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Next expansion share your ideas be creative :)


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Been gone for like a year and a half, good to see the game is still going, and an expansion is planned.


Honestly having come back to the game after so long I'm really disappointed that there are almost no new species still. Cathar being the only one. Thus the first thing I'd like to see is new species added, maybe 3 or 4 new species.


The second thing I'm rather disappointed with is that there doesn't seem to be any new companion development or any new personal companions for classes, other then the HK and Treek, who are the same across the board . SWTOR is supposed to be all about player driven stories, and the companions are a large part of that. Yet it's very much untouched.


Third and tying into the 2nd point, your personal story needs to be expaneded upon.


4th Honestly I know I'm probably a minority on this, but it shouldn't be hard to do at all. I mean the costumes are already in game, and the team has already shown they can redesign the space fleet, but bring back the old pvp armor sets. They were removed when RotHC launched. I don't understand why. For people that are collectors of armor, it doesn't make any sense to remove them. Maybe they were brought back since I left and I just haven't noticed it, but it never made any sense to remove those to me. Yes their stats were not up to par, but that's not why people buy them, they want the sets.


5th and last although I doubt this one will come through, 2 new classes would be great. An SIS agent for the Republic, and an Imperial trooper for the Empire. Or perhaps even something like a diplomat for the Republic, (which could be more of a pet class) and an Imperial Noble who's looking to further raise his or her families prestige in the empire, but taking initiative and doing work for the empire, which could also fall into being a pet class. You could even have something like a gladiator type of class which is more melee focused rather than gun focused but with out lightsabers, and that would be able to fit into both the republic and the empire. Regardless I'm sure there is a long, long list of possible classes that we could see any 2 of them would be great for a third expansion.

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New planet will probably be Yavin IV as one of the messages you receive from Spindral says you are on a moon, and the old Sith temples would be a decent place for the Emperor or Revan to be. My guess for the new species is Togruta just because it's been requested so many times
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- A new Makeb size planet and story arc.

- A daily/weekly quest for said planet that is not as inconvenient to do as Makeb

- At least 1 ops

- Tacticals receive HM versions (only if lvl cap is increased)



And for a more down the road thing


- A satisfying conclusion to Revan's story allowing you to choose how to end it (you can redeem him or kill him for good)


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1. Operations where the Empire and the Republic actually fight each other, and builds on Korriban and Tython

2. More story in terms of companions, specifically SGR romances in some of the companions. I think it's past overdue that we had them

3. More planets to put strongholds on, like Voss

4. numerous bugs being fixed, like Friends' list

5. Storyline that combines the Makeb planet arc with class stories in that it is a planet arc, but it has different angles depending on who the player brings to it

6. Expansion on the Makeb storyline... and Rakata Prime storyline

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