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2.3.2 Individual Class Records (under new management...again)


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I'll post a few record additions for Vanguards.


Overall damage







Damage done/death ratio







Funny thing with the match for the above two records was someone on the team (will go nameless, certainly god's gift to PvP though) went off ridiculing me for being tank spec wearing dps gear and insisted I'm a clueless moron (clearly, running plasma cell means I'm a full tank spec, amirite?). Yeah, please, carry me and show me the way... :confused:


Biggest hit






Edited by KamikazeKommando
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Funny thing with the match for the above two records was someone on the team (will go nameless, certainly god's gift to PvP though) went off ridiculing me for being tank spec wearing dps gear and insisted I'm a clueless moron (clearly, running plasma cell means I'm a full tank spec, amirite?). Yeah, please, carry me and show me the way... :confused:


Obvious Combatmedic is obvious. But but 34k prot? *sad face*

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The game that i called you a retard was the novare coast right before that game. You decided to watch west , not call out and even when i was babysitting you (had you on focus target and responded when you weren't calling out) it took you like 5 minutes to kill two baddie assassins we lost south and were node trading all game which we eventually lost anyways. I noticed you had the vg leap , were in plasma cell and i pointed that out because you're troling yourself losing dps as a hybrid and imo its upside down to take tanking talents and not use a shield gen at least. As far as the screenshots you just posted congrats on getting 1.3 million at 1k dps ....amazing
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The game that i called you a retard was the novare coast right before that game. You decided to watch west , not call out and even when i was babysitting you (had you on focus target and responded when you weren't calling out) it took you like 5 minutes to kill two baddie assassins we lost south and were node trading all game which we eventually lost anyways. I noticed you had the vg leap , were in plasma cell and i pointed that out because you're troling yourself losing dps as a hybrid and imo its upside down to take tanking talents and not use a shield gen at least. As far as the screenshots you just posted congrats on getting 1.3 million at 1k dps ....amazing


Actually, parakeet hybrids are still viable options right now, especially when performance in PvP is ultimately a factor of output ceiling, time on target, and survivability, more so in a solo queue having no idea what you're up against. Sure, on a dummy a parakeet doesn't have the same max potential as other specs, but that's not exactly the scenario you face in PvP now is it. Would you run one with a premade ranked group (as if Vanguards even have a DPS spot in one)? Probably not. Seriously, use a shield gen? I'm not sure you even know the hybrid in question by the sounds of it, you're talking about something quite different there altogether. Parakeets in a PvP environment have a grand total of 3 wasted points in tank talents. Running a gen means ion cell and a completely different setup.


As far as the novare coast match, you have your perspective, I have mine, and they're quite different. So be it. You were full of QQ that match but please don't stop, your tears fuel me. However, let's be big boys and not derail the thread, so moving on.

Edited by KamikazeKommando
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Don't shields not even work in Plasma cell? Because Shields don't work for a shadow if they aren't in Combat Technique (info from your friendly neighborhood loadscreen).


Aye, to shield/absorb you need to have a shield equipped in the offhand and be in the respective tank stance for your class. Creating a high DPS hybrid for a tank class using both of those variables is a tad challenging in light of the hit one takes for doing so (such hybrids do exist but their output isn't superb). That being said, it's possible but it's quite debatable whether it outperforms a parakeet from a pure damage/survivability factor when speaking specifically about Vanguard tank hybrids. There are, however, pros/cons to each side of that coin, like the ability to guard for example, so it is essentially situational.

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Section: 300k+ Protection/Damage and Damage Taken/Death

Class: Vanguard

Rank: 1 and 1

Name: Caroth

Record: 1111087 Damage/1018325 Protection and 1027132 Damage Taken/0 Deaths

Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/j2NLpiv.jpg (provided by F'Shep).


That's also good for 3rd on Damage Done/Death Ratio. That looks like it was quite a match!

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All records have been updated.


Shortly I will be creating a new thread containing a revamped and updated records list in preparation for 2.4.


Also, Caroth stop breaking your own #1 records MEOW!!!:p


The new thread is up. Please post any new records to the new thread at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=682348.

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Section: Overall Healing / Healing/Death Ratio

Class: Sorcerer

Rank: 4 / 3

Name: Snab

Record: 2212633 healing / 2212633/0

Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/nEjuIaX.jpg

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typed it incorrectly
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