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In the defense of money makers (or getters).


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The real question is would such a company take both contracts? You could be your own best debater, fueling an even bigger contract form both sides.
Conflict of interest, but I would have to think you would have to have some type of ethical ambiguity in the first place to do that job. So it would be possible, although if they are not any smarter than spam bots, it should be easy for staff to spot. ;)
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Defend EA? Heh. I don't care one iota about EA or any company of its ilk. Does it mean I hate EA? No. Does it mean I think that every move they make is nefarious and evil? No. Do I think EA is nothing more than the vestiges of software companies bought out in order to make a profit which isn't always in the best interest of "gamers". Yes.


But here is the deal, EA has a fiduciary responsibility to its stockholders and, unironically, most of them are not gamers. What they need to do is make a profit, not foster love among gamers or have some kind of altruistic goal of improving gaming. As such, I don't begrudge their efforts to make a buck in whatever way they can. Sell a dye for 2000 cartel coins? Ok, if you think you can do it, by all means.


And I'm ok with that because of one simple fact that seems to get lost in these discussions, I control my money. So to those that say EA doesn't care about their customers? Ok. And to those that claim EA has once again shot themselves in the foot? You are probably right. But if it were really an issue, then the money, mine included would go elsewhere. There is nothing in terms of a social contract here!


Being critical of EA is not at issue. People can bang the drum all they want for whatever reason right or wrong. The only thing that matters is how you spend your money. That, I'm afraid to say, is your vote of approval.

Edited by Rafaman
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Defend EA? Heh. I don't care one iota about EA or any company of its ilk. Does it mean I hate EA? No. Does it mean I think that every move they make is nefarious and evil? No. Do I think EA is nothing more than the vestiges of software companies bought out in order to make a profit which isn't always in the best interest of "gamers". Yes.


But here is the deal, EA has a fiduciary responsibility to its stockholders and, unironically, most of them are not gamers. What they need to do is make a profit, not foster love among gamers or have some kind of altruistic goal of improving gaming. As such, I don't begrudge their efforts to make a buck in whatever way they can. Sell a dye for 2000 cartel coins? Ok, if you think you can do it, by all means.


And I'm ok with that because of one simple fact that seems to get lost in these discussions, I control my money. So to those that say EA doesn't care about their customers? Ok. And to those that claim EA has once again shot themselves in the foot? You are probably right. But if it were really an issue, then the money, mine included would go elsewhere. There is nothing in terms of a social contract here!


Being critical of EA is not at issue. People can bang the drum all they want for whatever reason right or wrong. The only thing that matters is how you spend your money. That, I'm afraid to say, is your vote of approval.


So nice to see my fellow voices of reason hard at work. +1

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Defend EA? Heh. I don't care one iota about EA or any company of its ilk. Does it mean I hate EA? No. Does it mean I think that every move they make is nefarious and evil? No. Do I think EA is nothing more than the vestiges of software companies bought out in order to make a profit which isn't always in the best interest of "gamers". Yes.


But here is the deal, EA has a fiduciary responsibility to its stockholders and, unironically, most of them are not gamers. What they need to do is make a profit, not foster love among gamers or have some kind of altruistic goal of improving gaming. As such, I don't begrudge their efforts to make a buck in whatever way they can. Sell a dye for 2000 cartel coins? Ok, if you think you can do it, by all means.


And I'm ok with that because of one simple fact that seems to get lost in these discussions, I control my money. So to those that say EA doesn't care about their customers? Ok. And to those that claim EA has once again shot themselves in the foot? You are probably right. But if it were really an issue, then the money, mine included would go elsewhere. There is nothing in terms of a social contract here!


Being critical of EA is not at issue. People can bang the drum all they want for whatever reason right or wrong. The only thing that matters is how you spend your money. That, I'm afraid to say, is your vote of approval.

This is a really a great post Rafaman!

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Defend EA? Heh. I don't care one iota about EA or any company of its ilk. Does it mean I hate EA? No. Does it mean I think that every move they make is nefarious and evil? No. Do I think EA is nothing more than the vestiges of software companies bought out in order to make a profit which isn't always in the best interest of "gamers". Yes.


But here is the deal, EA has a fiduciary responsibility to its stockholders and, unironically, most of them are not gamers. What they need to do is make a profit, not foster love among gamers or have some kind of altruistic goal of improving gaming. As such, I don't begrudge their efforts to make a buck in whatever way they can. Sell a dye for 2000 cartel coins? Ok, if you think you can do it, by all means.


And I'm ok with that because of one simple fact that seems to get lost in these discussions, I control my money. So to those that say EA doesn't care about their customers? Ok. And to those that claim EA has once again shot themselves in the foot? You are probably right. But if it were really an issue, then the money, mine included would go elsewhere. There is nothing in terms of a social contract here!


Being critical of EA is not at issue. People can bang the drum all they want for whatever reason right or wrong. The only thing that matters is how you spend your money. That, I'm afraid to say, is your vote of approval.


Agreed 100%.


I have been saying that from the start and people here simply won't accept it or don't get it.


No one has forced anyone to spend their money here except themselves.

Edited by Arkerus
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I'm curious as to why so many posters are willing to defend EA/Bioware through thick and thin. Do they give you a pat on the back? Some special gear? Maybe a few extra cartel coins? No?

Well, does it help you in the long run if no one ever complains about Bioware's marketing practices which may discourage people from playing? No?

So why?

Do you respect them because they have money? Do you feel bad for them?


I'm curious because criticism no matter how "whiny" it may seem at the time is key to making your game better. If Bioware pulls a bad marketing ploy and people get upset about it, it is better for them to post their grievances so that when subs drop a few months down the road, BIoware has some explanation to back up the data.


Welcome to Internet (forums) when we argue in mad not with thesis but with posters...

Every forum have this issue, nothing new here - it is going long way (before Internet) in manipulating opinions via profaning their speakers.


Here we have some misunderstanding issues, EA/BW have full right to do whatever they want with this game (even pull the plug if they want), game is still theirs.

Do we going to pay for/play the game (or part of it/CM shines) if/when they do something is our personal decision, nobody force it on us.

If we at least understand that as a fact, most of bashing comments would simply have no basement to step on.

Explaining something and defending something is also two totally different things, another fact simply forgotten.

Raged complaining and whining doesn't solve anything, it just create tense and conflicts.

Could you see the difference between providing an opinion, suggestion or whining ... difference between speaking for yourself or trying to force your way of thinking over others via profaning them if they not agree?


And I don't like someone to try speaking for me putting me in some twisted pattern that exist only in their mind.

If you try, be ready to receive same medicine.

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