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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We are bored


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Over the past month, I have witnessed 18 people leave SWTOR to begin playing other MMO's. The main reason for these people leaving was "I am bored". Everyone who left has level 55 characters that are maxed out in gear, reputation, and completed all the hardmodes and most of the nightmare pve content.


As a PVE endgame player, once I hit level 55, I began developing my perfect min/maxed gear which only took a month or so. Now that I have cleared almost all the operations on a nightmare level, there is nothing to do. I really don't want to give up on SWTOR, but I can see why everyone is moving on to new games, there is just nothing to do. I have 6 level 55 toons, all are fully geared out with perfect stats. Considering most of the people who I schedule operations with left, there isn't anything else to do.


My suggestion is:

We need MORE content, more expansions, more leveling, new flashpoints, new operations! You gave us Czerka. I solo'd the Czerka story mode flashpoints the first day. It takes less than 30 minutes to complete the dailies on Czerka. I am already champion level with Czerka and find it painful to do every day. Its just too simple.


I am on the PTS. I have seen what will be coming soon and can already say its too boring. I cleared the operation the first night, in a group of complete strangers who had never done it before. This just wont be enough to keep people interested. Considering my lack of experience, compared to those who have played games for many years, this content should NOT be so simple. Make hardmode what it is supposed to be - difficult.

Another suggestion:

Getting gear should be more of a challenge. Because of the legacy gear, gearing is not a challenge anymore. Remember the speeder awarded for completing all of the operations in hard mode? This was a great example of a challenge. We should have to do more to get more! One suggestion, don't make all the gear boss drops. It would be a lot more rewarding to get a relic, or a set bonus piece that is given only to those who have cleared the all the content in hard or nightmare mode.


And lastly- those of us who are level 55, geared out to the max, need something to do. Standing around on the fleet all day, staring at general chat just isn't keeping people interested. I know there are dailies and flashpoints to do, but why would I want to do them? Credits... comms....Why do I need credits? There is nothing to buy with credits. Basic comms? The only thing worth buying is isotopes, which I dont need because I got the gear so easily in the operations. Crafting? Why would I want to craft? To get credits? There is nothing to buy with credits. Anything credits can buy, you can get with cartel coins- which I get every month for free.


we need more. please..

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Pretty much what you have said is true. There is no real reason to continue playing after you have cleared the content. The problem is that casual players run the game. This is why quite a few guilds blow through the content while most move through it at their own pace. BW couldn't churn out enough content to keep the hardcore crowd here.
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Pretty much what you have said is true. There is no real reason to continue playing after you have cleared the content. The problem is that casual players run the game. This is why quite a few guilds blow through the content while most move through it at their own pace. BW couldn't churn out enough content to keep the hardcore crowd here.


Yes. SWTOR has been this way since launch. The experienced and hardcore players blasted through content in the first few months, got bored, and then quit. This can be said of virtually every mmo, the more casual players sustain the game via subs, with the more elite players coming back with content updates etc.


If you aren't having fun and are bored with the game op, take a break and play another mmo. Come back around when updates etc come around (as slow as they are, hell we had to wait nearly 2 years for ROTHC).


Its my experience that ALL mmo's become boring at endgame, once the gear/rep/title/etc grind has been completed. If you are looking for a challenge, SWTOR isn't for you.

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Pretty much what you have said is true. There is no real reason to continue playing after you have cleared the content. The problem is that casual players run the game. This is why quite a few guilds blow through the content while most move through it at their own pace. BW couldn't churn out enough content to keep the hardcore crowd here.


I have yet to see a company that CAN churn out new content fast enough to satisfy the content leeches.

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hell we had to wait nearly 2 years for ROTHC


You do know this is a blatant and outright lie, don't you?


SWTOR was released December 20, 2011 and RotHC was released April 14, 2013. That is less than 18 months, nowhere near "almost 2 years". The game hasn't even been out for two years yet.

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The majority of the content being churned out is operations & cartel market.


We have a star wars game where the focus lies mostly on (pillar 4 or whatever they called it) story. A personalized story for each class, though the game did launch (I believe) with 1 operation ready. Basically, this spells single-player game, but forced into a mmo environment. Then, they put practically all their effort into keeping the game alive (cartel) or twisting the game from online single-player to guild-sized end-game.


The result is that those who play it for the single-player or small-group experience are really not getting enough content, and the hardcore end game players will always burn through the content faster than the devs can add it.


I don't think anyone will win in the long run.


It's sad to say, since this was the game I've been waiting for since... EverQuest.

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Correction YOU are bored. I am not so don't speak for me.




Having played STO (took them five years to come up with an expansion) DCUO (the world where the re-release recolored content that you have to PAY for) and other games that take YEARS to release content, I gotta tell ya TOR hasn't done me wrong yet...


Why is this even IN suggestions? What? BW... you're doing it wrong... my suggestion? Do it LESS wrong!

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Having played STO (took them five years to come up with an expansion) DCUO (the world where the re-release recolored content that you have to PAY for) and other games that take YEARS to release content, I gotta tell ya TOR hasn't done me wrong yet...


Why is this even IN suggestions? What? BW... you're doing it wrong... my suggestion? Do it LESS wrong!


STO launched 2010 - 3 years for expansion :) but yes a long time to wait.


Compared to the first year which was mostly spent adding essential tools to the game, this year the content has been coming pretty often.

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It may be Dec 2009... Not sure, i played around Jan-Feb 2010 so its only a few weeks between 2009 or 2010 :)


Double-checked, Feb 2nd 2010 - so it's nearer four years than three... either way - bottom line - long time :D if you want to see P2W play THAT game...


what's really sad is that when I'm feeling like playing something casually - just for fun - that's the game I go to... but I don't spend even a QUARTER of the time there that I spend here

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As a PVE endgame player, once I hit level 55, I began developing my perfect min/maxed gear which only took a month or so. Now that I have cleared almost all the operations on a nightmare level, there is nothing to do.


To be frank - and the following is my personal opinion - : You are too fast.


You are behaving like a "content locust".


Me, I'm currently playing something around 10 low-level characters, of which NONE is over level 32, exept 1 which is at level 55 now - after long months of stagnation.


But - this is just the modern "action age". Everythings getting faster, faster, faster, and more action, action, action.


Me, I was growing up in the 70s. Things were A LOT more slower then. Movies and TV series as well. Storytelling was done A LOT more slowly, then.


You are like Darth Nihilius : You have developed an hunger for content which will actually never be satisfied. You are doomed to consume the content of every oher MMO like that - if nothing changes within you.


Unfortunately, the "media industry " has imho trained people to consume content (and thus, games and movies) much, much faster than it would be healthy.


Your hunger will be your downfall (regarding boredom). If you don't learn any absinence. You could try out into the world, riding by bike, doing sight-seeing tours and going out with your friends, or joining board games groups (or even creating one yourself).


It would a) keep you away from SWTOR, and b) give you a different experience as well.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I have been playing since pre-launch and still have not finished all the story content here. My first time through Black Talon there was a player telling us to hit the space bar through the conversations, and this was just days after it's release. This game was built around some really awesome story telling and the hardcore gamers just spacebared through it only to complain that the game was too easy. Even in WoW where almost all the content focus is endgame or PvP and the grind to top level is just that, a boring grind, I still saw hardcore gamers who would blow through any new content and then leave to go play their FPS because they were bored.


Now I will agree that HM or NiM Ops should be very very hard and a challenge to even the most hardcore player if you are just looking for things to keep you occupied try going back and doing new toons and enjoy the stories, or try them a different way. I know playing a Knight darkside and them one lightside gives a whole different feel to the play.


Considering the majority of the MMOs out there the content for this game is coming out at a fairly regular pace. It may not be the content you want at the time but it is being spread across the board to try and take into account the total player base.

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I agree with the general opinion in this thread, that its a small minority thats bored.


Give the game a rest, will ya? you dont have to finish the entire game in a day. It's not a speedrun.


Learn to enjoy the journey to the destination instead of focusing blindly on the end of it. Why must everything be done so incredibly fast? What's the rush?


The lenght of the game is just fine for most players, most people who play this game have jobs, school and other responsibilities. Playing this game is not their life goal.


Just imagine how long it takes someone with a regular 40 hour job to get through all the content, and has a regular social life as well.


Also, many people dont just play a single game for years. They tend to play other games as well, wanting to play at least a few titles a year that they really want.


This game was not made to cater to that very limited hardcore crowd who no developer can keep up with content wise anyways. They'd have to release 10 new operations each week and increase the level cap by 30 each week as well to please those people. I'd bet even then they would whine about not enough content being released.

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I agree with the general opinion in this thread, that its a small minority thats bored.


Give the game a rest, will ya? you dont have to finish the entire game in a day. It's not a speedrun.


Learn to enjoy the journey to the destination instead of focusing blindly on the end of it. Why must everything be done so incredibly fast? What's the rush?


The lenght of the game is just fine for most players, most people who play this game have jobs, school and other responsibilities. Playing this game is not their life goal.


Just imagine how long it takes someone with a regular 40 hour job to get through all the content, and has a regular social life as well.


Also, many people dont just play a single game for years. They tend to play other games as well, wanting to play at least a few titles a year that they really want.


This game was not made to cater to that very limited hardcore crowd who no developer can keep up with content wise anyways. They'd have to release 10 new operations each week and increase the level cap by 30 each week as well to please those people. I'd bet even then they would whine about not enough content being released.


So basically what I can see from your post is that most of the hardcore players are complete shut ins who have no life and no job and this is their entire goal in life to be the best at this game? I run nightmare content pretty regularly and with pretty damn good success also. I have a job and don't sit at home playing this all day.


If BW were ever to cater to the more hardcore crowd they wouldn't have to release a ton of new operations or raise level caps. They would need to make content that is actually difficult. Not something that everyone can finish. Which obviously cannot happen in this game, because as soon as something cool comes from a raid drop, the people who can't get to that level of play tend to come to the forums and make complains about why they cannot have such a cool thing just handed to them.


Too many people playing this game want everything handed to them and think everything is way too hard when in all reality they would just need to think a little bit and come at the problem with a different strategy. People give up way too easily in this game, I don't really blame them BW practically encourages it.

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You are bored, your issue.

There is so much other things to be done outside one game... try to read some books for a change.

Content will never be enough in casual MMO... whole idea of casual games is not about racing with time.

I am here from open beta... and still have not finished all of class stories.

Just because I don't focus my life or fun only over SWTOR.

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Well, that's what happens when you focus all your attention on vanity cartel packs and over-used rep grinds/dailies. Sure it's an extra source of income for EA, but when everyone leaves because there's nothing left to do at max level other then dailies, who's going to buy the cartel packs then? The kids with demo (free to play) accounts? I don't think anyone could disagree the top priority for SWTOR is Cartel Packs and incredibly long rep grinds for more..... vanity gear. This game is all about the cash grabs now. And when it dies off, they'll be scratching their heads in denial.
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