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1000$ for in-game item


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There was an app on the iphone app store called "I am Rich".

It sold for $999.99 and all it did was display a gem on your home screen, letting everyone know that you had $1000 to blow on something completely useless.

Multiple people bought it before complaining (rofl) and it was removed.


So the answer to OP is that there would be people dumb enough to pay $1000 on the cartel market for an in-game item. It wouldn't be me, and I wouldn't really care one way or the other, but it would be a bit egregious I think.


Nothing in an MMO is worth $1000, especially when considering the fact that MMOs don't last forever, and one day you won't even be able to access that item because the game won't even exist to log into anymore.

Edited by Arenatah
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On Diablo III many players have spend more then 1k dolars on a complete set. Of course each item max value is caped to less then it.

Ive heard ppl paying 2k on a weapon on a MMORPG some years ago.

It all depends of how much money you have to spare and how much impact the game (and the desired item) have on your life.

So if you ask me, it will depends of the type of the item.


Way back years ago folks would pay 400 dollars for Windforce on Ebay. Spendy to me.I did spend 4.99 last year on CC.I can be impulsive.Occasionally I run over to D3 and look what items go for.My wallets starts crying when I see the cost.

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There was an app on the iphone app store called "I am Rich".

It sold for $999.99 and all it did was display a gem on your home screen, letting everyone know that you had $1000 to blow on something completely useless.

Multiple people bought it before complaining (rofl) and it was removed.


So the answer to OP is yes, there would be people dumb enough to pay $1000 on the cartel market for an in-game item.


Many years ago there was a "scam" that went something like this...


Ads were placed in magazines telling people to send $10 for the secret to getting rich. When you sent the $10 they sent you a note telling you to put an ad in a magazine asking people to send you $10 for the secret to getting rich.

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Hipothetically speaking, if BW adds an item for 1000$ on CM, I bet a few people would buy it. And by its price, item would be reaaaaly rare.

Would you have problem with that? For sure, I woudnt buy it (not that I cant afford), but woudnt mind at all.


Meh if BW want to put in something like this, I do note begrudge either them or potential buyers. I would not buy it because I do not have osrt fo money to throw around but more power to anyone who does.

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There was an app on the iphone app store called "I am Rich".

It sold for $999.99 and all it did was display a gem on your home screen, letting everyone know that you had $1000 to blow on something completely useless.

Multiple people bought it before complaining (rofl) and it was removed.


So the answer to OP is that there would be people dumb enough to pay $1000 on the cartel market for an in-game item. It wouldn't be me, and I wouldn't really care one way or the other, but it would be a bit egregious I think.


Nothing in an MMO is worth $1000, especially when considering the fact that MMOs don't last forever, and one day you won't even be able to access that item because the game won't even exist to log into anymore.

Wow...that's remarkable actually. Very interesting link.

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