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Nos is a god. 20 55s and counting. Best and most overall knowledgable player


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Nasty-heals (pronounced Nawsty)





















And, this guy (me) is a free agent, at least somewhat. I'm looking for at least 1, maybe 2 55 hm progressive groups to join. As you can imagine, I have every class and spec available to bring. I'm not looking for a new guild (at least not yet), but I am available to raid 55 hm or NiM content anytime. Hit me up. Oh, and if you need anything crafted (short of Underworld Relics, Implants and Earpieces), I can make all 31 hilts, barrels, enhs, mods, and armorings.

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+1, good title, decent paragraph, not the most likely thread to get trolled tho. Try Again.


I agree. Most likely to get trolled eventually. I can't possibly troll him though, he is a good guy, has run quite a few OPs with us when we needed a filler. Though Nos, bro, I need to get you out of the house :).

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Nasty-heals (pronounced Nawsty)





















And, this guy (me) is a free agent, at least somewhat. I'm looking for at least 1, maybe 2 55 hm progressive groups to join. As you can imagine, I have every class and spec available to bring. I'm not looking for a new guild (at least not yet), but I am available to raid 55 hm or NiM content anytime. Hit me up. Oh, and if you need anything crafted (short of Underworld Relics, Implants and Earpieces), I can make all 31 hilts, barrels, enhs, mods, and armorings.


Good for you, now do over 2800 on a parse and i might be SLIGHTLY impressed. (99% chance i won't be but its worth a shot)

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Very few people can play 2+ classes at the top level of play, not to mention 16 of them across 20 toons


There's a reason you have a "main" and a bunch of "alts"


Your main you devote time and patience into mastering and learning


Your alts are there to farm mats and screw around on


Tell me how many of the best players in the game actually have more than 1-2 classes they play regularly


All that time wasted on alts could have been devoted to mastering one or two classes.


But now, jack of all trades, yet master of none. Grats

Edited by Simmerr
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Very few people can play 2+ classes at the top level of play, not to mention 16 of them across 20 toons


There's a reason you have a "main" and a bunch of "alts"


Your main you devote time and patience into mastering and learning


Your alts are there to farm mats and screw around on


Tell me how many of the best players in the game actually have more than 1-2 classes they play regularly


All that time wasted on alts could have been devoted to mastering one or two classes.


But now, jack of all trades, yet master of none. Grats


serious post by stryker. not...sure...how...to...react....


in all seriousness ( :rak_03: ), he speaks truth.

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serious post by stryker. not...sure...how...to...react....


in all seriousness ( :rak_03: ), he speaks truth.


I would totally agree if it weren't for the fact that I think he's only talking about PvE, which is a lot easier to master than PvP.


Ex. Obviously, I main a Scoundrel healer in PvE, but I recently legacy geared out my Sentinel and brought him through HM/Nim S&V and TFB and in those runs, I got the highest dps for a sentinel on Titan 6, Dashrode, and Dread Guards. I wouldn't say I'm the best sentinel evarrrrr or the best smasher evarrrr, but it wasn't a very difficult thing to get the rotation down (99%) optimally and execute it when all I need to worry about is boss mechanics. Additionally, I was top 5-10 on all slinger parses for HM S&V back when killing HM Styrak was actually impressive.


PvE just has less to worry about, so it's pretty simple to master a large number of classes.

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Let's not confuse specific and general knowledge. I would guess he has some great general knowledge of the game, maybe more so than most because of all the toons he has leveled. He may not have mastered the specific knowledge of all of them to a high degree but lots of general knowledge has its place is helping others get to the point of learning the finer mechanics of their chosen main. I guess it would be the difference between a doctor that practices in a general practice office and a cardiologist. You can’t compare the two other than they are both doctors.
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I don't see how someone who is the "most knowledgeable and best overall player" would be looking for a HM progression group... HM progression guilds make me lol. Talk about settling, or frustration considering if you can't clear HM with ease, good luck with NiM. To be fair as far as learning 16 different classes goes, he really only has to learn 8 because the other 8 are no more than just a mirror.
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Ok, so I understand why there is a troll. Best and most knowledgeable player is pushing it. But the guy is not bad, quite enjoy having him as a fill in on our progression runs.


With that said, what makes me lul is the amount of PvPers in here trolling away. You're knowledgeable in your own right, but seriously? Stay in your lane, stick to what you are good with :).

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Very few people can play 2+ classes at the top level of play, not to mention 16 of them across 20 toons


There's a reason you have a "main" and a bunch of "alts"


Your main you devote time and patience into mastering and learning


Your alts are there to farm mats and screw around on


Tell me how many of the best players in the game actually have more than 1-2 classes they play regularly


All that time wasted on alts could have been devoted to mastering one or two classes.


But now, jack of all trades, yet master of none. Grats


In terms of PvP playing more than one class is very beneficial as you will understand and know how to counter other classes at a much more intimate level.


I also don't think it's very hard to pull off and be competitive in PvP with all characters (all classes have a rotation and cool downs) you simply set your key-bindings up for each character based off this and Character switching in PvP is somewhat seamless (besides maybe playing a match or two to get in the groove)


PvP is about positional awareness, timing and (intra/interpersonal AC knowledge).


This has to be crazy easy in PVE.

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If you are a quality player and had the time to practice all 20 you could be good at all of them. I do however think that the time to practice PvPing on 8 toons (maybe 16 chars but 8 of them are mirrored) would be quite a bit so it would possibly be difficult to be proficient at every single one. If you had the patience to do this I think it gives you a huge advantage to know every single class mechanic in the game and every classes weakness from first hand experience. This would definitely help you be a very good player on 1-2 main chars.


Normal people do not have the time for this unfortunately.

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