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20 bucks for a one use dye, REALLY?


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Well the Unfettered vest works for my female BH perfectly. All I am saying is work with what is available or Biofail will continue on their current trend. Also the deep purple/black and dark blue/black dyes are rather nice and might satisfy the all black urge. Stop complaining and work around it or they will continue. The choice is ours.
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Ok, here is the list as it stands from all the folks that offered alternatives that I could find.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable. (most popular suggestion)


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack instead of a single dye.


Option 6: Reduce the price 50 percent for both.


Option 7: Leave the price as it is.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.


I would like to ask that folks refrain from simply posting to complain...please, offer alternate suggestions for how they should provide the dyes or pick one of the ones in the list.


This is not a demand. Simply a request. Thanks.


If it cannot be reusable, it should be a 5 or 10 pack, BOL. I'm all for charging a good deal for it, but this price is ridiculous for a consumable. At the most, it should cost $10.

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Ok, here is the list as it stands with corrections and changes.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable. (most popular suggestion)


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack (2 or 3) instead of a single dye.


Option 6: Reduce the price 50 percent for both.


Option 7: 5 or 10 pack, BoL.


Option 8: Add to collection for 100cc common, 500cc uncommon, 1000cc rare.


Option 9: Leave the price as it is.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.


I would like to ask that folks refrain from simply posting to complain...please, offer alternate suggestions for how they should provide the dyes or pick one of the ones in the list.


This is not a demand. Simply a request. Thanks.

Edited by LordArtemis
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And so it goes. What will happen when they start selling FP's and Op's on the CM?


That is just stupid or outright trolling. With the exception of a few things (Starship upgrades) BW has not put anything on the CM that is game changing or 'pay to win' type items. Most everything is cosmetic and not required to actually play all content if you are a subscriber. And even things like the starship upgrades the openly admitted that it was a mistake.

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That is just stupid or outright trolling. With the exception of a few things (Starship upgrades) BW has not put anything on the CM that is game changing or 'pay to win' type items. Most everything is cosmetic and not required to actually play all content if you are a subscriber. And even things like the starship upgrades the openly admitted that it was a mistake.


You are missing the point. With the cash cow that is the CM, why wouldn't they try it at some point? They wouldn't be the first company to do it either (see LOTRO).

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You are missing the point. With the cash cow that is the CM, why wouldn't they try it at some point? They wouldn't be the first company to do it either (see LOTRO).


The thing that is stopping them from doing that is the fact that if they do they will lose a lot of their subscribers. They are the only ones that can decide if that number of subscribers and their potential CM purchases is more or less than the amount they would gain from any potential sales of pay to win.

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Ok, here is the list as it stands with corrections and changes.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable. (most popular suggestion)


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack (2 or 3) instead of a single dye.


Option 6: Reduce the price 50 percent for both.


Option 7: 5 or 10 pack, BoL.


Option 8: Leave the price as it is.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.


I would like to ask that folks refrain from simply posting to complain...please, offer alternate suggestions for how they should provide the dyes or pick one of the ones in the list.


This is not a demand. Simply a request. Thanks.


I hope you are putting this into the Suggestion Box.

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It's a good start. At least they are experimenting with something like this. With any luck, somewhere down the road we will see:


1) A reduction in price, determined by popularity\"sales"




2) Keep the price, add these "single purchase" dye modules to collections, with perhaps a 1000cc account unlock (more or less depending on rarity, 100cc for common, 500 for uncommon, 1000 for rare, etc). So, $30 for unlimited black-black dye on all your characters. I think this would be popular even with the somewhat steep price tag for a mere "cosmetic" item. ;)

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Agreed, expensive and for just a one time use color. Other games you get to change colors for free, or very little cost. Not a good idea at all to charge so much......, heck some of the mounts are not that expensive.....
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Ok, here is the list as it stands with recent corrections and changes, one addition.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable. (most popular suggestion)


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack (2 or 3) instead of a single dye.


Option 6: Reduce the price 50 percent for both.


Option 7: 5 or 10 pack, BoL.


Option 8: Add to collection for 100cc common, 500cc uncommon, 1000cc rare.


Option 9: Leave the price as it is.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.


I would like to ask that folks refrain from simply posting to complain...please, offer alternate suggestions for how they should provide the dyes or pick one of the ones in the list.


This is not a demand. Simply a request. Thanks.

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You are missing the point. With the cash cow that is the CM, why wouldn't they try it at some point? They wouldn't be the first company to do it either (see LOTRO).

Because they already tried it and went back.


EA/Bioware is pretty firm about maintaining this a purely p2p MMO style experience. They know this is the only reason players still prefer it over less restrictive f2p MMO, and they know this is what keeps their players subscribed.

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ye I find this quite ridiculous. Gambling with packs for dye isnt really great especially for a sub, but 2000CC for a single use dye that's plain wrong. I would really really want to know which sucker will pay that (if any) so i can smack them upside the head


It's pretty much a guarantee that I will end up buying more than one of each color, though I'd also buy them on the gtn if I had the cash on hand. So since I'm a 'sucker' supporting the game with my frivolous spending, are you going to smack me? Is it okay if I call you Mistress Kiki afterwards?

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