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I'm sorry


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You class being grouped with nemesis as lucky? :p Although i understand they're mostly PvEers so ill stop being mean.


I don't really have any preferences to who's on my team. (As long as its no fail guild 4 man "premades). because damn! they can be heavy.


they win more than they lose. if I'm in a good grp myself (MCB is certainly capable of putting one together), we'll usually win, but I solo queue a lot too, and they stomp pugs and plenty of lesser guilds just like we do and you do, and revelation does and, yes, unicorn stampede does.


if you're good, everyone's a derp...unless he's better than you. then he's either decent or isn't **** w/o his pocket healer. whatever. nemesis wins a lot and has one of the top 5 shadow/sins on the server, a solid healer, and can bring two more non-*******. can you name 9 other guilds that can do that? cuz I'd be hard pressed. come to think of it, I don't remember the last time I saw a full 4m with <iconic> tags.

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they win more than they lose. if I'm in a good grp myself (MCB is certainly capable of putting one together), we'll usually win, but I solo queue a lot too, and they stomp pugs and plenty of lesser guilds just like we do and you do, and revelation does and, yes, unicorn stampede does.


if you're good, everyone's a derp...unless he's better than you. then he's either decent or isn't **** w/o his pocket healer. whatever. nemesis wins a lot and has one of the top 5 shadow/sins on the server, a solid healer, and can bring two more non-*******. can you name 9 other guilds that can do that? cuz I'd be hard pressed. come to think of it, I don't remember the last time I saw a full 4m with <iconic> tags.


Last 5 days every day :) Altho to be fair most of us are taking breaks and whatnot until 2.4 since we're already maxed on all our toons.

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I enjoy playing against MCB, when Bro and Liz aren't there to carry :p...


I love fighting copperbeagle, cause he is super squish. and his name is entertaining.

I enjoy guarding off node as a smasher.

I enjoy the fact reflect doesn't reflect smash damage.

umm, Oh I enjoy the fact 75 percent of the time when I'm node guarding I'm looking at facebook, and nobody notices.

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You class being grouped with nemesis as lucky? :p Although i understand they're mostly PvEers so ill stop being mean.


I don't really have any preferences to who's on my team. (As long as its no fail guild 4 man "premades). because damn! they can be heavy.


Edited for biowares approval.

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LoL you have zero reasons to be calling anyone out, especially not Nemesis Guild. I mean Granted I only ever seen you in one warzone but you weren't very impressive to say the least. Unless you consider letting a Balance Sage Sh*t all over your healer to the tones of 11 deaths. 4 of them were solo kills. I mean I expected so much more from the Great Rincepz from all your trash talking. But you were laughable at best. No way in hell Ladywood, Persies, Aroted, Huy or any other above average or better Jugg/Guardian would allow me to just sit there and kill their healer all warzone long.

I've had my disagreement with Nemesis but any solo queuing Imp should be more then thrilled to see them on their team.


This is how I read the tone of this post:


GOOD DAY, sir!


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trolled. :(


I didnt troll you. The Canadian Midget goes hard in that song. Especially in the middle. So i was stating that I thought my tone was harder then what lockjaw perceived it to be



The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

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I didnt troll you. The Canadian Midget goes hard in that song. Especially in the middle. So i was stating that I thought my tone was harder then what lockjaw perceived it to be



The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel


I clicked the link and watched the vid. I want my 30s back. I still feel trolled. lol


willy wonka clips were funny though. :D

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LoL you have zero reasons to be calling anyone out, especially not Nemesis Guild. I mean Granted I only ever seen you in one warzone but you weren't very impressive to say the least. Unless you consider letting a Balance Sage Sh*t all over your healer to the tones of 11 deaths. 4 of them were solo kills. I mean I expected so much more from the Great Rincepz from all your trash talking. But you were laughable at best. No way in hell Ladywood, Persies, Aroted, Huy or any other above average or better Jugg/Guardian would allow me to just sit there and kill their healer all warzone long.

I've had my disagreement with Nemesis but any solo queuing Imp should be more then thrilled to see them on their team.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel


Oh im sorry? i guess destroying a nemesis team on the pts in a 4v4 led me to get ahead of myself. Also... IF i was letting my healer die good chance i was running smash or veng... Or i disliked the healer.


Oh and hey look! http://s636.photobucket.com/user/RSCKane/media/lololol.jpg.html?sort=3&o=5


Its me beating most of this servers protect records. (not all i know, but my total protect the third highest number on there, only beaten by the healers i kept alive). The only Jugg/guardian to beat my total protec here is Dargh with 1448896, But if you total up the enemy teams damage and compare it to mine in my screenshot... I protected a far higher % of the damage from the enemy team than Dargh did....JUST SAYIN!


I think the previous paragraph shut you down enough, but im gonna go on for abit cos this meeting im in is boring my brains out and people like you, who talk crap based on one game assuming im a total different spec than im actually running....annoy me.


If you see me not protecting, chances are im either heavily drunk, or im not trying to. Most of my games as my hybrid tank im still getting the highest damage output on my team, cant afford to protect a healer when i have people that struggle breaking 200k damage as a dps class on my team. Also i wont guard useless healers (like ones who stand and die to Balance sages, that don't LOS or cleanse themselves...) since its just a waste of my hp which can be put towards better things :)


And FYI ladywood's Jugg is in iconic, He is an awesome guardian/player and ive been teaching him some stuff with my specs ect. Im also yet to see any jugg/guardian here break my 700k damage and 700k protec in 1 game.


But yeah i never play full tank in reg warzones, unless its huttball. So your stab at the whole "omg you let your healer die" thing.... is kinda irrelevant. But hey thanks for trying!. Im sure Foxmob and Lock-jaw will give you at least a handie out of it, since they seem to be the fangirls of anyone to attempt at taking a stab at me. Enjoy your prize :D


And nemesis has 2 good players Tinnks and like. the rest... meh But like i said they're a PvE guild mainly, so its not like im sh*t talking them. Just observing.

No need to get upset about it.

Edited by Corsin
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Corsin. your missing the point of the thread. Your supposed to be "sorry about stuff" and "complement people"


For instance you should have been like I am sorry i do not do enough protection.


Next time ill aim for 1.5 million instead of a lame 1.3 million.

Edited by CoppertheBeagle
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Im sure Foxmob and Lock-jaw will give you at least a handie out of it, since they seem to be the fangirls of anyone to attempt at taking a stab at me. Enjoy your prize :D


LOL! How did I get pulled into this? I was just trying to be funny with my Willy Wonka links (which is really how I read the tone of the post).


But in the spirit of the thread, I'm sorry for being a fangirl that gives out handies.

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. Im sure Foxmob and Lock-jaw will give you at least a handie out of it, since they seem to be the fangirls of anyone to attempt at taking a stab at me. Enjoy your prize :D


And nemesis has 2 good players Tinnks and like. the rest... meh But like i said they're a PvE guild mainly, so its not like im sh*t talking them. Just observing.

No need to get upset about it.

the **** are you dragging me into is for? I didn't say a gosh darn thing about his rant at you. and fyi: your last paragraph AGREES with what I said earlier in our last (not really disagreement but...) discussion regarding nemesis.


edit: citing sowa's tanks as a bar for excellence is quite funny to me. while he certainly works hard on it and has improved, he's not even remotely close to the guardians we've had on this server. not even close. but ok. i mean. grats. that's luike being the toughest lion is a zoo at this point.


and just to piss more ppl off, I was chatting with CM the other day about snipers/gs and how they're so bad on this server atm that they can't even grab the ball at mid in a hb match on a regular basis.

Edited by foxmob
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Corsin. your missing the point of the thread. Your supposed to be "sorry about stuff" and "complement people"


For instance you should have been like I am sorry i do not do enough protection.


Next time ill aim for 1.5 million instead of a lame 1.3 million.


Sorry I cant operate productively on that assumption lol (was that ok?) :p

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the **** are you dragging me into is for? I didn't say a gosh darn thing about his rant at you. and fyi: your last paragraph AGREES with what I said earlier in our last (not really disagreement but...) discussion regarding nemesis.


edit: citing sowa's tanks as a bar for excellence is quite funny to me. while he certainly works hard on it and has improved, he's not even remotely close to the guardians we've had on this server. not even close. but ok. i mean. grats. that's luike being the toughest lion is a zoo at this point.


and just to piss more ppl off, I was chatting with CM the other day about snipers/gs and how they're so bad on this server atm that they can't even grab the ball at mid in a hb match on a regular basis.


The way people tunnel snipers on this server it's barely worth it to play without a dedicated pocket healer. I've played mine once in the past 4 months.


And unsurprisingly 4 of the 7 matches I played I took more damage than the healer(s).



Edit: I must say when I finally got grouped with Yuuzhan he took all that focus fire from me :D

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Oh im sorry? i guess destroying a nemesis team on the pts in a 4v4 led me to get ahead of myself. Also... IF i was letting my healer die good chance i was running smash or veng... Or i disliked the healer


Aight not going to lie I stopped reading here, because this is just pure genius. I mean if you beat someone at something that makes them garbage. I mean this changes everything. I can't believe I never seen it this way before. So since you told me that you were in a Guilds Ranked A-team on POT5 (you and I both know it wasn't Casual) And we all know Casual Beat everyteam on POT5. So doesn't this then mean you are garbage since they beat your Guilds A-Team. And since casual also beat LD50, Watchmen and all the other pvp'ers who left Jedi Covenant, by the way those teams beat everyone on Jedi Covenant so in sense everyone on Jedi Covenant is Garbage also. And whats even funnier is Casual is actually Garbage then also since they transferred to The Bastion and Hey I'm MVP beat them more times then they beat them.


Lol at making excuses for you sucking in the warzone I played against you. I might have been drunk (lol almost everyone is drunk when they play) Maybe I didn't like the healer (yeah thats what all bads say) And my favorite maybe i was playing smash (if this is the case please unsub and uninstall game (150K DD & 100k Protection doesn't sound like a skilled smasher)


With this I'm done with you since It brings me no pleasure in bashing 12 year olds on the internet.


PS: BRO Is #1

The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

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Aight not going to lie I stopped reading here, because this is just pure genius. I mean if you beat someone at something that makes them garbage. I mean this changes everything. I can't believe I never seen it this way before. So since you told me that you were in a Guilds Ranked A-team on POT5 (you and I both know it wasn't Casual) And we all know Casual Beat everyteam on POT5. So doesn't this then mean you are garbage since they beat your Guilds A-Team. And since casual also beat LD50, Watchmen and all the other pvp'ers who left Jedi Covenant, by the way those teams beat everyone on Jedi Covenant so in sense everyone on Jedi Covenant is Garbage also. And whats even funnier is Casual is actually Garbage then also since they transferred to The Bastion and Hey I'm MVP beat them more times then they beat them.


Lol at making excuses for you sucking in the warzone I played against you.- Guess you didnt stop reading then? lol tard I might have been drunk (lol almost everyone is drunk when they play) Maybe I didn't like the healer (yeah thats what all bads say) And my favorite maybe i was playing smash (if this is the case please unsub and uninstall game (150K DD & 100k Protection doesn't sound like a skilled smasher) - First... im british i drink alot, second... ive not been drinking in the last 2 weeks so on this "warzone" i was probably sober... Thirdly I dont mind smash? or Veng?..... and finally.... I have NEVER come out of a full warzone with them numbers unless node guarding or ball carrying,

If you're gonna make numbers up at least make them slightly believable...

anyone who has played with me will verify thats BS.. So your obviously just making the entire thing up. damn i cant even remember the last time i did less than 400k damage minimum even in my hybrid tanking spec unless it was a total steamroll and over in 5 mins.... and im gonna assume you conveniently DONT have a screenshot? lol. But if you do please share with us :).


With this I'm done with you since It brings me no pleasure in bashing 12 year olds on the internet.


PS: BRO Is #1

The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel


Someones upset. "im gonna stop reading here cos the rest of your post makes too much sense and i dont know how to deal with it QQ. " Gotta remember that one. And bro is #1 at what? Hes a really decent player.... but he does ALWAYS have a pocket healer (which makes people seem alot better than the rest when they receive tunnel heals.... **** ive seen his gf heal him 70 - 100% while other teammates at 10% left to die. again not saying shes a bad healer, its just tunneled.) and Amilea would probably beat him.


Also i never said they we're garbage. But we did kinda wipe them in 2 mins. + Casual had a massive period of inactivity.

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The way people tunnel snipers on this server it's barely worth it to play without a dedicated pocket healer. I've played mine once in the past 4 months.


And unsurprisingly 4 of the 7 matches I played I took more damage than the healer(s).



Edit: I must say when I finally got grouped with Yuuzhan he took all that focus fire from me :D


Try playing a commando, there are games i get 2-3 dedicated chasers stalking my casts. About half of the time I end up taking more damage than Simple does while he's healing 2 meters behind me.

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