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Kingping unlock bug.


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hello i have a problem with the Bounthy event. I try to explain.

1 month ago i unlock alderaan kingpin. Today I reach again 5 completed bounty contract and because i forgot i re buy the Alderaan kingpin authorization, but i was ABLE TO use it again and it disappears so i'm not able to sell it back.

Cheers and have a good day.


Please let me know if you have some questions.

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Has there been a change to the Kingpin Bounties?


I have opened all Kingpin Bounties. I did a few yesterday, but when I went to do one today it was missing.

This was on the same character I had done it times before without fail.


Will log, as no Kingpin, and check with my other characters on this issue.



Just logged onto a second character, that had also done a Kingpin Bounty yesterday, and it was missing from the board and therefore unavailable.



Third that did a Kingpin yesterday, missing and unavailable.

Edited by Esproc
checked rdd character
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I just reacquired a Kingpin Bounty Quest, read it, got it, am INELIGIBLE for this Quest! Thank you oh so very much.


Truly just makes me believe that Kingpins are not able to be gotten by someone that has done all of them prior to this nice new shiny (cough) patch.


Worthless, loss of Completed Bounties, dragging out the ability to actually increase rep with the faction, and proving as fine (cough) a job as the "update' in Seeker droid quests and side uses (of which have have caused me to even quit the Seeds Quest). Bugs, bugs, bugs, but "new" armor/items in CM, but when the Armors broke/bugged (Neutral and above to use, but unusable by anyone), that was actually fixed.

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I just reacquired a Kingpin Bounty Quest, read it, got it, am INELIGIBLE for this Quest! Thank you oh so very much.


Truly just makes me believe that Kingpins are not able to be gotten by someone that has done all of them prior to this nice new shiny (cough) patch.


Worthless, loss of Completed Bounties, dragging out the ability to actually increase rep with the faction, and proving as fine (cough) a job as the "update' in Seeker droid quests and side uses (of which have have caused me to even quit the Seeds Quest). Bugs, bugs, bugs, but "new" armor/items in CM, but when the Armors broke/bugged (Neutral and above to use, but unusable by anyone), that was actually fixed.


*hands you a cough drop*

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I just reacquired a Kingpin Bounty Quest, read it, got it, am INELIGIBLE for this Quest! Thank you oh so very much.


Truly just makes me believe that Kingpins are not able to be gotten by someone that has done all of them prior to this nice new shiny (cough) patch.


Worthless, loss of Completed Bounties, dragging out the ability to actually increase rep with the faction, and proving as fine (cough) a job as the "update' in Seeker droid quests and side uses (of which have have caused me to even quit the Seeds Quest). Bugs, bugs, bugs, but "new" armor/items in CM, but when the Armors broke/bugged (Neutral and above to use, but unusable by anyone), that was actually fixed.


The problem is that if you buy an authorization, on the same character, that you have previously unlocked and you use it... it vanish from your inventory without, of course, any unlock.


I think Esproc was talking about an Ord Mantell or Hutta Kingpin bounty. He missed the 2.3.2 patch notes (http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/2.3.2/942013):


EDIT: After do some research on the forums, it seems like you can do Kingpin bounties on Ord Mantell and Hutta. Also, Esproc was talking about a Voss bounty, which I didn't infer from his original post.


Characters above level 27 are no longer able to accept Hutta and Ord Mantell Bounty Contracts.


I do hope they change this back. It did not fix the problem: now Coruscant and Dromund Kaas has a lot of characters going for their bounties because they are the first bounty on the list now for high level players.


However, Elminster's bug is actually a true bug: you shouldn't be able to use a Kingpin contract if it is already unlocked for that character.

Edited by Bstr
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I believe the level 27 limit only counts for Henchman Bounties. So, anyone level 28 and above CANNOT go to Hutta or Ord Mantel to get a Henchman Bounty. However, they can still go there for the Kingpin Bounties.


I had previously unlocked the Ord Mantel Kingpin Bounty on my level 55 Guardian, and was able to complete it just fine last night. Same with the Hutta Kingpin Bounty on my level 55 Assassin. Although, I may have been able to complete them because I had already unlocked those bounties on those toons, I'm not certain on that.


The change with the Kingpin Bounties is that they can now only be done once per week per character. So, once your toon has done that Kingpin, he cannot do it again. However, the contract can be purchased on another toon and completed by that toon in the same week.

Edited by AMulls
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I don't have too many characters, 3 on republic side and 1 on imperial. Even so, I had 2 kingpins unlocked on each of my characters. With the changes with the event, I can purchase all the Contract Authorizations on all of my characters. I don't know which particular authorizations i have on which characters and that makes everything a pain. The only one I know for sure is that my character on the imperial side has the Dromund Kaas authorization (DUH). And now i have to refrain from purchasing any additional kingpins because when I unlock the same kingpin I have already done on this character I basically lose the 5 completed bounty contracts. Of course, there is no codex entry on the particular characters to tell you which kingpins you have already defeated... What are the chances that this will get fixed before tonight so I can purchase more authorizations and do the missions?!? If not, will you refund the contracts?
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Actually, you can track which ones you've defeated and captured through the achievement system. I've been doing that for "Bring them all in" and "Take them all down", and now I know that as of last night, I've completed all the henchmen bounties both ways. Now to kill all the kingpins, then capture them all next month.
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I think Esproc was talking about an Ord Mantell or Hutta Kingpin bounty. He missed the 2.3.2 patch notes (http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/2.3.2/942013):




I do hope they change this back. It did not fix the problem: now Coruscant and Dromund Kaas has a lot of characters going for their bounties because they are the first bounty on the list now for high level players.




I was Not trying to do a low level Bounty, unless you consider Voss as a low level starter planet? If Voss is a starter planet that is now for levels below 27, then I guess I was OP for the area.


I have the full Bounty Event Completed from the first event, last time, but the lack of getting those Blue and Purple (superior and artifact) Reputation Tokens is a problem increasing rep with the Association.


Now when you use Completed Bounties to Unlock Kingpin Bounties, that let you hunt Nothing because although it was accepted it is not there, you have only missing Completed Bounty Items x 5 that were used to tease and rob you and the Mission you "paid" for inaccessible.


If the cut off of level is 27 for the starter planets because of lowbies trying to help, :rolleyes: you may want to limit areas up to about Tatooine so someone doesn't go by and get swiped by a boss or an add. Just a thought.

Then we could open up Corellia and even, sorry some, Makeb to keep from being prejudiced against those that have characters that are too high to do some Kingpins if the area is off limits to them.

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The change with the Kingpin Bounties is that they can now only be done once per week per character. So, once your toon has done that Kingpin, he cannot do it again. However, the contract can be purchased on another toon and completed by that toon in the same week.


So did ea in their infinite wisdom and fluffiness also decide to do this with everything?


Can a fresh toon only do Esseles or Black Talon only once per week? Luckily it's easy enough to level, but you may miss out on some gear.

What about Ops? other Flashpoints? Heroics and [AREA]''s on planets? War-zones?

Are the GSI Dailies weekly now too? Sort of a funny name for a weekly.


What about those that purchased a Kingpin that they had done prior, as was the case in 'the beginning', and with this new design repurchased that same Kingpin (as when they first unlocked it in the prior incantation before devs broke code and didn't mention those details) and have nothing to show... or do we have it open for the next week already as it has been paid for in advance.


We have heard nothing about this latest macabre of "tuning" that has changed much more than what they planned to do, and what they actually did. Otherwise there would have been a full disclosure in the articles related to the ea "tune-up".


Intelligence is knowing that a Tomato is a fruit.

Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

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I was Not trying to do a low level Bounty, unless you consider Voss as a low level starter planet? If Voss is a starter planet that is now for levels below 27, then I guess I was OP for the area.


I have the full Bounty Event Completed from the first event, last time, but the lack of getting those Blue and Purple (superior and artifact) Reputation Tokens is a problem increasing rep with the Association.



If you unlocked the kingpin on that character once, you don't need to spend completed contracts on it again, just go to the terminal on the left and pick it up from there.

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I believe the level 27 limit only counts for Henchman Bounties. So, anyone level 28 and above CANNOT go to Hutta or Ord Mantel to get a Henchman Bounty. However, they can still go there for the Kingpin Bounties.


Is this true??? Not calling you a liar, just want to double check? Cos I was totally bummed about the new changes because I thought it screwed the achievements, but if you're right, I am a complete idiot and it's all fine :o

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I also bought a contract for the same kingpin on the same toon two days later. (I didn't see anything IN GAME to tell me not to!)(I was trying to complete capture/kill for the achievements)


It took my contracts, and I even went thru the motions like I was reading it. then nothing happened. No quest, nothing..


UNTIL I got the email from the kingpin!! EVERYTHING ELSE WORKS, just not access to the damn BOSS!!


It took me 2 hours to get all those completed, I don't want them back, I just want you DEVS to spend some time FIXING IT!!!


Thx, that is all...

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I also bought a contract for the same kingpin on the same toon two days later. (I didn't see anything IN GAME to tell me not to!)(I was trying to complete capture/kill for the achievements)


It took my contracts, and I even went thru the motions like I was reading it. then nothing happened. No quest, nothing..


UNTIL I got the email from the kingpin!! EVERYTHING ELSE WORKS, just not access to the damn BOSS!!


It took me 2 hours to get all those completed, I don't want them back, I just want you DEVS to spend some time FIXING IT!!!


Thx, that is all...


I did the same thing with my very first Kingpin bounty. I didn't realize that you could pick it up again from the mission terminal the next day, and I submitted a CS request in-game. They refunded my certificates so I could purchase a new bounty authorization.


Since they've changed it now to only being able to do a specific Kingpin once a week, (per character) it makes sense that the contract wouldn't be on the bounty board again after you've done it for the week. I was only able to keep track of it by using the achievement as a guide and referencing Dulfy.net for the name/location cross reference.


In order to do capture and kill on the same Kingpin in the same week, you'll need to use two separate characters and spend double the certificates to unlock the contract. Since the event will return next month, I opted to just wait.

Edited by OmenQ
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I also bought a contract for the same kingpin on the same toon two days later. (I didn't see anything IN GAME to tell me not to!)(I was trying to complete capture/kill for the achievements)


It took my contracts, and I even went thru the motions like I was reading it. then nothing happened. No quest, nothing..


UNTIL I got the email from the kingpin!! EVERYTHING ELSE WORKS, just not access to the damn BOSS!!


It took me 2 hours to get all those completed, I don't want them back, I just want you DEVS to spend some time FIXING IT!!!


Thx, that is all...


yes, right. That is what happens to me. You just waste 5 token. The icon don't become darker if you already have unlock it on the same character and nothing prevent you to use it again like: "You have already unlock this kingpin for this charcater"

Edited by Elminster_cs
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Dev Post

Hey there folks!


As a heads up for this month's Bounty Contract Week beginning next Tuesday, we've got a fix in Game Update 2.4.1 to address this issue. If you have already unlocked a Bounty Kingpin Contract and accidentally buy the Authorization for it, you will not consume the item. Therefore, you'll be able to refund it back to the Bounty Contract Broker to get your contracts back for use on a different Authorization.


Aldo, don't forget that Bounty Kingpin Authorizations do not reset for each event, so if you've unlocked a planet's Kingpin Contract previously, it will be ready and available to complete during next week's event.


Thanks again for your reports!

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Hey there folks!


As a heads up for this month's Bounty Contract Week beginning next Tuesday, we've got a fix in Game Update 2.4.1 to address this issue. If you have already unlocked a Bounty Kingpin Contract and accidentally buy the Authorization for it, you will not consume the item. Therefore, you'll be able to refund it back to the Bounty Contract Broker to get your contracts back for use on a different Authorization.


Aldo, don't forget that Bounty Kingpin Authorizations do not reset for each event, so if you've unlocked a planet's Kingpin Contract previously, it will be ready and available to complete during next week's event.


Thanks again for your reports!


nice to ear :D

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Thank you Devs!!


I usually only post to a game forum if I run into a problem, and this may be the first post for THIS game. (others I have post counts in the hundreds! lol)


Thanks for taking care of this and communicating with us!

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