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Darkness PvP Build


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Thats my point? They see you with 3 stacks, they see you use force lightening, they hit a knockback or a cc button and its done. You wont get a harnassed darkness off against a decent enemy. Rememeber when you fight as a tankasin, your not hitting them for 7k your hitting them for 2k, its a longevity fight while you call for help/hold them away from an objective/healer. You dont solo maras as a tankasin (not if they have a clue), you hold them up, frustrate them and waste their time that would be better served killing your team mates.


DPS gear darkness FL ticks for 3.2k+ in minmax conq. Shock for 3-5k and maul for 4-7k.


Also, as I said, trading that overload for the FL is a good trade. If you don't want to be interrupted just cast from long range (since reck lets you do that) or use a stun before casting.


There is also a thing called tactical insight, where you know either the enemy even can interrupt you or not due to cooldowns.

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Well evoike, love to see you go out and make a video of how its done then. Im not in min/max gear and can only talk of my own experience and of what I have seen on my alts witnessing other sins/fighting them. For what its worth when Im in a deathmatch at a node trying to hold it v 2 guys long enough for my team to reinforce me (lol joke red eclipse pugs), I'll never get a Fl cast off without a full resolve bar.
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Oh and just for the record: tankassasin hybrids that fight in dark charge with a shield dont go madness for deathfield, they go deception for darkswell, duplicty and low slash. Cos that boys and girls is the only way your going to kill anything one on one.


I'm aware of the 23/21/2 build since I run it sometimes when I'm tanking, that spec being vastly more tanky than full Darkness. OP wasn't asking about tank assassins, and I don't see the point of ever running with a shield if you're trying to DPS.


And the 27/4/15's Death Field still hits harder than fully buffed Wither, so you're not missing anything damage-wise.

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I'm aware of the 23/21/2 build since I run it sometimes when I'm tanking, that spec being vastly more tanky than full Darkness. OP wasn't asking about tank assassins, and I don't see the point of ever running with a shield if you're trying to DPS.


And the 27/4/15's Death Field still hits harder than fully buffed Wither, so you're not missing anything damage-wise.


But aren't u running darkness with wither for the proc for force lightning? And whats the point of running darkness without a shield just curious? Because isn't most of the survivability based around shielding and such? I ask because all I know well (if well) atm is deception.

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But aren't u running darkness with wither for the proc for force lightning? And whats the point of running darkness without a shield just curious? Because isn't most of the survivability based around shielding and such? I ask because all I know well (if well) atm is deception.


Nah, shield only works on small attacks and only absorbs about 30% without tanking gear.


It doesn't really make a big difference.

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Oh and just for the record: tankassasin hybrids that fight in dark charge with a shield dont go madness for deathfield, they go deception for darkswell, duplicty and low slash. Cos that boys and girls is the only way your going to kill anything one on one.


This, I run 12-31-3 and absolutely love it. You get all the defensive goodies from Deception, but your doing it in Dark Charge. Very hard to kill. You still get 2xMauls every 10sec, Shocks hit hard and crit everytime time. All this burst and your guarding healers. Its full of win.

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This, I run 12-31-3 and absolutely love it. You get all the defensive goodies from Deception, but your doing it in Dark Charge. Very hard to kill. You still get 2xMauls every 10sec, Shocks hit hard and crit everytime time. All this burst and your guarding healers. Its full of win.


Could you post that build?


Don't u miss voltaic slash from deception out of curiosity

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This, I run 12-31-3 and absolutely love it. You get all the defensive goodies from Deception, but your doing it in Dark Charge. Very hard to kill. You still get 2xMauls every 10sec, Shocks hit hard and crit everytime time. All this burst and your guarding healers. Its full of win.


You completely lose discharge, and getting the either Saber Conduit nor Electric Ambush is even worth it anymore tbh. Definitely sacrificing something for that guard.. and it's not like you really got any more sturdy than full deception or its DF hybrid variant..


The armor is something, but definitely not mind blowing. All in all, to my opinion, it just seems like a very poor attempt towards a deception darkness hybrid.

Edited by Evolixe
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Nah, shield only works on small attacks and only absorbs about 30% without tanking gear.


It doesn't really make a big difference.

I wouldn't call Mauls, everything an MM Sniper has to throw at you, everything a Gunner/Arsenal Mando can throw at you, Ravage, etc "small attacks".


But yeah, for a DPS Darkness setup, the shield eats a non-negligible amount of Force power.

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You completely lose discharge, and getting the either Saber Conduit nor Electric Ambush is even worth it anymore tbh. Definitely sacrificing something for that guard.. and it's not like you really got any more sturdy than full deception or its DF hybrid variant..


The armor is something, but definitely not mind blowing. All in all, to my opinion, it just seems like a very poor attempt towards a deception darkness hybrid.


I am so sick of you just arguing against everyone with your biased opinions. Seems like you always got something negative to say about everything. Instead of just debating everyone on everything, you should open your mind and try to learn from us. I have seen your game play, you are pretty good, but you are no where near being the super master mind of the Assassin AC.


I am making a vid right now, I cannot wait to make you eat your words. I will be introducing my Dancing Krayt spec that I have been keeping a secret for a while now. I have the "Guide" section pretty much done just trying to get more WZ and Duel footage. Look for it in about a week or so.

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I am so sick of you just arguing against everyone with your biased opinions. Seems like you always got something negative to say about everything. Instead of just debating everyone on everything, you should open your mind and try to learn from us. I have seen your game play, you are pretty good, but you are no where near being the super master mind of the Assassin AC.


I am making a vid right now, I cannot wait to make you eat your words. I will be introducing my Dancing Krayt spec that I have been keeping a secret for a while now. I have the "Guide" section pretty much done just trying to get more WZ and Duel footage. Look for it in about a week or so.


Cant wait to watch it.

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I am so sick of you just arguing against everyone with your biased opinions. Seems like you always got something negative to say about everything. Instead of just debating everyone on everything, you should open your mind and try to learn from us. I have seen your game play, you are pretty good, but you are no where near being the super master mind of the Assassin AC.


I am making a vid right now, I cannot wait to make you eat your words. I will be introducing my Dancing Krayt spec that I have been keeping a secret for a while now. I have the "Guide" section pretty much done just trying to get more WZ and Duel footage. Look for it in about a week or so.


I am not negative. I am honest.


Because where would my credability be if I wasn't honest?


I'm not going to write a story full of *********** trolls and fairies just because that's what you like to see.

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I am not negative. I am honest.


Because where would my credability be if I wasn't honest?


I'm not going to write a story full of *********** trolls and fairies just because that's what you like to see.

To be fair, the very point of Kin/Infil hybrid *is* utility+Kinetic stance. You have Low Slash, you have pull, you have your beefed-up Potent Project, you have your Infiltration tactics. Basically adaptive utility spec with good burst.


I don't think that successful, reliable usage of Discharge is possible without Potent Shadows, and, quite frankly, I don't think that Shadow technique is worth it without the upper half of the Infiltration tree.

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I don't think that successful, reliable usage of Discharge is possible without Potent Shadows, and, quite frankly, I don't think that Shadow technique is worth it without the upper half of the Infiltration tree.


Then you have no idea what you're talking about because Shadow Technique gains absolutely nothing from anything but VcS beyond 31 points. And that "gain" is hardly big enough to even consider it's there.

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Then you have no idea what you're talking about because Shadow Technique gains absolutely nothing from anything but VcS beyond 31 points. And that "gain" is hardly big enough to even consider it's there.

Clairvoyant raises proc rate (and stack gain) by, like, over nine thousand. Takes too damn long to stack naturally, hence why I also mentioned the necessity for the initial Potency stack (which isn't taken for 21 Infil hybrids - it's also situated in the upper half of the tree).


I may, of course, be horribly wrong and I'm sure that you'll be willing to correct me constructively.

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Considering Discharge does **** all damage when it doesn't crit I don't really consider it significant, no.


PvP is not a longevity contest. People are killed by quick switches and good burst.

36 Deception doesn't offer that ANY more than 31 Deception does. Sure you get 1 or 2 more discharges in a 30 second time window.. so what? That's a total of 8k damage on average. That's not going to get you any kills.

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Considering Discharge does **** all damage when it doesn't crit I don't really consider it significant, no.


PvP is not a longevity contest. People are killed by quick switches and good burst.

36 Deception doesn't offer that ANY more than 31 Deception does. Sure you get 1 or 2 more discharges in a 30 second time window.. so what? That's a total of 8k damage on average. That's not going to get you any kills.

As long as you aren't arguing against the usefulness of Potent Shadows and Deep Impact, I'm not disagreeing.


But that wasn't the point I was addressing - the point was - how much of an advantage would Shadow technique give you in a XX/21/x hybrid over Combat technique? Not talking about Arena - the OP seems to be more focused on regular warzones.

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You would be retarded to run shadow technique without instantanous 3 stack discharge.

That has never even been up for discussion.


Then again I wouldn't run a 21 hybrid in the first place.

Precisely. Earlier in this thread, you did mention losing Discharge when criticizing another guy's Kinetic hybrid build, and that's what caught my attention.

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Which points do you place where in a 31 deception build?

Although I love Voltaic Slash but am curious.

Where exactly do you place the extra 5 pts in is it straight darkness?


31/15. Aka all the leftover points into madness. Although I'm experimenting with something completely new myself atm.

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