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Any reason to not have a day/night cycle


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There's no day/night cycle for the same reason we can't play wookies. Bioware has a very arrogant design philosophy. They not only want to make the game, they want to control almost every aspect about how you play it.


There was a dev answer to the day/night thing a long time ago, and basically it boiled down to the fact that they want every zone to have one particular feel. Remember, SWTOR is a painfully linear and scripted play experience. It's the opposite of sandbox. The Bioware design philosophy is basically centered around interactive movie making.

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And neither do you so dot claim to. I never claimed to all i said was its easier to just swap day and night textures since they are already implimented. And like i said if its hard its not my problem its theirs maybe hey should have chose an engine that isnt crap


Actually, I do.


While I am far from an expert I have built several basic 3d environments in an open GL (anyone remember open gl?) based engine including moving light sources and dynamic lighting. Let me tell you lighting is a giant pain in the ***.

Edited by Arkerus
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Actually, I do.


While I am far from an expert I have built several basic 3d environments in an open GL (anyone remember open gl?) based engine including moving light sources and dynamic lighting. Let me tell you lighting is a giant pain in the ***.


Good for you want a cookie to feed that masive ego? If u knew more than being a braggart youd realize that no game engine is identical while you may no other engines you should also realize this is hghly modified an unique thusly if you code for one engine you know that engine not this one

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Why are people so willing to just accept "the engine can't handle it" or some other variation of "it's not technically possible"?


Day/night, and weather for that matter were not only possible, but standard features nearly 20 years ago on PC's with a fraction of the power of what we are all running today.

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It already came out.

What's it called?


Why are people so willing to just accept "the engine can't handle it" or some other variation of "it's not technically possible"?

Because it's just not that big a deal. If it is to you, go play game with day/night cycles and weather.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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No more rich than telling someone if they want a feature to go play a game that has it. I plan on doing so when it comes out right now i just here because im waiting on a real game

So you're paying to play a game you acknowledge is not a "real game." Well, if nothing else, those of us who like the game appreciate that you support it financially.

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So you're paying to play a game you acknowledge is not a "real game." Well, if nothing else, those of us who like the game appreciate that you support it financially.


I appreciate the star wars content. Other than that why would i appreciate lies, broken promises and being taken advantage of ? Ya sign me up for #1 fan of customer abuse. Im not the only one that is only playing ot because its star wars or another game. I cant really see any bright future for a game thats already outdated, has already lost most of its subs and will continue to as more advanced games come out. They put a short lifespan on this game as soon as they decided to use old tech and an unupgradable engine that wasnt even designed for more than one person

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I appreciate the star wars content. Other than that why would i appreciate lies, broken promises and being taken advantage of ? Ya sign me up for #1 fan of customer abuse. Im not the only one that is only playing ot because its star wars or another game. I cant really see any bright future for a game thats already outdated, has already lost most of its subs and will continue to as more advanced games come out. They put a short lifespan on this game as soon as they decided to use old tech and an unupgradable engine that wasnt even designed for more than one person


Really? All of what you just said is the same lame conjecture over and over again. It seems to me that you feel that you feel unappreciated and not getting your monies worth. I mean look at your complaints, you class aka the Assassin is so gimped behind other classes, you feel the game needs a day/night cycle and to top it off now you feel lied too.


Honestly mmjarec why are you here? I mean seriously if you feel that is not a real game or feel mistreated why don't you leave? It seems logical that you not happy yet you continue to fight for causes that I do not see changing so I ask you, why bother?

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Really? All of what you just said is the same lame conjecture over and over again. It seems to me that you feel that you feel unappreciated and not getting your monies worth. I mean look at your complaints, you class aka the Assassin is so gimped behind other classes, you feel the game needs a day/night cycle and to top it off now you feel lied too.


Honestly mmjarec why are you here? I mean seriously if you feel that is not a real game or feel mistreated why don't you leave? It seems logical that you not happy yet you continue to fight for causes that I do not see changing so I ask you, why bother?


I dont feel lied to. We all have been lied to. Unless you just want to cherry pick buoware statements. Need i remind you that makeb was gonna be free? Oh thats not a lie my bad. I said why im here i like star wars and am waiting in archeage


I dont see how you correlate anything with assassins. Im not the one that said they were gimp. The parses did and i just echoed that

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I dont feel lied to. We all have been lied to.

Lying implies intent. No, we have not all been lied to. You feel lied to. That's your business.


I dont see how you correlate anything with assassins. Im not the one that said they were gimp. The parses did and i just echoed that

Parses say nothing. They are merely data presented by people with various agendas.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If you are only playing because its OMG STAR WARS, then you are an extremely poor decision maker.


That goes for anyone. If you play this game simply because its Star Wars, you are a terrible consumer.


I would argue that if you are playing it for any other reason that in being star wars you are even worse of a decision maker than u say i am.

Please tell me any reason aside from star wars to play this game cause it sure isnt any unique features. You do realize the feature set is surpassed by games fhat are generations older

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I dont feel lied to. We all have been lied to. Unless you just want to cherry pick buoware statements. Need i remind you that makeb was gonna be free? Oh thats not a lie my bad. I said why im here i like star wars and am waiting in archeage


I dont see how you correlate anything with assassins. Im not the one that said they were gimp. The parses did and i just echoed that


Still paying to play a game you loathe I see, whilst waiting for that real game...thanks for your continued financial support for SWTOR :)


Oh wait, you said the other day the game is free for you so you must have cancelled your sub.....yet you are still posting on the forum which is not possible with a free account.



Edited by ImperialSun
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Ncuz added depth and persistnce are bad amirite?

How would a few hours of slightly darker hue hinder any artistiry that is such a lame excuse. Picassoxwas an artist. Booware isnt


Why are such an enemy of sunsets and sunrises? What did they ever do to you. If you dont want it why cant you just turn it off theres no reason to not have it other than to rain on my parade for no reason


What added depth? What does a slightly darker hue have to do with a day/night cycle.


The only thing I am an enemy of is what I like to term "non-value added changes". In other words, what good will a change like this accomplish?


Adding an actual day/night cycle would in no way improve the game. It wouldn't make lag better, it wouldn't bring me more entertainment, it would not in any way improve the game experience in a meaningful and value added way.


Which boils down to wasted development cycles that could be better utilized to fix bugs and add content that will actually give players something to do.


If, at some point in the future, they (EA/BW) have underutilized resources that could be tasked to a non-value added project then I would have no problems with a day/night cycle provided it did not interfere with the artistic continuity of the current planetscapes. But I fully believe that won't happen in the near future.

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What added depth? What does a slightly darker hue have to do with a day/night cycle.


The only thing I am an enemy of is what I like to term "non-value added changes". In other words, what good will a change like this accomplish?


Adding an actual day/night cycle would in no way improve the game. It wouldn't make lag better, it wouldn't bring me more entertainment, it would not in any way improve the game experience in a meaningful and value added way.


Which boils down to wasted development cycles that could be better utilized to fix bugs and add content that will actually give players something to do.


If, at some point in the future, they (EA/BW) have underutilized resources that could be tasked to a non-value added project then I would have no problems with a day/night cycle provided it did not interfere with the artistic continuity of the current planetscapes. But I fully believe that won't happen in the near future.


Adding a day and night cycle would add to imersion and most ppl but you think immersion added is an improvement to gameplay. Its not like their patches improve gameplay any if anything it reduces it due to massive nugs and removal of gear and things that gave players more variety


Immersion is good

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Adding a day and night cycle would add to imersion and most ppl but you think immersion added is an improvement to gameplay. Its not like their patches improve gameplay any if anything it reduces it due to massive nugs and removal of gear and things that gave players more variety


Immersion is good


I already have immersion. The current set up works just fine and is more immersing than, say, WoW's artificial day night cycle that has brief periods of dark every 12 hours or so.


Unless you play for 12 hour stretches in the same location, you'll never see a cycle change were it implemented unless your play time happened to coincide with the transition time.


Add in to the fact that you are dealing with multiple planets which, in order to be "immersing" would require different and separate day/night cycles because they are different planets.


So no, it doesn't add immersion unless you can't ignore the fact that the cycle doesn't currently exist and enjoy the planets as they are.


As far as variety...I can think of dozens of things that would add more variety to game play than a day/night cycle I might never experience because my actual play time is pretty much set and static based on my work schedule. I'm sure there are others in the same boat.


In short, the pro's of adding a day/night cycle simply do not outweigh the con's at this time as far as I am concerned.

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Ummmmm who did I attack?


I simply pointed out that a) your OP was a thinly veiled way at trolling the CM and the game engine. Which it is, and b) that your assumption that day/night cycles could be acheived if less effort were put in to the CM is based in flawed logic. You DO understand that and you DID understand it when you posted it.


Just so you know, telling the truth is not considered an attack...




It's not you bro. That dude attacks even those who would agree and support his "suggestions." This may also be something that has been going on for 15 years.

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No more rich than telling someone if they want a feature to go play a game that has it. I plan on doing so when it comes out right now i just here because im waiting on a real game


So... it begs the question. Why even suggest a day/night cycle in the first place? It's not like BW is going to do it right? Of course they aren't according to you.


But lets say a miracle happens and they implement it, you won't be around to see it because presumably you will be off playing a real game. And... aren't there other real games out right now?


Or... are you just bringing this up for our greater good? For the betterment of us all! Lol


Any time you post I have so many question. No. It's ok. I'm pretty sure I know your answers too.

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Yes it is. Out of curiosity, why do words need defending? Are they being attacked? Or does a differing opinion qualify as an attack?


No but calling me an idiot and attacking my playing and comprehension is. So since respect is autmatic in you book why dont you respect my decision to give it to people who earn it. I dont freely hand out respect to serial killers and people who attack me because of my opinion this sjouldnt evem be a discussion yet peope loke you have some unctrollable desire to make it personal

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