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The Chandrian Nightmare Boss Kill Videos


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Hey Guys,


I wanted to post some Nightmare Mode boss kills by The Chandrian. I hope you guys enjoy. I do not mind at all answering serious questions about strategy, specific group setups, or anything in general about what we are doing and why we are doing it. It's a great way for guilds to come together and help one another and that's what I hope this thread will foster. Take care and good luck to all!


Disclaimer: Not all videos are super clean kills but they were the attempts when I remembered to press "record"...


Updated: 01/05/2015


-----Overall Achievements-----

  • Server First 8-man Eternity Vault Nightmare
  • Server First 16-man Eternity Vault Nightmare
  • Server First 8-man Karagga's Palace Nightmare
  • Server First 16-man Karagga's Palace Nightmare
  • Server First 8-man Terror From Beyond Nightmare (Non-Skip)
  • Server First Helix Hyperpod Mount
  • Server Second Terror From Beyond Timed Run (From Beyond)
  • Server First 8-man Scum & Villainy Nightmare
  • Server First Titan 6 Containment Vehicle Mount
  • Server Second Scum & Villainy Timed Run (Dragon Slayer)
  • World 2nd 8-man Dread Fortress Nightmare Nefra, Who Bars the Way
  • World 2nd 8-man Dread Fortress Nightmare Gate Commander Draxus
  • World 2nd 8-man Dread Fortress Nightmare Grob'Thok, Who Feeds the Forge
  • World 2nd 8-man Dread Fortress Nightmare Corruptor Zero
  • U.S. 4th 8-man Dread Fortress Nightmare Brontes
  • Server First 8-man Dread Fortress Timed Run Pre-2.8 (Gate Crasher)
  • Server 3rd Dread Palace Nightmare Dread Masters


-----3.0 Progression-----


Temple Of Sacrifice Hardmode


1. Malaphar The Savage -

2. Sword Squadron -

3. The Underlurker -

4. Revanite Commanders -

5. The Returned -



The Ravagers Hardmode


1. Sparky -

2. Quartermaster Bulo -

3. Torque -

AND 2 Melee/2 rDPS Kill Video -

4. Master and Blaster -

5. Coratanni - http://youtu.be/zUfqCqb4TQQ



-----2.8 Progression-----


Dread Palace Nightmare


1. Dread Master Bestia - http://youtu.be/2niV0z0j-8Y

2. Dread Master Tyrans - http://youtu.be/9tOY5YHNGFo

3. Dread Master Calphayus -

4. Dread Master Raptus - http://youtu.be/Qde716LYPO4

5. The Dread Masters - http://youtu.be/P_NultRweXE


-----2.7 Progression-----


Dread Fortress Nightmare


1. Nefra, Who Bars the Way - http://youtu.be/APZD-GfxNXI

2. Gate Commander Draxus - http://youtu.be/H9Lj-0d0ULA

3. Grob’Thok - http://youtu.be/D2QS_qY-Wsc

4. Corruptor Zero - http://youtu.be/kn41gpbhjIg

5. Dread Master Brontes - http://youtu.be/7smSkJJhQC0


-----2.4 Progression-----


Dread Fortress Hardmode


1. Nefra, Who Bars the Way - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_jV93E-jUk

2. Gate Commander Draxus - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlvqShTEyR4&feature=youtu.be

3. Grob’Thok - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbXjy-vW_gY&feature=youtu.be

4. Corruptor Zero - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7IzsRSdgrs

5. Dread Master Brontes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fxxo_kZw46o (Sniper PoV)



Dread Palace Hardmode


1. Dread Master Bestia - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wv9yzG4K3M

2. Dread Master Tyrans - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5d_Eomaw7s&feature=youtu.be

3. Dread Master Calphayus - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZpdNQyOq3g

4. Dread Master Raptus - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PryuRLKL2bg&feature=youtu.be

5. The Dread Masters - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar0nQW5uxSQ



-----2.0 Progression-----


Terror From Beyond Nightmare


1. The Writhing Horror - Not even worth it.

2. The Dread Guard - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GcJOLuJEzI

3. Operator IX - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrmR3R6mwoE&feature=youtu.be

4. Kephess the Undying - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbMtfaN-Pac

5. The Terror from Beyond - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAkqUnH56FQ&feature=youtu.be



Scum & Villainy Nightmare


1. Dash'Roode - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCgjzZ1M70I

2. Titan 6 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARQOE8SDX1E

3. Thrasher - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdftCu8TkcI

4. Operations Chief - Not even worth it.

5. Olok the Shadow - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVocWLzTCxg&feature=youtu.be

6. The Cartel Warlords - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjYzR1ZtsFg

7. Styrak - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXH6Bb6g1hA&feature=youtu.be




-----(Non-Raid Progression)-----


Dreadful Entity - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IKH9ZidAgM


Hateful Entity - http://youtu.be/s8RyJEBVpOA

Edited by Ty_walla
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First kill of NiM TCW after they "fixed" it Ryz was recording and accidentally "double-clicked" the record button and our kill video was .2 seconds long! Win ! lolol not going to even count how many times I forgot to hit the record button or hilarious stuff happening and accidentally deleting the vids /sadpanda. I do have an interesting recording of Arca being ... well .. Arca ... You'd have to have met him to understand it's nsfw and hide yo kids hide yo wife kinda stuff.


Nice collection =) Maybe we should add ours and see how similar/different our strats are. Sometimes it's fun to see things done differently.

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Cool videos thanks for posting them. Quick question was their a particular reason for kiting Kel'sara in phase one?


Kiting Kel'sara allows the tank to receive less damage by avoiding melee attacks. This works very well with sin and pt tanks since they have a speed increase ability. Jugg tanks will find it harder to do but can still do it via intercede. If you keep distance on Kel'sara for as long as possible before you tank swap, the overall damage taken on tanks will be much less in P1 and P2. Great question.

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Kiting Kel'sara allows the tank to receive less damage by avoiding melee attacks. This works very well with sin and pt tanks since they have a speed increase ability. Jugg tanks will find it harder to do but can still do it via intercede. If you keep distance on Kel'sara for as long as possible before you tank swap, the overall damage taken on tanks will be much less in P1 and P2. Great question.


No no no, dont try to fool them Bawoni, u kited her cause you are a scaredy-cat and don't want to get beat up like a real man-tank.:D

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Hyglec, just one word of advice though, what works for one guild may not always work for another.


If you are having trouble beating the enrage in phase 3 the extra dps you will get may be worthwhile to ensure you have less HP on Kelsara when you hit the enrage as long as heals can keep people up. However if your heals are used to putting up 300-400 dps as well that can help them maximise the dps.


The one thing we learnt that help us down this boss was there can only be 12 circles green (and/or red) total... so we tried to get 12 green cricles to avoid the red circle mechanic.


But on a side note those are nice videos and the few I have looked at (mainly Operator and Kephess are very clean kills)

Edited by Itchy_Bum
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Hyglec, just one word of advice though, what works for one guild may not always work for another.


Very true. Hopefully nobody watching these videos believes there is only one way to beat a boss. Each group comp will have to adjust differently based on where you excel/lack. Great insight.

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The one thing we learnt that help us down this boss was there can only be 12 circles green (and/or red) total... so we tried to get 12 green cricles to avoid the red circle mechanic.


But on a side note those are nice videos and the few I have looked at (mainly Operator and Kephess are very clean kills)


Pretty nice once you get that part down.



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Nice collection =) Maybe we should add ours and see how similar/different our strats are. Sometimes it's fun to see things done differently.


compare strats....**** son, the mechanics are static. Just do it the RIGHT way.

...The only thing im seeing is lots of clicking and keyboard turning, people standing still shooting lasers....and gangster music.....(the musics the most entertaining part)


If you want good PVE, boil some water and pour it on a fire ant mound, it's infinitely more entertaining.

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I beg to differ the strategies for defeating encounters always give some room for leeway. A good group takes their strengths and applies it to the encounter. Like Bawoni said, there is more than one way to clear an encounter. The end result is always the same though --> Dead loot pinata gives shiny candy.
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I'm so jealous. Gimme all u snipers! lolol x3 Orbitals, ae knockback w/ root and sniper bubble. Video looks amazing guys =)


I'll be honest with you, the fight is not even that difficult in comparison to hard mode. The defining factor is the complete RNG add location and knock-backs coupled with the bug where whoever comes out of the nightmare phase does not actually see the 4 adds where they truly are in relation to the middle mob. We had to have somebody that did not go into the nightmare instance to call out when to use knock-backs; especially for a person designated to use a knock-back coming out of the nightmare because the adds will appear further away and cause a wipe.



If the knock-back factor was not so RNG, I would easily label the Styrak fight one of the easiest bosses in S&V Nim. You just have to get lucky 7x in a row with the knock-back phase. Good luck to all!

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Not my post, but we kept ours the same as HM and did not have an issue. Just cannot rely on stuns or roots for Blue team and need to LOS the cast really fast. I guess this encounter would be an odd one to record. You would only ever get 1/4 of the team fights unless you record them separately and stack them together in order? OC himself is exactly the same except terminate hits really really hard and don't stack your ranged/healers up cause they will explode from ae dmg so try to keep everybody separated. Oh and since the timer is shortened for the Oasis City phase this is another guild's strat and I do not recall their name so sorry, but to speed things up you can start Red and Green phase and kill, and Gold and Blue do not engage until Red and Green teams are back on their speeders. Helps if you have slow runners in Red team.
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I know you said for operations chief not even worth it, however I am just curious what class/role you put on each color team?


Since you are asking specific classes I will give you one of our normal group comps. This in no way is the only way to beat this boss. This is just what we look for when forming group comps. Great question.


Blue - Pt Tank/Op DPS

Gold - Healer/Mara DPS (want fastest dps interrupt here)

Green - Healer/Sniper DPS (range dps here)

Red - Jugg Tank/Merc DPS

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what you said



Blue - Pt Tank/Op DPS

Gold - Healer/Mara DPS (want fastest dps interrupt here)

Green - Healer/Sniper DPS (range dps here)

Red - Jugg Tank/Merc DPS



what you meant to say



Blue - Pt Tank/Sniper DPS

Gold - Healer/Mara DPS (want fastest dps interrupt here)

Green - Healer/Sniper DPS (range dps here)

Red - Jugg Tank/Sniper DPS



lololololol :rolleyes:

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what you said






what you meant to say






lololololol :rolleyes:


The third sniper is an alt, it was literally the first time we've ever had so many snipers. In fact, all contents that we've cleared minus styrak have been done in a variety of compositions since we have a roster of 12-13. Which include merc, sorc, in fact, a lot of our early progression came from 3 melees of , 2 marauders, 1 operative, and 1 sniper.

Just sayin :p

Edited by AscendentReality
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The third sniper is an alt, it was literally the first time we've ever had so many snipers. In fact, all contents that we've cleared minus styrak have been done in a variety of compositions since we have a roster of 12-13. Which include merc, sorc, in fact, a lot of our early progression came from 3 melees of , 2 marauders, 1 operative, and 1 sniper.

Just sayin :p


oh i know, i was just being silly. lol

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