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Open world PvP for ALL SERVERS!


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Containing it to one world lets player who enjoy it get their fix while players that don't can simply ignore the world.


Did I say it was all about ganking? No. You're also ignoring the fact that you don't have to do those dailies if you don't want to get ganked.


That sir, is YOUR opinion. Even though you made your post into an attack of sorts, I respect it even if you don't respect mine.


Go read your OP or my quote of it.. You called your fellow players MOFO.. And just talked about ganking them.. Clearly you have no idea what PVP is, nor do you care about the feelings of your fellow players as they are just MOFO's..


As for respect?? I have a hard time respecting anyone that refers to their fellow players as MOFO's..


If people really want more open world PVP.. Just flag yourselves.. If everyone that wants it does that, there shouldn't be a problem.. My guess is there really isn't a lot of people that wants it.. I know dearing the beta, open world PVP pretty much was removed due to countless abuses.. Like higher level characters killing lowbies.. Preventing people from doing quests.. There is a republic quest on Tatooine.. 'That thing Czerkia Found' or something like that.. I took me darn near 3 weeks to complete that one quest, because imps like to camp out in the gave and gank you.. Is that PVP?? That experience is why I am on a PVE server.. I am sure I am not alone..


So about that respect thing?? When is the PVP community actually going to respect the people they share this game with.. When is PVP going to mean something other than harassing lower level characters??


I don't care if there is a PVP planet or not.. I have a hard time respecting a group of players that have no respect for their fellow players and refuse to just let someone level and do quests in piece.. I am all for same level or close to it PVP.. But when a lvl 50 or 55 is on Tatooine, a level 20 something world for the republic.. There are issues.. Respect being one of them.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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This is a perfectly reasonable and good suggestion OP and if the game could handle large amounts of people on screen then im sure that we would still have something like this. Unfortunately you are gonna get nothing but hate for suggstions about expanding pvp because a lot of PVE'rs on these forums have the belief that PVP'rs are fundamentally bad and rotten people. Reading these forums you would think were all serial killers IRL. It can make it hard to argue your points when you are talking to those that think what you do and what you want to do is harmful and mean. And trust me, a lot of us cant even understand why ganking would be fun. Edited by Miggzy
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sure, under following conditions"

1) remove the rest of the PVP content from the other PVE servers and remove the ability to become flagged without actually flagging yourself.

2) If not in a PVP area you are automatically unflagged unless you actively toggle it on.


3) If flagged you are automatically bolstered without having to carry around PVP gear (especially on a PVE server) to avert risk of getting ganked by someone running around to "gank mofo's" while in PVE gear and facilitating as training dummy.

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This is a perfectly reasonable and good suggestion OP and if the game could handle large amounts of people on screen then im sure that we would still have something like this. Unfortunately you are gonna get nothing but hate for suggestions about expanding pvp because a lot of PVE'rs on these forums have the belief that PVP'rs are fundamentally bad and rotten people. Reading these forums you would think were all serial killers IRL. It can make it hard to argue your points when you are talking to those that think what you do and what you want to do is harmful and mean. And trust me, a lot of us cant even understand why ganking would be fun.


Not saying all are bad, but the few bad apples on PVE servers that run around with intent of ganking and ruining people games (all while saying why should they be allowed to ruing MY fun, since they enjoy ganking). People join a PVE server for a reason, some just want to level in peace. PVPers tend to join a PVE server because they can't handle pure PVP worlds and would rather be the "big fish" and being the guy doing all the ganking, than the lump on the side of the road.

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I'm a PVE player on a PVE server. Please explain to me how this idea is not a waste of developer time and dollars for someone in my position. I really can't see the value of Bioware putting in the effort to add a planet I will never visit to the PVE server where I play, when that effort could instead be dedicated to adding more PVE content (potentially, with a dedicated PVP zone). If PVP servers didn't exist? Sure. But they do. Edited by Nocturnalchemy
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I think it would be O.K if the daily missions on it were just optional and for either PVP only gear and valour so although not required may be a useful bonus if your PVE player that may be prepared to take the risk for some bonus gear. Or as alternative to PVP gear rewards maybe have rare cartel market /vanity based rewards rather than gear instead. Also it would need the following restrictions below:-


1. some sort of mechanic which locks/prevents a high level player attacking a low level player say within a max of 2 levels difference. Maybe have it instanced ranked so that all players of same or near same level are on the same instance, then at least it gives you fair chance then.


2. Also to avoid ganging up on one poor player. Once one player attacks someone nobody else can attack that same player or do damage or effect in any way some sort of immunity buff in effect that prevents damage from a secondary player attack.


3 A decent length cooldown after a player dies the player that did the killing cannot attack the same player gain for a set amount of time.


If all that could be done I don't see why not really.


Although to be honest the time it would take to create a new PVP world with such restrictions I mention I rather more investment in different PVE things.


One cool idea I had was a have a raced operation mode between republic and imp teams were each team put items of same overall quality total up for grabs in the loot pot first side to defeat all mobs and bosses (Nothing skippable) wins all the loot, you could have the same thing on certain shared story flashpoint area’s aswell like Hammer station.


Everybody wants to see more done with guilds aswell. Own guild ships and indeed PVP guild battle warzones. These are the sort of things that Bioware need to invest time into really. ;)

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This is a perfectly reasonable and good suggestion OP and if the game could handle large amounts of people on screen then im sure that we would still have something like this. Unfortunately you are gonna get nothing but hate for suggstions about expanding pvp because a lot of PVE'rs on these forums have the belief that PVP'rs are fundamentally bad and rotten people. Reading these forums you would think were all serial killers IRL. It can make it hard to argue your points when you are talking to those that think what you do and what you want to do is harmful and mean. And trust me, a lot of us cant even understand why ganking would be fun.


Yeah, I can see that now. Anything slightly "rude" even meant as a joke on the subject is taken WAY out of context. I understand that people aren't going to like the idea, but that's no need to rip apart my post.


It seems any opinion differing from their own is frowned up just because they don't understand why anyone would enjoy it.

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I'm a PVE player on a PVE server. Please explain to me how this idea is not a waste of developer time and dollars for someone in my position. I really can't see the value of Bioware putting in the effort to add a planet I will never visit to the PVE server where I play, when that effort could instead be dedicated to adding more PVE content (potentially, with a dedicated PVP zone). If PVP servers didn't exist? Sure. But they do.


So Bioware should dedicate their resources to PvE content because YOU enjoy PvP more? What kind of logic is that? Just screw everyone else who enjoys PvP? You don't mind Bioware adding PvE content to PvP servers, but it's a terrible waste of time to add PvP content to a PvE server?


I really don't understand why I can't make a simple suggestion without people getting all up in arms and accusing me of being piss poor PvPer, as well as making all kinds of assumptions over ONE LINE THAT WAS MEANT AS A JOkE.

Edited by NeroTethras
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A mod can close this thread since people clearly can't discuss the topic in a respectful manner (I can't either at this point).


So?? Referring to all your fellow players an MOFO is respectful?? Really??


It is really hard to show respect when you aren't shown respect..


Let's review.. The title of your thread.. 'Open world PvP for ALL SERVERS!'


How does that title show any respect to the people that are on PVE servers and do not wish to participate in PVP?? You even capped all servers.. Clearly you want to make all servers PVP servers.. There by dictating to others how the game should be played.. Didn't you accuse me of that??


I'll give you credit for editing your Op post.. But still..


I think it would be AWESOME if we could get one whole world dedicated to PvP. Add dailies and objectives to lure people into the world and give us the ability to take part in open world PvP for PvP rewards such as Valor and WZ coms.


Why add this?


-Another way to earn War Zone Coms and Valor

-Letting players that aren't on a PvP server partake in open world combat. People partake in RP and PvE on PvP servers, why should open world PvP be any different?


My suggested location for this PvP would be Mustafar


Edit: Changed the last line as it seems to distract people from the main point. Also added clarification for people who have not read my later responses.


First of all if you have to lure anyone to PVP then you are doing it wrong.. Nobody should be lured into anything.. Again your own wording shows a lack of respect for other players..


Then you go on to say that: -Letting players that aren't on a PvP server partake in open world combat. People partake in RP and PvE on PvP servers, why should open world PvP be any different?


The two servers are different because you can't totally prevent abuse.. It is easier to make them separate servers.. People make that choice for a reason and it is again disrespectful for you to think they want this changed.. I am not sure why you want this changed.. I am sure respect for others has little to do with it...


PVE servers can stay.. The players on PVE servers do not want open world combat for a reason.. They don't want it forced on them either.. It is nice to just be able to do my quests on a lowbie and not worry about some lvl 50 or 55 wannabe come along to get their jollies on killing someone 30 levels under them..


Just the fact that think your way to play the game is better is disrespecting to your fellow players..


As for a PVP world or planet?? I don't really care one way or the other.. What I do have issues with is PVE content and PVP content being mixed or forced on anyone.. I shouldn't have to participate in PVP to do a PVE quest for PVE rewards.. They can do PVP quests for PVP rewards..


Besides.. I don't know how much fun a PVP world would be.. They would most certainly put a level limit on the planet.. So the all time fav activity of ganking lowbies wouldn't be possible.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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So?? Referring to all your fellow players an MOFO is respectful?? Really??



It was a joke that you took way out of context. I don't actually consider all my fellow players MOFOs, it was a freaking joke.


Unless you can make a post without taking things out of context or making random assumptions over a sentence worded a certain way, I can't have a conversation with you. I'm sorry if I offended you with the mofo thing, but you've taken that WAY out of context.


You're also suggesting in your post that everything I've said and suggested is somehow disrespectful. Suggesting that a separate planet be added on non PvP as well as PvP servers for the purpose of Pvp dailies which provide PvP rewards is not disrespectful and I'm not sure why you think it is.

Edited by NeroTethras
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The point is to bring open world PvP to non PvP servers without making PvP hating players put up with it. How is server transfer the solution to this?


If you want an area with dailies to lure people in so that you can participate in open world PVP, then a server transfer to a PVP server would give you exactly what you desire.


There are dailies in section X, Corellia, Ilum and Makeb. Unless I am mistaken, these areas are all PVP areas on a PVP server. This would give you the chance to go to those areas to participate in open world PVP with those players who choose to do those dailies.


It would also mean that most of those players doing their dailies would, in all likelihood, be much more of a challenge than an average PVE player who does not enjoy PVP. My guess is that this is your true reason for desiring to stay on a PVE server and trying to "lure" PVE players to an open world PVP area.

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It was a joke that you took way out of context. I don't actually consider all my fellow players MOFOs, it was a freaking joke.


Unless you can make a post without taking things out of context or making random assumptions over a sentence worded a certain way, I can't have a conversation with you. I'm sorry if I offended you with the mofo thing, but you've taken that WAY out of context.


You're also suggesting in your post that everything I've said and suggested is somehow disrespectful. Suggesting that a separate planet be added on non PvP as well as PvP servers for the purpose of Pvp dailies which provide PvP rewards is not disrespectful and I'm not sure why you think it is.


Was it really out of context?? What does the title of your thread say?? You just want to destroy all PVE servers and make them all PVP.. Completely ignoring what the players on the PVE server may want..


Then you talk about luring people in just so you can gank them..


Out of context or not, the whole thing wasn't very nice..


Do I think you set out to offend people?? No.. I just don't think you gave much thought to how others might read your thread title and your original OP.. Hopefully next time you will..


Apology accepted and thank you for being mature enough to offer on.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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