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No Tanking Mods on Comm Vendors Level 33+


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Playing a Guardian Tank. I can't find any mods and enhancements that stack End > Str on any of the comm vendors after Level 33. Has anyone else encountered this? What was your solution?


Looks like you can't craft anything like that on Cybertech or Artfice, either. So weird.


for a Guardian tank at your level I think it's the Deft mods ( the 'B' type ) you want. you're right there is not a huge difference in the stats, End is 2 or 3 points higher than Str.


and for the Enhancements I think it's the 'Bastion' or 'Bulwark' types. they are kinda low on the End but stack shield, absorb or defense. by stacking shield, absorb and defense you can compensate for the low End.


I don't have the game open atm so can't double check the names or stats.

I think the reason is that, mostly at lower levels, you're running solo content and want to be able to do a fair amount of damage as well as take the hits so a balanced build is what the dev's are shooting for. plus, by stacking shield, absorb and defense you can more than make up for the relatively low endurance.


most of the theory crafters seem to agree that stacking S, A and D is the way to go for tanks at this point and I can say that my lvl 53 Vanguard tank (trooper) does a lot better in all situations whit a high S, A, D set up than just stacking endurance.


try these links for more info -

Guardian Tank


the link below is in the Vanguard class forum but scroll down to the section "what kind of tank am I? the info applies to all tanks and explains the S, A, D concept in more detail.

What kind of tank am I?


hope this helps and good luck - :)

Edited by magecutter
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Also in case you aren't aware you won't find any main stats enhancements ( strength wisdom etc. ) - they are all endurance plus off stats.


Mods though you should have no issues finding. I can't check from work but I geared my knem val using comms all the way through and he's str/endur main stats.

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