make it any more palatable, it just masks the underlying problem.


They should use a carrot and stick approach as per the PVE queue - if you queue for everrything you can complete the daily and get extra comms. if you want to queue for something specific then you will probably have to queue for longer.


At bare minimum they need to separate Arenas and Warzones as these have very different playstyles and certain classes / builds struggle horribly in Arena death match gameplay. If they can't fix that basic balance problem then they shouldn't be forcing players into Arenas. Period. End of.

Totally agree, especially with your first paragraph.

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So your like my 5 year old. You dont get what u want so u quit, way to b a douche, arenas take no time compared to wz. Just because you suck when paired down to 4v4 with no objectives but kill or b killed shouldn't cause u to quit and screw others, lern 2 play jerk.


So it is my fault the developer can't separate the queues for two different actives, and I should stick around for an activity I don't enjoy?


And by the way, I never said I was bad at arena, just that I do not enjoy it - especially when grouped with random players.


To me, small scale arena should be restricted to ranked, which I only play when grouped with guild members ('solo ranked' is an oxymoron and should be removed from the game).


The current lack of PVP queue choices would be like queuing for 'Generic PVE' and getting anything from a tactical FP to an Operation with no choice in the matter.

Edited by DawnAskham
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