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Please fix "hidden stick" in female run with gun animation


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My poor little healer scoundrel. Every time she does a scamper and comes out of the roll wielding her pistol, she runs like she desperately needs to find a space bathroom (more scarce than modification tables, let me tell you!)


Do I remember weeks ago reading this was supposed to be fixed? It's a tiny quality of life fix but her pee-pee dance run is now part of her regular rotation and I really feel bad for her.


Any ETA on what must surely be the easiest of fixes?

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she runs like she desperately needs to find a space bathroom (more scarce than modification tables, let me tell you!)


Actually, bathrooms in space are not all that scarce... believe it or not.


To quote Star Trek's Memory Alpha


The toilet, also referred to by the Ferengi as a waste extraction fixture, is a device used for the disposal of bodily wastes. The waste extraction system was the system used to manage and process that and all other related wastes.


During the first mission of the starship Enterprise NX-01, Captain Jonathan Archer declared that the Vulcan High Command didn't think Humans could flush a toilet without a Vulcan to assist. (ENT: "Broken Bow")


In 2151, Worley Elementary School in Kenmare, County Kerry, Ireland on Earth, sent questions, letters, and drawings to the Enterprise. One question asked was "When you flush the toilet, where does it go?" and one of the few that was answered personally – Captain Archer delegated it to chief engineer Trip Tucker. Commander Tucker was not pleased with the captain's selection of questions for him and protested, but ultimately relented and explained to Molly the ship's processes of recycling and biomatter resequencing. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")


The brig aboard Starfleet ships included facilities such as a sink and toilet, which were enclosed behind the wall until needed. A sign above the toilet read "do not use while in spacedock." (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)


Waste extraction points on a Bajoran transport are located in individual quarters. After Ibudan was murdered in 2369, Dr. Julian Bashir located seofurane fragments near the waste extraction point in Ibudan's quarters on the transport. (DS9: "A Man Alone")


The Ferengi shuttle, Quark's Treasure was equipped with a waste extraction unit. (DS9: "Little Green Men")


It was said that the waste extraction fixtures at the Nagal Residence on Ferenginar were plated with latinum. Quark, believing that he was about to become the next Grand Nagus, said that the first thing he was going to rip out the plated fixtures and replace them with solid latinum fixtures. (DS9: "Body Parts", "The Dogs of War")


His upcoming wedding with Leeta and preparations for a Dominion attack on Deep Space 9 in late 2373 made Rom so nervous that he announced he had to go to waste extraction. (DS9: "Call to Arms")



Background Information

According to the Star Trek: The Next Generation USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints, the door in Jean-Luc Picard's ready room led to a bathroom. The blueprints also referred to the bathrooms as both "toilets" and "heads". The main bridge of the USS Enterprise-D featured a bathroom just off the doors leading to the observation lounge. In the authorized re-creation of the main bridge in Star Trek: The Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton, the inscription on the doors read "HEAD". The head was visible in a few episodes, but although it was not in focus enough to read the inscription, the length of the inscription changed between episodes during the seventh season. In addition, in episodes throughout the seventh season, multiple crew members can be seen simultaneously entering the bridge via the head. It is unclear how many toilets are available for use in the head on the main bridge.


According to Jonathan Frakes during the "Journey's End: The Saga of Star Trek: The Next Generation" special in 1994, the Enterprise-D had only one bathroom and he proceeded to point to it on the large cross-section of the Enterprise-D in the main engineering set.


As for how it works, as Bashir said in "Fascination", best not to dwell on it too much.


Similarly there is the possibility that one of the unopenable doors on each players starships actually leads to a personal lavatory.


I cited Star Trek, because Star Trek is usually quoted as the primary source when quoting the lack of lavatories in space. The first part of the quote from Memory Alpha is what is canonically observable. The second part is speculation based on spin off material and actor quotes.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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Similarly there is the possibility that one of the unopenable doors on each players starships actually leads to a personal lavatory.


Well, I wish they'd OPEN that door then so my poor girl would get some relief and run like a happy, bladder-empty person.

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  • 1 year later...

Every character with a pistol or pistols runs like a goofball. A BT 3 Merc or Gunslinger lumbers like an ox, for example. Body type, faction, gender, 1 pistol or 2, doesn't matter. So it would seem to be something connected to the pistols(s).


I think you're just going to have to deal with it, OP.

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I've noticed on my jedi that when I get up from a chair I run like that (arms at sides not moving, looks really awkward) for a second or so. There are other instances that trigger it as well. Not really sure why that happens. Also watching Jedi run with a dual-saber makes you realize just how dangerous they would be in the hands of someone without perfect situational awareness, but that doesn't really bother me.
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I've noticed on my jedi that when I get up from a chair I run like that (arms at sides not moving, looks really awkward) for a second or so.

Every character runs like that for a second or 2 after getting up or using an item or something. That's not what this is about.

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