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I tried to antagonize you? Lol that's where you're mistaken. You're the one who brings up my name, not vice versa :) if you really wanted to apologize you'd do it yourself instead of hiding behind **** talking. In regards to **** happening on this server, I never said anything, the problems and drama that pac is involved in is none of my concern so it's pretty childish of you to keep bringing up my name.


So you didn't try to add your point of view on the Harbinger threads and talk **** where you didn't belong? I know that "btw my pocket healer Liz says hi" was trying to be a sarcastic attack and you ended up having a rage storm after I compared you to fo'sho?:rolleyes:


Also funny that you're using the exact same line I used against you on the Harbinger! You had to hide behind your pedo-manchild to speak for you, then my friends after to get me to apologize for it. I would of apologized to you personally but I have no contact information to get in touch with you (and no, I don't want any. I've spoken to you twice on the deadweight vent waaaaaay back when and that was enough for a life time)

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So you didn't try to add your point of view on the Harbinger threads and talk **** where you didn't belong? I know that "btw my pocket healer Liz says hi" was trying to be a sarcastic attack and you ended up having a rage storm after I compared you to fo'sho?:rolleyes:


Also funny that you're using the exact same line I used against you on the Harbinger! You had to hide behind your pedo-manchild to speak for you, then my friends after to get me to apologize for it. I would of apologized to you personally but I have no contact information to get in touch with you (and no, I don't want any. I've spoken to you twice on the deadweight vent waaaaaay back when and that was enough for a life time)



His "Liz says hi" was obviously an attempt to troll you and you continued it which got me involved. I never said I was better than Fosho, in fact I praise him for being such a good player. I never hid behind pac on the forums, I found it useless for me to bother with a reply. And just so were clear, your friend arkov, or should we call him Jeremy, gave me his number because he wanted to group with me. Like I said, chukles had the decency to whisper me in game and settle our differences, which btw included him apologizing on both of your behalfs for falsely accusing me of talking **** with gejjen.

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So you didn't try to add your point of view on the Harbinger threads and talk **** where you didn't belong? I know that "btw my pocket healer Liz says hi" was trying to be a sarcastic attack and you ended up having a rage storm after I compared you to fo'sho?:rolleyes:


Also funny that you're using the exact same line I used against you on the Harbinger! You had to hide behind your pedo-manchild to speak for you, then my friends after to get me to apologize for it. I would of apologized to you personally but I have no contact information to get in touch with you (and no, I don't want any. I've spoken to you twice on the deadweight vent waaaaaay back when and that was enough for a life time)


a 16 year old girl is better than you get over it

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His "Liz says hi" was obviously an attempt to troll you and you continued it which got me involved. I never said I was better than Fosho, in fact I praise him for being such a good player. I never hid behind pac on the forums, I found it useless for me to bother with a reply. And just so were clear, your friend arkov, or should we call him Jeremy, gave me his number because he wanted to group with me. Like I said, chukles had the decency to whisper me in game and settle our differences, which btw included him apologizing on both of your behalfs for falsely accusing me of talking **** with gejjen.


Chukles apologized for me? Imma have to have a word with that little munchkin:eek: And I don't care if Akrov A.K.A Jeremy has your number, he's got a gf that he's engaged with (I think..) you missed the point entirely that you had to drag others into something that they were never involved with just to get some backup.


And I never said you talked **** about fo'sho, I know you praised him which is why you sunk your claws into him. and I highly doubt pac would of added your name to that **** storm on the Harbinger unless he had your consent, which if he didn't that'd explain a lot more about his personality.:rolleyes:


Don't victimize yourself sweetie, you tried to troll back on the Harbinger with your man-child. It didn't go the way you planned and you guys are now trying to redeem yourselves and pull the same stunt over here. Classic.

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Chukles apologized for me? Imma have to have a word with that little munchkin:eek: And I don't care if Akrov A.K.A Jeremy has your number, he's got a gf that he's engaged with (I think..) you missed the point entirely that you had to drag others into something that they were never involved with just to get some backup.


And I never said you talked **** about fo'sho, I know you praised him which is why you sunk your claws into him. and I highly doubt pac would of added your name to that **** storm on the Harbinger unless he had your consent, which if he didn't that'd explain a lot more about his personality.:rolleyes:


Don't victimize yourself sweetie, you tried to troll back on the Harbinger with your man-child. It didn't go the way you planned and you guys are now trying to redeem yourselves and pull the same stunt over here. Classic.


Arkov is the one who told me that he thinks you're immature and jealous for talking **** :p I didn't drag him in it he came to me. I played with Fosho because when I came back to the game my former deadweight team had slowly drifted away from the game. If you bothered talking to chukles about it, you'd know that I got involved when either of you brought me up, or gejjen for that matter. Never did I ever start any of that ********, soz

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Arkov is the one who told me that he thinks you're immature and jealous for talking **** :p I didn't drag him in it he came to me. I played with Fosho because when I came back to the game my former deadweight team had slowly drifted away from the game. If you bothered talking to chukles about it, you'd know that I got involved when either of you brought me up, or gejjen for that matter. Never did I ever start any of that ********, soz


I never claimed you started that ****, but you're acting as the jail bait cheerleader that's egging them on and encouraging them to continue this charade. So you have a hand in this. Stop acting like you never wanted to be apart of this whole bs.


And if you had to text him and get him to read it then yes you did bring him into this, do you not understand what that term means? I thought you learned that in grade 9 (you've past that grade.. right?) And funny he told me that he thought you weren't supposed to be in that scenario in the first place, he was just being humble and nice to both parties and I won't shoot the messenger.


Next time keep the little pissy fits between us and not dragging zoe and arkov in this. (btw zoe just laughed his *** off and found it stupid you had to text him and get his opinion on it. "look what youre liitle *********** friend spliffy is doing on the threads!" was along the lines of what zoe told me.:p)

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I never claimed you started that ****, but you're acting as the jail bait cheerleader that's egging them on and encouraging them to continue this charade. So you have a hand in this. Stop acting like you never wanted to be apart of this whole bs.


And if you had to text him and get him to read it then yes you did bring him into this, do you not understand what that term means? I thought you learned that in grade 9 (you've past that grade.. right?) And funny he told me that he thought you weren't supposed to be in that scenario in the first place, he was just being humble and nice to both parties and I won't shoot the messenger.


Next time keep the little pissy fits between us and not dragging zoe and arkov in this. (btw zoe just laughed his *** off and found it stupid you had to text him and get his opinion on it. "look what youre liitle *********** friend spliffy is doing on the threads!" was along the lines of what zoe told me.:p)


But I never wanted to be apart of it? Lol Im always saying it's pointless to bother with a reply. It's drama that obviously needs to come to an end. Arkov is the one who asked me about *** was going on, to which I explained I had no idea what happened. Speaking of dragging people into ****..isn't that what you chukles and gejjen always did? I didn't say **** yet was always involved, learn to practice what you preach.

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Next time keep the little pissy fits between us and not dragging zoe and arkov in this. (btw zoe just laughed his *** off and found it stupid you had to text him and get his opinion on it. "look what youre liitle *********** friend spliffy is doing on the threads!" was along the lines of what zoe told me.:p)


Oh and just so were clear, I wish I didn't clear all my convos, if only you knew all the **** Zoe talked about you :)

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But I never wanted to be apart of it? Lol Im always saying it's pointless to bother with a reply. It's drama that obviously needs to come to an end. Arkov is the one who asked me about *** was going on, to which I explained I had no idea what happened. Speaking of dragging people into ****..isn't that what you chukles and gejjen always did? I didn't say **** yet was always involved, learn to practice what you preach.


If you never wanted to be apart of it then you should be yelling at your man-child bf for dragging your name into the dirt and bringing you into this. If you actually spoke up yourself on the Harbinger and said that you never wanted to be apart of this and that pac was just speaking for himself and putting words in your mouth, I would of humbly said "i understand, sorry for the confusion and attacks. He's just being a *****"


But you didnt and instead kept talking through him and attempted to come back at me with lame, generic insults. That shows me that you're either really are young and immature to think out a situation logically, or you wanted to be apart of this drama (and what 16 year old girl wouldn't. It's what they live for.. I know I have a little sister around the same age as you. And NO PACIFISM! Get that thought out of your head!)


Now lets have bygones be bygones, I'll let you do your thing over here and online date a loser who sits at home alone playing swtor, hitting on underage girls and poping E by themselves. You got yourself a winner right there sweetie:rolleyes:

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I thought this was pretty funny at first, but after 4 pages of reading.... :rak_02::rak_02::rak_02:


It's rather confusing if you haven't read up on the Harbinger forums. The flame wars once I stepped in is referring to previous posts on his "old" server. Over there he does this exact same thing, gets trolled then moves over here to continue the cycle. I just wanted to reiterate our previous "waltz" between me and the pedo-pair and laugh at them doing the same thing over here.


Not the best at explaining situations but this is just trolls getting trolled by a troll that trolled them on their previous server. (god I said troll to much in that sentence)

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last question.how do you online date.must be the new thing with kiddies of today..i'm not interested i got grandkids that are older than 16..reason i'm asking so i know what to look for if my grandaughters is into this kind of crap with them predators..


to address this once and for all, she is someone I met online who I became very close to personally and in-game...She is incredibly good at healing, shes funny, she gets me and we play well together. I've been acused of a pedo in this thread as if A. liz also doesn't like me very much or B. anything illegal is happening as we sit 3000 miles from each other across a national border.


I continue to say this is my last post, and then come back to PAGES of responses. This spliffy guy clearly has some issues with liz and I somehow got mixed up in this because I openly challenged Kewa to a duel because he hasn't been on TS in a few days so that was the easiest way to contact him. You took my sarcasm towards him as my attacking someone I didn't know, and your white knighting soon turned into these crazy accusation, in the form of long, creepy paragraphs of hatred......

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to address this once and for all, she is someone I met online who I became very close to personally and in-game...She is incredibly good at healing, shes funny, she gets me and we play well together. I've been acused of a pedo in this thread as if A. liz also doesn't like me very much or B. anything illegal is happening as we sit 3000 miles from each other across a national border.


I continue to say this is my last post, and then come back to PAGES of responses. This spliffy guy clearly has some issues with liz and I somehow got mixed up in this because I openly challenged Kewa to a duel because he hasn't been on TS in a few days so that was the easiest way to contact him. You took my sarcasm towards him as my attacking someone I didn't know, and your white knighting soon turned into these crazy accusation, in the form of long, creepy paragraphs of hatred......


It's not accusations when you call a 16 year old babe in your officer chat, and put a heart after every mention of her name in your videos. Go to the harbinger forums to see the video and time of it. It's the one you dueled Sinister on Ilum (the only video I could sit through without wanting to gauge my eyes out and stab my ears with Q-tips. And having to reach out for someone that is 3000 miles away.. My heart goes out to you, that is really really sad.


And it's not the fact that you were douchey towards Kewa in general, this thread that you started over here proves that youre just a loud mouth ******e who is trying way to hard to get his name out there and get the attention he is so desperately deprived of. Now you're getting negative attention but you don't care it's attention after all.


I don't hate you I'm actually scared of you and any child that comes into contact with you, I'm just trying to make sure everyone knows who it is they're dealing with. but I don't think I needed to say much since this server caught on pretty quickly.


Now go back to not replying and doing E by yourself, you keep saying you'll shut up but never will.:rolleyes:

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I like how everyone cares so much about who's better than who at a video game. Good, good, let the hate flow through you.


honestly man, my guild on this server is doing far too well for me to even answer your trolls. .




Epic bullcrap. Only thing thats doing far too well around here is your ego.


if you're gonna brag about being good, at least be good. Who cares about 1vs1's every classes has their advantages and disadvantages, and pvp is 8vs8 and soon to be 4vs4, not 1vs1. its a team game handle it.


not to mention only time you actually put numbers is if your healer is getting focused through your guard. I mean please you might aswell just guard, right click on your target and click on follow player and get the same numbers. Yeah needs a lot of skill.


A vanguard tank that doesn't even guard swap, tries to dps and knows a couple fire pulls, claims to be the best vanguard tank on the server. It is true to a point considering how no one does vanguard tanking, but swaps guard around, taunts properly (something i've come to witness tons of times on my imp smasher, taunting me 2secs after my smash to a group of 5) AND actually dps with tactics with proper gear doing 1k dps with 400k~ protection.


You doing 2vs8 doesn't mean anything, i can do 2 vs 50 with a tank on my scoundrel if everyone were to just spam auto attack. You can see what i mean on bobcow's stream, me bobcow stav and jaxy went in there naked with only main hand, and still won 3 games in row, Topping dps charts while at it too. I'm talking about 1k+ dps naked with a main hand. What does that tell you about the people that plays this game?


Not to mention the person you're calling one of the best healers is getting carried by her class. There is a problem if i'm outhealing her by at least 300k and with 500 hps difference in a game where we sit together and heal mid whole game, on my scoundrel with 27k hp. Yeah hp doesn't mean **** but do the math of my stats if i have that much hp. Not even pointing out the games on my sage.


"Everyone is king when there is no one left to pawn" Just because the people you're comparing to are worse doesn't make you good.


Bobcow A.K.A the person you've opened this thread to cry about is one of the best players i've had the pleasure of playing with. Sounds to me like someone is awfully jealous. :rolleyes:

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you're such a psycho, stop writing paragraphs, you're an assassin, i can't beat them in duels, end of story. get off our forums you play regs on a pve server, opfotm has me in his gosh darn signature


Wow, my memory must live strong on Harbinger if being in my sig on the forums is gratifying.

Seriously though, this thread was entertaining for the first few pages, but now it's just kinda embarrassing and painful to waddle through.

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