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Was it a mistake to make the Sith PCs canonically dark side?


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I've heard that it's not canonically guaranteed that the Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent are dark side, but that it definitely is for the two Sith classes. And I must say that I'm rather disappointed. There doesn't really seem to be a good reason to break the canon thus far that all PCs are lightsided, especially since it seems to be a much more interesting story so far if you happen to be; arguably more interesting than doing so in the Republic (though that's not bad either), in addition to all the story possibilities that, for instance, trying to undermine the Sith teachings as Darth Imperius could lead to. Why throw that all away?
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Your question is a little ambiguous, but I've definitely found that while the story certainly lends itself best to dark side alignment, it becomes most interesting when you make choices that suit your characters and are cohesive with your current companion at times. There's a good blend of selections from both sides that works well and adds a lot of intricacy. Picking dark side for every decision leads to ennui.
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I've heard that it's not canonically guaranteed that the Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent are dark side, but that it definitely is for the two Sith classes. And I must say that I'm rather disappointed. There doesn't really seem to be a good reason to break the canon thus far that all PCs are lightsided, especially since it seems to be a much more interesting story so far if you happen to be; arguably more interesting than doing so in the Republic (though that's not bad either), in addition to all the story possibilities that, for instance, trying to undermine the Sith teachings as Darth Imperius could lead to. Why throw that all away?


The Sith are traditionally Darksiders, there is no reason canonically for the two Sith Characters to be Lightsided. There are only two instances of Lightsided Sith in the game, the first is a Lightsided Sithlord who was killed centuries ago and buried in the Dark Temple, and some of the Revanites, neither are in a good position. Sith traditionally kill any Lightsiders they encounter, believing them to be a threat.


The two Sith characters are not in hiding, therefore would not be likely to survive long as Lightsiders. A Lightsided Sith Inquisitor would not become part of the DARK Council, and a lightsided Sith Warrior would not be recognised as the Emperor's Hand by the Council.


All in all, there is no reason canonically that they wouldn't be Darksided, if you want to play them lightsded, fair enough, but you can't complain about them being canonically darkside, you just can't,

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The Sith are traditionally Darksiders, there is no reason canonically for the two Sith Characters to be Lightsided. There are only two instances of Lightsided Sith in the game, the first is a Lightsided Sithlord who was killed centuries ago and buried in the Dark Temple, and some of the Revanites, neither are in a good position. Sith traditionally kill any Lightsiders they encounter, believing them to be a threat.


The two Sith characters are not in hiding, therefore would not be likely to survive long as Lightsiders. A Lightsided Sith Inquisitor would not become part of the DARK Council, and a lightsided Sith Warrior would not be recognised as the Emperor's Hand by the Council.

The inquisitor joins the Dark Council because it's the ruling power and she wants to redeem the Sith from the inside; I know less about the warrior so can't answer that. But plausible reasons are provided.


All in all, there is no reason canonically that they wouldn't be Darksided, if you want to play them lightsded, fair enough, but you can't complain about them being canonically darkside, you just can't,

I just did.

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Where did Bioware state what is and isn't canon?




The only place I could think of where this idea would come from would be the Star Wars wiki, which assumes that all Republic classes = light and all Empire classes = dark for the sake of simplicity. There are no backup statements.

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The only place I could think of where this idea would come from would be the Star Wars wiki, which assumes that all Republic classes = light and all Empire classes = dark for the sake of simplicity. There are no backup statements.


That's what I figured. Wookieepedia =/= Bioware.

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When I play I don't really worry about what is and isn't considered canon. I try to make choices that feel natural for my character to make. When playing my warrior it just felt like everything in the story was pulling her to the dark side. At first I was able to stay mostly light side until something in the story turned her full dark side. To me it felt like a natural evolution to a character that is part of the sith empire.
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From what I heard, "later canon materials" (Rise of the Hutt Cartel?), for instance, mention Darth Nox.

If your Inquisitor was named Darth Imperius at the end of Chapter III, Darth Marr refers to him/her as "Darth Imperius" at the beginning of Rise of the Hutt Cartel. If he/she was Nox, or Occlus, then that's what is used instead. Nobody's shoehorned into a canonical AC, gender, species, or alignment.


There are some faction planet questlines that interact bizarrely with each other, like the Quesh and Belsavis ones, but they're not really the same thing.

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I think lightsided Sith remains Sith in any case, they are called "lighsided" but this doesn't means they are Jedi or that they refuse to be Sith... It's just about moral choices, a LS Sith could be honorable and not necessary evil, or sadistic. And still remaining a proud Sith, using the dark side of the Force.


Lord Praven [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Praven <- SPOILER JK STORY] from the JK's story is a perfect example of a lightsided Sith. He's not a typical Sith, but still a Sith! And using the dark side of the Force just like all the other Sith.


So, canonically and lorewise yes, i think it's right for a Sith to be considered Darksided, even if he behave as LS during the story.



Edited by drGudo
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The inquisitor joins the Dark Council because it's the ruling power and she wants to redeem the Sith from the inside; I know less about the warrior so can't answer that. But plausible reasons are provided.


I feel I may have put this across wrong, the reason your lightsided Inquisitor would not join the DARK Council in proper Lore, is that the other Council members would view a Lightsider as a threat and destroy them. There are two sides to this decision, you deciding to make it, and them deciding to accept it.


The only High level Lightsided Sith in the game was the Holocron recording you meet in the Dark temple (embedded in the door to his tomb), this is a clue as to how the Sith hierarchy view lightsided Sith.


I just did.


Oh No You Didn't, lol.

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I feel I may have put this across wrong, the reason your lightsided Inquisitor would not join the DARK Council in proper Lore, is that the other Council members would view a Lightsider as a threat and destroy them. There are two sides to this decision, you deciding to make it, and them deciding to accept it.


The only High level Lightsided Sith in the game was the Holocron recording you meet in the Dark temple (embedded in the door to his tomb), this is a clue as to how the Sith hierarchy view lightsided Sith.




Oh No You Didn't, lol.


Except, a 'lightside' Sith in the game still uses the Dark Side of the Force and believes in the Sith Code. The Inquisitor gives a very cogent argument for why he/she can be compassionate and kind. The Code's line that "The Force shall free me" can't only mean that you are free to do venal things, but free to do whatever you want, including being a nice person.


After all, Darth Marr might be otherwise a good Darksider, but his actions regarding the Empire after Corellia were pretty close to altruistic.

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It's pretty clearly established within the warrior story at least that - individual characterisation, line choice etc aside - you're a) not following any kind of Sith doctrine, and b) disguising your true nature from others in the Empire, something that several other likeminded Sith are also doing. That your character continues to use dark side powers as class abilities is more sloppy design than anything else. Or at least, I have a hard time understanding why someone who genuinely follows the Sith code would intend to "forge a lasting peace" from within the Empire, and suppress their emotions on the basis that it "clouds judgement".


I mean, sure, if you're going for the Pravenesque 'honourable warrior but still dark side' thing, then by all means, but the warrior story gives you plenty of ways to be a Sith in name only. The inquisitor one less so, but then the inquisitor story is one of my least favourites anyway.

Edited by Bleeters
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