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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tactical Advantage


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My Insane, giggling Operative.



I've recently started playing an Operative. I've noticed that if I shiv someone, I get Tactical Advantage. Usually, I get one stack, but every once in a while, I get two. I have no idea how/why that happens, and nothing in my tree tells me that I've seen.


I also get Tactical Advantage at seemingly random times in combat.


Can somebody please explain exactly how to build Tactical Advantage? At this point I'm sort of confused.

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My Insane, giggling Operative.



I've recently started playing an Operative. I've noticed that if I shiv someone, I get Tactical Advantage. Usually, I get one stack, but every once in a while, I get two. I have no idea how/why that happens, and nothing in my tree tells me that I've seen.


I also get Tactical Advantage at seemingly random times in combat.


Can somebody please explain exactly how to build Tactical Advantage? At this point I'm sort of confused.


Depends on your spec. Most likely you are killing somebody with Shiv when you get two.


The ways to get tactical advantage are


-Kill someone (including yourself which is amusing...jump off a cliff, die, respawn and note the "+1 TA" for the lolz)


As such you could be killing a trash mob with a DoT (thus +1 TA) or killing them with Shiv (+1 TA for shiv, +1 TA for killing)


Other ways to get it include...

-Stim Boost (+1 TA when you use it)

-Healing tree's kolto infusion will give a TA if specced into it

-Lethality's "fatality" will give TA back when it procs after using Cull

-Concealment will give it back sometimes when specced into it when you use laceration

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and Fatality, (Lethality spec bonus 60% chance after using shiv to gain) and Laceration in the concealment tree.

death of a NPC or player.


also, if you spec into the Incisive Action talent located on the bottom of the medicine tree to gain one Tactical Advantage from a kolto injection.


if you are dps, try and keep at least one TA up at all times if you can. it's a challenge but you will benefit from it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Depends on your spec. Most likely you are killing somebody with Shiv when you get two.


The ways to get tactical advantage are


-Kill someone (including yourself which is amusing...jump off a cliff, die, respawn and note the "+1 TA" for the lolz)


As such you could be killing a trash mob with a DoT (thus +1 TA) or killing them with Shiv (+1 TA for shiv, +1 TA for killing)


Other ways to get it include...

-Stim Boost (+1 TA when you use it)

-Healing tree's kolto infusion will give a TA if specced into it

-Lethality's "fatality" will give TA back when it procs after using Cull

-Concealment will give it back sometimes when specced into it when you use laceration


Minor correction, Kolto Infusion consumes a TA. Kolto Injection generates one in heal spec.

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in healing tree you even get up to 3 TA, and it is ridiculously easy to build them up.

So in addition to what already has been mention in the healing tree

when you spec into it, you get one when leaving stealth.

and also crits on the kolto probe (the spammable HoT) will grant TA .

when you use surgical probe (which consumes one TA) on a target below 30% health it regrants one TA as well.


So people could believe that medicine operative giggle so much because they are so OP, but they just get TA for basically everything they do.


When i play lethality often spec into the tier 1 talent of medicine that reduces that cast time of kolto injection to 2s and grants one TA. great talent :p

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in healing tree you even get up to 3 TA, and it is ridiculously easy to build them up.

So in addition to what already has been mention in the healing tree

when you spec into it, you get one when leaving stealth.

and also crits on the kolto probe (the spammable HoT) will grant TA .

when you use surgical probe (which consumes one TA) on a target below 30% health it regrants one TA as well.


So people could believe that medicine operative giggle so much because they are so OP, but they just get TA for basically everything they do.


When i play lethality often spec into the tier 1 talent of medicine that reduces that cast time of kolto injection to 2s and grants one TA. great talent :p

I don't think it's the crits of Kolto probe that grants a TA, just a flat proc chance from a talent unlinked to the crit chance.

Also the giggling is only there when you have no TA and gain your first.

Therefore if you play carefully you should rarely giggle, because you should always try to keep at least one TA to improve damage or healing.

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I don't think it's the crits of Kolto probe that grants a TA, just a flat proc chance from a talent unlinked to the crit chance.

Also the giggling is only there when you have no TA and gain your first.

Therefore if you play carefully you should rarely giggle, because you should always try to keep at least one TA to improve damage or healing.


Crits from, Kolto Probe, Kolto Infusion, and Recuperative Nanotech have a 30% chance to grant 1 tactical Advantage, this effect cannot occour more than once every 6 seconds. Is what i remember.

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Didn't look it up when I wrote that, but i mean since it random proc it is pretty close to critting, maybe it happens a bit more often. Staying at 3 stacks of TA when no actual burst healing is required is not that hard at all, so this is my reference to giggling comes from in that case.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Didn't look it up when I wrote that, but i mean since it random proc it is pretty close to critting, maybe it happens a bit more often. Staying at 3 stacks of TA when no actual burst healing is required is not that hard at all, so this is my reference to giggling comes from in that case.


easy to confuse that with the other talent we have Patient Studies, which return energy on every Dx scan crit. Both talents are pretty awesome.

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