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Sorc Arenas-They work


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Lightning sage is very viable for the hard dps. Only problem is. he's easy to lock up.


The heal to full post was actually right, for a sorc to work in arena it will be very player skill dependent. Face tankers need not apply.




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isn't mudclot...like...the best dpser in the game? anyway. nothing to see here. couple smashers didn't coordinate well together. and two ranged weren't dumb enough to stand on top of each other. you could substitute any class of ranged in this video and come away with the same result. I daresay, they'd have done even better with snipers, whom the smashers couldn't leap to or even mandos, who could have locked them down with electro net. sorcs/sages are actually the easiest pressue point in arenas. Edited by foxmob
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isn't mudclot...like...the best dpser in the game? anyway. nothing to see here. couple smashers didn't coordinate well together. and two ranged weren't dumb enough to stand on top of each other. you could substitute any class of ranged in this video and come away with the same result. I daresay, they'd have done even better with snipers, whom the smashers couldn't leap to or even mandos, who could have locked them down with electro net. sorcs/sages are actually the easiest pressue point in arenas.


I agree, but Flavored still rules

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two bubble stun middle tree sorcs would be a pain for two smashers, between bubble stun and overload they would be a pain. but a merc/sniper combo would tear them apart its almost impossible for a middle tree sorc to beat a equally geared/skilled MM sniper even if your PS/bubble are up. I try to time my bubble to take the Ambush/EP burst combo most snipers/slingers use and I that gives my sorc a fighting chance if im 1v1'ing a sniper



, best comp ive seen so far the 3 vanguards and the scoundrel, its pretty hard to counter


Flavored is just a cringefest for me, im really surprised i havent seen him in /r/cringe

Edited by dego-harmonium
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I daresay, they'd have done even better with snipers
Doubt it; the instant area burst you get from Chain Lightning procs is team pressure, not single-target. And because everyone takes tech healers instead of force, no one can cleanse off the Affliction that makes Thundering Blast autocrit.
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Doubt it; the instant area burst you get from Chain Lightning procs is team pressure, not single-target. And because everyone takes tech healers instead of force, no one can cleanse off the Affliction that makes Thundering Blast autocrit.


two snipers ought to focus down one war that cannot leap to them very quickly. chain root the other one. by the time he even gets in oblit range of just one of the snipers, his buddy is on life support. of course, the outcome is determined as much by the tank and healer as the two dpsers. as someone mentioned (maybe in the original thread) it's 4v4 not 2v2. they also have significant aoe dmg reduction. I don't buy into this "hard counter" jargon, but smashers don't have their way with good snipers.

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The perfect comp. can debated all day , this is what will make arenas interesting. You're not relying on 8 players to be on point , you're only relying on 4. With 4 stand out players of any class who can communicate and work well together any class will work and its luck of the draw because certain classes counter others. In ranked 8 mans it's too easy to have certain team members derp with objectives i personally can't wait for arenas.
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