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Challenge for Eric Musco


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dude its ok "Just heal to full"


But really arena will get boring after the first 2 weeks when the top players play the fotm classes and you go up against the same 3 comps over and over and over again. 4v4 is easier to balance than 8v8. The devs need to get their heads out of their asses and balance this already.


Or they can come into arena with the classes they think are balanced and get their asses handed to them. again.... I really enjoyed ******** on them on the pts

Edited by Valzanik
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I would prefer a genuine Swtor.com poll (perhaps done in-game for those who don't use the website) so we can actually see the percentages. As far as I know that doesn't exist though.


Actually, some actual numbers do exist, straight out of the mouth of BW: PvP Update 2012


In the first week after launch there were over a million Warzone matches played, with nearly HALF of all players participating in Warzones.


Of course, that update was right after launch before BW truly borked PvP, but it certainly points to more than just a minority of people PvPing in this game and is the only real official BW information on the topic that I'm aware of and I've been playing the game since EGA.


The delineation between players that only PvE or PvP in SWTOR is a stupid one, simply because this MMO was first and foremost a PvE game. It's not even possible to play this game without doing some PvE (leveling on a starter planet).


So there is no doubt that there are more PvErs in this game, but PvPers are hardly the minority that some peeps would have you believe.

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I feel like most people would have dabbled with PvP for a short time just to try it out. The game was new, things were exciting and had potential. At this point though I guess we really have no idea what % of people actually play swtor FOR the pvp.


I'll still stick to my belief that PvPers are a minority which is why BioWare doesn't put PvP related fixes as a priority.

Regardless, I thank you for bringing that post to my attention.


*raises glass* Here's to hoping that some GOOD changes happen when they finally get around to it! :D

Edited by jackrunip
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I feel like most people would have dabbled with PvP for a short time just to try it out. The game was new, things were exciting and had potential. At this point though I guess we really have no idea what % of people actually play swtor FOR the pvp.


I'll still stick to my belief that PvPers are a minority which is why BioWare doesn't put PvP related fixes as a priority.

Regardless, I thank you for bringing that post to my attention.


*raises glass* Here's to hoping that some GOOD changes happen when they finally get around to it! :D


Most the things I would consider "good" changes are kind of confirmed they will never happen. Like larger scale PvP. Getting smaller. Its sad because I wanted to love this game and have tried to find new ways to enjoy what IS available, but it just only works in spurts before I just lose steam again. Minority or not, it falls on the people to realize the game just isn't for them no matter how much they hoped it would be.

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