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oh. ( free rothc for subs )


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I quit right before ROTHC. I came back late June and purchased ROTHC when I came back. I don't see the problem with how they're handling it. So lets consider, I have only gotten 2 months - 2 1/2 months out of my purchase yet I feel I've gotten my 10 dollars worth in that time. I've had time, even playing casually compared to my time after launch, to get 3 characters through Makeb and done a ridiculous amount of Makeb dailies to fund a couple new characters and other purchases from GTN (cartel stuff like armor) and yet people who pre-ordered even and had the game since ROTHC launch and have the hutt statue (boy wish I pre-ordered and got that, totally worth 10 bucks to me as an altaholic) are complaining.


Come on people, 10 bucks is not that much money.


Do I disagree they should have been more upfront and said this would or could happen? No I don't disagree, they should have, but at least now you know this is how it'll work going forward.


Do I think that'll stop the majority of you from buying the expansion with the new space content immediately, no way in hell. 1 month of free roam space even if it's only pvp would be worth 10 bucks to me let alone if we get ~6 months before it goes free to subs.


The only people I feel bad for are those that bought right before that ~month cut off and literally only got a couple days more than people who now get it for free, but they have to set the cut-off somewhere I suppose.

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What many people are also not mentioning or just don't know is those who pre-ordered or bought ROTHC early also received the Hutt training statue, a pet and another title....


Something that the folks who are getting ROTHC now can't receive...


I have no problem with what they are doing, I love my fat hutt statue....

Edited by aarontyler
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I'm really happy how EA didn't quite manage to ram it's Monetizing tentacles as deep in me as they would have liked.


I quit the game some 3 months after lauch. Returned when it had gone for FTP. Never spend a single euro on anything. Bought plenty of essential unlocks via GNT and with some 2k of CC. Had no intention of ever getting Hutt Cartel. Far as I'm concerned, lvling toons in WZ is extremely well done in TOR and pretty mucvh the only fun thing do in this game so hay.


Recently saw two gametime cards being sold for 2 euros each at local shop..figured what the hay. As a result, I get 4 months worth of subscription and Hutt Cartel for 4 Euros. I'd say it is moneys worth:D Take that EA!

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So its free now? Awesome. And I could care less. I paid $10 to get in on day one and I have no problems with them lowering the price now.


Anyone who does have a problem with this doesn't understand how these things work and its useless to try and explain it.

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What many people are also not mentioning or just don't know is those who pre-ordered or bought ROTHC early also received the Hutt training statue, a pet and another title....


Heh.. yeah. This fact however has been reserved-for-anquish by those that are still bent about not ordering in time and then losing out on these items.


These same folks will be back I'm sure to point out how they got /slapped coming and going on this Expac. :p

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1) it's completely up to the store.

2) there is no legal requirement to do so.

3) there are always conditions.

4) for most stores.. it does not apply to software products.. as these have different terms and conditions.


Best Buy and Fry's says hello on that software statement. One is the biggest electronics chain on the planet to boot. Fry's will even match online prices aka Amazon, etc.

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I quit right before ROTHC.


Do I disagree they should have been more upfront and said this would or could happen? No I don't disagree, they should have, but at least now you know this is how it'll work going forward.


Who's to say this was even on the table when ROTHC came out? It could be a recent idea.

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ROTHC was worth $10, especially in the context of prices of various fluff on the CM. However, the fact that they've discounted it so soon isn't going to sit well with a lot of the early adopters. All MMO expansions end up free or heavily discounted, but not usually this quickly.


Cartel Coins for early adopters would equate to a refund and an admission that ROTHC should have been free to subscribers in the first place. So they aren't going to do that. But the title is really pathetic and is just going to cause bad feeling. The best thing to have done here is to make a special UNIQUE item (a pet, a speeder, an adaptive armour piece ....anything) as a thank you for the early adopters. But no, as usual they took the lazy route and we get a lousy title and Bioware take another PR shot in the foot.

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There is a point that can be made that it was insinuated that content like RotHC was not going to be content that subscribers would have to pay for. I think that is a valid complaint and it has legs certainly...IMO of course.


However, this move means that it is finally as it should have been...free for subs. Better late then never, again, IMO.


This does leave those that paid for it prior to this move, but naturally one could say that anyone could have chosen NOT to purchase the expansion...in fact I waited until I actually had interest in leveling up one of my toons to 55 and sprung for the expansion then, not a moment sooner. A few of my friends have not purchased it as of yet.


Let's face it...for casual folks it's not really a must have.

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Cartel Coins for early adopters would equate to a refund and an admission that ROTHC should have been free to subscribers in the first place.


The coins serve two purpose in this case.


1) essentially a rebate for people who only recently bought the expac. That is good will.

2) marketing incentive to buy it now if you have not already and want to do that over wait to get it for free. Again.. good will. Personally, at this point.. if I did not own it.. I would just wait.

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I'm not bothered by the fact they're given it away for free to new subscribers and compensating those who recently bought it with cartel coins.


However, what does bother me is how subscribers who bought it during it's release are being rewarded with a title. I mean, a freaking title. Of all the possible cool, and perhaps simple things they could come up with they pick the most uninspired, cheap, stupid and pathetic reward of all. It reeks of laziness and it shows absolutely no gratitude towards long term supporters of this game.

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The coins serve two purpose in this case.


1) essentially a rebate for people who only recently bought the expac. That is good will.

2) marketing incentive to buy it now if you have not already and want to do that over wait to get it for free. Again.. good will. Personally, at this point.. if I did not own it.. I would just wait.


I'm well aware the coins serve as a rebate for recent purchasers. if you read my post properly, particularly the part you quoted in your reply, you'll note I was referring to early adopters.

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I'm not bothered by the fact they're given it away for free to new subscribers and compensating those who recently bought it with cartel coins.


However, what does bother me is how subscribers who bought it during it's release are being rewarded with a title. I mean, a freaking title. Of all the possible cool, and perhaps simple things they could come up with they pick the most uninspired, cheap, stupid and pathetic reward of all. It reeks of laziness and it shows absolutely no gratitude towards long term supporters of this game.


Are you really surprised? BW freaking celebrated KOTOR with a title plus you even had the added benefit of having to up CCs for it even if it was a cheap 10 or 15 CCs. It's pretty much a joke, I'm over the CCs reward/refund but the title reward is what that is eating me up. Poor form.

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ROTHC was worth $10, especially in the context of prices of various fluff on the CM. However, the fact that they've discounted it so soon isn't going to sit well with a lot of the early adopters. All MMO expansions end up free or heavily discounted, but not usually this quickly.


Cartel Coins for early adopters would equate to a refund and an admission that ROTHC should have been free to subscribers in the first place. So they aren't going to do that. But the title is really pathetic and is just going to cause bad feeling. The best thing to have done here is to make a special UNIQUE item (a pet, a speeder, an adaptive armour piece ....anything) as a thank you for the early adopters. But no, as usual they took the lazy route and we get a lousy title and Bioware take another PR shot in the foot.


Well said its too bad these kind of comment likely to get flammed by fanboys/fangirls or troll soon. I'm fine with the fact that the expansion are free for currently active subscribers, and since we get a several month of early access, a few rewards for those who bought it before the launch in MMO games it's going to happened sooner or later. However I can understand and sympathize on why it doesn't sit well with alot of the early adopters.


The only thing that doesn't sit well with me is free cartel coins as compensation to people who just bought it month ago while the faithful loyal subscribers get screwed over with lousy title as reward. I agree that the early buyers deserve more appreciation, and it seems like they couldn't come up with something better more than easy but lazy route to treat their customers. I think people who bought the expansion especially those who bought it before has earn the cartel coins reward but its end up as this guy win, that guy lose and got robbed. I personally don't think this is smart things to treat their customers as its should be equal in the first place, and If the loyal subscribers base being discriminated against, they'll risk to lose their loyal or long-term supporters.

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What I find even more disturbing is that unless I'm reading it wrong, it looks like players who already own it get a title. Players who don't already own it but get on and buy it before the 12 of Sept get the title AND get a bonus 1050 Cartel Coins.


I don't think I have forum-worthy words for that... but if I did, I don't think they'd be complimentary.


Seriously. I'm so glad that I'm a "valued customer".

ALL the subs who bought ROTHC for ten bucks should be getting the cartel coins, not just some people.


Either that, or subs who bought it should get an "early adopter" exclusive title at least. Sheesh.


So the mentality is this....let's treat the people we are trying to lure back, or new customers better than the ones who have been loyal and faithful to the company and product. Sadly, this is nothing new, I recently had it out with a certain satellite dish provider and their "NFL package" over an issue like this. At least in the end they made good, since I have been with them for 8 years. I received the said package for free and then some. I hope Bioware/EA can make this right for us who have been here threw hell and high water with them....but I won't hold my breath.


I get it, a company and needs to make profit. Great, but don't alienate the people who have stood beside you continuously since day one.



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I'm well aware the coins serve as a rebate for recent purchasers. if you read my post properly, particularly the part you quoted in your reply, you'll note I was referring to early adopters.


Nothing in my comment to you in any way undermined what you stated. Sorry if I did not make that clear enough.


I used your comment to make a specific set of points... for readers in general.. not as a rebuttal to you. :)


Early adopters that think they deserve the coins too.. they are just greedy self-interested people and I could care less what they feel they deserve. Note: I am an early adopter.

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Either that, or subs who bought it should get an "early adopter" exclusive title at least. Sheesh.


Maybe a special edition Rotworm Practice Jersey that says "Kick Me". Complete with robo-auto_boot so you can self-administer.


Would that do it for you? :p

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Maybe a special edition Rotworm Practice Jersey that says "Kick Me". Complete with robo-auto_boot so you can self medicate.


Would that do it for you? :p


So you're saying that they should straight up tell their most loyal customers "LOL THANKS FOR YOUR MONEY BUT TIME TO GIVE LOTS OF STUFF TO NEW PEOPLE WHO ARE CLEARLY MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU"


Like I said earlier I'm not even sure why I reply to you since you spout the most inane blather in General. If only Ansalem were here to dogpile you with me :<


Shine on, you crazy fanboy diamond.


I'd also like to point out that giving everyone funny money (cartel coins) costs them literally nothing. That's like, what, three gamble packs a person? If they're so broken up about losing potential cartel coin sales they could easily drop the cc amount to under ten bucks, you could even make it an odd number so people would have some cc left over to encourage more buying if you want to do it that way

Likewise, a title costs them nothing too. They could easily implement two titles and it would make everyone happy. It would be so easy.

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Not sure why you even bother continuing going to these forums. Everyone sane can tell you're spinning as furiously as Fox News.


What is the spin?


I was an early adopter and I understand that I pay a small price for doing so. Bioware made 10 bucks off me...so what.


I have no sense that I am owed anything. Prices change in the industry all the time. When a steam sale goes up and someone paid 50 dollars the day before, they don't get a refund. This was 10 freakin bucks and now its free. And even in this case bioware is covering recent adopters with some coins.


Anyone moaning and crying that they don't feel appreciated has bigger, deep seeded issues that they need to take care of. I never log on and think...bioware doesn't appreciate me while I sulk in the corner.


If I ever do feel that way ill cancel my sub and go play something else.

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