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  1. I've been looking for a high-res version of the icon/logo which has the republic and empire side by side. So far I've found one which is 1000x1000 but if it is out there somewhere, I would like to get my hands on a 2000x2000 if possible. I'm trying to get a laser engraving project completed and the logo would be going on the side panel of my desktop. I know there's a roughly 2000x2000 color version in the fan site kit but a straight up black/white is what I'm after. Any help would be appreciated! P.S. this is what the logo looks like in case people are confused by my description of it... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ljIAvYh4Vkc/TuddQdJVQHI/AAAAAAAABnY/i1oMO4XbNic/s1600/icon_black.jpg
  2. Not sure if I am actually the first, but here it is:
  3. I don't have too many characters, 3 on republic side and 1 on imperial. Even so, I had 2 kingpins unlocked on each of my characters. With the changes with the event, I can purchase all the Contract Authorizations on all of my characters. I don't know which particular authorizations i have on which characters and that makes everything a pain. The only one I know for sure is that my character on the imperial side has the Dromund Kaas authorization (DUH). And now i have to refrain from purchasing any additional kingpins because when I unlock the same kingpin I have already done on this character I basically lose the 5 completed bounty contracts. Of course, there is no codex entry on the particular characters to tell you which kingpins you have already defeated... What are the chances that this will get fixed before tonight so I can purchase more authorizations and do the missions?!? If not, will you refund the contracts?
  4. What would be cool, for lvl 55, just use double the shards. That would increase stats and would leave room for another increase with 3xShards for the next level update or something...
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