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Role Call! How long have you been here?


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Account Creation Date: 10.24.08


Interesting that some people are claiming earlier but have a much later member ID - what a hilarious thing to try and epeen.


Maybe you're not talking about me but I'm going comment anyway since it's relevant. I'm not sure how accurate the member ID number actually is. Your ID is earlier than mine but your Account Creation Date you posted is two days after me.


In any case, some people might not be trying to "epeen" as you put it.

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Actually, being the somewhat retentive person I am, that's exactly what I did. My first pass didn't catch any statistical anomalies, but my second found one.


That said, I guess I always assume "honest mistake" over "intentional bloat".


That said, 10/24/08 must have seen 150k plus people sign up. Maybe that was when the site went viral? I know I first started watching the site in late 2008 myself, but I didn't create an account until almost year later.


Well you were 300,000ish 8 months later...

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I'm not on about him

I see that now. My bad. (post edited)


That said, technically speaking the dates still line up assuming we had huge sign up on 10/24/08/. If not, I would still assume honest mistake over attempted larceny until proven wrong. (But maybe that's just my nature.) :)

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Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a smuggler of wealth and taste

I've been around for a couple of years

Stole many a man's soul and faith


And I was 'round when Revan

Had His moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that Darth Treya

Washed her hands and sealed His fate


Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name

But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game



..ahem, I mean, been around for quite some time myself. As some may recognize that the quote in my signature hasn't changed, ever. Which was my signature that started back before we even knew what classes were going to be in the game :)

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Was following the games progression since it was first announced and been playing it since day one and was in beta for some time before that.


My account was created 22nd Oct 08 so I made my forums account in the first couple of days.


My member ID is 4893


Have 2 subs and happy paying for both as the game remains enjoyable for me.

Edited by NeoWolf
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02.23.11 That was when this account was created. However, I did have a beta account that was created on the 15th of June 2009. I did not post on the forums very much at the time but I did participate in if i recall two beta weekends. After the great forum wipe I registered a new account in 2011.


How time flies indeed. Having a blast still and I truly believe this game has a good future.


Edit: my member ID from this account puts me at 998165.

Edited by theUndead
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