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Any reason to not have a day/night cycle


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I would argue that if you are playing it for any other reason that in being star wars you are even worse of a decision maker than u say i am.

Please tell me any reason aside from star wars to play this game cause it sure isnt any unique features. You do realize the feature set is surpassed by games fhat are generations older


I don't have to defend my personal choices to anyone but rest assured I play this game for the features, not because its Star Wars.


Like is said, if you are playing this game just because it has a Star Wars label you are a terrible decision maker. Labels don't mean anything other than to be a label. Go find something you enjoy. Be a better consumer.



...OR continue to make terribly worded posts on the forums. Its your choice really. Be my guest.

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I don't have to defend my personal choices to anyone but rest assured I play this game for the features, not because its Star Wars.


Like is said, if you are playing this game just because it has a Star Wars label you are a terrible decision maker. Labels don't mean anything other than to be a label. Go find something you enjoy. Be a better consumer.



...OR continue to make terribly worded posts on the forums. Its your choice really. Be my guest.


Actually you do have to defend your decions if you are goig to attack others peoples and i would say that since you siad you play for features you are the worst decision maker since swtor has the fewest features and are horribly implimented. So next time if u atent prepared to defend your decision stop attacking others

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Actually you do have to defend your decions if you are goig to attack others peoples and i would say that since you siad you play for features you are the worst decision maker since swtor has the fewest features and are horribly implimented. So next time if u atent prepared to defend your decision stop attacking others


You talk about respect and how people attack you for your views but at the same time you do exactly the same thing. Hypocrite much? And no he does not need to defend his actions since he said he plays the game for features other than STAR WARS which is a direct response to your contention that people just play the game for STARWARS.


Also may I remind you that people are only attacking you because you yourself attack others for disagreeing with you. Another thing please do not tell others that they are bad decision makers based on their responses as to me that has nothing to do with anything and is just a underhanded snipe at their character.

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You talk about respect and how people attack you for your views but at the same time you do exactly the same thing. Hypocrite much? And no he does not need to defend his actions since he said he plays the game for features other than STAR WARS which is a direct response to your contention that people just play the game for STARWARS.


Also may I remind you that people are only attacking you because you yourself attack others for disagreeing with you. Another thing please do not tell others that they are bad decision makers based on their responses as to me that has nothing to do with anything and is just a underhanded snipe at their character.


No im not a hipocrite because i dont demand respect nor give it. I was just pointing out errors in peoples agument if gu consider it an attack thas your faulty perception. You are commanding me to not call bad decision makers when i was the one being attacked first and defending my self. Again your perception and bais has led you to erroneous call me an attacker when im defending myself and then had the gall to tell me not to call people bad decision makers while you abruptly insult me. Once again your mentalty has proven my point. Thanks


I will stop defending myself as soo as you stop attackig me and bringing up my self into an argument that has no need for it. Again i ask why is it impossible for you to not make this about me and actually keep on the topic beig discussed

Edited by mmjarec
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I've never understood the "immersion" argument for why things have to exist in a game.


Immersion seems to be the ability of a game to remove the player from real life and draw them fully into a game. The problem I have with that is, simply put, that it is a game and immersion or realism should not be a high priority.


Escapism is fine, but not at the expense of game play. In other words, if there is an actual game mechanic that utilizes a day/night cycle I would agree in theory that such a thing was needed. As it is, the inclusion of a day/night cycle is nothing more than a piece of window dressing that, from reading responses about it, isn't a highly desired item.


There is other "fluff" in game (and a day/night cycle is, indeed, fluff) but that fluff is more...personal. Pets are fluff, but people collect pets and they are personal. Certain clothing and armor, weapons, colors, appearances...all these are fluff but are personal to individual players.


A day/night cycle, were it to exist, would probably not be noticed or commented on by many players. Since certain planets have a set feel to them it could easily be argued that such a cycle would change the feel of those planets in an undesirable way.


If immersion or realism is your only argument for a day/night cycle then you've already lost your argument because the number of counter-arguments outweigh the one real argument for.

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Besides that discussion between certain players, besides any kind of design philosophy BW seems to have or not, besides the fact that even TOR's silly engine could handle sumthin like weather/day-night-cycle, besides that maybe MOST of the planets should not have any cycle for obvious reasons (dromund kass and nar shadda have their storm and smog thingy, balmorra and taris were explained either and so were flashpoint planets), just imagine TWO THINGS:


riding your bike over tatooine watching how the twin suns are moving over the sky with a nice sunset and some night in the dune sea with an incredible number of stars to watch? a-freaking-mazing


and the second thing: add this snowstorm-thingy for entering exhausting zones like on hoth and ilum as WEATHER EFFECTS for hoth and ilum (only a little bit milder ^^) and a sand-counterpart for tatooine.


bioware, just do that 2-3 planets as a middle ground! listen to the players who are paying your game!

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Besides that discussion between certain players, besides any kind of design philosophy BW seems to have or not, besides the fact that even TOR's silly engine could handle sumthin like weather/day-night-cycle, besides that maybe MOST of the planets should not have any cycle for obvious reasons (dromund kass and nar shadda have their storm and smog thingy, balmorra and taris were explained either and so were flashpoint planets), just imagine TWO THINGS:


riding your bike over tatooine watching how the twin suns are moving over the sky with a nice sunset and some night in the dune sea with an incredible number of stars to watch? a-freaking-mazing


and the second thing: add this snowstorm-thingy for entering exhausting zones like on hoth and ilum as WEATHER EFFECTS for hoth and ilum (only a little bit milder ^^) and a sand-counterpart for tatooine.


bioware, just do that 2-3 planets as a middle ground! listen to the players who are paying your game!


A hanful of planets are not a ton. Just bcuz a few shouldnt have it doesnt meam they all shouldnt. If it makes sense to not habe it on certain ones and it does on others the. They should have it boowares job is much easier already. Any top tier mmo will go the extra mile for immersion

Edited by mmjarec
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I would most certainly love to see both day/night cycles and weather.. This would add such a huge part to realism..


That being said, I seriously doubt it is going to happen.. As for the why?? I would guess it probably has to do with performance or the game engine.. Who knows..


I do know that Bioware back in the day said, that they didn't add weather because they wanted everyone's experience to be the same.. Or something like that..


Still.. I would live to see Taris at night and have one of those flashlight droids over my head as I quest at night.. That would be just so awesome!!! :D

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