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Scoundrel Top 3 Final Revisions


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It takes a lot of time to prepare a statement of "Working as intended" without actually saying it.


i think they're waiting until all the ranting over the dye packs dyes down a bit.


like they have a quota. there's 4 threads already all about dyes going on. way too much. don't post the answers, you'll just explode the forums.

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i think they're waiting until all the ranting over the dye packs dyes down a bit.


like they have a quota. there's 4 threads already all about dyes going on. way too much. don't post the answers, you'll just explode the forums.


That's true, luckily I have no need for the dyes as my Troublemaker Duster and remaining parts of the Eradicator armor give me the look I wanted from level 1 :p

Edited by -Sullster-
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i think they're waiting until all the ranting over the dye packs dyes down a bit.


like they have a quota. there's 4 threads already all about dyes going on. way too much. don't post the answers, you'll just explode the forums.


Cartel market > class mechanics

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i feel like eric is going to drop a bomb in this thread a couple hours from now 'sorry, not today'


i think my F5 key is already broken <_<


Unfortunately you are both a skilled Scoundrel and a psychic. I will not be getting back your top 3 today. Right now it looks like tomorrow is possible but Wednesday is more likely.


As soon as I have them in hand you will have them! Thanks for your patience everyone.



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Unfortunately you are both a skilled Scoundrel and a psychic. I will not be getting back your top 3 today. Right now it looks like tomorrow is possible but Wednesday is more likely.


As soon as I have them in hand you will have them! Thanks for your patience everyone.




Well there is a surprise...


On a positive note maybe its because they want to announce the awesome changes they will implement... Maybe???

Edited by -Sullster-
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I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as half a dozen voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I feared something terrible had happened on the Scoundrel forums...



and i come here and see this

Unfortunately you are both a skilled Scoundrel and a psychic. I will not be getting back your top 3 today. Right now it looks like tomorrow is possible but Wednesday is more likely.


As soon as I have them in hand you will have them! Thanks for your patience everyone.






i'm not too overly upset about it. i would rather they take their time and give us good answers. even if it's not what we want to hear, i don't think anyone really wants to see another H2F 2.0 (although some of the videos were great)


i'll give my F5 key a break until wednesday.

Edited by oaceen
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Unfortunately you are both a skilled Scoundrel and a psychic. I will not be getting back your top 3 today. Right now it looks like tomorrow is possible but Wednesday is more likely.


As soon as I have them in hand you will have them! Thanks for your patience everyone.




Not to be the guy who sounds negative here, but the inability of your team to get back to the community in a timely manner makes this whole class representatives thing look like a joke.

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Not to be the guy who sounds negative here, but the inability of your team to get back to the community in a timely manner makes this whole class representatives thing look like a joke.


Looking at the dev quote kind of reminds me of having to hand in parts of my dissertation or fieldwork and just saying a few more days please!

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Out of interest have any of these class representative questions gone smoothly?


Considering it's a pretty straight forward q and a session it's rather impressive how much of a cluster **** they've made of them.


Here's a band aid fix for you, auto crit hidden strike and slap a healing debuff on acid blade, passive aoe reduction and either boost shield probe or reduce the cool down. Bam, scrapper is viable. If this proves to be over powered then roll them back or reduce the numbers accordingly.


This is hardly rocket surgery.


Also, I miss rockjaw.

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Well to be fair, have they ever guaranteed a ~1 week response time? The community team already had their crisis for the day(which I find funny because they have said in the past things like this will happen and it's not their job to keep the CM updated on everything), while I'm hoping our answers are nice there's really no point in chancing a bad reaction from us when they already had a crappy day.
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Well I smacked refresh all morning at work before giving up and pretending to work. Then I came home, worked out, cooked myself a nice dinner and sat down to eat while I read the expected WAI speech, secretly hoping for an inkling of a tweak to the class.


Ugh, oh well...at least I can nurture the futile seed of hope a couple more days. Why do I keep hearing Mr. O'Hare singing Let it die, let it die, let is shrivel up and die...

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Well to be fair, have they ever guaranteed a ~1 week response time? The community team already had their crisis for the day(which I find funny because they have said in the past things like this will happen and it's not their job to keep the CM updated on everything), while I'm hoping our answers are nice there's really no point in chancing a bad reaction from us when they already had a crappy day.


No, I don't think they have, though it's a little weird that they are maybe needing until Wednesday on this. Not wanting to give them to us last Friday made sense, given past Snafus they want to avoid. But "maybe Tuesday, for sure Wednesday" makes it sound like they have a lot of work to do yet, which is discouraging. I'm sure we'll never know how much work or time they put into their responses, but hopefully this is a sign they're working on them more than the last batch. I'll choose to be more positive until I have reason to go otherwise when we get our answers--but only if it's more heal to full type stuff. I can take "working as intended" for some things if they back it up more, but given the DPS scoundrel issues, everything should not be WAI.

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This is ridiculous. It's like the company is run by procrastinating teenagers.


I think that Jedi Shadows and Mercenaries were supposed to have their questions ready yesterday, and they haven't even managed to reply to scoundrels/juggernauts yet. What's worse is that the only thread where you could find the schedule of when the class questions are supposed to be posted is gone. Unstickied, at the very least.


It's amazing how Bioware manages to disappoint at every turn..

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It's amazing how Bioware manages to disappoint at every turn..




I propose a new question, one that actually affects all classes:


What does our subscription/CC money actually pay for?


The only thing positive is that they haven't responded to Juggernauts either, so it's not just us sitting around waiting. The thing about this class happens to be that we've been waiting (those of us who are dps at least) for well over a year for these answers.

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No need to wait for tomorrow. I think I've got the answers that they are going to reply with, given the way they've answered other class questions in the past few weeks.



Question 1. Scrapper (PVE / PVP):

For all areas of play, there seems to be a huge reliance on Shoot First for Scrapper, moreso than Dirty Fighting. However, there are few ways to reliably go into stealth and no proc that allows its use out of stealth (even without the knockdown).

In PvP encounters, Shoot First can often be the difference between winning and losing a fight, and because of this, Scrapper still plays like a 'lone wolf' class, contributing much less in prolonged fights out of stealth compared to quick in-and-out battles where Shoot First can be used effectively.

Many PvE encounters start with AOE attacks or have advanced stealth detection, making it nearly impossible to start with Shoot First.


Scrapper also suffers from rotation concerns. While the energy return with Turn the Tables was a great addition, it can sometimes trigger at or near full energy, effectively wasting the return. The sustained damage rotation can also feel clunky at times due to the lack of suitable filler attacks; Quick Shot seems like it is intended to fulfill this role, given that there are talents within each dps tree that boost its damage. However, many feel that it fails to do so. Due to its energy cost, short range, and small damage increase over Flurry Bolts, many Scrappers generally prefer to use Flurry of Bolts when nothing else is available.

The above two issues can cause problems with energy management: an energy return mechanic that is unreliable and using our basic attack as a rotational filler rather than simply as a way to conserve energy.


How do the players's perceptions of Scrapper's role in PvP as a lone wolf class, the extra difficulties it faces in PvE encounters, the confusion surrounding rotation mechanics, and your own metrics of class performance match up with the combat team's expectations for Scrappers? Can you shed some light on any current internal discussions that are aimed at alleviating these issues?


The scrapper specialization is one which is designed for this type of game play. We have been, and will continue to, evaluate the performance of this tree in both PvP and PvE, but we are currently happy with what this tree is capable of.


Question 2. Survivability (PVP):

With the most recent round of questions, it was revealed that Advanced Classes who can heal have their basic heals included within their survivability profiles for damage specs. There are many concerns with how this applies to Scoundrels in that, although we do have some 30m abilities, we are primarily a melee damage class, unlike the other two healing classes. Therefore, we cannot easily line of sight an enemy to heal, and these heals are also very costly in both energy and Upper Hand.

Although Scamper is a great new skill that can create some space, it similarly comes with a high energy cost, and it does not create enough space in most scenarios (not that it should).

Disappearing Act also seems to be a good escape tool, but it double purposes as an offensive cooldown and additionally nullifies all incoming healing without the Fight or Flight talent.

Scoundrels lack some PvP defensive talents that are common in other classes, such as ones that trigger while being stunned or talents that provide AOE damage reduction. Scrapper also lost a bit of its passive survivability in 2.0 with the change to Pugnacity. Surprise Comeback originally healed a constant, moderate amount over time; it now only ticks 4 times, for a total of 16% of max health every two minutes.


Can the devs explain the design philosophy for Scoundrel survivability and how it is different compared to other classes and offer some insight into future changes that will address these issues?


The scoundrel class is capable of keeping themselves alive in combat through their use of abundant healing abilities. We don't have any data that supports the community's claim that scoundrel dps has an issue staying alive, so this is likely a perception problem among those players.


Question 3. Set Bonuses (PVP / PVE):

Many players find the current set bonuses lacking for many specs, in both PvE and PvP. The current 4pc set bonus, +5 max energy is somewhat of an enigma to many players. Firstly, it only adds +5% energy--so 2 energy at max-tier regen, 2 and mid, and 1 for low (meaning it is less valuable than the similar "Bravado" talent for Gunslingers). Secondly, many players are confused as to what it adds to the Scoundrel rotation. In practice, the additional energy really isn't noticeable.


In PvP, the 2pc bonuses for each role seem to be lacking. The increase to Kolto Cloud was moved to the PvE set and was replaced with a boost to Defense Screen, which doesn't seem like a fair tradeoff since many Sawbones in PvP don't feel that they have survivability issues (quite the opposite). The DPS set bonus is equally underused. In fact, many DPS Scoundrels, in PvP and PvE, prefer to use the Gunslinger 2pc PvP bonus over other Scoundrel bonuses. Many players have shown that the extra tick for XS Freighter Flyby adds the highest DPS gain, even on a single-target encounter and even in PvE situations, factoring in the loss of mainstat.


Can you explain the intent behind the 4pc bonuses and comment on the way that players are currently stacking their set bonuses (e.g. picking up the Gunslinger PvP 2pc)?


We're currently happy with each variant of gear set bonuses. It is something we will look at for possible future changes, but we feel the current set bonuses are right on par with other classes.



Edited by randiesel
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ugh i really hope they don't give us responses like that.


i could see about parts of the scrapper question, but i really hope that turn the tables and quick shot's usefulness aren't working as intended.


and i don't pvp, so i don't know about scrapper survivability, but scrapper and vigilance are the only middle tree melee dps specs that don't have AOE damage reduction. i would consider that a pve concern as well, from all the 360 aoes they like to give to every boss


and i really really really really really hope the set bonuses are not working as intended, especially the 4-set. it's probably the worst set bonus in the entire game in terms of usefulness. i just don't see anyone can try to sit me down and convince me to use it over something else.

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Its hard for me to see them adjusting the survivability knowing the Scoundrel healers are very hard to kill if they know how to play properly. The only way you guys would get survivability changes would involving changing of the tree at a risk of loosing some damage or something g
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