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Ideal comp for arenas.


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I'm looking forward to trying out vengeance in arena, will be nice to see what compositions are surprisingly good. Two lightning sorcs beating two maras for example on PTS. I think people need to remember that above all else personal skill combined with teamwork and collective team skill will be more important, imo, than what specific classes you are bringing.
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And especially if vengence vig gets that ravage snare and enraged defense buff.

That will make that class even better.

I know I've been running vig on the PTs and that's it and its been working out for me. But like you said player skill and team skill will play the biggest roles in these arenas. Not these op comps everyone has been theorycrafting .

I couldn't agree with you more

Smart man you are.

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Balance is very bad in arenas. I love it for hurting people but it just has zero survivability with 3 melee on your face.


I can't think of class I just would not play with. Maybe shadow tanks. Maybe. We have two amazing shadow DPSers so I would still take them if they come back.


Commando heals might be very viable for arenas, and they have a decent DPS spec.


Scoundrels are the best healers by far, but we will see how their role as a DPS turns out.


Sentinels/Guardians/slinger.... uh of course.


Vanguard DPS seems to be getting some changes, and they are definitely more viable than shadow tanks at this point.

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Balance is very bad in arenas. I love it for hurting people but it just has zero survivability with 3 melee on your face.


I can't think of class I just would not play with. Maybe shadow tanks. Maybe. We have two amazing shadow DPSers so I would still take them if they come back.


Commando heals might be very viable for arenas, and they have a decent DPS spec.


Scoundrels are the best healers by far, but we will see how their role as a DPS turns out.


Sentinels/Guardians/slinger.... uh of course.


Vanguard DPS seems to be getting some changes, and they are definitely more viable than shadow tanks at this point.


If you can get Whan and Jukebox playing, play them. Arena on this server will be more about the player behind the keyboard then comps. Unless you run out sage heals,balance, commando, shadow tank.





P.S Vasyel call Tazz and Rez and get them back for arena. Old school PD vs SS fights would be fun!

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Commando heals might be very viable for arenas, and they have a decent DPS spec.

Vanguard DPS seems to be getting some changes, and they are definitely more viable than shadow tanks at this point.

shadow tanks lack the aoe stun, but they can move melee away from their healer. cannot take the same direct dmg that the other tanks can take, but I rarely see a tank of any kind focused on PTS streams. usually when a tank drops, they've alreay dropped a healer or sorc/sage (which basically took the tank down with him). I might give it to the VG over the sin because of dmg output though...to supplement the team's dps.


mando dps > mando heals. not even close. the dps can still kolto and brings the all important electro net. the healer is pretty easy to ammo starve though. the sorc/sage healer, on the other hand, just doesn't have any escapes and is much squishier than mando. I really see no reason, skill being relatively similar, to Q anything other than an op/scoun for healer role at this time. I guess they're working on reducing op effectiveness via it's escapability atm.

Edited by foxmob
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And especially if vengence vig gets that ravage snare and enraged defense buff.

That will make that class even better.

I know I've been running vig on the PTs and that's it and its been working out for me. But like you said player skill and team skill will play the biggest roles in these arenas. Not these op comps everyone has been theorycrafting .

I couldn't agree with you more

Smart man you are.


that would be complete BS. how long has AP/tactics been getting stunned/punted whenever they try to channel cannon. now vigi, a class that will be temp immune to punt/pull/stunn, is able to first root, then snare target for his channel? I don't think it's a terrible idea, per se, but I'd definitely rage at the inequity of it all. I don't care what buffs they're finally giving AP, to wait 2 years and suddenly do something like that...AND FOR ANOTHER CLASS? that's just infuriating.


to be clear on what I'm complaining about, in order to get off a successful channel, you will ideally have 3 things:

  1. CC immunity
  2. interrupt immunity
  3. root/snare on target


both tactics/ap and vig guards have 2 of those three already:

vigi has CC immunity and interrupt immunity (it lacks a lasting snare, but there is a root to get it started)

ap/tactics has interrupt immunity and snare (htl can prevent punts but not stuns, so it lacks CC immunity)


if vigi gets a snare, then they have the market cornered and have all three items on the list. yet pulse cannon is the core of tactics rotation, always has been, and its problem has always been a problem of completing the channel. so for 2 years, they need the same adjustment as vigi and vigi gets it while ap doesn't? gawd. that would be...hell. who am I kidding. that's par for the course at this point.

Edited by foxmob
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Everyone seems to be forgetting the shadow master class.


Tank Shadow

Balance Shadow

Balance Shadow

Mando Healer (Cloudchaser.. i mean who else hunts Predators when he's not playing Swtor)


cant beat that

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Everyone seems to be forgetting the shadow master class.


Tank Shadow

Balance Shadow

Balance Shadow

Mando Healer (Cloudchaser.. i mean who else hunts Predators when he's not playing Swtor)


cant beat that


Vanguard tank

2 x gunnery mando

mando healer


Team Sticky Bomb

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Op heals/sniper/maruader/jugg tank or would never suck


I also like


Op heal/ merc dps/marauder/PT tank


I think a merc might have use in place of a sniper for electro net because from all the matches i have watched it was pretty much who got the other teams healer down first, have a well timed pull/net could be lethal


I also saw a team of 3 vanguards hybrids and a scoundrel that were tearing up teams on PTS

Edited by dego-harmonium
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