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Best Story Chapters


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Spoilers avoided, dun worry.


I was curious: out of Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3, what is the best overall chapter for all the classes out of all the chapters of that category?


Simples Question.


I'd go with:


Prologue: Jedi Knight

Chapter 1: Sith Warrior

Chapter 2: Imperial Agent

Chapter 3: Jedi Knight



Another question: do you think that Chapter 2 is typically the most "Meh" out of all the Chapter 2's for each class?

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Spoilers avoided, dun worry.


I was curious: out of Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3, what is the best overall chapter for all the classes out of all the chapters of that category?


Simples Question.


I'd go with:


Prologue: Jedi Knight

Chapter 1: Sith Warrior

Chapter 2: Imperial Agent

Chapter 3: Jedi Knight



Another question: do you think that Chapter 2 is typically the most "Meh" out of all the Chapter 2's for each class?


Not really. Act 2 for the SW and IA felt pretty epic to me.

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My $0.02US:


Prologue: Sith Inquisitor

Chapters 1-3: Jedi Consular


Going from the other direction:


Jedi Consular - already played it through level 50 and playing it again (currently just finished Chapter 1 a second time). This is simply the story arc that makes me feel most like I am participating in the Star Wars universe rather than having an individual adventure with a Star Wars backdrop. That, plus the realization that a timely, subtle Force Persuade can often be as effective (or more so) than a lightsaber battle makes this my favorite line.


Jedi Knight - played this one up through Tattooine and just felt petered out -- there are a lot of 'you have to stop the Empire from completing their super-weapon' story arcs, both planetary and chapter-long, and I think this one just triggered my sense of fatigue over the trope. That, plus it seems that the Knight gets companions at a slower rate than any other class in the game, so you have less opportunity to 'change things up' by swapping out your sidekick to get a fresh perspective on things.


Smuggler - loved, loved, LOVED, Chapter 1 on the Smuggler -- second favorite after the JC -- Chapter 2 is interesting mainly for its connection to one of your companions (so if you're not really 'into' that companion, you're likely going to feel the story momentum from Chapter 1 slow down a bit), and while I slogged through the opening planet of Chapter 3, I just lost interest about halfway through the chapter. I may start over with a new Smuggler just to see if playing through the arcs with a different motivation makes them more interesting (my initial attitude was as a Han Solo, galactic grifter and scoundrel attitude, but the last chapter in particular seems much more focused toward Smugglers who are really true-believers in the Republic rather than out for their own gain).


Trooper - first time playing through this arc, and the twist leading up to Chapter 1 was more interesting than Chapter 1 itself, at least for me. Ended up putting this one on the back burner for a while but have recently gotten re-interested in it now that I've reached Chapter 2. Only problem? Chapter 3 looks like yet another 'stop the Imperial super-weapon' arc coming up. The good news is that the Trooper arc feels most closely connected to most planets' planetary arc (especially, surprisingly, on Alderaan, where I felt the Trooper and JC were playing two different aspects of that conflict).


Sith Inquisitor - my favorite of all the Prologues (though none of the prologues are actually bad, IMO -- they're all enjoyable); I had the happy accident of deciding to roll a SI who was certifiably insane with occasional moments of lucidity, which made the initial story much more entertaining. Chapter 2 has been OK, but hit the wall on Hoth and haven't been able to push past it to keep going.


Sith Warrior - the only class I haven't gotten out of Chapter 1 on - don't think it's a bad story, but it just doesn't push my buttons.


Bounty Hunter - yet another class I found awesome coming out of the gate. The Chapter 2 epilogue was something of a gut-punch, and it took the motivation out of running Chapter 3 for me, so my BH is still sitting on Belsavis in the starter base.


Imperial Agent - the story is great at giving you a lot of information and making you try to put it together in some way that makes sense, but the same story complexity makes it easy to say, 'ah, tonight I just want to kick butts/be a hero/something simple' and end up leaving the IA on the bench. There's probably as many cool moments in the prologue and Chapter 1 of the IA story line as any other class line, but they're so disconnected and challenging to parse that it doesn't add up to as cool of a story, IMO.


General observation -- in class storylines that present a well-developed 'villain' for you to contest against in a chapter, defeating that villain at the end of the chapter lets loose a lot of story momentum and makes it hard to get rolling into the next chapter.

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I think Agent was the best prologue. Chapter 1 Trooper was good, I felt like I had a real purpose and I was properly emotionally invested in it. The end of Chapter 2 for the Knight was awesome, the whole end of chapter bit I was like ****! And Chapter 3, I have to go Knight again, nothing is gonna beat that ending.


But I think a lot of the stories went wonky after chapter 1. They became boring or convoluted. Smuggler particularly felt too forced. Trooper lost its way a bit, same with BH. Consular too I thought lost momentum.

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I think Agent was the best prologue. Chapter 1 Trooper was good, I felt like I had a real purpose and I was properly emotionally invested in it. The end of Chapter 2 for the Knight was awesome, the whole end of chapter bit I was like ****! And Chapter 3, I have to go Knight again, nothing is gonna beat that ending.


But I think a lot of the stories went wonky after chapter 1. They became boring or convoluted. Smuggler particularly felt too forced. Trooper lost its way a bit, same with BH. Consular too I thought lost momentum.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. :cool:

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8. Jedi Knight

7. Imperial Agent

6. Smuggler

5. Sith Inquisitor

4. Bounty Hunter

3. Trooper

2. Jedi Consular

1. Sith Warrior


None of these is a particularly heartfelt ranking. I liked the Warrior's best because of Vette's presence and because you have the ability to troll the crap out of Baras, but most of the actual quests were very weak. The Consular's was fairly solid all around, didn't take anything off the table. The Trooper's was probably best from a purely story standpoint, but since there was little to no levity I felt slightly cheated. Commander Shepard isn't Commander Shepard without the ability to crack some jokes. All the other ones are just kinda 'meh'.




8. Bounty Hunter

7. Jedi Consular

6. Jedi Knight

5. Sith Inquisitor

4. Imperial Agent

3. Smuggler

2. Trooper

1. Sith Warrior


I feel pretty strongly about the Warrior's Chapter 1 arc, which is probably the second-best bit of storytelling in the game behind Agent Chapter 2. Everything about the Jaesa story is very compelling to me (but then again, as my signature might indicate, I am not exactly rational when it comes to Jaesa). The Trooper's story was pretty good - it's hard to mess up revenge - and the introduction of Forex brought that badly-needed comic element into the story. Smugglers have a good Chapter 1 for much the same reasons Troopers do. I didn't particularly like the Agent's Prologue, because there's frankly just too much Kaliyo, and the same would apply to most of Chapter 1, but the Nar Shaddaa storyline is still excellent and I also have a soft spot for the Tatooine line. And then there's the Inquisitor, who gets here solely on the strength of that thing that happens at the end of the chapter.


Of the 'worse' storylines, the Bounty Hunter's is easily the worst because you get saddled with a certain companion who has zero valid reason for being in the crew and whose mere existence is a constant embarrassment. Also, the main bad guy is not a very strong bad guy. He inspired more contempt in me than hatred. Not a good sign. The two Jedi classes had overall very boring errand-girl type lines that weren't much worse than the Inquisitor's, but the Inquisitor at least had a half-decent twist.




8. Jedi Knight

7. Trooper

6. Sith Warrior

5. Bounty Hunter

4. Jedi Consular

3. Smuggler

2. Sith Inquisitor

1. Imperial Agent


I don't think there's many people who would disagree that Chapter 2 of the Agent storyline is the best bit of storytelling in the game. Fantastic stuff. Has to be played to be believed. The Inquisitor and Consular get here for more or less the same reason: they start to actually do stuff, and meaningful stuff, instead of serving as glorified errand-girls. And the Smuggler and Hunter are there chiefly on the strength of the companions they pick up on Hoth. Blizz and Guss are the best.


As far as the 'worse' storylines go, the Knight's Chapter 2 ranks at the absolute bottom because of what happens at the end of it. Totally infuriating. But as for the Trooper and the Warrior, they didn't really have bad Chapter 2s - they were just uninspiring and kinda boring. Although the Trooper did pick up a certain companion on Balmorra for whom I reserve a fair amount of loathing.




8. Bounty Hunter

7. Sith Warrior

6. Trooper

5. Smuggler

4. Sith Inquisitor

3. Jedi Knight

2. Imperial Agent

1. Jedi Consular


For a history nerd like me, the notion of playing as a character with truly grand-strategic importance makes me get all warm and fuzzy inside. Hence the Consular's ranking. The same sort of thinking played into the rankings for the Knight and the Inquisitor (with the Knight finally making her first appearance on this list because honestly screw the Knight storyline). The Agent still had strong storytelling and stakes, with enemies that still worked as enemies, and contained some of the better choices out of any of the stories. And the Smuggler gets on there just for the sheer vicarious pleasure of finally destroying all of her enemies, Michael Corleone-style, but loses points for the poorly-executed "what a twist!" moment shortly before Corellia.


The Bounty Hunter's Chapter 3 class questline is the only questline I stopped right before the end because I just couldn't find it in myself to keep going. It was extremely disheartening. Plus, you pick up the Worst Companion of All Time, so, uh, yeah. We were not amused. The Warrior's Chapter 3 line was mostly uninspiring rather than actively bad, except for that one thing that happens right before Corellia, which was just poorly done all across the board. As for the Trooper, that class kept up the "boring" mantra from the previous chapter, although at least no new annoying crew members were added.




Note: "Greater than" signs are embarrassingly subjective and inconsistently applied.


Jedi Knight: Chapter 3 >>> Chapter 1 > Prologue >>>>>>>> Chapter 2

Jedi Consular: Chapter 3 > Chapter 2 >> Prologue >>> Chapter 1

Trooper: Chapter 1 >> Prologue >>> Chapter 3 >>> Chapter 2

Smuggler: Chapter 1 > Chapter 3 > Chapter 2 > Prologue


Sith Warrior: Chapter 1 >>> Prologue >> Chapter 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 3

Sith Inquisitor: Chapter 3 >> Chapter 2 >>> Chapter 1 >> Prologue

Bounty Hunter: Chapter 2 > Prologue >>> Chapter 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 3

Imperial Agent: Chapter 2 >>> Chapter 3 >> Chapter 1 > Prologue

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