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2.4 PvP Individual Class Records (NEW Arena & Objective Sect.)


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This thread is only for lvl 55 pvp. Sorry.




I haven't overlooked anyone's records. Let alone keep overlooking them. These were posted last Monday just after I updated the thread and today is the first Monday since then. As I stated before I will update more often if I can but at a minimum you can expect an update every week on Monday evening.


Wb Jaiden.


All records have been updated.

I'm Sorry Yuuz, I dont get on here much anymore. I t was an oversight on my part, plz forgive me:o

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lol whaaaat. so if i were to level a new toon, and beat someone's 55 record, why does it not count? i mean my ***** all 55 cuz i will never again level a toon cuz its so boring, but i mean if a lowbie can beat a 55's record i think they should be allowed to have their record posted. its still a legit record. and yea /agreed great job with keeping track of all this stuff Yuuz


because pre 55 is bolstered differntly, its not a fair comparison> Hell I have hit people for 14k with my lvl 14 sniper, do you really think that should be posted cause its bolstred out he wazoo?

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Gametype - Warzone

Section - Kills

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 2

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 71


Gametype - Warzone

Section - Kills/Death Ratio

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 1

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 71/0



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Gametype - Warzone

Section - Kills

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 2

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 71


Gametype - Warzone

Section - Kills/Death Ratio

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 1

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 71/0





In huttball? That's kinda dick-ish

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All I saw from that SS was the pre made playing the objectives. Most objective pts ftw.;)


Ya sure? I don't recognize any of those name on the imp side, but 5 pub names ring a bell. Additionally, it doesn't look like their team had any fire-pullers and they certainly didn't seem to have the damage to stop the pubs if they simply wanted to just walk the ball.


The record is legit, but I wouldn't call that objectives.

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Didn't expect it to be a topic of discussion mainly because much higher kill # games happened in hutt ball when we were lvl 50. Regardless though, I do not enjoy hutt ball so when i get in them I just run around killing people. So when he says objectives he means my objective.
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All I saw from that SS was the pre made playing the objectives. Most objective pts ftw.;)


Admittedly those pugs share as much blame for what happened by staying in the match (I am just as guilty of this) but clearly they were overmatched, had no healing and his team only scored 2 goals. They were clearly farming/number chasing.


I didn't say anything about the record not being legit tho. Just bad form IMO. Which doesn't count for anything, I know.




Didn't expect it to be a topic of discussion mainly because much higher kill # games happened in hutt ball when we were lvl 50. Regardless though, I do not enjoy hutt ball so when i get in them I just run around killing people. So when he says objectives he means my objective.



Meh... I can at least respect the fact that you are honest and won't play dumb about it what was going on in there.

Edited by ace_boogie
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No one else is posting records for these (I know mine aren't great but maybe it'll start generating more)




Section - most damage taken

Class -sorc

Rank - 1

Toon name - Seraphyne

Record - 471,525



Dmg taken/death ratio

Class - sorc

Rank - 1

Toon name - Seraphyne

Record 471,525/0




Solo Kills

Class - Marauder

Rank - 1

Toon name - Predmagician

Record - 6


Edited by xeraphyne
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Is this thread still being updated?????? :confused::confused::confused::confused:


:p J/k keep up the good work


Lol. Ty.


lol whaaaat. so if i were to level a new toon, and beat someone's 55 record, why does it not count? i mean my ***** all 55 cuz i will never again level a toon cuz its so boring, but i mean if a lowbie can beat a 55's record i think they should be allowed to have their record posted. its still a legit record. and yea /agreed great job with keeping track of all this stuff Yuuz


You have a valid point Cin but I'm not tracking lowbie records mainly due to the way bolster works because its a mess. Also I know all of the main pvpers on the server and have atleast seen anyone that chooses to pvp even if only occasionally. That means that I can verify the legitimacy of a record pretty easily especially with help from the community. Lowbies would be much more difficult to verify for legitimacy due to bolster, gear differences, etc...


Gametype - Warzone

Section - Damage DPS

Class - Sorc

Toon name - Vitra

Link: http://i.imgur.com/Hkr4MjC.jpg?1

1981.22 as sorc madness, shame i wasn't hybrid, what a match<3

Vitra - Drama - ToFN


Not sure why you chose to post this here Vitra but this thread is for Jedi Covenant PvP records only. Sorry. You should check the ToFN server thread for the appropriate record thread, I'm pretty sure they have one, most servers do. I would like to do a global PvP record thread but unfortunately I just don't have the time right now especially given that there is more that I'm working on adding to this one. Maybe some time in the future.




Also could you switch these ones with competitor to the name Going please?




Are these old ss's and you have since renamed your toon or is this a 2nd toon? The record goes to the toon/name that accomplished it.


I'm Sorry Yuuz, I dont get on here much anymore. I t was an oversight on my part, plz forgive me:o


No problem. Just didn't want anyone thinking they were overlooked.



1639 dps powertech

believe that puts me in second


I need a SS schwein.


Thanks for all the submissions. All records have been updated.

Edited by Babychka
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Gametype - Warzones

Section - Damage done / death ratio

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 1

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 2,449,980 dmg / 0 deaths


Gametype - Warzones

Section - Damage done

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 2

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 2,449,980 dmg


Gametype - Warzones

Section - DPS

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 1

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 2674.65 dps



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Gametype - Warzones

Section - Damage done / death ratio

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 1

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 2,449,980 dmg / 0 deaths


Gametype - Warzones

Section - Damage done

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 2

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 2,449,980 dmg


Gametype - Warzones

Section - DPS

Class - Sentinel

Rank - 1

Toon name - Brohawk

Record - 2674.65 dps




bucket power

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