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Why does Zahura try to rule us???


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lol the sparkletank is giving out lesson ya'll, line up!



first up: how to beat a jugg


wait.. no... sin's aren't the most OP class in one v ones, juggs are xD


what is lesson two?


Of course! I mean, I would advise you avoid entering this conversation, considering you got spanked by a Guardian tank in a 1v1 fight after all lmfao. But that's ok, try to argue that there is such thing as an OP class for dueling when the classes are designed to counter each other. And then try to denounce how Jugs aren't good dueling classes, even though they have the best defensive CDs in the game.


You know, I avoided you in the other threads to avoid getting them deleted. But if you want to try and back your fail guildie, feel free to as this one is no restrictions applied! It's not like you can make a valid point, besides whine about me disagreeing with you and all that little easily butthurt nonsense ;D


As for lesson two, perhaps a lecture over how to beat a tank in 1v1? I'm sure you can need info in there ;)

Edited by ZooMzy
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first: actually dps jugg defensive cds are pretty poop. its why anyone who uses a dps jugg is ridiculed and laughed in competitive ranked. marauder defensives 10X better


Not really. Deflection is very handy in regards to reflecting any form of ranged DPS along with Force and tech attacks since a majority of them are considered ranged like Shock and Discharge (need to check and see if it reflects actual Force and tech attacks or if it's just any ranged attack), and it lasts for around 10-15 seconds. That's 10-15 seconds of protection against nearly all classes to some degree, which means it's a powerful dueling CD.


Second is Saber Ward, where it increases melee and ranged defenses by I believe 100%, although it could be 50% on DPS Jugs. Either way, that CD is very affective for obvious reasons, as nearly all classes use melee and ranged burst attacks to some degree (Operatives, meh).


Finally, fake health increase. Gaining a massive boost in health on top of a medpac is very useful for short periods of time, perfect for dueling.


This argument is about dueling, not competitive ranked PvP. The game is entirely different for them at team play, hence why I make fun of Deyvon when he tries to claim he's a better PvPer just because he plays his class' strengths in duels.


second: assassins are pretty op when it comes to one v one


They're strong, for sure, but if you're talking Deception based Assassins, it's not as bad as everyone thinks. They are glass cannons at the end of the day, and that is why even though they have a lot of utility in dueling, the way to beat them is by outlasting their burst. Simply because if you can do that, their defenses are not that fantastic: they're all or nothing 2 second type effects (actually, there are only three if you count that Dark Embrace buff). So if you're playing a Jug, who can have CDs lasting for more than 15 seconds, you have a good chance of beating a sin as long as you are playing your build effectively.

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which is why u never duel a tank as deception...thats when u go tank and jus heal. again assassins really good at dueling: i would know :D


as for jugg dps...i dont want to write a whole thing on mara defensives so jus ask dev how mara duels go for him :cool:

Edited by freddyn
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Not really. Deflection is very handy in regards to reflecting any form of ranged DPS along with Force and tech attacks since a majority of them are considered ranged like Shock and Discharge (need to check and see if it reflects actual Force and tech attacks or if it's just any ranged attack), and it lasts for around 10-15 seconds. That's 10-15 seconds of protection against nearly all classes to some degree, which means it's a powerful dueling CD.


Second is Saber Ward, where it increases melee and ranged defenses by I believe 100%, although it could be 50% on DPS Jugs. Either way, that CD is very affective for obvious reasons, as nearly all classes use melee and ranged burst attacks to some degree (Operatives, meh).


Finally, fake health increase. Gaining a massive boost in health on top of a medpac is very useful for short periods of time, perfect for dueling.


This argument is about dueling, not competitive ranked PvP. The game is entirely different for them at team play, hence why I make fun of Deyvon when he tries to claim he's a better PvPer just because he plays his class' strengths in duels.




They're strong, for sure, but if you're talking Deception based Assassins, it's not as bad as everyone thinks. They are glass cannons at the end of the day, and that is why even though they have a lot of utility in dueling, the way to beat them is by outlasting their burst. Simply because if you can do that, their defenses are not that fantastic: they're all or nothing 2 second type effects (actually, there are only three if you count that Dark Embrace buff). So if you're playing a Jug, who can have CDs lasting for more than 15 seconds, you have a good chance of beating a sin as long as you are playing your build effectively.


OMG saber reflect last for 10-15 seconds? aahahahahahaha its only a 3 second ability.


And saber ward is 50% /facepalm


you're killin ya self Zu lmao

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which is why u never duel a tank as deception...thats when u go tank and jus heal. again assassins really good at dueling: i would know :D


Lol, the complaint is about Deception sins though, since that what Dey whines about in our duels. That's what 99% of the QQ is, which is why I'm arguing it's not that OP in duels anyway.


Says a lot though about you Dey for winning by 3% with the fake health and a medpac lol, I might look into trying out the tank spec though for dueling since Delere beat the **** out of me with it too. Do you use a shield generator or focus in it?

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which is why u never duel a tank as deception...thats when u go tank and jus heal. again assassins really good at dueling: i would know :D


as for jugg dps...i dont want to write a whole thing on mara defensives so jus ask dev how mara duels go for him :cool:


Really good actually.And since you're trying to talk ****, don't you have a Mara on Bastion? well Dey is there, hit me up anytime ;D

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Lol, the complaint is about Deception sins though, since that what Dey whines about in our duels. That's what 99% of the QQ is, which is why I'm arguing it's not that OP in duels anyway.


Says a lot though about you Dey for winning by 3% with the fake health and a medpac lol, I might look into trying out the tank spec though for dueling since Delere beat the **** out of me with it too. Do you use a shield generator or focus in it?


I didn't use a medpac, im not you LMAO.


Maybe you should re-watch our duels and notice how everytime you use a rakata medpac and mine is clearly untouched. You're bad.

Edited by Trixdope
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I didn't use a medpac, im not you LMAO.


Maybe you should re-watch our duels and notice how everytime you use a rakata medpac and mine is clearly untouched. You're bad.


Well no lol. You only uploaded the videos when 2.0 first dropped and I was still looking to develop a dueling a spec, you won't upload the one where I got you to 3%.


You see Dey, you can't make a point like that and refuse to upload the video that I am claiming you did it on. It's not very supportive, actually contradicting your point entirely as a matter of fact. So when you decide to upload that video of me beating you to 3% through the fake health AND a medpac, then you can start making sense again about "not using medpacs because I'm better than you" even though I saw you spazzing towards the end of the duel, afraid of the repercussions to your ego if I would've gotten the last hit lmfao.


As for the missed times on your defenses, still read on child. I corrected myself about Saber Ward earlier, and yet still, Deflection is still more powerful than for example Force Shroud because it redirects attacks rather than just resisting Force and tech. In a 1v1 fight, it's more powerful, in addition to your fake health buff and Saber Ward beating out my Deflection and like 4 seconds of 25% damage reduction from Dark Embrace.


Nice try again Dey. It's cute though, your attempts at fighting back. Good to see you're as easy to troll as ever scrub, now scurry along back to the Bastion and beg to get onto a ranked team xD

Edited by ZooMzy
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Well no lol. You only uploaded the videos when 2.0 first dropped and I was still looking to develop a dueling a spec, you won't upload the one where I got you to 3%.


You see Dey, you can't make a point like that and refuse to upload the video that I am claiming you did it on. It's not very supportive, actually contradicting your point entirely as a matter of fact. So when you decide to upload that video of me beating you to 3% through the fake health AND a medpac, then you can start making sense again about "not using medpacs because I'm better than you" even though I saw you spazzing towards the end of the duel, afraid of the repercussions to your ego if I would've gotten the last hit lmfao.


As for the missed times on your defenses, still read on child. I corrected myself about Saber Ward earlier, and yet still, Deflection is still more powerful than for example Force Shroud because it redirects attacks rather than just resisting Force and tech. In a 1v1 fight, it's more powerful, in addition to your fake health buff and Saber Ward beating out my Deflection and like 4 seconds of 25% damage reduction from Dark Embrace.


Nice try again Dey. It's cute though, your attempts at fighting back. Good to see you're as easy to troll as ever scrub, now scurry along back to the Bastion and beg to get onto a ranked team xD


Lol the first time I ever used a medpac on you was the last duel that day and tbh it wasn't even needed. You've used a medpac EVERY Duel against me. If I would've used one in the first duel which YOU did it wouldn't have even been that close.


If I been destroying you this badly without using medpacs while you have been, what do u thinks gonna happen if I DID start using them? Lmao


So bad

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Lol the first time I ever used a medpac on you was the last duel that day and tbh it wasn't even needed. You've used a medpac EVERY Duel against me. If I would've used one in the first duel which YOU did it wouldn't have even been that close.


If I been destroying you this badly without using medpacs while you have been, what do u thinks gonna happen if I DID start using them? Lmao


So bad




Are you really trying to pull the "I wasn't really trying" excuse with me? Dam, you crack me up child. xD


3% through a medpac and fake health? Sounds like you needed that medpac son, otherwise you would've lost by a good 20%.


Yet you won't fight me again? Figures, you would be scared of how close I came to winning ;)

Edited by ZooMzy
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Are you really trying to pull the "I wasn't really trying" excuse with me? ****, you crack me up child. xD


3% through a medpac and fake health? Sounds like you needed that medpac son, otherwise you would've lost by a good 20%.


Yet you won't fight me again? Figures, you would be scared of how close I came to winning ;)


Lol OMG I wish I had that video still to put you on blast once again. YOU USED the medpac in that fight, I fought straight up. Then after realizing you're just going to keep using medpacs in all our duels I said **** it and used one the second duel (which I really didn't need).


Take a look at EVERY one of my duels, do you ever see me use medpacs? no cause that's one of my rules (along with no adrenals) you seem to not wanna follow that rule.


You've been embarrassed how many times against me? 6

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Lol OMG I'm glad I didn't take that video still to ruin my point again. YOU USED the medpac in that fight, I fought straight up. Then after realizing you're just going to keep using medpacs in all our duels I said **** it and used one the second duel (which I really didn't need).


You've been embarrassed how many times against me? 6


Correction made for you there, son. :)


Like I said, you still used a medpac and won with 3% health, which went down to that 1 point when the fake health wore off. Meaning, son, you needed to use it in that fight because if you hadn't, that's about 20% of health you wouldn't have had against me.


So, if you do simple math Deyvon, you can make the claim you didn't need the medpac if you had won, through the fake health, with 23%. Instead, however, you defeated me in the last duel with 3% health when you popped everything you could to survive.


If you don't believe that means you needed all your CDs along with the medpac to survive if I managed to bring you to 3% through all of that, then you really are as stupid as I give you credit for lmfao.


As for embarrassed by you: actually 0. I don't take duels to the ego, even if I like to compete in them. You, on the other hand, seemed to have a lot of losses to me in the actual WZs. Although, I guess you can claim they aren't really losses, since you leave every WZ against me unless you are sure there are some pugs you can exploit on my side lmfao


Funny, isn't it? After all your trash talk, and after all your desperate clinging to your little 1v1s, you still haven't proven anything in terms of skill. You're like the little dropout high school basketball player that is decent at 1v1s, thinking he's a better basketball player than Michael Jordan for beating him in a 1v1 match.


Like I've told you from the start son, duels prove nothing in PvP. Meaning, your count of "6" is actually more like "0" :D

Edited by ZooMzy
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Correction made for you there, son. :)


Like I said, you still used a medpac and won with 3% health, which went down to that 1 point when the fake health wore off. Meaning, son, you needed to use it in that fight because if you hadn't, that's about 20% of health you wouldn't have had against me.


So, if you do simple math Deyvon, you can make the claim you didn't need the medpac if you had won, through the fake health, with 23%. Instead, however, you defeated me in the last duel with 3% health when you popped everything you could to survive.


If you don't believe that means you needed all your CDs along with the medpac to survive if I managed to bring you to 3% through all of that, then you really are as stupid as I give you credit for lmfao.


As for embarrassed by you: actually 0. I don't take duels to the ego, even if I like to compete in them. You, on the other hand, seemed to have a lot of losses to me in the actual WZs. Although, I guess you can claim they aren't really losses, since you leave every WZ against me unless you are sure there are some pugs you can exploit on my side lmfao


Funny, isn't it? After all your trash talk, and after all your desperate clinging to your little 1v1s, you still haven't proven anything in terms of skill. You're like the little dropout high school basketball player that is decent at 1v1s, thinking he's a better basketball player than Michael Jordan for beating him in a 1v1 match.


Like I've told you from the start son, duels prove nothing in PvP. Meaning, your count of "6" is actually more like "0" :D



Oh god you're dumb. I used the medpac in our second duel right here.




The first duel that you "OMG I TOOK HIM DOWN TO 3% HEALTH AND STILL LOST" was the one I DIDNT use a medpac and you DID. don't believe me, ask Arali he was watching and we aren't friends so he would have nothing to lie about. :D


And you get stomped every warzone I play against you lmao OMG how many films do I have to upload. I've never met anybody in my entire *********** life that is in as much denial as you. lol


let me look through my library and see what else I can find....

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Oh god you're dumb. I used the medpac in our second duel right here.




The first duel that you "OMG I TOOK HIM DOWN TO 3% HEALTH AND STILL LOST" was the one I DIDNT use a medpac and you DID. don't believe me, ask Arali he was watching and we aren't friends so he would have nothing to lie about. :D


And you get stomped every warzone I play against you lmao OMG how many films do I have to upload. I've never met anybody in my entire *********** life that is in as much denial as you. lol


let me look through my library and see what else I can find....


Lol, if you're reading this Arali, then feel free to clarify in the thread. Outside of that though, it really doesn't matter to me whether or not I find out the point, so you can have the burden of pulling Arali in here to back up your claim about not using one if it matters that much to you. Until then though, I will sit behind my claim as it makes more sense that you would pop one if you were spazzing out to survive in the duel.


And lol, go ahead and upload the videos. You never spanked me in WZs, you actually seem to completely avoid me as your strategy whenever you actually felt confident in your team to carry you over me and some easily exploitable pugs. You can upload the videos if you want son, but to paint a more accurate picture, you should also include the films of you leaving all of those WZs where I was on the other team with players that could compete lol.


Didn't you say this last time I argued with you, and then you never uploaded anything to the Stream thread? Hope you can follow through this time, whether it's just lack of content or inability to search through a computer hard drive xD


But at the end of the day, I'm sure I have support in regards to this:


1) I make more of an impact on a WZ than you ever could.

2) I can watch the objective while you seem to get capped on in Voidstar lol

3) I can pull wins out of my *** on occasion, while you leave every WZ where someone isn't carrying your worthless tunnel vision DPS.


Funny how you ignored those aspects of a player, only responding with "I destroy you". So go ahead, refute me there and prove how much better of a PvPer you are in WZs.


Raging PvPer who still makes impacts in WZs > Trash talking tunnel vision quitter any day of the week son :D

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Actually I just logged on and talked to Arali. He actually says I did use a medpac the first one too. So I will admit my wrong, but you used one too and you still lost, so why does it matter anyways? lmao


And you make absolutely zero impact in any warzone you are in, unless you're playing a match with nothing but RP'ers and **** lmao


and I never quit warzones cause you're on the otherside. I used to leave warzones on BC BEFORE THE MATCH WOULD EVEN START when I would look at my ops frame and see nothing but ppl with 21-25k hp in PVE armor on my team. So hell yeah Ill leave anytime I see that instead of waste my time with them. And ive seen you along with MANY other players do that on BC. You will even go a step further and ***** on pvp chat for a few hours complaining about these same players. LMAO


Don't have to worry about that on Bastion. =]


And You make Zero impact on any warzone you are in. Maybe you should try and actually WATCH my warzone matches on youtube Zuzu ;D

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Actually I just logged on and talked to Arali. He actually says I did use a medpac the first one too. So I will admit my wrong, but you used one too and you still lost, so why does it matter anyways? lmao


And you make absolutely zero impact in any warzone you are in, unless you're playing a match with nothing but RP'ers and **** lmao


and I never quit warzones cause you're on the otherside. I used to leave warzones on BC BEFORE THE MATCH WOULD EVEN START when I would look at my ops frame and see nothing but ppl with 21-25k hp in PVE armor on my team. So hell yeah Ill leave anytime I see that instead of waste my time with them. And ive seen you along with MANY other players do that on BC. You will even go a step further and ***** on pvp chat for a few hours complaining about these same players. LMAO


Lol, a little taken off you admit a wrong, but it's good to see you finally realized how worthless of an argument it is to justify actions in a duel for once. Who knows, maybe I can even get you to realize duels themselves really don't speak much about the player.


As for quitting WZs, I never bashed you for leaving without teams to compete. I bashed you because even when you do have teams that aren't/are competitive, you stay ONLY when you see me as the only threat in a WZ.


Take for example, the Civil War you like to brag about. With that coordinated healer tank and 2 DPS 4 man group, you triple capped my team for about a quarter of the match, /laughing whenever you took a node I wasn't fighting on. Next match up, you got the same exact team for Hypergate, while I traded out half of my anchor team for a BSR premade.


And guess what happened: you left. You don't leave WZs because of just your team, you leave because you realize a matchup against me with players that know what they're doing means a loss for you. You know that when the teams are even, and the deciding factor comes down to me and you, you will always lose because you can't do anything in a WZ besides useless tunnel vision DPS.


In short Dey, whether you want to believe it or not, your instincts tell you that I am better than you and you have to try your very best to defeat me. Isn't that why when we're on opposing sides, you make a point to stay away from me? That's what we calling playing the pressure game Dey, when you attack a weak point instead of a strong because you know you'll probably lose the other way.


Don't have to worry about that on Bastion. =]


And You make Zero impact on any warzone you are in. Maybe you should try and actually WATCH my warzone matches on youtube Zuzu ;D


Lol, why should I? You've shown me pretty well how effective you can be when you don't have to worry about being a factor. Hence Tyro's comment about how he likes grouping with you, because while you're derp Smashing like a tunnel vision noob, he can play the objective.


So congrats, you occasionally win when you have teammates that do it for you. My point still stands though, about you being completely useless outside your one class and spec lmfao.


Two can play that game. I'm glad to see Zahura (sic) is still a master of words. Zu, I don't think anyone types as much as you do :).




And ty. They call me the Elite Keyboard Warlord ;)


Do you really wanna come at me Scyn? I bet you don't even lift bro.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Zahura is the glitter to Zuhara's SparkleTank, sorry just had to pour some more gasoline onto the fire to cook my smore's :D




This should make you feel better ;D



0:56 that inventory lol

and 3:03 I've seen that move used against Kaos, too xD


Gotta love PvP, minus the negativity

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