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2.3.2 Individual Class Records (under new management...again)


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I thought ppl would be less concerned about records being set by ppl not here anymore and more on the fact they were set during times of bad bolster/augment bugs and double power relic procs etc...


This was a concern that was addressed ad nauseum after 2.0 came out, and records that are shown now are pretty much the concensus of the pvp community (which is vocal and can be self policing) to be legit. It's there in black and white in the original thread that was kept up by Andressa if you can find it.


Did I do naked mid bracket pvp, where bolster was beyond broken? Everyone was, we were having fun with it. Did I rock the double power relics, heck yeah....WHO DIDN'T is what I want to know? Was the augment exploit prolific? Not on this server and that self policing I mentioned....that exploit was dealt with swiftly. That being said, I'm getting better numbers now than back then, but then again, I'm min/max conqueror. So how far do we take this? Records in partisan gear, conqueror, min/maxed....

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This is a ss from today, no big deal but records can still easily be done with 0 effort...just stalemates.


Section: Dmg/Death

Class: Sorc

Rank you think the record qualifies for (1-5): 2nd

Toon name: Toka

Record: 1.54 mil to 0 deaths

Link to Screenshot: http://imageshack.us/a/img819/3750/j640.jpg


/toka or /conji w/e

Edited by Ekot
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This was a concern that was addressed ad nauseum after 2.0 came out, and records that are shown now are pretty much the concensus of the pvp community (which is vocal and can be self policing) to be legit. It's there in black and white in the original thread that was kept up by Andressa if you can find it.


Did I do naked mid bracket pvp, where bolster was beyond broken? Everyone was, we were having fun with it. Did I rock the double power relics, heck yeah....WHO DIDN'T is what I want to know? Was the augment exploit prolific? Not on this server and that self policing I mentioned....that exploit was dealt with swiftly. That being said, I'm getting better numbers now than back then, but then again, I'm min/max conqueror. So how far do we take this? Records in partisan gear, conqueror, min/maxed....


I was just making a point. I stopped caring about forum record posting a long time ago. Devalues the good records when a healer has 0 dmg or a dps (tank class) has 0 protection to go with their record.

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Cloudchaser would like to point out that in the same match he got both the record for Commando/Merc heals in a match, and most heals without deaths for Mando/Merc.




(he is FTP atm)



GG, put in your commandos instead of those in that game and you would've curbstomped us

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Too bad no one got a SS of him taking 1.6mil in a Voidstar a couple days ago... facetanking like a boss


Well... I wouldn't say no one :cool:


Section: Damage Taken

Class: Commando

Rank: 1st

Toon name: Cloudchaser

Record: 1658873



Edit: Also just realized that that would put me at 5th place for Damage done/death ratio for Marauders so:


Section: Damage dealt/Death

Class: Marauder

Rank you think the record qualifies for: 5th

Toon name: Shadow

Record: 1329299/2


Edited by Jack_Shadowshade
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I thought ppl would be less concerned about records being set by ppl not here anymore and more on the fact they were set during times of bad bolster/augment bugs and double power relic procs etc...


This is a valid point but as Axva stated it was discussed at length previously. The short of it is we have no way to validate/invalidate which records were made during that time. Also its definitely not the last time that BW breaks something pvp related so we are going to have to just roll with the punches.


All records up this point have been updated. A lot of records including some #1's are being broken. Keep em coming and I'll keep updating.

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But they were on the server when they made the records. Its a server records not a who is on server now records. Granted with the removal of 8vs8 ranked matches most of these records will be hard to break since its very rare to get those numbers in a regular warzone. But still they earned them while they were on this server.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

i'm in favor of wiping them in october simply because of the format changes taking place in 2.4. e.g., arena numbers =/= WZ numbers, and there won't be any RWZ numbers, which, with their epic stalemates, should dominate the total healing, dmg, and dmg taking categories (imo). the fact that a player still plays or not (for whatever reason) is moot.



Edited by foxmob
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His keyboard was stun locked.


There is literally nothing that makes me laugh more than someone losing a node and in response to why they didn't call saying they were stunned. What would be really funny is what if your typing was actually disabled while you were cc'd? That would make stealth caps even more fun =)

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There is literally nothing that makes me laugh more than someone losing a node and in response to why they didn't call saying they were stunned. What would be really funny is what if your typing was actually disabled while you were cc'd? That would make stealth caps even more fun =)


I disagree. There is nothing funny aboot losing a node without an inc call. It is so simple to do That I usually let my 2 year old do it. I mean you know you are guarding so why not pre type your location in the chat box. That way when you see inc coming all you do is hit enter type a number you see then enter. Boom inc called. And if you know you arent going to call out inc then please don't guard.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

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I disagree. There is nothing funny aboot losing a node without an inc call. It is so simple to do That I usually let my 2 year old do it. I mean you know you are guarding so why not pre type your location in the chat box. That way when you see inc coming all you do is hit enter type a number you see then enter. Boom inc called. And if you know you arent going to call out inc then please don't guard.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel



You and I are quite possibly the only ones that do this, lol

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Big hits =/= skill


And I'm a terrible shadow, I only luck out with some big hits here and there


Couldn't be more wrong. I thought you were better than that :(


That's ok Rynis is a terrible shadow too. He just got excited cause he thought you said big *its. :p


i'm in favor of wiping them in october simply because of the format changes taking place in 2.4. e.g., arena numbers =/= WZ numbers, and there won't be any RWZ numbers, which, with their epic stalemates, should dominate the total healing, dmg, and dmg taking categories (imo). the fact that a player still plays or not (for whatever reason) is moot.




Ty for your 2 cents Krack. I always appreciate feedback. I have no intention of wiping the records only because 8 man reg wz's will still be around. I thought that RWZ's would dominate the records too at first but for w/e reason it hasn't turned out that way, most of the records were done in regs. However, we obviously can't just throw 4 man arena records into the exisiting ones because 8 man wz and 4 man arenas are like apples and oranges. Therefore I was planning on adding a section/thread or something when 2.4 drops.


All records are updated.

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I usually just have "Inc [place I'm guarding]. Need help"


I really wish valor 100 or total wins determined the ops leader, so I can use the ops announcements


I might be wrong, but someone with valor 100 will never be ops leader. Isn't it the person closest to the next valor lvl the leader? That's how you can get someone who is valor 53, ready to roll over to 54 be ops leader over someone who just rolled into say, valor 98.


This is all based on loose speculation and what I've read along the way. But I think there is something to it.


I agree though, make highest valor ops leader. Some will take advantage of it, some not.

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This was a great game by many ppl, including the 4, yes four (4), frigging million and a half plus healers on the other team, their beast tank, and our kickass heals as well. unfortunately for our healers, the other team really didn't put out much in the way of deeps, so their heal numbers don't really reflect as highly as the other healers. With these thoughts in mind, i see several records in this screenshot. I don't know if I got them all though


Section Overall Damage

Class Scoundrel

Rank you think the record qualifies for 2

Toon name Napheli

Record 1,830,354


Section Overall Damage

Class Sentinel

Rank you think the record qualifies for 4

Toon name Rippernine

Record 2,114,597


Section Overall Protection

Class Jugg

Rank you think the record qualifies for 3

Toon name Ve-Rod

Record 1,104,642.


I think Napheli and Rippernine numbers would also be records for damage/death ratio for the respective classes.


And for pure overkill, #4 on scoundrel dps http://i.imgur.com/YmEIC9J.jpg

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