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To fight real pvp players? Not just farm pve pugs.

I know 3 pvp'ers who came back to Shadowlands because pot5 is too hard...

I really don't get it.


Why should anyone pay more money to reward Bioware for their incompetence?

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Tell me something, why don't PVP'ers go to POT5?

Why full pvp players stay on a PVE server farming pugs? Easy game? :rolleyes:


I was there for about a month before transferring my Pub toons back to SL. Generally, the PUGs there have a better sense of the objectives and are better players (but not by as much as you'd think), but they also consider themselves all-stars and quit at the first sign of trouble. It's like an epidemic over there and it can make Regs very frustrating, even with your premade. I came back because most of my friends are here and with ranked going away what's the point of staying? For a PvE server the pops here still come regularly at every level. I do feel bad for the people that were later transfers for Ranked on Pot5 only to have Ranked scrapped. A lot of the 8 man ranked teams over there have faded away or quit the game altogether.

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I was there for about a month before transferring my Pub toons back to SL. Generally, the PUGs there have a better sense of the objectives and are better players (but not by as much as you'd think), but they also consider themselves all-stars and quit at the first sign of trouble. It's like an epidemic over there and it can make Regs very frustrating, even with your premade. I came back because most of my friends are here and with ranked going away what's the point of staying? For a PvE server the pops here still come regularly at every level. I do feel bad for the people that were later transfers for Ranked on Pot5 only to have Ranked scrapped. A lot of the 8 man ranked teams over there have faded away or quit the game altogether.


Personally, I found the amount of people quitting WZs was the about the same as here. Mind you, I watch people leave, new people come in, and then watch the whole match turn around.


Looking around the entire forums, I'm under the impression that the quitting in WZs is an epidemic on every server. So, it pretty much seems to be game wide. Same with the people raging at everyone and acting as if they're carrying the team.


I think a lot of guilds are just taking a break until 2.4 comes out. No more ranked 8vs8 but there will still be ranked PvP in the form of arenas. The real issue people are having is with class balance though. But still...The fact that BW announced the removal of 8vs8 after transfers was like a kick to the balls for most people. I know not everyone is a huge fan of death matches and would prefer to have objectives.

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haven't either, maybe once. never heard about him do ranked though. but he seems to know everything about star wars without playing, odd


Oh goodie...this crap again.. -.-


I work in the evenings Tuesday to Saturday. So, I get to miss all the primetime fun. It also means I miss out on being online when everyone was doing ranked. It's also hard to do ranked WZs when no one is doing them.


You're more likely to notice me if you're a healer.


Oh I play the game, I just also happen to read threads through out the forums. I just like to try and stay up to date with the game.


Not sure how I know everything about the game...:confused:


I have absolutely no issues with you. If you don't like me giving you a hard time then just tell me and I'll stop. Hell, it's not like you've ever had a real conversation with me.

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Oh goodie...this crap again.. -.-


I work in the evenings Tuesday to Saturday. So, I get to miss all the primetime fun. It also means I miss out on being online when everyone was doing ranked. It's also hard to do ranked WZs when no one is doing them.


You're more likely to notice me if you're a healer.


Oh I play the game, I just also happen to read threads through out the forums. I just like to try and stay up to date with the game.


Not sure how I know everything about the game...:confused:


I have absolutely no issues with you. If you don't like me giving you a hard time then just tell me and I'll stop. Hell, it's not like you've ever had a real conversation with me.


heck, weve got nothing against you, its just fun to troll abit ;)

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SL forums have become stale again :( Who will be the next Fatedd/Churb? i wonder... :rolleyes:



Disclamer: Churb was actually good imo, the threads involving him were just plenty entertaining to read :D

Edited by Dage
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totally correct, one day I woke up and had 350 ranked wins. Never done a ranked wz in my life....weird as hell.




There where periods where people where doing ranked and all was going well. Then it seemed as if people where doing ranked less and less.


Plenty of ranked going on when it first came out, but, seemed to have slowed down after a couple of months.


Picked up again during the second round of transfers but seems as if it slowed down and stayed that way until transfers.


Then BW decided to remove 8vs8 ranked and then it looks as if there is barely any ranked PvP going on.


Of course, it didn't help when guilds where losing members, disbanding, or the whole guild left the game. Other guilds may have formed up but there was still people leaving and those guilds didn't necessarily last.


So yea, it's not that people weren't doing ranked, just seems as if there wasn't a lot of stability.

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I'm a PVE'er, I do some pvp matches but I'm not good at pvp.

All times I see some Death-something just smashing pugs, they have no counter atm.

Those players don't want a real challenge playing against REAL pvp'ers? Or those players just want to stay there farming pugs with easy wins? I'm talking about full pvp players/guilds. Do you really think it is awesome to farm pugs over and over again? :confused:

If I was a pvp player I'd go Pot5 or Bastion asap to play against real pvp'ers, balanced fights versus good premades.


I understand "my friends are here, I don't have money to transfer, I won't give more money to BW, they'll remove ranked".

My point is, if you're a real pvp'er you want much more than farm easy pugs over and over. Like "you're the king of pvp on a pve server, amazing e-peen son".

When the transfer came out we had no info about they removing Ranked, so I think this is not a valid argument though.

Just my 2cents.

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I'm a PVE'er, I do some pvp matches but I'm not good at pvp.

All times I see some Death-something just smashing pugs, they have no counter atm.

Those players don't want a real challenge playing against REAL pvp'ers? Or those players just want to stay there farming pugs with easy wins? I'm talking about full pvp players/guilds. Do you really think it is awesome to farm pugs over and over again? :confused:

If I was a pvp player I'd go Pot5 or Bastion asap to play against real pvp'ers, balanced fights versus good premades.


I understand "my friends are here, I don't have money to transfer, I won't give more money to BW, they'll remove ranked".

My point is, if you're a real pvp'er you want much more than farm easy pugs over and over. Like "you're the king of pvp on a pve server, amazing e-peen son".

When the transfer came out we had no info about they removing Ranked, so I think this is not a valid argument though.

Just my 2cents.


obviously you aren't very well informed, first of all the largest counter to smash is learning to play, second i don't know what you define as "real pvpers", im going to assume you mean hardcore pvpers, this server actually has a fair bit of them, and other pvp servers still have lots of bads to roll over so there's really not much difference, at least not enough of one to spend irl money to swap servers.

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I'm a PVE'er, I do some pvp matches but I'm not good at pvp.

All times I see some Death-something just smashing pugs, they have no counter atm.

Those players don't want a real challenge playing against REAL pvp'ers? Or those players just want to stay there farming pugs with easy wins? I'm talking about full pvp players/guilds. Do you really think it is awesome to farm pugs over and over again? :confused:

If I was a pvp player I'd go Pot5 or Bastion asap to play against real pvp'ers, balanced fights versus good premades.


You want them to leave so you can win?

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I'm a PVE'er, I do some pvp matches but I'm not good at pvp.

All times I see some Death-something just smashing pugs, they have no counter atm.

Those players don't want a real challenge playing against REAL pvp'ers? Or those players just want to stay there farming pugs with easy wins? I'm talking about full pvp players/guilds. Do you really think it is awesome to farm pugs over and over again? :confused:

If I was a pvp player I'd go Pot5 or Bastion asap to play against real pvp'ers, balanced fights versus good premades.


I understand "my friends are here, I don't have money to transfer, I won't give more money to BW, they'll remove ranked".

My point is, if you're a real pvp'er you want much more than farm easy pugs over and over. Like "you're the king of pvp on a pve server, amazing e-peen son".

When the transfer came out we had no info about they removing Ranked, so I think this is not a valid argument though.

Just my 2cents.


First of all, thanks for all the compliments :)

I don't think you give some of the pvp'ers on this server enough credit. While you might be a herpaderp that runs around a warzone like a headless chicken, there are still quite a few good players on this server.


Too bad there isn't story mode pvp for all the players that don't care about playing objectives or wearing proper gear, or you know.... improving. Instead of rolling over and complaining about others being too good, maybe you can find opportunities for self-improvement. Like I said, 10 million credits and I'll be your personal trainer.


Since this is the story-telling thread, maybe I should school you in some history.

Our core group of players was pretty good while we were still plying our trade for the McRepublic (long before patch 2.0 and server transfers). When we first started doing ranked PvP, we got stomped quite a bit. We ate those ***-kickings and used them as learning experiences. We didn't go to the forums and say "guys guys, this is a pve server go easy on us". Like ID, we took an analytical approach to finding weaknesses in our gameplay and worked to fix them. However, we didn't share their desire to gain every possible advantage within a warzone (ie., exploiting bugs). Eventually, we became the best ranked team on the pub side by the time 2.0 dropped.


On a personal level, I'm very competitive and will try to win any match I'm in, even while the McPugs on my team are too busy fighting epic lightsaber battles to be bothered with something trivial like watching a node. This made me a better player because it forced me to have a heightened sense of awareness (paranoia). This is also the first MMO I've PvP'ed in, so I had no problem admitting to myself that I had a lot of room for improvement. And to this day, I continue to push myself and my teammates to our limits.


Case in point: being good takes work.


I simply enjoy playing with my guildies too much to jeopardize throwing it away in a server transfer. I will reiterate that you're doing the pvp community a great disservice if you think every match is a face-roll. After all, what's the difference between a PvE server and a PvP server? I can't attack the other faction in the open world unless they flag themselves. That's it.


But hey, if you want to use being on a PvE server as a crutch for not being a good player in PvP, then by all means...

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The only reason to transfer was to do 8v8, regs and pre-55 are almost exactly the same on all servers. With 8v8 now being removed, the reason to transfer has been removed. SL will field competitive arenas, there are a lot of good players who couldn't get 8 consistently who will be able to get 4 (especially on pubside) in addition to the people who were doing ranked here.

Lots of people didn't want to bring half a guild to another server, and chose to wait for details on the "Big PvP patch" before spending more $ to transfer, IMO waiting was the right choice as almost all of the good PvP guilds on POT5 have quit after the 8v8 removal.

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First of all, thanks for all the compliments :)

I don't think you give some of the pvp'ers on this server enough credit. While you might be a herpaderp that runs around a warzone like a headless chicken, there are still quite a few good players on this server.


Too bad there isn't story mode pvp for all the players that don't care about playing objectives or wearing proper gear, or you know.... improving. Instead of rolling over and complaining about others being too good, maybe you can find opportunities for self-improvement. Like I said, 10 million credits and I'll be your personal trainer.


Since this is the story-telling thread, maybe I should school you in some history.

Our core group of players was pretty good while we were still plying our trade for the McRepublic (long before patch 2.0 and server transfers). When we first started doing ranked PvP, we got stomped quite a bit. We ate those ***-kickings and used them as learning experiences. We didn't go to the forums and say "guys guys, this is a pve server go easy on us". Like ID, we took an analytical approach to finding weaknesses in our gameplay and worked to fix them. However, we didn't share their desire to gain every possible advantage within a warzone (ie., exploiting bugs). Eventually, we became the best ranked team on the pub side by the time 2.0 dropped.


On a personal level, I'm very competitive and will try to win any match I'm in, even while the McPugs on my team are too busy fighting epic lightsaber battles to be bothered with something trivial like watching a node. This made me a better player because it forced me to have a heightened sense of awareness (paranoia). This is also the first MMO I've PvP'ed in, so I had no problem admitting to myself that I had a lot of room for improvement. And to this day, I continue to push myself and my teammates to our limits.


Case in point: being good takes work.


I simply enjoy playing with my guildies too much to jeopardize throwing it away in a server transfer. I will reiterate that you're doing the pvp community a great disservice if you think every match is a face-roll. After all, what's the difference between a PvE server and a PvP server? I can't attack the other faction in the open world unless they flag themselves. That's it.


But hey, if you want to use being on a PvE server as a crutch for not being a good player in PvP, then by all means...


NNNNNOOOOOOOOO !!!!! TOOO MUCH LOGIC!!!!!! Must ignore... ... .. . .. continue with calling slevin a hacker for hitting 9-10K smashes ... Freq is cheating because he goes invisible... NO WAYYY!!! ... Its not fair if any other smasher is teamed with Sage... CHEATERS you are all CHEATERS!!!!! It cant be that he is bad, all PvPers leave so he can stand a chance at winning ... once.. and.. Bama... well that guy is dual boxing.. there is no other way..

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Too bad there isn't story mode pvp for all the players that don't care about playing objectives


That's what death matches are for! We get those with 2.4...Although, technically there is an objective which is to kill the enemy team.


Like I said, 10 million credits and I'll be your personal trainer.


I'll give you one credit and Mako for the night...Or if you'd prefer, Risha.


I'll even throw in Dorne, who you can keep since she annoys me...You can also have Skadge as your new training dummy.


Like ID, we took an analytical approach to finding weaknesses in our gameplay and worked to fix them. However, we didn't share their desire to gain every possible advantage within a warzone (ie., exploiting bugs). Eventually, we became the best ranked team on the pub side by the time 2.0 dropped.


Ah yes, the whole if it's in the game then it's legit mentality. At least they seemed to be informing BW of potential exploits where as other people would stay quiet so they can be the only ones taking advantage of them.


But, whatever...Some people just get overly competitive. :confused:



I simply enjoy playing with my guildies too much to jeopardize throwing it away in a server transfer.

And you know, even if your whole guild where to transfer there's no guarantee you will all stick together.


There where a few guilds that transferred to PoT5 that ended up having issues...In fact, I really haven't seen much of the people who transferred from SL on PoT5 these days.


There where also the people that almost immediately left the guild they transferred with to head over to established guilds on PoT5. :confused:




The only reason to transfer was to do 8v8, regs and pre-55 are almost exactly the same on all servers. With 8v8 now being removed, the reason to transfer has been removed. SL will field competitive arenas, there are a lot of good players who couldn't get 8 consistently who will be able to get 4 (especially on pubside) in addition to the people who were doing ranked here.

Lots of people didn't want to bring half a guild to another server, and chose to wait for details on the "Big PvP patch" before spending more $ to transfer, IMO waiting was the right choice as almost all of the good PvP guilds on POT5 have quit after the 8v8 removal.


Actually, one of the top PoT5 guilds transferred over to the Bastion and I think some other players have. Heard tell they will come back with 2.4.


A few of the guilds are definitely taking a break until 2.4. So, it's just waiting and seeing who comes back.



Open world PvP isn't the only reason to move to a PvP server. One of the reasons is just to be on a server with a larger number of people that PvP. There's also more likely to be more experienced PvPers. So, it stands to reason there will be more opportunities to challenge oneself.


But you know, with the cost of transfers and with how slow BW is moving in regards to PvP and class balance, it does make sense as to why people don't want to transfer. Basically, one can make the argument that transferring is a gamble.

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