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Server wide dueling event.


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You don't want to "Challonge me" (Your word, not mine)


Before you dig yourself in too deep a hole, I just want to bring some points up.


You must be really new to this server or PvP if you haven't heard of Zenod. However, I find it strange that you claim you don't know who he is when he introduced himself in the first line of that post you quoted. *chin stroke*


You must also lack reading comprehension skills when you failed to realize that "Challonge" is the name of a web site, and not a word that Zenod made up.


Finally, if you're going to call someone garbage, you should at the very least include your toon's name so we can know if your opinion matters or not. Otherwise, you sound like someone that's butthurt because you got beat up by him or he called you fat in gen chat.


But since my legacy name is in my signature, I can call Zenod garbage without being a ***** about it.

Zenod, you're garbage <3

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Yea you don't get around much if you don't know Zenod

Kami - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6743916#post6743916


jugg named grant

(not on the same level as your super awesome fatedd work but it'll do)


I've never heard of him, if you haven't he must not play much cuz you're always on.


BTW the last real dueling tourney we had (the one viper hosted) Zenod only lost to merkave coming in 2nd


but since he is in my guild I'll pile on too, Zenod you're garbage :rak_03:

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Yea you don't get around much if you don't know Zenod

Kami - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6743916#post6743916


jugg named grant

(not on the same level as your super awesome fatedd work but it'll do)


I've never heard of him, if you haven't he must not play much cuz you're always on.


BTW the last real dueling tourney we had (the one viper hosted) Zenod only lost to merkave coming in 2nd


but since he is in my guild I'll pile on too, Zenod you're garbage :rak_03:



ermagerd, our server should become cyber detectives!

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Does anyone else find it cute when assassins brag about being good at duels?....I mean...you put them on nodes for a reason...amiright?


The classic "you're an assassin you should win every duel"


I've seen some players defeat excellent assassins, and not because the sin ****ed up, but because the other player is just as good at his class..


"nerf sins they have stealth, we shouldnt be allowed to duel stealth classes"

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No, it's all about nerfing DPS operatives. :mad:


Does anyone else find it cute when assassins brag about being good at duels?....I mean...you put them on nodes for a reason...amiright?


Shhh..we all know sins are considered the best dueling class.


Oh...funny thing happened the other day. I was guarding a node with my jugg who happened to be specced into immortal with tank gear on and this infiltration shadow came along. He hit me a few times which pretty much tickled. Then he went back into stealth and never came back. :(

Edited by Dedrayge
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The classic "you're an assassin you should win every duel"


I've seen some players defeat excellent assassins, and not because the sin ****ed up, but because the other player is just as good at his class..


"nerf sins they have stealth, we shouldn't be allowed to duel stealth classes"


regardless, at equal skill levels, a assassin should almost always win

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regardless, at equal skill levels, a assassin should almost always win


yeah I agree with that, but I dislike hearing people go "you're a sin that's why I lost"


well then, if I should win every duel because I chose to roll a sin, may as well make every dueling tournament non-stealth only, and non-stealth classes should never duel others, because they'll lose for sure? that's dumb.



People just need to become better at fighting stealth classes, and should stop the "well you're a sin anyways" if they lose.


A duel's a duel, if the assassin doesn't sap regen on you, I don't see why you wouldn't win. Just like a smasher, you can kite and stun them, and our defensive cooldowns are different, not "better". But we get an opener on you, that's all

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yeah I agree with that, but I dislike hearing people go "you're a sin that's why I lost"


well then, if I should win every duel because I chose to roll a sin, may as well make every dueling tournament non-stealth only, and non-stealth classes should never duel others, because they'll lose for sure? that's dumb.



People just need to become better at fighting stealth classes, and should stop the "well you're a sin anyways" if they lose.


A duel's a duel, if the assassin doesn't sap regen on you, I don't see why you wouldn't win. Just like a smasher, you can kite and stun them, and our defensive cooldowns are different, not "better". But we get an opener on you, that's all


And it's not like the maul in the opening is an auto crit. Plus spike is on a 30 second CD.


Besides, marauders have great defensive skills and carnage can really spank a sin.


Vengeance also has good options to beat a sun.

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the bulk of carnage is weapon damage...sin spanking is something it doesn't do...


sins have a 12sec deflection CD that blocks white damage (same one that you have but yours is better for a reason i forgot)


and again, your CDs > ours, you'll hit a sin harder than you'll hit a marauder.. yay light armor.

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the bulk of carnage is weapon damage...sin spanking is something it doesn't do...


Well...I will run my marauder in carnage and after getting spiked by an assassin in a WZ I was actually able to come back and really drop his health.


Carnage berserk can really help a lot when one needs to play catch up in damage. Plus procs on slaughter and execute help a lot.


And really, most of a deception assassin's burst comes from the opening. Using force camo can actually hinder it a bit and give a marauder time to pop off some defensive CDs. Plus maul also happens to be weapon damage and happens to be the hardest hitting ability a sin has.


Any fillers a sin has just eat up a lot of force and tend to be weapon damage. So, deception is pretty much all burst no real sustain. At least carnage has sustain to keep the pressure going.


It would also be hard for a sin to time shroud to avoid an auto crit force scream.


Personally, I'd say carnage should be more wary of operatives than assassins.


sins have a 12sec deflection CD that blocks white damage (same one that you have but yours is better for a reason i forgot)


and again, your CDs > ours, you'll hit a sin harder than you'll hit a marauder.. yay light armor.


Saber ward also has a 25% reduction to force and tech damage. For juggs, the first second of saber ward gives them 100% defense rating. 3 seconds if specced into immortal.


Yea...one of the talents in the deception tree increases a sin's armour by 30% which is enough to make their armour comparable to medium armour.


Sins just don't have cloak of pain...or obfuscate.



Oh, and an immortal jugg would probably give a sin a run for his money. Possibly even a PT tank.

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this is assuming the assassin isn't a tank of course...or....half tank. Regular dps assassins are soft....node guarding assassins dont do that o.o....regardless of cooldowns, anything that is tanky, bursty, and stealthy at the same time....is pretty intense


and dedrayge, who im pretty sure doesn't actually exist, i've never played carnage in my life ever, and im super bad at the game.

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this is assuming the assassin isn't a tank of course...or....half tank. Regular dps assassins are soft....node guarding assassins dont do that o.o....regardless of cooldowns, anything that is tanky, bursty, and stealthy at the same time....is pretty intense


and dedrayge, who im pretty sure doesn't actually exist, i've never played carnage in my life ever, and im super bad at the game.


Tank sins aren't really that tanky anymore...I would also imagine most sins will stall until help arrives.


Deception gets nasty opening burst...Tank sins don't really...I'd imagine same with tank hybrids.


Just saying they can be beaten...Plus you know, I figured that you would be able to be able to beat a sin damn it. Am I wrong? :(








You are currently locked inside an insane asylum. This all a figment of your imagination. A world you have created for yourself to cope with what you have done in real life.

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oh no doubt they can be beaten...I'm just saying that *** for tat, they're the best solo class in the game......the only thing more OP is dueling an OP healer and giving them a pillar to hump......the op healer + pillar is coming from the perspective of a carnage marauder.....


plus there's something strangely demoralizing about laying on the ground getting stabbed......that opener is everything XDD


edit: now that I think of it, a merc with a big flat open field, no possible way of LoSing...and he opens from the edge of his effective range....and with dat electro net. Again, from a melee perspective.....that's a ****** situation.

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oh no doubt they can be beaten...I'm just saying that *** for tat, they're the best solo class in the game......the only thing more OP is dueling an OP healer and giving them a pillar to hump......the op healer + pillar is coming from the perspective of a carnage marauder.....


plus there's something strangely demoralizing about laying on the ground getting stabbed......that opener is everything XDD


edit: now that I think of it, a merc with a big flat open field, no possible way of LoSing...and he opens from the edge of his effective range....and with dat electro net. Again, from a melee perspective.....that's a ****** situation.


Yea, not going to argue that they are the best solo class...


I have tried vengeance, carnage, deception, concealment, and rage on an operative healer + pillar...and just...pain in the ***...


You must hate concealment operatives then...They face plant...sins just lay you on your back. Worse to get a back stabbing from behind. :(


Damn straight that's a ***** situation...Move and take more damage...stay still and try and wait it out...trolololol...Grav round hurts...Demolition round really hurts on a crit...Full auto is pretty damned painful.


Marksman sniper in an open field...Now that's a nightmare. Lethality can be pretty nasty too. :eek:

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