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How about a Mandalorian-focused expansion set on Geonosis?



I would love to see something Mando-themed too. With the Empire loosing ground and the Republic advancing, it would definitely be time to reconsider if working for the Empire is still worth the risk. And as far as we know, Mandalore the Vindicated is much less of an imperial pawn than his predecessor Mandalore the Lesser. So why not attempting to carve out a nice little Mandalorian Empire out of Hutt, Imperial and Republic space. As for Reputation: While Republic players would try to win the favor of Clan Ordo, Imperials might try to gain the allegiance of Clan Vizla (with the return of Shae Vizla as potential new Mandalore). It would be nice to learn what happened to Vizla, as she was one of Malgus allies during his Alderaan campaign an the Sacking of Coruscant, but never actually appeared ingame.

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Warning! Long post! Beware! :rak_01:


Looking at the broader scope, the next big expansion should focus almost entirely its story on the on-going war. We had the beginning in Vanilla SWTOR, where the Empire restarted the war and then the Republic kicked them out of Corellia and Balmorra, and the Jedi Knight defeated the Emperor. Then, in RotHC, we had Makeb where the Empire, having learned its lesson, started to get its act together and they managed to get their hands on Isotope-5 (which was so valuable that Darth Marr was willing to sacrifice the loss of a few star systems just to buy the Imperial players time to successfully get the material). Now, as the dust has settled, what do we have? Let's see:

- the Republic got a few big and inspiring victories. It presumably has a lot of built-up momentum.

- the Hutt Cartel tried to play with the big boys as a third side only to get promptly smashed.

- the Empire suffered a bunch of bad defeats, but has presumably learned its lesson and is coming around.


So, the next logical step would be to build up on that - the Republic is barging in on more and more Imperial territory, liberating star systems along their path. However, they start to underestimate the Empire, relying a bit too much on the inherent willingness of the Sith to backstab and betray their own comrades if things get too bad.

Eventually, the Republic designs a daring crusade into the heart of the Empire; their first target is the ancient Sith world of Ziost, and after that they intend to march on Korriban and Dromund Kaas itself, finally ending the Empire once and for all.

Darth Marr, however, has learned of this attack and has prepared a trap. The Republic, unware that the enemy is expecting them, arrives at Ziost expecting to rout the Imperial forces quickly before they can organize a proper defense. Instead, they find the Imperial Navy waiting for them, armed with awfully powerful prototype weapons created with Isotope-5. The rout turns into a massacre, a D-Day gone horribly wrong.


The story then should be elaborated with the Class plotlines:

on the side of the Empire:

- the Sith Warrior - as the Emperor's Wrath, the Sith Warrior is contacted by the Hand with the order to go on Ziost and prepare to butcher the Republic survivors that land on the surface of the planet after their initial attack turns into a disaster. The Sith Warrior is also given the charge of the Imperial forces on the planet. However, the exposure on this corrupted world begins to take its toll on the Warrior's mind and he/she begins to hear the voice of the Emperor inside his/her head, as well as having terrifying hallucinations and premonitions concerning their loved ones (for example, Vette or Quinn, or whoever was romanced (or had the highest affection, if no romance option was chosen)).

- the Sith Inquisitor - as a member of the Dark Council and the head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, the Inquisitor begins a holy pilgrimage on Ziost with the goal of finding some knowledge that will help the Empire crush the Republic forces. Eventually, he/she finds the secret on how to create a most terrible weapon of the Dark Side - the Thought Bomb, but will he/she be prepared for the consequences?

- the Bounty Hunter - he/she is tasked with the greatest bounty in their career - assassinating the leader of the Jedi Order, Satele Shan herself, who has crash-landed on the surface of Ziost during the orbital battle. The whole story plays out as a chase, a game of cat and mouse between the Hunter and Satele, who soon proves to be the biggest challenge we have ever encountered and the Hunter can (and will) become the hunted.

- the Imperial Agent - his/her skills in subterfuge are put to the test when he/she has to infiltrate the Republic armada prior to the attack on Ziost and do a lot of sabotage that ensures that the Imperial Navy will get the upper hand. After the battle in the orbit of Ziost, the Agent silently descends on the surface of the planet in order to ensure that the survivors won't escape.


on the side of the Republic:

- the Jedi Knight - he/she, like many others, crash-lands on Ziost after the horrible orbital battle. The Knight immediately begins to rescue survivors, slowly managing to regroup the remains of the army and trying to send a signal for help. However, the Sith intercept the signal and the survivors are attacked relentlessly. At the end, the Jedi Knight once again has to battle the champion of the Dark Side, as Darth Marr challenges him/her to a personal duel to the death.

- the Jedi Consular - he/she is among those who don't crash on the surface of Ziost, but he/she is tricked into descending onto the planet by the surviving Children of the Emperor. Once there, they capture the Consular and drag him/her into the depths of Ziost where they prepare to brainwash and torture the Consular turning him/her into a slave like Stark. The Jedi Consular has to escape the Sith labyrinths and tombs of Ziost in time to reach the rest of the survivors before they make their escape and he/she becomes stranded on Ziost forever.

- the Smuggler - as a privateer and the Voidhound, the Smuggler is among the commanders of the Republic fleet during the attack on Ziost. He/she has even brought a ragtag fleet made of pirates and mercenaries to help the Republic. Once hell is unleashed during the battle in orbit, however, the Smuggler's friends turn on the Republic and his/her flagship is destroyed. He/she barely manages to escape in time, only to promptly crash on the surface of Ziost. As luck would have it, the Smuggler crashes into a fairly remote zone and has to trek through the dangerous terrain in order to reach the remains of his/her ship. Along the way, he/she encounters more survivors and applies his/her talents in order to find a way to "smuggle" them out of Ziost.

- the Trooper - the only class who would not be a part of the initial attack. Instead, Havoc Squad is tasked with the mission to rescue as many lives as possible and take them out of Ziost ASAP. They are deployed on Ziost after the battle and lead a black-ops/rescue mission (that would intersect with the groups of survivors in both the Jedi Knight and the Smuggler stories). However, even Havoc Squad is not beyond the reach of the Sith Intelligence and the Empire sends a black-ops team of their own in order to thwart the Trooper in his/her own game.


The result of this would be this - the Republic loses the Battle of Ziost and suffers heavy casualties. The Empire pushes them back, having won a reinvigorating victory. However, the war is far from over, but the scales of power now start to tip in favor of the Empire - but only to the point when it doesn't seem like the Republic will crubstomp them any moment now, in order to prolong the longevity of the war.


In terms of statistics I would add:

- new level cap: 60. Of course, this will come with new skills and abilities.

- one new planet, Ziost. It's a Sith world deep within Imperial territory. It has to have a fairly spooky atmosphere in and of itself, and the players would be constantly reminded that there is a terrible battle waged all around them. Quests and zones would be designed in such a way that Imperial and Republic players should have a very different experience in terms of atmosphere - Imps should feel a bit of a cruel power trip, hunting down wounded survivors or setting traps etc. while the Reps should feel like prey - and just like prey, when they become sufficiently cornered, they are encouraged to strike back viciously. Ziost will have an overall story for each faction (the Empire chasing down the survivors, the Republic trying to organize a rescue mission and retreat) that will be heavily tied with the Class stories. So, regular quests, planet-wise story quests, Class quests and a few Heroic quests here and there.

- if no new species are released by the time of the expansion, add Togruta (for the Republic), Kaleesh (for the Empire) and Nautolan (for both factions); they would not be necessarily tied with the overall "Battle of Ziost" story.

- new Space Missions centered around the Battle of Ziost in orbit.

- various "quality of life" improvements such as mini-games like Pazaak and/or Swoop/Podracing (those would not happen on Ziost, of course, it would be rather a bunch of race tracks on some of the lower-level planets like Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Voss etc. that would encourage players to visit even after they have out-leveled them), graphic and performance improvements, new sets of gear etc.


And, wow... that has become quite long... So, tl;dr version:

- story centered around the Republic getting cocky and trying to attack the heart of the Empire. Turns out to be a spectacular failure that allows the Empire to regain some momentum in order to prolong the war. Strongly tied with the continuation of the Class storylines.

- new level cap, new species, new gameplay perks - more or less the standard stuff.

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New planet: Umbara




Love that idea, I had an idea very similar to this, including what's inside those sith ruins :)




You guys remember, after the Great War, Malgus went into exile in the Unknown Regions? Well, what if he dabbled into Sith Alchemy and made clone bodies similar to Darth Sidious. He'd still be 'dead', so its still possible, and its the most probable way for him to return, seeing as he's was the icon of the Empire, and then they threw him away. I know plenty of people wanted to join him.



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Warning! Long post! Beware! :rak_01:


Looking at the broader scope, the next big expansion should focus almost entirely its story on the on-going war. We had the beginning in Vanilla SWTOR, where the Empire restarted the war and then the Republic kicked them out of Corellia and Balmorra, and the Jedi Knight defeated the Emperor. Then, in RotHC, we had Makeb where the Empire, having learned its lesson, started to get its act together and they managed to get their hands on Isotope-5 (which was so valuable that Darth Marr was willing to sacrifice the loss of a few star systems just to buy the Imperial players time to successfully get the material). Now, as the dust has settled, what do we have? Let's see:

- the Republic got a few big and inspiring victories. It presumably has a lot of built-up momentum.

- the Hutt Cartel tried to play with the big boys as a third side only to get promptly smashed.

- the Empire suffered a bunch of bad defeats, but has presumably learned its lesson and is coming around.


So, the next logical step would be to build up on that - the Republic is barging in on more and more Imperial territory, liberating star systems along their path. However, they start to underestimate the Empire, relying a bit too much on the inherent willingness of the Sith to backstab and betray their own comrades if things get too bad.

Eventually, the Republic designs a daring crusade into the heart of the Empire; their first target is the ancient Sith world of Ziost, and after that they intend to march on Korriban and Dromund Kaas itself, finally ending the Empire once and for all.

Darth Marr, however, has learned of this attack and has prepared a trap. The Republic, unware that the enemy is expecting them, arrives at Ziost expecting to rout the Imperial forces quickly before they can organize a proper defense. Instead, they find the Imperial Navy waiting for them, armed with awfully powerful prototype weapons created with Isotope-5. The rout turns into a massacre, a D-Day gone horribly wrong.


The story then should be elaborated with the Class plotlines:

on the side of the Empire:

- the Sith Warrior - as the Emperor's Wrath, the Sith Warrior is contacted by the Hand with the order to go on Ziost and prepare to butcher the Republic survivors that land on the surface of the planet after their initial attack turns into a disaster. The Sith Warrior is also given the charge of the Imperial forces on the planet. However, the exposure on this corrupted world begins to take its toll on the Warrior's mind and he/she begins to hear the voice of the Emperor inside his/her head, as well as having terrifying hallucinations and premonitions concerning their loved ones (for example, Vette or Quinn, or whoever was romanced (or had the highest affection, if no romance option was chosen)).

- the Sith Inquisitor - as a member of the Dark Council and the head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, the Inquisitor begins a holy pilgrimage on Ziost with the goal of finding some knowledge that will help the Empire crush the Republic forces. Eventually, he/she finds the secret on how to create a most terrible weapon of the Dark Side - the Thought Bomb, but will he/she be prepared for the consequences?

- the Bounty Hunter - he/she is tasked with the greatest bounty in their career - assassinating the leader of the Jedi Order, Satele Shan herself, who has crash-landed on the surface of Ziost during the orbital battle. The whole story plays out as a chase, a game of cat and mouse between the Hunter and Satele, who soon proves to be the biggest challenge we have ever encountered and the Hunter can (and will) become the hunted.

- the Imperial Agent - his/her skills in subterfuge are put to the test when he/she has to infiltrate the Republic armada prior to the attack on Ziost and do a lot of sabotage that ensures that the Imperial Navy will get the upper hand. After the battle in the orbit of Ziost, the Agent silently descends on the surface of the planet in order to ensure that the survivors won't escape.


on the side of the Republic:

- the Jedi Knight - he/she, like many others, crash-lands on Ziost after the horrible orbital battle. The Knight immediately begins to rescue survivors, slowly managing to regroup the remains of the army and trying to send a signal for help. However, the Sith intercept the signal and the survivors are attacked relentlessly. At the end, the Jedi Knight once again has to battle the champion of the Dark Side, as Darth Marr challenges him/her to a personal duel to the death.

- the Jedi Consular - he/she is among those who don't crash on the surface of Ziost, but he/she is tricked into descending onto the planet by the surviving Children of the Emperor. Once there, they capture the Consular and drag him/her into the depths of Ziost where they prepare to brainwash and torture the Consular turning him/her into a slave like Stark. The Jedi Consular has to escape the Sith labyrinths and tombs of Ziost in time to reach the rest of the survivors before they make their escape and he/she becomes stranded on Ziost forever.

- the Smuggler - as a privateer and the Voidhound, the Smuggler is among the commanders of the Republic fleet during the attack on Ziost. He/she has even brought a ragtag fleet made of pirates and mercenaries to help the Republic. Once hell is unleashed during the battle in orbit, however, the Smuggler's friends turn on the Republic and his/her flagship is destroyed. He/she barely manages to escape in time, only to promptly crash on the surface of Ziost. As luck would have it, the Smuggler crashes into a fairly remote zone and has to trek through the dangerous terrain in order to reach the remains of his/her ship. Along the way, he/she encounters more survivors and applies his/her talents in order to find a way to "smuggle" them out of Ziost.

- the Trooper - the only class who would not be a part of the initial attack. Instead, Havoc Squad is tasked with the mission to rescue as many lives as possible and take them out of Ziost ASAP. They are deployed on Ziost after the battle and lead a black-ops/rescue mission (that would intersect with the groups of survivors in both the Jedi Knight and the Smuggler stories). However, even Havoc Squad is not beyond the reach of the Sith Intelligence and the Empire sends a black-ops team of their own in order to thwart the Trooper in his/her own game.


The result of this would be this - the Republic loses the Battle of Ziost and suffers heavy casualties. The Empire pushes them back, having won a reinvigorating victory. However, the war is far from over, but the scales of power now start to tip in favor of the Empire - but only to the point when it doesn't seem like the Republic will crubstomp them any moment now, in order to prolong the longevity of the war.


In terms of statistics I would add:

- new level cap: 60. Of course, this will come with new skills and abilities.

- one new planet, Ziost. It's a Sith world deep within Imperial territory. It has to have a fairly spooky atmosphere in and of itself, and the players would be constantly reminded that there is a terrible battle waged all around them. Quests and zones would be designed in such a way that Imperial and Republic players should have a very different experience in terms of atmosphere - Imps should feel a bit of a cruel power trip, hunting down wounded survivors or setting traps etc. while the Reps should feel like prey - and just like prey, when they become sufficiently cornered, they are encouraged to strike back viciously. Ziost will have an overall story for each faction (the Empire chasing down the survivors, the Republic trying to organize a rescue mission and retreat) that will be heavily tied with the Class stories. So, regular quests, planet-wise story quests, Class quests and a few Heroic quests here and there.

- if no new species are released by the time of the expansion, add Togruta (for the Republic), Kaleesh (for the Empire) and Nautolan (for both factions); they would not be necessarily tied with the overall "Battle of Ziost" story.

- new Space Missions centered around the Battle of Ziost in orbit.

- various "quality of life" improvements such as mini-games like Pazaak and/or Swoop/Podracing (those would not happen on Ziost, of course, it would be rather a bunch of race tracks on some of the lower-level planets like Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Voss etc. that would encourage players to visit even after they have out-leveled them), graphic and performance improvements, new sets of gear etc.


And, wow... that has become quite long... So, tl;dr version:

- story centered around the Republic getting cocky and trying to attack the heart of the Empire. Turns out to be a spectacular failure that allows the Empire to regain some momentum in order to prolong the war. Strongly tied with the continuation of the Class storylines.

- new level cap, new species, new gameplay perks - more or less the standard stuff.


That is really great an innovative, although I would add a few things differently. Otherwise great though.

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I would love to see something Mando-themed too. With the Empire loosing ground and the Republic advancing, it would definitely be time to reconsider if working for the Empire is still worth the risk. And as far as we know, Mandalore the Vindicated is much less of an imperial pawn than his predecessor Mandalore the Lesser. So why not attempting to carve out a nice little Mandalorian Empire out of Hutt, Imperial and Republic space. As for Reputation: While Republic players would try to win the favor of Clan Ordo, Imperials might try to gain the allegiance of Clan Vizla (with the return of Shae Vizla as potential new Mandalore). It would be nice to learn what happened to Vizla, as she was one of Malgus allies during his Alderaan campaign an the Sacking of Coruscant, but never actually appeared ingame.


That would be awesome to see Shae Vizla, though I would prefer her as a potential BH companion seeing how she hasn't really been mentioned in game and the BH is already well known and famed for. That might make an even better expansion not to mention for an interesting story too.

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I would like to see new classes. One I've thought up is the Sith Fanatic, adv. classes being the Reaver & Reaper. Starting on Korriban, the Fanatic storyline would be taken from their families at birth & trained to be weapons of the Empire, kind of like Starkiller was in The Force Unleashed. [by the way, consider adding the Sith Stalker gear from the Force Unleashed into the Cartel Market.] Dark side warriors trained by Darth Marr, Fanatics would be tasked with hunting down & destroying Jedi. As to how Fanatics would differ from Inquisitors & Warriors, these guys would be about pure insanity & fanatical devotion to the Empire rather than conniving or hatred. Not to mention, it'd be cool to have Darth Marr as a master and the Fanatic would earn the distinction of being the only Sith class where Chapters 2 & 3 don't end in you killing another Sith.


Reavers wield double-bladed lightsabers (or Cathar Warstaffs because those are such cool weapons) & would have a Force Leap ability similar to the Sith Warrior's. A Reaver would be able to tank or dps of course, but would have an usual ability: they'd get something called Bloodmark, the ability to highlight an enemy's weakpoints, thereby reducing its armor. A Reaver with skill points invested in a pve dps tree would of course have armor-ignoring attacks, whereas the pvp one would specialize in strikes that cause bleeding damage.They would also have a Warcry ability that would (once Skill points had been invested) both terrify enemies & empower allies. They would of course have the Assassin's Volatic Slash for attacking groups of enemies & the double strike ability for attacking a single target. Unlike Assassins however, Reavers would wear heavy armor & would not have the Maul or Stealth abilities; they'd basically trade stealth and backstabbing abilities for more protection, especially if they decide to be tanks.


Reapers, on the other hand, would be more akin to Starkiller in Force Unleashed II, leaping into battle wielding two lightsabers & wearing medium armor. Basically, they'd be a hybrid between Marauders and Sorcerers, combining advanced lightsaber attacks with a devastating array of ranged abilities, Shock & Lightning being among them. When surrounded, a Reaper could choose between charging themselves up with power (recommended activation time: 3.5 sec) and firing off an explosion that knocks enemies back & immobilizes them for 4 seconds or use a Lightning Shield to damage any enemy that gets too close. They'd also have a Push ability, though it'd affect a group of enemies instead of a single target & would only be available at a high level. And they'd get their double saber throw earlier than the Marauder, though it'd cause less damage in exchange for a shorter cooldown period. Also, while Marauders have the ability to take droids offline for a time, Reapers could have an ability like that for living beings only (ability name: Mind Cloud). Also, they'd receive the ability to shoot a bolt of black-and-red dark side energy into the sky and call down of a storm of darkness on a target area, similar to the Sorcerer's Storm ability; however, while the Sorc's Storm only immobilizes enemy npcs, a Reaper's would cause additional damage over time, an amount that would be increased if they invest skill points in the pvp tree. And at 51, the Reaper would receive the ability to project one of these dark side bolts on a single target with a high amount of damage like the sorcerer's Thundering Blast.


As for attire, Fanatics would be in medium or heavy armor with a savage, gnarly-looking cross between barbarian & demonic. I'm talking ragged clothing, shoulder spikes (small of course, nothing too big or it'll just look goofy), blades attached the shoulder & knee pads, etc etc. Basically, go crazy with outfit design, though color scheme should be kept at black & blood red just because that's what should be the standard Sith look; as an afterthought black & dark green or blue would be good too, just make sure that the secondary colors are only in small bits scattered along the armor. And of course, Fanatics would need gruesome & nightmarish tatoos, scarring & facial branding to heighten their scariness. Their starship would be the classic Fury, unless you can come up with something scarier-looking. And as a final note, they'd have Strength & Endurance as their primary attributes & their class trainer on the fleet would share the warrior class trainer's space.


(Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Jaesa kind of resemble a Reaver already? I mean, sure she was supposed to resemble an Assassin, but what Assassin has the warrior's Leap and Slam abilities? What I'm saying is that Bioware has pretty much come up with this new class by themselves, they just now need to expand on the idea.)


Naturally, this new class would require a new storyline to be made, but since Bioware has done some great work with storylines, give it a shot. Sith Reavers & Reapers would be fun to play as. I don't care who you are; create a Fanatic character & you'll go nuts!

Edited by Klishar
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Another post about new classes: the Republic Renegade (or whatever else anyone can come up with) & the Imperial Trooper. I'll start with the Renegade:


Renegades are mercenaries who've sided with the republic instead of the Empire. Seeing the Empire as a boon to business but a detriment to freedom to do as they please, Renegades grudgingly decide to go into business with the Republic. I say grudgingly because they aren't fond of the Republic either (& the Republic isn't too fond of them); they just share a common interest in seeing that the Empire isn't allowed to control everything. Renegades would of course start on Ord Mantell (of course, since that's where they can do business); for a starship, something like the Brute Patrol ship, which is already a pet from one of the packs.


And I say make a mercenary class for the Republic because even the DS trooper isn't really a ******; they're more like cold-blooded killers. Pubs of course have the smuggler, but that's more of a comical hero/heroin (or thug, if they choose dark side). Renegades would basically be a ****** mercenary type with a love of money & freedom to live life as they please, something that they see the Empire as a threat to.


Of course, I only thought up the Renegade class as a counter-balance to what I think that everyone would really like to see: the Imperial Trooper. Dressed in black, heavy armor with red visors & eyeslits, Imp troopers would be the Empire's response to the Republic's Special Forces units. Dedicated, loyal, and utterly without fear, these soldiers would seek out the Empire's enemies & slaughter them with either a blaster rifle of an assault cannon.


Adv classes include the Assault Trooper, who uses an assault cannon to mow down enemies from a distance. Naturally, they'd be similar to the Republic's commandoes, only a little more scary-looking. But of course, the class that I'd love to play as would be the Dark Trooper, a heavily-armored soldier with a stealth field generator, wristblades, & a jetpack. Whether players prefer to jetpack into a group of enemies & annihilate them, strike an enemy from stealth (from any angle pls, this game has enough backstabbers), or simply blast the enemy from a comfortable distance, Dark Troopers would be something to see.


Also one more thing: the imperial trooper's first companion should be a female Chiss agent named Shadow. You know the type: blue skin, short black hair (option 2 maybe), body type 2 (sexy!), & sporting a sniper rifle. And she'd be romancable.


To Bioware, if you need incentive to make these new classes, here's an idea: offer them to us the same way you did Treek, with either cartel coins or a purchase from the Legacy vendor in the Cartel Bazaar. It would work because you know people would pay just to have a sexy Chiss female as a romance option. (Trust me, I've been in swtor chat, I know...)

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Warning! Long post! Beware! :rak_01:


Looking at the broader scope, the next big expansion should focus almost entirely its story on the on-going war. We had the beginning in Vanilla SWTOR, where the Empire restarted the war and then the Republic kicked them out of Corellia and Balmorra, and the Jedi Knight defeated the Emperor. Then, in RotHC, we had Makeb where the Empire, having learned its lesson, started to get its act together and they managed to get their hands on Isotope-5 (which was so valuable that Darth Marr was willing to sacrifice the loss of a few star systems just to buy the Imperial players time to successfully get the material). Now, as the dust has settled, what do we have? Let's see:

- the Republic got a few big and inspiring victories. It presumably has a lot of built-up momentum.

- the Hutt Cartel tried to play with the big boys as a third side only to get promptly smashed.

- the Empire suffered a bunch of bad defeats, but has presumably learned its lesson and is coming around.


So, the next logical step would be to build up on that - the Republic is barging in on more and more Imperial territory, liberating star systems along their path. However, they start to underestimate the Empire, relying a bit too much on the inherent willingness of the Sith to backstab and betray their own comrades if things get too bad.

Eventually, the Republic designs a daring crusade into the heart of the Empire; their first target is the ancient Sith world of Ziost, and after that they intend to march on Korriban and Dromund Kaas itself, finally ending the Empire once and for all.

Darth Marr, however, has learned of this attack and has prepared a trap. The Republic, unware that the enemy is expecting them, arrives at Ziost expecting to rout the Imperial forces quickly before they can organize a proper defense. Instead, they find the Imperial Navy waiting for them, armed with awfully powerful prototype weapons created with Isotope-5. The rout turns into a massacre, a D-Day gone horribly wrong.


The story then should be elaborated with the Class plotlines:

on the side of the Empire:

- the Sith Warrior - as the Emperor's Wrath, the Sith Warrior is contacted by the Hand with the order to go on Ziost and prepare to butcher the Republic survivors that land on the surface of the planet after their initial attack turns into a disaster. The Sith Warrior is also given the charge of the Imperial forces on the planet. However, the exposure on this corrupted world begins to take its toll on the Warrior's mind and he/she begins to hear the voice of the Emperor inside his/her head, as well as having terrifying hallucinations and premonitions concerning their loved ones (for example, Vette or Quinn, or whoever was romanced (or had the highest affection, if no romance option was chosen)).

- the Sith Inquisitor - as a member of the Dark Council and the head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, the Inquisitor begins a holy pilgrimage on Ziost with the goal of finding some knowledge that will help the Empire crush the Republic forces. Eventually, he/she finds the secret on how to create a most terrible weapon of the Dark Side - the Thought Bomb, but will he/she be prepared for the consequences?

- the Bounty Hunter - he/she is tasked with the greatest bounty in their career - assassinating the leader of the Jedi Order, Satele Shan herself, who has crash-landed on the surface of Ziost during the orbital battle. The whole story plays out as a chase, a game of cat and mouse between the Hunter and Satele, who soon proves to be the biggest challenge we have ever encountered and the Hunter can (and will) become the hunted.

- the Imperial Agent - his/her skills in subterfuge are put to the test when he/she has to infiltrate the Republic armada prior to the attack on Ziost and do a lot of sabotage that ensures that the Imperial Navy will get the upper hand. After the battle in the orbit of Ziost, the Agent silently descends on the surface of the planet in order to ensure that the survivors won't escape.


on the side of the Republic:

- the Jedi Knight - he/she, like many others, crash-lands on Ziost after the horrible orbital battle. The Knight immediately begins to rescue survivors, slowly managing to regroup the remains of the army and trying to send a signal for help. However, the Sith intercept the signal and the survivors are attacked relentlessly. At the end, the Jedi Knight once again has to battle the champion of the Dark Side, as Darth Marr challenges him/her to a personal duel to the death.

- the Jedi Consular - he/she is among those who don't crash on the surface of Ziost, but he/she is tricked into descending onto the planet by the surviving Children of the Emperor. Once there, they capture the Consular and drag him/her into the depths of Ziost where they prepare to brainwash and torture the Consular turning him/her into a slave like Stark. The Jedi Consular has to escape the Sith labyrinths and tombs of Ziost in time to reach the rest of the survivors before they make their escape and he/she becomes stranded on Ziost forever.

- the Smuggler - as a privateer and the Voidhound, the Smuggler is among the commanders of the Republic fleet during the attack on Ziost. He/she has even brought a ragtag fleet made of pirates and mercenaries to help the Republic. Once hell is unleashed during the battle in orbit, however, the Smuggler's friends turn on the Republic and his/her flagship is destroyed. He/she barely manages to escape in time, only to promptly crash on the surface of Ziost. As luck would have it, the Smuggler crashes into a fairly remote zone and has to trek through the dangerous terrain in order to reach the remains of his/her ship. Along the way, he/she encounters more survivors and applies his/her talents in order to find a way to "smuggle" them out of Ziost.

- the Trooper - the only class who would not be a part of the initial attack. Instead, Havoc Squad is tasked with the mission to rescue as many lives as possible and take them out of Ziost ASAP. They are deployed on Ziost after the battle and lead a black-ops/rescue mission (that would intersect with the groups of survivors in both the Jedi Knight and the Smuggler stories). However, even Havoc Squad is not beyond the reach of the Sith Intelligence and the Empire sends a black-ops team of their own in order to thwart the Trooper in his/her own game.


The result of this would be this - the Republic loses the Battle of Ziost and suffers heavy casualties. The Empire pushes them back, having won a reinvigorating victory. However, the war is far from over, but the scales of power now start to tip in favor of the Empire - but only to the point when it doesn't seem like the Republic will crubstomp them any moment now, in order to prolong the longevity of the war.


In terms of statistics I would add:

- new level cap: 60. Of course, this will come with new skills and abilities.

- one new planet, Ziost. It's a Sith world deep within Imperial territory. It has to have a fairly spooky atmosphere in and of itself, and the players would be constantly reminded that there is a terrible battle waged all around them. Quests and zones would be designed in such a way that Imperial and Republic players should have a very different experience in terms of atmosphere - Imps should feel a bit of a cruel power trip, hunting down wounded survivors or setting traps etc. while the Reps should feel like prey - and just like prey, when they become sufficiently cornered, they are encouraged to strike back viciously. Ziost will have an overall story for each faction (the Empire chasing down the survivors, the Republic trying to organize a rescue mission and retreat) that will be heavily tied with the Class stories. So, regular quests, planet-wise story quests, Class quests and a few Heroic quests here and there.

- if no new species are released by the time of the expansion, add Togruta (for the Republic), Kaleesh (for the Empire) and Nautolan (for both factions); they would not be necessarily tied with the overall "Battle of Ziost" story.

- new Space Missions centered around the Battle of Ziost in orbit.

- various "quality of life" improvements such as mini-games like Pazaak and/or Swoop/Podracing (those would not happen on Ziost, of course, it would be rather a bunch of race tracks on some of the lower-level planets like Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Voss etc. that would encourage players to visit even after they have out-leveled them), graphic and performance improvements, new sets of gear etc.


And, wow... that has become quite long... So, tl;dr version:

- story centered around the Republic getting cocky and trying to attack the heart of the Empire. Turns out to be a spectacular failure that allows the Empire to regain some momentum in order to prolong the war. Strongly tied with the continuation of the Class storylines.

- new level cap, new species, new gameplay perks - more or less the standard stuff.


The only change I would make is to the bounty hunter class quest: don't have the hunter kill Satele Shan, just capture her. The reason why is because she is a very iconic character & losing her would be a blow to the game, especially after we had to kill Darth Malgus for trying to remake the Empire to be more tolerant of aliens. Also, her continued existence would be a boon to the Jedi Knight's questline: after being rescued by the Knight, she'd reveal to him/her that the Emperor was still alive. For story purposes, we could have the bounty hunter being contacted by the Emperor's hand to capture Satele Shan so that the Emperor could torture her for the location of the new Jedi Temple (which they don't know is on Tython, yet). As for light side & dark side options, hunter could fight his/her way thru dozens of Jedi catch up to her. After cornering her, the hunter defeats Satele in combat, after which point she surrenders on the condition that the hunter not harm anyone else. At that point, the hunter has the choice of either accepting her surrender (light) or deciding to beat her up just for the fun of it (dark).


Other than that, GREAT IDEA!!! I'd love to see the battle of Ziost in the next expansion.

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Here's another idea for something to add to the game: faithful war pets which attack your enemies. I for one loved having a mabari war hound in Dragon Age Origins; that sort of thing should be in swtor as well. This would be an expansion package to purchase on the web site, sort of like the Digital Deluxe package (only this will be more useful), that allows players to purchase pets such as Tuk'atas, Vorn Tigers, Terentateks, etc. Unlike the vanity pets which serve no purpose at all, these animals would team up with a player's current companions in order to help the player crush their enemies. These animals would have the ability to pounce on npcs & bite them, to throw them across battlefields, scratch them & cause serious wounds which would cause bleeding damage, etc etc.


Also, give players the ability to give these pets names of their own choosing, names that like the legacy name do not have to be unique. Like, anyone could have a Crysfang named Maul or a Shyrack named Screech or Terentatek named Ravager without having to worry about whether the name was already taken. And, just to make things more entertaining, have a players current companion talk to or about these animals. Here are some sample lines I've come up with:


* Ashara Zavros about a Terentatek: "Just so you know master, that terentatek is making me kinda nervous."


* Dark Jaesa to a Vorn Tiger: "Oh, look at all that lovely fur! I ought to make a coat out of you!"

Vorn Tiger: "Grrr!"


* And of course Vette: "Have I ever mentioned I have a fear of being swallowed by a rancor?"

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Aside from Alricka's idea for a Battle of Ziost storyline, here are some more things to consider adding:


* New level cap: 60-75 [higher if more planets are put in]


* More planets to explore such as Kashyyyk, Dathomir, & Dantooine; maybe a couple new daily areas that'll give out Elite & Ultimate Commendations (by the way, since the GSI dailies are so time-consuming, could they please give out more Basic comms?)


* New bisexual companions for all classes (especially for the trooper), with each class getting its own set as part of their continuing storylines.


* As a quest reward for completing the missions on Ziost, each player gets their own capital ship; like for Sith warriors & inquisitors, they get a Harrower-class battlecruiser. These new capital ships would provide more space for new companions, would have a hanger bay where the player's old ship would be stored as a means to travel down to planets, would have contingents of troopers & fighter squadrons available, and with these new capital ships, players would get a new kind of space mission: capital ship fights. Whether attempting to capture an enemy ship or simply destroy it, these new ships would add a whole new dynamic to the game. Other mission types include ambushing an enemy convoy, attacking a small space installation & deciding whether to capture it or destroy it. Additionally, players would of course be able to use their fighter, bomber, & trooper squadrons to achieve these objectives.


Naturally, this one would require a lot of work to design, so... perhaps this should come out in the next expansion, but the one after that?


And as a boon for subscribers, give them the ability to upgrade their capital ship's weapons, armoring, shields, and the equipment & supplies available to their troops. While f2p has to stick with what they get, subscribers get to do things like upgrade their troop's rations to improve morale and therefore improve effectiveness in combat. Maybe they'd like to invest credits in better shield for their starfighters or increased payloads for their bombers. The list goes on & on & on & on. Of course, capital ship battles would not work on rails so if you decide to give it a shot, be sure to write programming to allow players to fly these ships in a flight-simulator module.


* More on space battles, consider taking the old space missions off the rails and making them flight simulator types as well. If not as a patch, make it a purchasable upgrade. The space flight simulator genre has sat on the shelf for almost a decade & is something that people would pay for. Just be sure to make these missions a separate module from the game; like make it so that they don't rely on connection to the server to function properly. The only time they should link up to the server is at the beginning to get things like location of battle, ship's stats, etc, and then at the end when it's time to update the status on the server.


Aside from all that, I have one more thing to reiterate from my previous post: add Sith Stalker and Sith Lord gear from Star Wars the Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition. Trust me, that's something that every player wants: gear that makes you look cool & scary at the same time.

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title: the return of nihilus

level cap: 60-80

playable races: togruta, nautolan, weequay

planets: kashyyk, manaan, korriban(republic side), typhon (imperial side)

so basically it would be darth nihilus from kotor 2 returning from the dead and causing chaos it would also feature the republic and empire trying to cripple eachothers force-users training grounds.

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A Kashykk Expansion would be pretty cool like OP said, although I think it would be cool if it focused around Infinite Empire ruins deep in the Shadowlands, containing some great power, with a story about them accidently being discovered when the Empire decides to support Trandoshan slavers on the planet, in order to gain new allies, while the Republic supports the local Wookiees.
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I like alricka's idea most so far but I also like the idea about Kashykk expansion.


As for my thought I think Manaan expansion have a nice potential to be the first aquatic planet since this game lack any, also underwater combat (could work similarly to space combat pvp), and lastly set the plot about ongoing conflicts between Empire and Republic even after the Empire destroy all surface structures, forced Selkath to return to the sea.


If I'm not mistaken, I remember hearing one line mention in Imperial Agent story about the Republic increasing their forces on Manaan, and Empire face numerous resistance from both Republic and local Selkath. Both faction could fight over for territory and kolto supply.

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Okay, alricka... you need a medal. Or a trophy. You need SOMETHING for your absurdly awesome idea.


But, in any case, onto what I want to see in the future. I'll mention something not many people have mentioned.

I want to see Legacy Quests. That is to say, quests which have characters across your legacy (and their companions) interact with each other. From what I gather, BioWare had ideas like that in mind when creating the Legacy system, so I know they want it as well. Currently the Legacy System doesn't offer much, so I think it's potential needs to be pushed. I even have an idea of how it would work.


Basically, the quest would sort of need to be "set up in advance." To start, you first need to log into the game as the character who will be the "NPC". As that character, you would start a mini-quest that serves as a sort of prologue to the quest. During that quest, you would also decide which companion would help out the character in the main quest. Once you finish the mini-quest, you would then log out, and log back in as the character you're actually going to use. Depending on the quest, the character you use will either be on the same side, or opposite side, as the character you set as an NPC. You would then go through the questline, which would feature encounters between your lagacy characters. The conversations in this questline would be rather unique, as you will not only be choosing conversation options for the person you're playing as, but also for the other character. (Their individual light and dark side gauges being adjusted accordingly.) The conversation options will also allow your characters to acknowledge their relation on the family tree. I also imagine the companions would get their own words in, with companions who knew each other beforehand acknowledging each other. (For example, Risha and Vette, or Aric Jorgan and Felix Irreso.) The decisions each character makes can cause the story to vary in a number of ways, depending on whether they both make light side decisions, both make dark side decisions, or if one makes light side decisions while the other makes dark side decisions. It can ultimately lead to a fight between your characters (with the one you're playing as winning, of course), or to them teaming up to fight a third force (who is part of the story no matter which characters you use) and those outcomes can potentially happen regardless of side. It could be possible for two characters with the same allegiance to fight, or for the Republic and Empire to cooperate against a common foe.


Anyhow, that's my idea on how it would go down. What do you think?

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Heh, thanks to every positive comment about my idea about the Battle of Ziost. Would it be too much to say that I made it up on the fly only when I saw the thread? :p


I think that whatever the next expansion is, it should focus on the game's strongest side - and that is the huge, epic story, fueled by eight smaller and separate (but connected within the big picture) storylines. It's just that this is the MMO that makes you identify with your character on a level that has previously been associated only with single-player RPGs - here, your characters feel compelling and you're genuinely attached to them, they' re not just toons. This is mainly because of the VO and the Class storylines. So to me, the most logical and desirable thing is to build up on that.


Sadly, it seems that this is not the direction SWTOR is heading - RotHC didn't do anything about the Class storylines and the next expansion will be entirely centered around reinventing Space Combat and making it available for PvP. Not that this is a bad thing in and of itself - and a large part of the community has wanted this for years - but it's not what I'm mainly interested in. I'm curious about it and I will check it out, it's just not what I really want. But you can't please everyone, I realize that completely.


Oh well. It's still cool to make up possible ideas and to read everyone else's suggestions. And I still hope that one day BioWare will realize that the epic and immersive storytelling is the best thing about SWTOR.

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New cap: 60

New planet: Felucia

New classes:


>>AgriCorps Jedis or something like this: they would be the members of the Order who knows more about the Living Force and the way to influence the nature.

>>Hunters, a sort of Guild specialized in animal hunting and capture


>>Beasts Master, a Sith who uses the power of the dark side to summon and control wild animals to help him in the fight

>>Imperial Xenotechs: a special corps skilled both in combat and science who would use the properties of some of the most dangerous plants existing as an advantage in combat (poisons, toxins and so on)


The story would show the Empire trying to use new tools aside from the technology : Beasts Masters would be sent to Felucia to attempt the corruption and domestication of the most dreadful animal species when the Xenotechs would be charged to develop a bacteriologic warfare.

The Hunters and AgriCorps Jedis will be sent by the Jedis to lead the Republic armies to prevent it.


Hunters and Beasts Masters would be tank/dps and Agricorps Jedi and Xenotechs Healer/dps, according to the sub-classes


New Species:



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This is mostly a copy of a thread I did awhile back. As an added note I would love to see the Torgunta as a playable species in the future. I agree with the idea that Bioware should focus on the story but not that they need to continue the individual stories. The way I see it, the original three chapters were basically the movies with each character resolving their personal issues while dealing with the larger war in the background. The expansion content is similar to the EU books in that the characters are already fleshed out at this point so the focus can now shift to the larger war. The one exception that I would like to see to this is the connection with the companions. We should be seeing how the connections between the people on the ship develop in the future. Anyway on to the story. Beware this is a long post


Kashyyyk Expansion concept: The Shadowlands Descent (working title)


Major Characters Introduced:


Jedi Master Soren Valbrand - A Jedi master that has served the order for decades, his is a Twilek that has great faith in both his abilities and those of the members of the order that serve alongside him. While he is very capable he does not have the strength or force ability that is required to server on the Jedi Council. He hopes that the apprentice that was assigned to him will be able to surpass him in all aspects of the force and accomplish all the things he could not do. To that end, Master Valbrand has been training his apprentice in all types of force mastery. Some of these training regimes are meant for students with more experience and age but that hasn't stopped either the master or the apprentice.


Jedi Padawan Camillus Devota - A young human male, Camillus was only recently assigned to serve as the apprentice to Master Valbrand. His young age hasn't given him much time to experience the galaxy outside the Jedi Temple and as such he doesn't know much beyond what he learned from his days of instruction. This sheltered life has led him to believe that the Jedi Order and the Republic they protect are infallible and will do everything to protect those they serve even if it means that they may lose some ground to the Empire. In terms of ability, Camillus is a gifted user of the force, especially healing abilities. He has had basic sparring training but never excelled in lightsaber practice.


Lord Kollvein - An apprentice to Darth Marr. Lord Kollvein is a Pureblood Sith with many ambitions. Chief among those ambitions is to take his masters place on the Dark Council. While Kollvein lacks much in the way of physical prowess, his other abilities make him quite formidable. He is a master of sith alchemy and dark side rituals. He also has a vast knowledge of artifacts both of Sith origin and otherwise. His hope is to use that knowledge to gain an advantage over Darth Marr in the near future.


The Republic Storyline:

The Republic story arc has the players going to Kashyyyk to aid in the diplomatic operations and to find a missing team of delegates that were officially sent to handle negotiations. While Kashyyyk is or is at least willing to become an official member of the Republic, it's location has proven to be a difficult problem. In Hutt controlled space the supply lines to the planet run rampant with criminal organizations and frequent Imperial traffic headed to Nar Shadda or other Neutral worlds. The benefits the Wookies can bring to the Republic are many, including some of the best engineers in the galaxy and a perfect location to stage attacks on Imperial occupied space. To aid in negotiations, the Republic senate had sent a team of combat trained diplomats along with a small Jedi force to discuss trade routes and any aid the planet may need. Recently the senate lost contact with the delegation. In the cases of the trooper and the smuggler classes the Chancellor has asked them to discover the fate of the senate team and assist in the trade negotiations if possible. The two Jedi classes are asked to search for the missing Jedi as the war has already strained their numbers to the breaking point.


All Republic players start their investigation by talking to the leader of the Capital City. Upon arrival they are tasked with dealing with a number of deadly predators that have made their way from the lower levels into the canopy level of the city. When they have dealt with the problem they find a fallen Trandoshan hunter with a communicator linked to a nearby slaving operation The communication mentions the slavers tracking the delegation.


When players arrive at the slavers camp they find a number of Wookies in need of rescue as well as the Jedi Padawan Camillus Devota. Camillus will explain that the Jedi detected a strong force presence in the lower levels and were going to investigate. They sent him back towards the city as they felt that he would not be of much help dealing with the problem and would better serve as a link to the city. He was captured on his way back to the city.


The player returns to the city to report on the situation and is asked by the Republic and the Jedi to deal with the threat of the slavers before attempting to go after the delegation. They assume that the fact that none of the members have returned is proof that they are already dead and the rescue of corpses is not a priority concern. In regards to the slaving camps the players are given the choice to (light side) enter the camps and try and save any Wookies still there or (dark side) bomb the camps and enter afterward to deal with any remaining forces. The light side option means that you will not have much assistance from the republic forces on the retrieval mission as they will be dealing with any remaining Trandoshans but will have the assistance of grateful Wookies that have been saved. The Dark side option yields the opposite result.


After the camps are dealt with the player heads to the low levels of the shadowlands to find the missing team. The player finds that a good deal of the delegation is alive but is being held as sacrifices for the Rakatan warlord that was imprisoned in a mind prison. The warlords’ sprit has taken control of Jedi Master Soren. He plans to use his new freedom to rebuild his empire by reactivating ancient super weapons that he had hidden before his imprisonment. Camillus explains that if the spirit is weakened, that he might be able to use his abilities to separate the warlord from his master. The consular class is not able to separate the two as the technique required needs a strong emotion bond between the subject and the caster.


Once the warlord is beaten, Camillus finishes the ritual and severs the warlords force spirit from his master. Due to his lack of proper training however he also severs his mentors connection to the Force. The lost of this connection drives the Jedi master to the brink of insanity. He bags his student to undo what he has done and failing that, be left to die. The player returns to the city with the delegation and the Jedi master in tow and explains the situation. The Jedi promise to ensure that Master Soren receives treatment and that they will work to find the location of the superweapons in order to shut them down. In the meantime the Jedi Padawan asks to accompany the player in an effort to gain a greater understanding of the galaxy and see if being a Jedi is truly what he wants.


With this story the player gain a new healer that is capable of force healing similar to a sage. The story also leaves an open ending in terms of where they may travel next. The easiest connections can be made to future content by having the Jedi Master remember the locations that he learned of during his time connected to the warlord.



The Imperial Storyline:

The Imperial story is in part a continuation of Makeb as well as the beginning of a new arc. In a continuing effort to regain lost footing, the Empire has been funding a Trandoshan slaving operation in an effort to gain a number of Wookie slaves to work on rebuilding the fleet that was lost of Ilum. This group of slavers has reported that they have found something that may be of use to the Empire but in order to retrieve it, the Empire must help them deal with a number of situations that are causing them trouble.


Darth Marr ask the player to deal with the situation and recover the artifact if at all possible. He also mentions that he will be sending one of his apprentices that is proficient in his knowledge of ancient artifacts to aid in recovery. When the player arrives at the slaving camp they are asked to deal with the first major issue, the Republic. The player is tasked with destroying a republic scouting outpost in the nearby area. With that accomplished the Trandoshans can operate more freely in the area and can keep the Empires involvement a secret.


The second task is to deal with a Rival operation in the area. This rival is made of remnants of a group formed by the Hutts that joined with the Republic during the debacle on Makeb. They now work freelance but have better equipment that they salvaged from the Hutts before becoming independent. The Rival camp is also bringing some unwanted attention to the area. While the players are destroying the camp they discover a holo-recording of the lost artifact.


Upon returning to the camp the players meet Lord Kollvein who explains that he is the apprentice to Darth Marr and is curious as to what device could attract the eye of the Dark Council. When the player shows the recording to Kollvein he recognizes the object as a star map similar in design to the ones found by Darth Revan centuries ago. He explains that this one can't be the same one as that was found some elsewhere on the planet. This map is currently dormant but there is a ritual that can be used to return power to it.


Lord Kollvein knows the necessary ritual but needs the player to go and acquire the ingredients. At the same time the Trandoshans inform the player that they can show them to the object but a powerful Wookie is blocking the route and causing the slavers problems. The player gathers the ingredients and goes to deal with the Wookie threat.


When the Wookie is defeated the player has the option to (light side) do as the Wookie requests and give him the clean death of a warrior or (dark side) bind him in chains and send him with the slavers to work for the Empire. The player then proceeds into the shadowlands where they find the star map.


The force ritual drives the weak minded trandoshans to madness and they attack the player and Lord Kollvein. Once they are all defeated the star map comes alive briefly and then is destroyed by an attack from Kollvein. With the map lost the player returns to the base camp to report their findings.


Before the player reports to Darth Marr, Kollvein asks to travel with the player and informs them that he had in fact memorized the map and intends to use it to gain his masters seat on the Dark Council. He explains that by traveling with the player he will have the opportunity to find a way out from under his masters thumbs and that the mission to retrieve the artifact won't be considered a failure. He also explains that he is the only one who can help as only he has the map memorized.


In similar fashion this story is meant to give the Imperial players a new healing companion that is force capable similar to the sorcerer class. The story is also open in a way that leaves a number of possibilities for continuation. The easiest start for new content is Lord Kollvein revealing a new location from the map.



This ends the original work. I'm currently working up an operation tied to this on Yavin 4. The operation seems best as there isn't enough workable content there for a planetwide expansion. The design will have both story and boss mechanics when I get around to finishing it. Exar Kun will not be a major part of it since he is dealt with by Luke and his students later on. He may be referenced in one or two places though.

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